
avatar for san_jose_guy
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
No I don't agree with everything every feminist says or does, but no one person is in charge of it. There is not a long history of disparity and plurality within it.

Modern Feminism started in the 1880's, focused on getting the vote.

The second wave is after WW2, and the foundational work is usually seen as:


If you want to know what it was like before feminism, read Marilyn French.


I've read much of the book, and I had gotten my wife to read it.

Watched this on television and was completely blown away.


French being interviewed

Watching on television, the early parts where Mira is in college, and then married to the doctor Norm, it for the first time showed me how insane it was the world that the women of my mother's generation had to live in. Their complaints finally got through my thick skull

We need far more feminism, not less.

Very good book:


John Mayer, live, really good

Founder why are blocked posters now able to post on threads


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avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I think part of the problem today is that the Right has so organized against feminism, and so steered it to this moralistic strain of feminism, that young people today don't know what feminism was about.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
'Yes, You Can Be A Stripper And A Feminist'

Barbara Caine on first wave feminism | all about women 2018


avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I don't want children -- stop telling me I'll change my mind | Christen Reighter


avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Maybe this can help:

Michael Kimmel: The Guy´s Guide To Feminism

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Feminism will be necessary so long as women's basic being is constantly under attack and regulated by patriarchal laws...
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
One of the activities still on my bucket list is that I would dearly love to fist a feminist!
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Feminism is very important. You can't argue against it without being against both men and women.

Michael Kimmel, sounds good so far.

Wanted to read some of his books for a long time.


read this first

Guyland : the perilous world where boys become men / Michael Kimmel. (2008)

Now I don't know if Kimmel ever goes into railing against porn, strip clubs, or the sex biz. I he does, of course I will not agree with with him. And plenty of pro-sex feminists who won't either.

I actually see the sex biz as compensating for the ways sex is made contingent on wealth and power in other venues.


MG-TOW -- PUA -- PUAHate -- MRA

GACA: Who is down with Red Pill MGTOW movements?

LightningKay: The problem with white nights tel me guys what ya all think (closed)


Dougster: James Damore vs Google (closed)

PaulDrake: Incels (Involuntary Celibates)

doctorevil: Stripper Material (closed)

Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family

How Many Find Women To Be Too Emotionally Explosive To Be Too Involved With, And Are Strip Club Dancers Even Worse? (closed)

TheDirkDigger: What is your success rate for OTC? (closed)

Trixxi: The Economy of Strippers in Portland

The Ultimate Thread: SJG's Soap Box

Trump Totally Wrong About Border and Wall
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I had heard of this John Gottman before. Michael Kimmel endorses him.


avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Tackling The Boy Crisis | Michael Kimmel | TEDxSydney

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
The Mask of Masculinity - the traditional role of men is evolving | Connor Beaton | TEDxStanleyPark

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Friend sent me three articles. He is of the general opinion that more conservative non-feminist women are more understanding about male sexual needs, versus feminist women who want to make men wrong for their sexual needs.

Article one, conservative woman


Article's two and three, feminist women



So what do people think, is the conservative Christian woman more understanding and accepting, and hence better, or do you like the feminist women better?


OT: Are Traditional Colleges and Universities Bad Environments?

AOC Calls for:

Alternative Educations

Excessive Criminal Justice Crazies
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Here, a friend is saying that conservative women who do not support feminism are better, more accepting of a man's sex drive. Do you go along with this?


And then the feminist examples:



Anybody have any comments?


Rosicrucian Santum Music

Antonin Artaud / David A. Shafer (2016)

Jeff Healey Band, Cover to Cover

Antonin Artaud and the Theatre of Cruelty

I don't mean it mean, but today we're going to be cruel. It's the fun-loving Theatre of Cruelty, which was pioneered by the genius Antonin Artaud in France during the inter-war period in twentieth century. The Theatre of Cruelty was meant to force an audience into looking at the ridiculous illusions of their bourgeois lives. Is it entertaining? Not always. Was it hugely influential? Absolutely.

avatar for boomer79
6 years ago
I’m more a fan of the attitudes of liberals from the 60s and 70s. I believe in freedom and people can define their own lives and relationships but I don’t want heavy handed outsiders on either side trying to tell people what to do.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Feminism does come in different strains. Back in the 60's and 70's it was about breaking out of the boxes women have been forced to live in.

