Vegas Recs?

I'm going to Las Vegas for a few days. I read a lot of the reviews for clubs there, and they sound a little daunting (expensive/high chance of feeling ripped off). Just curious if anyone has any recommendations for Vegas SCs or other prurient entertainment for someone with no experience of the place and a little time between planned activities?
last commentPer what's been posted in the past Spearmint Rhino is the most popular club with the hottest dancers but has a high tourist hustle - normal 2-way contact in terms of mileage (nothing crazy) - cover is like $50 but supposedly waved if you call for the club's limo (but you tip the driver and not sure if the limo tskes you back to hotel) - expensive drinks (~$12 for a beer and up from there) - lap-dances on the floor are $20, and 3-for-$100 in VIP but you are required to buy 2 $25 drinks so really 3-for-$150 (AFAIK VIP is communal so nothing crazy).
Sapphire is similar to Rhino but Rhino seems a bit more popular.
Palomino is off the strip and seems well-liked and less of a tourist-trap - $20 floor lappers or 3-for-$100 VIP dances but nothing too wild (no mandatory drinks for VIP dances I think).
In terms of extras many say it's best to troll the hotel or casino bars for escorts - recenty some TUSCLers have reported good results in Vegas with the sugar-daddy site
You can search for "Vegas" in the TUSCL homepage search box for previous thresds on the subject
overall vegas can be lots of fun but EXPENSIVE !
In general, I think of Vegas as a good place to avoid the sex industry. Lots of fun things to do away from the SCs, etc. If you do want to hit the SCs, Spearmint Rhino and Sapphire are relentless hustle tourist traps but the sight of so many gorgeous women in one place can make you practically giddy, plus there's drinks. And there's Palomino, nude with alcohol which is a pretty fun combination. Just set your expectations low, and you might be pleasantly surprised. Or if "set your expectations low" doesn't make sense to you as motivation to go SCing, then find something else fun to do.
I already have a girl(s) in Vegas, but if I didn't, I'd probably try the SA route ala desertscrub. Having a hot chick for non-sex-industry fun (hit a great restaurant, go to a great bar or speakeasy, some light gambling together, etc) topped off with sex in the room, is always a winning combination
Are your Vegas girls P4P or FWB?
Paps, I have one FWB (my now-retired ATATF moved there), some of her friends are strippers but most are... I don't quite know what to call them, Vegas hot chick hustlers, maybe. I don't pay anyone, but obviously am the walking wallet for fancy dinners, drinks, etc., but I love being surrounded by sizzling hot chicks and good booze anyway, so that's all extra bonus for me. I did a few trips with the girls to the SCs, they all tend to like going, but pretty much have stopped that, we have way more fun at Vegas's regular bars and restaurants, and that's where I'd rather spend the $. If I didn't have that, I think I'd be looking for a hot SA chick to re-creat it.
Check out my Vegas thread
Has availability to Casino Girls in Vegas been dropping off lately?
I was in Vegas recently, as I have for years, often availing myself of reasonable CG company in places like Aria, Planet H, MGM, Venetian, Caesars, Mirage, TI and the like. When slumming, I might hit Flamingo, Excalibur or Ballys, depending upon where I was staying. I usually avoid Bellagio, Wynn and Encore for this activity as typically beyond my price point.
During this particular visit, however, finding talent at any price point whatsoever was more difficult than I can ever remember -- striking out specifically at Aria, PH, Caesars, Cosmo, Park MGM and NYNY after hours of circling and seeking. Even at MGM, I had to circulate the bar areas for 90 minutes before making a connection near a bank of elevators. Most frustrating trip in 15 years -- I historically gamble, eat, gamble, monger and gamble. On this trip,monger was replaced with wander, wander, wander.
I am curious of other PLs recent Vegas experiences seeking CG company. Was my recent weekend a one-off failure or evidence of an emerging trend? Was my issue the fact that it was a weekend instead of a weekday? Are hotels allowing LE on the casino floor in the name of security as a result of the Mandalay Bay shooting?
I suppose it could be me -- they saw me coming and headed the other way? -- this would be a terrible development -- hahaha.
Seriously, thoughts, boys??
Undercover LE has always been in the casinos.
Like at the MGM Grand, pimps drive their hoes up to the employee parking garage and look for unmarked police cars parked out back before letting said hoes into the casinos.
They're all over still.... hotel lobbies, outside clubs, etc. Outside of Harrah's and Balley's....the overpasses between casinos...
Strip clubbing is actually great in Vegas though, so long as you don't come across like an obvious tourist
I've clubbed three times in Vegas: Once was just OK, once was amazing and once I met the worst ROB I've ever encountered.
The wild west, indeed. If you do, just know it's expensive and some are out to get you. If you have the ability to just head to Pahrump, I might recommend that.
the legal brothels are a ripoff...fugly women and overpriced
Thanks, everybody, for the replies and links. Good stuff and really helpful. Time permitting I'll plan on hitting up at least one club.
Also, by all accounts those legal brothel prevent front room makeout sessions, so it really is chump stuff.
I wonder how undercover LE could actually catch a guy getting friendly with a casino girl. How could they ever prove that any law is being broken?
I’ve blown so much money on vegas strippers because I am a fucking idiot. Rhino has some of the hottest women I’ve ever seen and they are in such a competitive environment they’ll jump on any free man there. Best you are going to get there is a ldk tho.
I’ve gotten blown in little darlings a couple times for around $600 which is a fucking steal in Vegas strip clubs. Again tho I am an idiot. Spend your $$ on SA or casino girls
^ was that $600 BJ covered or uncovered?
Uncovered I’m not that dumb lol
Little Darlings is known for the most extras but it is $$$$ and a lot of hustlers in there.
Best time/value/talent is probably the Rhino in the early afternoon 12-6. Crazy Horse 3 and Hustler at the same time can be fun but both are hit and miss.
Little Darlings is known for attracting a younger crowd, and the girls complain about not making much. So some of the hookers there try to make it up with extras. Cheetah's happy hour is pretty good.