
Help! Extras at Vegas clubs?

Avatar for Naughtyhoney
NaughtyhoneyCalifornia Girl

Crazy Horse 3, yes or no?
Hustler yes or no?


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Avatar for twentyfive

Just come to S Florida we’ll give you all the extras you can handle 😂

Avatar for pistola

Ch3 Not really. Discreet hj at best afternoon but LDK common.

Hustler, in the overpriced $700/hr rooms yes, but tips expected so total about 900-1k for the customer.

Honestly, the tease is expected in Vegas not really extras. You may get in trouble.

Avatar for pistola

Ps - my cred on the matter is I once lived in Vegas so....

Avatar for londonguy

Yes at Hustler, but that was a while back.

Avatar for pistola

Ps if a thick white gal named Diamond is working at CH3 during the early part of your shift, go chat her up.

Avatar for Warrior15

I have always been under the impression that all the Extras in Vegas are done OTC in the hotel rooms.

Avatar for rl27

Haven't been to Vegas in several years, but never got extras in any club. Did get several OTC offers at Rhino and Little Darlings, price quoted was typically quite high, but I did find a few who offered to stop by my hotel after her shift for about 2/3 the price of an hour dance.

Avatar for jester214

Discreet HJ's happen a few places, typically in some form of VIP during the slower afternoon/morning shifts.

That's about it unless you've got a place with 1on1 VIP that is very secluded or has a door you can close, usually this will cost out the nose.

Reasonably priced extra's in Vegas died with OG.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^ How about front room makeout sessions, as a prelude to taking your girl to the back room, and then outside?


Avatar for prevert

LOL! I read your title as "vegan clubs" and was wondering what the heck you were talking about!

Avatar for Icey

Extras are available in Vegas. I've had offers as low as $50 and FS offers between $100 and $300. The key to Vegas is to not appear like a sucker, be masculine, work on trying to be attractive...work out, etc and have something in common with the girls....be able to connect with them.

One of my favorite thing about Vegas clubs is that the girls are so used to losers when you're not one, they're all over you ....and not just P4P they want to hang out and stuff.

Avatar for Liwet

Only places I've ever heard of extras being done is Little Darlings. I can see how you might get away with it at Palomino and there's probably some dive clubs that might look the other way but you're too pretty for those.

Best thing you can do is get yourself a website and see the whales OTC when they come through town.

Avatar for Icey

There are extras available everywhere.

The thing I like about Vegas clubs is that a lot of the young girls aren't very professional... they get caught up in the Vegas lifestyle, and treat work as regular partying, which makes it easy to hook up. If you get them drunk and they like you, you have a better chance of going home with them than other cities...and not talking P4P

Avatar for jester214

I'm starting to think IceyLoco hasn't actually been to a Vegas strip club.

Avatar for lotsoffun201

Discreet HE in the early afternoons is common. LDK, is more common but of course that can happen anywhere.

Regarding Diamond, if she’s the same one from OG’s she’s long gone. She got a bit too thick for most Vegas clubs.

Avatar for lopaw

Nothing is a guarantee, but the odds are much better at nude clubs and with the exception of Lil Darlings Vegas is a nude club wasteland. But I did get crazy extras at Olympic Gardens once back in the day. Ahhhh.....memories.

Avatar for lotsoffun201

OG’s was THE place for extras until it closed. When they took out the booths it became less frequent. Unless you’re a LONG time Vegas regular, you wouldn’t remember the old Tally Ho where extras were the norm. It was pretty much a brothel on all shifts. It’s the same building where Girl Collection is now.

Avatar for Icey

Sophia's is pretty much the same as OG in that respect.

Jester....just coz I have good experiences there lol

Avatar for pistola

Lotsoffun, yep that's who I was talking about. Nice gal, tons of fun. She did really thick over time. Shame because she was a pretty girl and cool to drink with.

Avatar for Boit

HJ in Vegas club last week. In private room, but not especially discreet.

Avatar for shailynn

^^ did you get a bottle of water or a red Bull thrown in for free?

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

There are hoes working in every club. Play it again Sam's is a sure thing but the hoes are fugly lulz

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

But some of you might like them. They're like the druggy white girls a lot of guys here post

Avatar for Liwet

Which club? I will do the scientific thing and verify your experiment.

Avatar for Boit

Little Darlings, dayshift, beautiful woman. TGTBT, but true.

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