But since, it has often been about outlawing things women take offense at.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
I think this is a complex issue, and so much does come down to how one sees feminism.

Thinking about it, I feel that there are a few really central ideas:

1. Reproductive Choice. Pressed, feminists will fight for contraception and abortion access. And of the latter, if pressed they would fight to the death. Some quasi feminists are anti-choice, but I don't think these count as real feminists.

2. Not to be stigmatized or judged for having sex. Prostitution is not inherently wrong. But not to be considered obliged to have sex, like say because of marraige.

3. Not to be pressed into roles and obligations, most real feminists will fight back against the idea that they have to be married or that they have to sacrifice themselves to make a marriage work.

4. Don't want to be locked into domesticity. Most all women now want careers outside of the home, and they want good and professional child care.

These are things I think feminists will fight for.

Now, there are increasing numbers of much more conservative and conformist pseudo feminists, often taking the opposite sides.

And then most women really do not themselves conduct their affairs according to such ideals.

My view has been since I was in elementary school that for the most part most women live by topping from the bottom. And they are reluctant to give that up.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
When I was in jr high school a girl student was doing a survey of males, Do you like or not like feminism.

She asked me and I said that I supported it. She said, OMG, you're the only boy who does.

Don't you know that you might be married to such a woman?

Our math teacher said that he supported it, "Because that's the only way men will get any fairness."

I agree with that fully, then and now.

But most women who articulate feminism are not really full feminists, they are just puritianical moralists.

I recommend D.W. Griffith's silent film, "Intolerance".

avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
If I was a bitter, man hating lesbian or a loser I would support feminism, but Andrea Dworkin, one of history's most important feminists stated: "all intercourse is rape", so fuck them all.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Of course I am totally opposed to Andrea Dworkin, and do not see her as having anything to do with real feminism.

avatar for Prim0
6 years ago
I think the problem most guys have with the feminism movement today is that it often carries double standards. For example....women want to be treated equally....but then want to have slightly different standards on physical tests for certain job fields. They want more time or a booster step for an obstacle course for the military or firefighter exams.

There's the issue with the comparison of pay rates....when women in general aren't doing all the same jobs as men of course there are going to be differences in pay. You can't look at the average wages of all men and women and have an apples to apples comparison.

There are the double standards when it comes to pregnancy. You want 100% choice over ending the pregnancy and cutting the male out but then if you decide to keep the child against the father's will, the is forced to pay for support. It's either 50-50 or you take the choice and the responsibilities.

And overall, I think people are just tired of it. I would say that in general, most people have the same opportunities regardless of their race, gender, creed, etc. They may not have the exact same opportunities in all areas but on average, fairly equal chance of rising to the limits of their abilities. You won't see WNBA salaries match NBA salaries but you also won't see male runway models making what female models make. And you have to take into consideration that women often want families and that if you leave a field for some time to have a child and raise it, then you're going to fall behind all of your peers who keep on working and building their experience and skills in the workplace. When the people speaking for movements just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks and constantly blame everyone else for wrongs that they had nothing to do with, they will start to ignore the arguments....even any legitimate arguments because of the fatigue.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
For much of history, there has been a coercive measure involved in sex. When you have a huge power divide between men and women then sex becomes a bargaining tool of sorts, and with said coercion it can be classified as rape since there is an unequal power relation between men and women.

And....equality isn't about treating women like men or bringing them up to men's standards. Its about creating new, fair standards that apply to both sexes.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Women want to be treated equally, and also as special.

But otherwise I don't think Prim0's list of allegations is well founded. Women have to take the same physical tests when the are a bonifide occupational requirement.

Women have control over pregnancy. End of story.

NBA and WNBA salaries, they are what they are.

Most of the time the corporate jobs women are likely to get do pay lower. There is still the presumptin that you can have low paid positions because women will fill them.

