Quick Tip: How to Save Time Writing a Club Review

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
Rhode Island
The vast majority of review down-votes are in the "not enough details" category. Yet the vast majority of reviewer complaints are "I don't want to rehash stuff I've posted before." Both complaints are valid.

Here's my fix...

For a club that you visit repeatedly, write the 'evergreen' details into a text file that you save to your phone or computer (or both). Club information on layout, parking, neighborhood, overall vibe/feel, etc., rarely changes.

Even more changeable data, like pricing information, can be put in boilerplate text, and if prices change you're just updating numbers and not rewriting from scratch.

Once you have your evergreen boilerplate copy written, you just copy/paste it into your new review with original details about *that* particular visit.

If you look at my Club Desire reviews, you'll see that the original content describes that single visit and the dancers I saw or interacted with. Everything else is boilerplate with occasional edits when I get new information.

End result... I've never been hit with a "not enough details", and yet I also don't have to write nearly as much when I post a review.

I've never even been accused of writing a 'club ad' by desertscrub! (but hope springs eternal...)


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avatar for 623
6 years ago
It would be useful if you would also label the sections like Papi does. He also just references “for club layout see my April 24 review”

That way we could skip the cut and pasted section.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
I label / title sections. I appreciate it when other do that, so I do it, too.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Things change. Just because a club regular knows that prices are the same as when he wrote his last review 6 months ago doesn't mean that the readers know. This is always valuable information.

Other than that, just post about what you saw and experienced. This is not complicated. I've never received a single down vote on any review I've posted and I'm not writing a Papi-style masterpiece each and every time. If the reader walks away with some useful information and a bit of flavor from your visit, it's going to be approved.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
As I've posted b/f, it should only take 3 or 4 sentences to accurately describe the basics of the club.

I think part of the problem is that many reviewers write them from their POV/benefit rather than the reader's POV/benefit; and why you get the "X has been covered a 100 times b/f" and they skip posting the club's basics (cist, dancer crew, etc) - the reality is a very large % of all the possible readers of that review may not be too familiar with that club and don't know all the info the writer already knows like the back of his hand and incorrectly assumes everyone else knows also - some reviews seem more like personal journal entries vs disseminating info to the public.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
At a club I frequented, I would refer readers to check my previous reviews for details. Of course now, the above course of action makes more sense with C&P!
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
In truth, I do write reviews for my benefit. TUSCL is basically my strip club diary. As far as I know, I’ve only had down votes on one review, which was a report on a club that had recently closed. Personally, I find that to be valuable info so I don’t waste my time driving to a shuttered up joint. But I got a couple of “not enough details.” WTF? Did they want details on how many parking spaces there were in the roped off parking lot?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I think many of us enjoy the reminiscing aspect of writing reviews - nothing wrong with that as long as one also keeps the assumingly club-uninformed reader in mind and provide adequate info for them.
avatar for datinman
6 years ago
More recently I have been using a template for the headers for my reviews like this from my last review of Porthole Pub.

Parking: ample, free, shopping center parking lot
Entry: No ID scan, no pat-down at the door, $0 cover Friday at 4PM
Club: Divey, but comfortable and clean enough
Drinks: $4 domestic beer
Girls: 20+ Dancers, ranging from 5 to 7, predominately Black with a variety of body types
Dances: $25 with periodic 2 fer 1's

I figure if I cover all the basics up front, people can chose to read about my experiences and opinions or not.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
That also works. The point is that much of what goes into a review only needs to be written one time.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
I just had a review rejected because I only included two facts. Cover charge in restroom location
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
(frikin seri...)

I think the standards are rising.
especially in the details.
avatar for EastCoaster
6 years ago
I like JustinTolook's approach, as he described above. Because I travel a lot and will frequently need info on clubs that would otherwise be unknown to me, these are all things I look for in a review and find helpful. The way he handled it, it didn't take him long to write it and didn't take me long to read it. If I have time, I can read the rest of what he has to say, but if I don't have the time, I still get useful info up front.
avatar for 623
6 years ago
I like Justin's approach also. Maybe we should petition Founder to include a psudo-template like this is the "Review writing guidelines". Or maybe ask that the template automatically appear when the "Submit Review" button is pressed?
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