
It’s a Question of Perspective

Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I recently had a strange epiphany in the most unlikely of settings.

Maybe my tumor was acting up or maybe it was just one of those days. For whatever reason, by mid morning I realized I was going to need an emergency desploogination before the day was over.

I have a sexy young wife who is always ready to flush out my pipes for me, but as a friend of mine once said, “why get it for free when you can pay for it?”

There was no doubt about it. My emergency desploogination HAD to be performed by a beautiful young woman I had never met before.

Don’t ask me why. I don’t know the answer.

I came up with a credible alibi, stopped off at an ATM and then made my way through Houston’s traffic choked freeways to Centerfolds, one of my favorite dens of depravity.

It was early, not quite noon, when I arrived at Centerfolds. At this hour the club would be mostly empty and the pickings on the pink meat buffet would be very limited. But at least I could sit alone in the dark, having a gin & tonic while awaiting my naked Nurse Nightingale who would release my sticky inner demons, temporarily restoring my sanity.

When I first entered the gloom of the club, I was assaulted by the sick, pungent smell of smoke, crappy buffet food, stale beer and dried splooge. As I walked to a table near the empty stage, I could feel how sticky the floor was under my shoes. The floor seemed to be laminated with a thick, gummy residue of dried spilt beer, cum and ennui.

A solitary stripper sat on a stool by the bar, her face illuminated only by the glow of her cellphone. She never even looked up at me as I passed her even though, at that moment, I was her only potential customer. Focused on playing Candy Crush on her cellphone, she probably failed to notice how badly my pants were bulging with cash and salacious intentions.

“It might be really a long wait today,” I thought to myself.

I picked a table that gave me a good view of the stage, the bar where the unoccupied dancers hung out and most of the rest of the cub. The stripper playing with her cellphone at the bar was not bad looking. Her face was a bit harsh but she had a great body that was maximally displayed by her daring G-string and skimpy top.

With nothing happening on the stage, I sipped on my gin & tonic while staring at her cute ass.

My mind drifted. I considered what the club meant to me. It was a den of debauchery sometimes filled with barely dressed women, sexual intrigue and the potential for nude therapeutic personal encounters of the third kind in the VIP room. The inside of the club was every bit as dark and dingy as my soul. Perhaps that’s why I felt so comfortable there.

The stripper at the bar looked up from her cellphone and made eye contact with me. She squeezed off a wan, unconvincing smile in my direction before returning to her Candy Crush game.

I wondered what the club meant to her. Was it just a place of employment where she hoped to earn enough money to feed her children and/or her cocaine habit? Did she dread coming to this place every day to sell her last remaining shreds of dignity? Did the club appear as dark and gloomy to her as I suspected her life might be?

I ordered my second gin and tonic.

Centerfolds was still quiet. A few more patrons had shown up. Some were sitting in the lap dance section, unaccompanied by any strippers but looking hopeful (in a desperate, pathetic sort of way).

A few more strippers had also shown up. I saw them enter the club one by one in their street clothes. One of them looked really hot. The others not so much. The recently arrived dancers were all still in the “dressing room” ... presumably undressing.

My mind continued to drift. What did this dank and smelly place mean to the DJ? Was he proud of his job? If he had children, what did he tell them he did for a living?

It was time for a third gin and tonic.

My left eyelid itched.

I scratched it.

It itched some more.

I scratched it some more.

My eyelids don’t usually itch. I wondered what was making my left eyelid itch today. Did I have eyelash mites (https://www.healthline.com/health/eyelas… )? I read that everybody has at least a few of these microscopic mites on their eyelashes (https://www.tuscl.net/photo.php?id=1633 ) but sometimes the mites can become too numerous and cause some irritation.

The hot looking woman who I had seen entering the club earlier stepped out onto the stage. She was among the last to arrive but the first to get up on the stage. She was one of those truly sexy, café au lait octoroons. Her G-string was suitably minuscule. Her young body was taut. Her skin fit extremely well on her.