When it comes to sexual sanctions, like opposing porn and such, I think those feminists are not real feminists.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Who goes along with this, that more conservative and Christian women are better for a guy to get involved with?


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So, a friend sent me this, and authorized me to re-post it:

Well , here's an article on the recession. I'll warn you though its very long and detailed...


Most of the things I say though are what I've discovered through simple observation and connecting the dots of scientific research.

Things were not horrid before the 1960s. Does this look like a sexually sedate era to you...


You could freely flirt and date co-workers in the workplace without being taken to HR for sexual harassment, if you listen to songs back then and look at diaries of what people wrote about, people were very romantic back then and men and women actually seemed equally desperate for one another. Nowadays, men seem way more desperate for a woman than the other way around. In the 50s and 60s though, it seemed like, regardless of the reasons, women wanted men just as badly as men wanted women. I've seen literature aimed towards women back then that essentially advised them on how to pick up a man in public.

Early marriage isn't a bad thing.

A girl being too kinky is actually a negative for me.

I seriously doubt that the UCSB students have more sex than people in the 50s did. People in the 50s were lowkey really horny, they just weren't very explicit about the sexual aspect of it. But they were absolutely obsessed with romance and romance is directly tied to sexuality. A lot of people nowadays claim to have no interest in romance or sex. In the 50s, as I mentioned, practically every song and movie was about it. It was just assumed that everyone wanted it. If you look at studies of women who had turned 15 in the 1950s, almost all of them had premarital sex just like today. It was practically expected if you went to a drive in movie theater that you were gonna fool around. Slightly conservative societies are not actually very competent at controlling people.

Women were at home all day, they'd been cleaning, watching TV, cooking, doing whatever you can do that doesn't involve a husband that you could do. So, once the husband arrives, what's the one thing you can do now that you couldn't do before ;)? Stressed out women have low libidos, they're too tired for sex. If you want a highly active sex life, then the best way to get that is to have your wife not work because stress kills women's libidos. I don't want a tired wife, I want to come home to a wife who wants to jump my bones.

Nah, my goal is to maximize the amount of sex to be as high as possible lmao. I don't care about notions of sexual freedom, I care about creating an environment that promotes the highest frequency of sex possible. The more minutes I spend in the arms and mouth of a naked girl, the better. If that means creating a conservative society where premarital sex is frowned upon so that there is a backlash against those norms by people who like the forbidden fruit aspect of it. Well, good enough for me. I don't need to avoid finger wagging I need to avoid dry spells.

Talking about UCSB as there was where Elliot Rodger went on his Rampage Shooting, also generally known as a Party School.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex

Making Out in the 50's

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Cardi B., she identifies as a feminist.


Don't know anything about her.




Cardi B has been called "unabashedly, directly political"[21] and often uses social media to advocate for causes she believes in, such as gun control.[162] During the 2016 presidential primaries, she warned her fans of Donald Trump's immigration policies and encouraged them to "vote for daddy Bernie [Sanders]."[163][164] At the Grammy Awards in 2018, she appeared in a video along with Hillary Clinton to narrate a portion of Fire and Fury, Michael Wolff's insider's account of Trump's administration, and stated "Why am I even reading this shit? I can't believe this. I can't believe—this is how he really lives his life?"[165] Cardi B endorsed Sanders once again in his second bid for the presidency in the 2020 United States presidential election, while praising U.S. Representative Tim Ryan.[166]

She has praised President Franklin D. Roosevelt for advocating for the Social Security program and the New Deal project in general[167] and has noted her admiration for his wife Eleanor Roosevelt's humanitarianism and advocacy for African-Americans.[168] She said of Franklin D. Roosevelt, "he helped us get over the Depression, all while he was in a wheelchair. Like, this man was suffering from polio at the time of his presidency, and yet all he was worried about was trying to make America great—make America great again for real. He's the real 'Make America Great Again,' because if it wasn't for him, old people wouldn't even get Social Security."[169] Senator Bernie Sanders has praised Cardi B for her "leading role" in calling attention to Social Security.[170] During the 2018–19 United States federal government shutdown she released a video on Instagram, where she noted "our country is a hellhole right now" that quickly became viral.


