
Yes, cops can do whatever they want with sex workers

In response to some comments on PaulDrake’s thread. But I’m making a new thread because it’s off topic.

Basically, when it comes to police officers, as long as the female in question is from a background where she has little to no resources to fight back—she’s fair game for whatever he wants. No consent necessary.

If she is a sex worker in any form, then she is ~especially~ fair game.

^In several cities, sexual misconduct from police officers are swept under the rug with low accountability. That article specifically focuses on the experience of a young female in NYC.

^Why yes, you can fuck your suspects right before arresting them for prostitution.

^Multiple police officers fucked an underage sex worker.

^Only three were convicted.

^The female was sent to rehab to shut her up.

^A NY police officer was supposed to investigate trafficking. Lollygagged by fucking an underage girl and only got busted because he decided to film it. And they *still* dragged their feet on prosecuting.

^philipsburg police officer demands free sex from Backpage providers and threatens arrest if they don’t put out

^Ooh look, more example of sexual misconduct from a police officer. Here it’s in OKC.

And if anybody wants to read the more long-winded opinion piece I pulled the links for the facts from...here it is:


  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Yes I’m sure most cops are decent enough men who do the best they can. But when they behave like that, it’s purely by his own conscience.

    Not because he has to fear the consequences.
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    I always wanted to be a cop!


    (For Icey’s sole benefit, the comment above was “levity.” I don’t really feel the way my wisecrack implies. I abhor that kind of behavior in anyone, especially someone who is supposed to enforce the law!)
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    More recent examples from a quick google search.

    ^Women had to have sex with cop before they were released.

    ^I think somebody alluded to this in PaulDrake’s thread.

  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    @reverend lol

    @heaving Yeah, not sure how I feel about the Swedish model. I’ve heard criticism directed towards that too, for not effectively ending abuse of power. But it would still be a step up at the very least imo.

  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I have not traveled to Canada. So you are saying that as long as the girl solicits you, you are OK. You just can't solicit the girl ?
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    On the subject though. Rape is rape. Doesn't matter who is doing it to who . It's a crime and should be punished.
  • Spillthebeans
    5 years ago
    Yet, NYC politicians are worried about the size of your soft drink.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    @warrior15 still illegal to buy in Canada.

    Here is an explanation of the Swedish model here. If you look at the tone of the language, it’s to not punish the “prostituted” girl (implying that there’s no way she could have made her own decision—clearly she was ~trafficked~)
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    thanks nicespice - didn't think it was as bad and as widespread.
    These "pussycops" should be eliminated.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    This thread totally won’t blow up
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Cops like that should be removed from the police force, but still I’d hate to live in a world without police.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Interesting topic. Certainly cops have power. Like all people with power they can use it with compassion or they can abuse people. Sex workers are especially vulnerable, because of the anti sex worker bias in our laws. Sex workers have little recourse when they find themselves abused by cops. The only way to get this changed is to change our laws, which unfortunately in this political climate is not likely to happen. Neither party is for different reasons likely to support such a change. All this has been discussed above I am just summarizing for my own understanding.

    The second item that this discussion has raised is are sex workers being trafficked. Certainly some are. What percentage is hard for me to guess at. It’s probably higher then most of us realize. I would say at the lower price point it is quite high. I am thinking streetwalkers, dodgy massage parlors, etc. At the higher end I would say it still happens but probably less so. This is only my opinion and I have no data to justify it.

    I think that most of us would agree that abuse of sex workers by law enforcement is bad and that sex trafficking is bad. Not much we can do about the former but we can strive to only do business with sex workers that aren’t trafficked. I admit it might be hard to know for sure but we should try our best to spend our money on women that providers of their own free will.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Police misconduct is one of the major problems in this country... It goes beyond sex workers, cops proposition women, use their power to obtain sex, etc....and like with most anything, cops are above the law. The worst case I ever heard never even got media publicity.... A cop made a 23 year old kid get on his knees, in front of his pregnant 19 year old girlfriend, and shot him in the back of the head execution style...What did the guy do wrong? He had $60 worth of crack on him. The cop ended up getting his full retirement at age 42.... and that was it.

    Its also interesting to read the comments in this thread.... In threads about cops killing minorities, there is widespread support for the cops... Yet here we have outrage about cops raping hookers... Both are horrendous acts, too bad you guys don't react to both with the same disdain.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    I heard the body cavity searches these cops perform on sex workers is thorough.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I lost respect for cops many years ago. Needed them several times in my life. Not once did they actually assist. So, I took care of it by myself and it was never pretty. They only showed up to “take reports”. Not impressed.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    This is sad indeed. I don't have much respect for cops. I think most of them sre probably decent but the occasional department has a very high perce tage of dirty cops.