I had an excellent view of this lovely woman from the table I had astutely picked out when I first arrived.

Probably it was the effect of the third gin and tonic, but I kept thinking about the possibility that I had an eyelash mite infestation. I wondered what the mites thought of their view of the club from their vantage point among my eyelashes. Were they as impressed as I was with the nearly nude woman gyrating provocatively on the stage? Did they wonder if her eyelashes were real or fake?

There were innumerable wildly varying alternative visions of Centerfolds, all of them perfectly valid. It was just a question of perspective.

I remembered that at a fundamental level, everything we see and experience consists of nothing more than a thin mist of elementary particles, baryons, leptons, meson and photons flitting silently through the empty space between them, vast distances at the Planck scale. At the Planck scale, the sexy stripper now humping the pole on the stage, the sticky grime on the club floor and the splooge in my tanks were all indistinguishable.

It was all just a question of perspective. (https://www.tuscl.net/photo.php?id=1634 )

The gorgeous woman with the café au lait skin finally got off the stage and joined me at my table. We chatted for a while before making our way upstairs to the VIP room.

When I eventually left Centerfolds, I left a few trillion elementary particles behind, making the floor in the club even stickier than it was when I first came in.


  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    What about the mites?
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago
    I called Terminix.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    Great writing as always.

    The mites got more sentences than the events that transpired in the VIP ☹️
  • RTP
    5 years ago
    Reverend, what does this trip upstairs cost during the day? I used to frequent Centerfolds, and the rules and costs kept changing.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    After leaving the club, do your eyelids still itch?
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago

    you are an excellent writer.
    and have created numerous discussion posts that truly would make excellent articles.

    and yeah... I do have a bit of envy for your experiences.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    and your writing abilities.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    It’s probably more enjoyable for the reverend to write about his lurid experiences than writing legalese.
  • Bavarian
    5 years ago
    “why get it for free when you can pay for it?” 🤣

    If the FREE comes from a walrus, I would rather pay for it if it comes from a model quality chica.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
  • reverendhornibastard
    5 years ago

    “The mites got more sentences than the events that transpired in the VIP”

    I didn’t want to bore you with the details of my desploogination. Suffice it to say that I told my desploogination service professional that I was not fond of hurried desplooginations. If I wanted a quick and efficient lube job I would gone to Jiffy Lube.

    She got the message and allowed me plenty of time to savor the journey.

    Thanks for your kind words about my writing skills. Yes, writing about my sexual experiences in strip clubs or in other contexts is a lot more fun for me than writing 150+ page contracts.

    But structuring, drafting and negotiating those mind-numbing agreements allowed me to put meat and Chilean sea bass on the table in our house and permitted me to give my kids a lifestyle I couldn’t even afford to dream about when I was their age.

    @RTP - Club and the strippers would have you believe there is a fixed price for going into the VIP room. That’s just not true.

    First of all, Centerfolds has two, separate VIP rooms. There is the upstairs balcony area and there is the “Penthouse.” The Penthouse offers more privacy. You will pay more to the club to enter the Penthouse.

    The Penthouse doesn’t open until 7 PM but I’ve never been refused entry during the afternoon on any day of the week. A Jackson or two unlocks the Penthouse doors every time.

    The entry fee for the balcony VIP is usually quoted at $85 during the day. They usually ask $125 for entry to the Penthouse (which, as I said, isn’t even supposed to be open yet).

    The girls routinely ask $300-$500 for one hour in the VIP room. I always counter offer something like $200-$300 for as long as I want. I’ve never had to pay more than that. Despite the lower agreed desploogination service fee, if I have a good time, I pay the girl more than the amount she had agreed to. This helps grease the skids in case I want to come back for more.

    @Nidan111 - Thanks for your concern about the health of my eyes. After my desploogination service professional finished scratching my itch that most urgently needed attention, I forgot all about the eyelash mites and about my itchy left eyelid.

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