Cardi B identifies as a feminist.[159][160] The New York Times wrote "on Love & Hip Hop: New York some viewers saw her as a hero of female empowerment, as she made pronouncements such as

"Ever since I started using guys, I feel so much better about myself. I feel so damn powerful."

avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Guess what sjg? The feminazis hate you just as much as your ex wife and everyone else hates you. Then again you're a FAGGIT so maybe that's why youre a feminist. Lol. Mangina faggit. That's why you're wife left cuz you're a pussy! LMAO
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
chessmaster = knucklehead

avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
SJG, timely topic. Was just reading a piece in the New Yorker about how Patty Hearst had embraced feminism before the Symbionese Liberation Army turned her into a cock-hungry heiress whose throat was saturated with semen.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
13 Ways to Keep Your Husband Happy

nicespice's thread:


Whipped Cream & Other Delights Re-Whipped - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass

avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Iv'e never had a problem with feminists. I know many who have fulfilling relationships. I'm not seeing the antagonism against men that some of you speak of. I've fucked feminist activists and they were some of the most sexually open and passive partners.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
13 Ways to Keep Your Husband Happy

What it says in this article seems right to me. These were the issues I dealt with in marriage, and with an earlier live in relationship.

But the problem is, you cannot tell women how to conduct themselves. If things fail hard, its the marriage councilor, or then the divorce lawyer.

I say that marriage and monogamy are death traps. What makes women deliver better is simply when they know that they do not have total control any longer, when they have female competion.

Marriage and monogamy have got to go. Simple.


Rosicrucian Music

The American Electoral Republic has failed

Ocasio-Cortez: Ukraine allegation one of the most serious we have seen

Planet Nine could be a miniature black hole hiding in our solar system
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago

Yes, this article is coming from a Christianist perspective, it is tying sex to procreation. The woman accepts that men have strong sex drives.

But really women do to, and other women accept men. Its just that this Christian woman is linking it to procreating.

So I don't see much worth in the article.

And here, back in June, IceyLoco responded to this article,

"I don't believe that conservative-non feminist women are more understanding of men's sexual desires. But a religious woman will usually view sex as a procreative act so they'll be more submissive sexually to their husbands in hope of getting pregnant. But they won't be open or fun in terms of the sex acts they're willing to perform etc. Outside of marriage, you're basically dealing with women who have prudish hangups....or ones who lead a double life because of their sexual repression."



avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So we have here another article, Making Out in the '50's.


So I am not sure what the point of this blog article is. Making out was on the one hand normative, and on the other hand transgressive.

I remember a Catholic priest who told me that in his high school they prohibited "steady dating", because it would generally lead to ~genital expression~

So it seems that there were rules.

I read the discussions in Margaret Atwood's "Cat's Eye".


Roughly autobiographical and set in the 1950's in the Toronto area.

As Atwood's character said, every girl got pawed and petted. But there were still rules, limits beyond which it should not go. It was like lessons in herterosexuality.

The friend in the novel though did not really like it, and she turned out to be lesbian.

She was also a family scapegoat, and she ended up making suicide attempts and in a mental hospital.

Overall, not really a nice description of that era.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So two articles:



I'm not going to marry again, I'm not even going to live with a woman again.

The sexuality in marriage, by all accounts, does dimish. I don't know that this has to be true, but it seems to be.

But this is not because women are non-accepting of male sex drives.

In past generations women who were considered respectable were quite a sexual. Just the way it was.

Today, because of feminism, women are more accepting of their own sex drives.

But they also do not live just to be married. They are not going to give up basic human dignity and the right to say No, just for a marriage.