    I know someone who was arrested and went to jail and saw an attractive young lady who was also arrested be harrassed by cops. They were demanding sex from her. She was in for a dui. She refused and resisted. My friend heard them beating her and her screaming. The next morning she was dead. Cops like this should have the privilege of the same treatment themselves.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    *high percentage *
  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I totally disagree with the direction of this thread. I support the police and think that a very HIGH percentage of them are very honest, hardworking people doing something that is very necessary. And doing it with very limited resources.

    Are there a few that take advantage of their power ? Yes there are and they should be punished. But please do not turn this into a Bash all police topic.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ that’s exactly what I said earlier in this thread but stated better. 👍🏻
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Someone I know said cops become cops because they got picked on as kids and they are seeking a way to get even with people
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I’m sure that’s true about some but generalizations are a bad business
    Tell me would you like to live someplace where there was no one to enforce the law ?
  • nofuglies
    5 years ago
    Totally agree with Warrior. You're going to have bad apples in any profession including strippers. I suspect a person with dishonest intentions would find a way to do so regardless of his/her current occupation.
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    @ twentyfive I have gotten to the point where i will call law enforcement if necessary with a poaitive attitude instead of handling things on the street. I will at least give them the chance to do their job
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I get that and true they can’t solve everything but do you think if there was no enforcement of laws that you’d even be able to live comfortably.
    Imagine every one driving at any speed they like, obeying red lights when it suits their needs, no one to get a psychotic shooter in a school or movie theater, I think not. Just going to the supermarket if you’re armed and tough just take what you want, I mean society would just disintegrate.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Law enforcement is absolutely needed to deter most bad behavior. However, one should never rely on law enforcement to protect one’s person. The cops’ jobs are to enforce, not to protect. You should learn to protect yourself from bad guys without relying on a cop to assist. Learn how to use a weapon (hands, feet, knees, elbows, head, pistol, knife, pepper spray, club).
    Protect yourself from bad cops by truly understanding your rights and know how to apply them. Kudos to all good cops.
  • datinman
    5 years ago
    "This is exactly why in some countries it is legal to sell sex but illegal to buy (Sweden, Canada). "

    So, it's not illegal for her to offer me sex for money, but I am breaking the law if I actually pay her afterwards. Gee, can't see how that could go south quickly.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I understand why a lot of people (and a lot of cops) don't like the idea of body cameras on cops. Unfortunately, it's horrible stuff like this that makes a good argument for body cameras on cops.

    Body cameras won't fix cop culture. But that doesn't change the fact that cop culture in many regions needs to change.

  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    @twentyfive said "Imagine every one driving at any speed they like, obeying red lights when it suits their needs"

    This would be awesome! Then we can just do pit maneuvers on all the ass hole drivers. They won't want to mess with the shit truck
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    A lot of unsavory things happen. But an on duty police officer is never allowed to have sex with anyone.

    Often though when cops bust AMPs and Strip Clubs, they have become complicit.

    One of our underground places was doing front room FS, surreptitiously.

    So the investigation took 6 months, and LE was bringing their own condoms.

    When they finally did make the bust, they did not report FS, they just reported touching and being touched for tips. This is the position that our LE wants to uphold, that that constitutes prostitution.

    They get away with this because the defendants plead guilty.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    That's right, don't bash cops when they arrest tricks and hoes!!!!! They're just doing their job. Cops who bust AMPs and strip clubs are just good guys. Nothing wrong with vice! Right guys???? LMFAO hypocrites....
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    The laws against prostitution would be just about impossible to enforce without shredding the Constitution.

    That should tell us something.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Icey, if a woman is voluntarily being a prostitute, do you think it right to arrest her? Do you think it right to arrest a guy who she has decided she wants to session with? Do you think it right to arrest the owner of a strip club or other venue where this is to take place?

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Its illegal labor.... SHe's committing labor fraud, tax fraud, tax evasion, etc... The guy who hires her is soliciting illegal labor and committing gross and or open lewdness.

    Yes, the owners of said venues are engaging in the control of an illegal enterprise, money laundering, prostitution, receiving earnings of prostitution and pandering. Tax evasion, tax fraud, conspiracy to commit tax fraud, etc

    You're getting into serious crimes. This is what DA's go after.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Tax fraud, tax evasion, and illegal labor would have to be proven, as would any other types of illegality.

    Why would you want to arrest a woman for doing what she wants, when no one else is being adversely effected. There is no victim.

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