These is no better way to go back to.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Richard Wolff has written lots of books, including:

Bringing it all back home : class, gender, and power in the modern household / Harriet Fraad, Stephen Resnick, and Richard Wolff (1994)

Introduction / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak -- 1. For Every Knight in Shining Armor, There's a Castle Waiting to be Cleaned: A Marxist-Feminist Analysis of the Household -- 2. Debating the Marxist-Feminist Interpretation of the Household: Responses to Chapter 1. Julie Matthaei. Zillah Eisenstein. Kim Lane Scheppele. Nancy Folbre and Heidi Hartmann. Stephanie Coontz. The Authors Reply: Class, Patriarchy and Power -- 3. The Reagan-Bush Strategy: Shifting Crises from Enterprises to Households -- 4. Anorexia as Crises Embodied: A Marxist-Feminist Analysis.



avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Reading the F. Forrester Church book about his father, and it having 5 generations of pictures, going back to 1870 in Idaho, I am struck by how controlled the lives of women were. They keep very prim and proper. They don't worry about keeping their figures so much, but their manner of dress is modest to an extreme. Their lives are about marriage and children.

I've seen pictures of bar girls in the early 60's, in Louisiana, totally different. They are painted up hotties.

But for most women, the ones who are seen as respectable, it was totally different. And they were judged by familial matters.

So marriage was the most important thing in their lives. And they had expectations of their own too.

I believe that most married couples were not very happy, and that they were always triangulating with children.

Things have changed, women do not want to be restricted to domesticity. And they don't accept the sexual double standard, where a man is praised for sexual prowess, but a woman is vilified for the same.

Feminism was pushed by radicals, women who would not be told what to do.

I think today many young men do not really understand the history, and so they have made feminism into the enemy. I say that this is a mistake, a huge mistake.

It is because of feminism that women can be more sexual in all aspects of their lives. They learn to accept men's sexuality, as they have learned to accept their own.

I guess though some men still think women can be owned, and made into something resembling livestock.

This does not work, it never worked well.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Chris Hedges: Sacrifice Zones of America

When I was coming of age, our politics pretty much divided into two camps. Liberals, really only a minority of the Democratic office holders, wanted an end to the war in Vietnam, were pro-civil rights, and supported the women's movement.

Conservatives wanted the opposite, and their rationalizations were bizarre. Mostly they played to reactionary identity issues.

So I completely sided with the liberals.

Then the conservatives took a big hit with Watergate and the Nixon removal.

Seemed like maybe they were done in. But no, Reagan was elected and a new movement, not just conservative, downright reactionary started. They made poor people into a national scapegoat, they used the Born Again Christian movement, they ran a new military build up based on post-Vietnam weapons.

And now they have become anti-Feminist.

Now not all Feminists are that progressive, some are just moralistic.

But overall I am still convinced that Feminism is good.

These new reactionaries, this new Right, they are completely wrong headed. They have transformed legitimate issues of equality and social justice, into an indictment of immigrants, minorities, and the poor.

This is just completely wrong!

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago

Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex?

Despite the easing of taboos and the rise of hookup apps, Americans are in the midst of a sex recession.


First let me say that I have a long relationship with The Atlantic. One of the first things I did when I graduated from college was get a home subscription.

The articles are long and thoughtful, not likely I would ever have serious disagreements with one of their authors.

What can I say, I feel that in the US, even college graduates are seriously under-educated.


"If hookups are your thing, Grindr and Tinder offer the prospect of casual sex within the hour. The phrase If something exists, there is porn of it used to be a clever internet meme; now it’s a truism. "

"Polyamory is a household word. Shame-laden terms like perversion have given way to cheerful-sounding ones like kink. Anal sex has gone from final taboo to “fifth base”—Teen Vogue (yes, Teen Vogue) even ran a guide to it."

"But despite all this, American teenagers and young adults are having less sex."

"From 1991 to 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey finds, the percentage of high-school students who’d had intercourse dropped from 54 to 40 percent. In other words, in the space of a generation, sex has gone from something most high-school students have experienced to something most haven’t. (And no, they aren’t having oral sex instead—that rate hasn’t changed much.)"

"Signs are gathering that the delay in teen sex may have been the first indication of a broader withdrawal from physical intimacy that extends well into adulthood."

"... today’s young adults are on track to have fewer sex partners than members of the two preceding generations. People now in their early 20s are two and a half times as likely to be abstinent as Gen Xers were at that age; 15 percent report having had no sex since they reached adulthood."

"Gen Xers and Baby Boomers may also be having less sex today than previous generations did at the same age. From the late 1990s to 2014, Twenge found, drawing on data from the General Social Survey, the average adult went from having sex 62 times a year to 54 times."



avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Why Are Young People Having So Little Sex?

Now they talk about online dating, and by inference introduction services. I have never gone along with that. I encourage face to face meeting.

The number of Civvi Night Clubs has gone way down.

And the Christian Right has surged.

Okay, I finished the article. I don't see any problem with Feminism.

I do see a kind of breakdown in social norms, and what that often leads to is social isolation and lack of social and sexual experience.

But most of all I see economic uncertainty, caused by Neo-Liberal Capitalism, and that makes people less likely to be sex and dating assertive, and sometimes more people living with their parents.

Don't see any problem with the goals of feminism.


avatar for TrollWarnBot
5 years ago
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
When I was in middle -school a girl came over and said she was doing a survey and wanted to know what guys thought of Feminism.

I told her I was for it.

She got all, "OMG, you are the first guy who has said he is for it. Everyone else is opposed to it."

I said, well I don't seen anything wrong with it. She said, but you could be married to a girl?

Later she asked our Math teacher. He said, "Of course I am for it. That's the only way that men are ever going to get any rights!"

What he said is exactly what I felt. And it is what I still feel. Feminism has not yet gone far enough.

Now some say that Feminism has not gotten very far in Spanish speaking countries, or in East Asia.

Well things are changing. In Japan we now have lots of women refusing to marry and you have these herbivore men.

Isabelle Allende of Chile has said that US and European Feminism has not done well in Latin America because something like it decenters maternity.

This is totally true because this second wave type feminism is coming though de Beauvoir and Existentialism, and that is highly influenced by the Communist Manifesto. Some cannot swallow it.

But guess what, during the Spanish Civil War, with the Left, Feminism was very popular and thinking was highly influenced by it. Trial marriages, legal abortion.

And then in the summer of 1968, Mexico being a still a very conservative country, students occupied the administration buildings at the university in Mexico City. One documentary has a girl reading what they wrote. Apparently they were reading accounts of the Spanish Civil War from 30 years before. She said then that in the administration building they broke into offices, and they "formed couples".

And then people are declaring the emergence of Mexican Feminism in Laura Esquivel's Like Water for Chocolate.

And people should like this, in the second sister Gertrudis they are including fighting the the 1910 Revolution, and Prostitution. She is the Commanding General, and then they have her set up in a rail box car where she takes on a huge number of men. Its the sort of thing that SJ's Beloved Latina Escorts that were doing high volume front room clandestine high volume FS would be proud of.

Today Laura Esquivel is with AMLO and she is on the Mexico City Council.


The Stockroom, based in Los Angeles

Blues Greats
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
SJG, how can you still be on here late after dinner? I thought you were deep entrenched in local politics 24/7, with little time to address trivial pursuits on a strip club forum?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I do lots of things on computers, all at the same time.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Feminists are not conformists, they are radicals.

Now yes, just like the Yuppies of the 80's and 90's pretend to embody all the counter culture of the 60's and 70's, just because they say it is so, this does not make it so.

Today people claim to embody feminism. But this does not make it so. Most are far to conformist and moralistic.

Really feminists really are out there.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Alexandra Kollontai - Background Part 1 of 2

Believes that a Socialist Revolution requires that woman and men work together!

What could be better than that?

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago

"True Socialist Revolution could only come about if men and women have equality within it."

avatar for Player11
5 years ago
As long as gal good fuck, happy ending, loves model nude and bik for me no prob.

But if fem attitude bs gets in way no use for her.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I don't see how you could see it that way.

Now yes, there is a pseudo feminism which is just puritanism. But real feminism is pro-sex.

In de Beauvoir's Second Sex, she describes 4 categories women are boxed into.

One of them is the Hetaira, basically a courtesan. And the objective is to break down the barriers to let women be free.

So if you like fucking women, you should thank de Beauvoir and Feminism.


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Most women do eventually seek marriage, or at least long term relationships. They just don't feel as pressed to do this as early, putting education and career building ahead. And then for many what they seek does not come. So there are more unattached women around.

Over all the world is more open and free because of feminism than it would be without it.

Having full time homemakers results in women having low social status, and it tends to promote certain types of child abuse. Most middle-class child abuse is impossible to prosecute because it revolves around doctor's of some sort or another. So the doctor's license insulates the parents. If the parents were taking the child to a fortune teller or a channeler, and that person was convincing the child that they had some sort of a defect or difference, there would be legal intervention. But in our society doctors pretty much have carte blanch to do what they want and say that it is for the good of the child. And this helps the parents be able to claim that they are "good parents". Being able to claim that is the reason they had children in the first place.

So one explosive growth area has been this Autism/Asperger's/Neurological Difference Hoax.


Medical Child Abuse used to be called Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy, then it was called Facetious Disorder. Usually the parent, most always a mother, needs to create some need to justify her existence, and create some justification for being outside of the labor market.

Very good book:

And this is from Rhode Island where the hospital in Providence has the state's only isolation ward, so they get children of all races and socio-economic levels.

Gotta read this:

We have Neo-Liberalism, which is the co-option of the goals of Enlightenment Liberalism in order to create an oppressive society, Supply Side Economics.

Well I am calling out Neo-Feminism, the co-option of the goals of Feminsm, in order to create oppression and make women into strivers, similar to the ways in which most men are strivers. It creates no freedom, just more oppression. Often closely coupled to the bogus doctrine known as Libertarianism.

More Reply About Gender Roles

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Michael Kimmel video



and then books:

Voice male : the untold story of the profeminist men's movement / edited by Rob A. Okun ; foreword by Michael Kimmel. (2018)

Guyland : the perilous world where boys become men / Michael Kimmel. (2010)

Kimmel has written lots and lots of books.


avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Just think SJG, if you had a cent to your name you could fly to Providence check out the isolation ward and then walk to Desires. If you had a cent......
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
If I had a few cents, I would melt them down and make a copper knife to cut your throat skibum609.

Patriarchy, Rape Culture & the Men's Rights Movement | Michael Kimmel

Tackling The Boy Crisis | Michael Kimmel

avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
^^ You really should STFU!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Real feminism today is going to be pro-sex and pro-social justice. But it might not go along with straight flat out no laws about prostitution.

I guess the controversial thing is still pimping.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Time’s Up for Harvey Weinstein? Closing Arguments Begin in Rape Trial in NYC



Think of the muscle control they must have to make this work hands off:

TJ Street

Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010)

Little Wing

Blues in 'A'
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
How do you spell feminist? m a n ha t i n g l e s b i a n
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^ not so. Feminism is about the only way that men get any justice. That was how my jr. high school math teacher explained it to me. Totally true.

avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
^^^ are you gonna waste 6 hours of precious time postingbyour lies spamming up the board when you also claim to be engaged 24/7 in local politics to help build your organization? Quit writing a bunch of lies on here watering down it’s contents!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Go, by John Clellon Holmes, first to be published of the Beat Generation. Guy not happy with marriage, 1952


Set in New York, it concerns the lives of a collection of characters largely based on the friends Holmes used to hang around with in the 1940s and 1950s in Manhattan. An underworld of drug-fueled parties, bars, clubs and free love is explored through the eyes of character Paul Hobbes, Holmes' representation of himself in the novel. Hobbes is torn between joining his friends in their riotous existence and trying to maintain his relatively stable life and marriage to his wife Kathryn.


Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, a 1955 novel, written by a WWII veteran who went on to divorce his wife and take to living on a sailboat. Want to read the novel.


Sloan Wilson

The Women's Room, 1977 Marilyn French

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Women are 100% equal to men. I don't get why anyone would be threatened by that unless they doubt their own masculinity or fear women
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I agree with you completely.

As you know, there is a Right Wing Misogeny Movement, really strong on the Internet, and seeming to have influenced Elliot Rodger and some of these other INCEL shooters.

There are also different strains of feminism. One which is problematic is the Puritanism derived and now Yuppie linked and moralistic strain.

Intolerance 1916 depicts it well:

A very good discussion of all of this:

Many young people today say they are against Feminism. Problem is that they don't really know what feminism is.


3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I read this years ago. Really good.


Reactionary Political, Commercial, and Religious forces promote a distorted view of the past, because they profit from it.

The reason things today are not like they were is simply that they were not really that good. So people have tried to change them, and they are still working to change them.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Feminism does not encourage college hookups. That is simply because women have become yuppies, so they don't want to get tied into a relationship until they have graduated and have a high power career. And they only want this with a man who has the same.

Making women into yuppies was never an objective of feminism. Rather this is a conservative retrenchment enacted upon feminism. Feminist leaders were not conformists, not approval seekers. More likely to be living in an artist's commune or some other polyamorous arrangement, if not being a sex worker.

But as feminism got adapted to mainstream culture, it became about upwards social mobility and dual income mortgage payments. People under age 65 have not likely ever seen anything of feminism.

Very good book about the backlash against feminism, the new domesticity, and yuppieism.


The hookup culture is simply something which has developed, because otherwise the women have no other alternative except to remain chaste.


The upshot of this, which came very hard to the above socially conservative authors, is that they need access to contraception and abortion.

And then this adds to the social stratification, because when you look at the lower ranks, they are often from places where the only sex education they have had access to is Abstinence Only and Fundamentalist Christian. So such persons will be quickly locked out of the upper tiers of career and the Marriage Market.


So what we need is more feminism and not less. It would tend to steer women in more radical directions than socially approved yuppieism. They would move into other types of careers, and into more things like bohemian counter cultures and polyamory, and also into sex work.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
All these girls in elite colleges, doing hookups because they don't want relationships. They see themselves as making it into the top career tiers, and so they only want a guy who is also in that same top tier. And they want him to be in it, not to still be in school.

Is this what feminism promotes? No! That is what feminism gets turned into by those attached to more conservative values.

If we had more feminism maybe you would have more marriages like what Chris Guillebeau and his wife have, neither of them strivers or power yuppies.




avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Second Sex Key Idea #12: Women’s dress is a form of subjugation that continues until woman is freed by old age.
Subjugation isn’t always about money. It manifests itself in other ways, too.

For example, woman is pressured to dress in a way that pleases the male gaze – even when such dress is uncomfortable. Short skirts allow for less freedom of movement than trousers, and high heels quickly cause blisters. Skimpy lingerie don’t serve any practical purpose, while corsets make it difficult to breathe. But the male gaze is so strong that many women think that dressing “well” makes them feel good, when in fact it’s making them feel desired by the gaze that is forcing them to be desirable in the first place.

As woman gets older, this pressure becomes stronger as she tries to hold on to her fading desirability.

In contrast to the male ideals of manliness, virility and agency that endure or even increase as men grow older, female ideals like youth and fertility that represent their desirability to men wane as women age. Many women resist this fate by trying to reclaim their youth. This is really a form a regression: aging women dressing as if they were young in an attempt to emphasize the desirable role they once played. This fight continues until the day they die, unless woman allows herself to surrender to the aging effects of time.

If woman does let herself grow old, she can free herself from the male gaze.

This is possible because older women aren’t typically regarded as sexual objects, nor are they obligated to take care of their husbands or children. So if she accepts her old age, and doesn’t try to resist the course of time, woman can seize the opportunity to free herself from the yoke of being “woman.” Unfortunately, this comes so late in life that most women don’t have time to enjoy the freedom.



The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dr. Jessica Taylor. And she is a Forensic Psychologist, and that pertains to crime. She is not a Clinical Psychologist or a Psychotherapist, as these are the locus of the problem.

Why Women Are Blamed For Everything with Dr Jessica Taylor | NI Science Festival

Forgiveness: Why you don't have to forgive an abuser or rapist - Dr Jessica Taylor VictimFocus


Set 3 Team 6 2018 School of Rock AllStars at Union Transfer in Philadelphia, PA.

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