OT: An alternative to the Waifu Pillows sex partners;,life size realistic silico

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”

We are living in very interesting times for the human species.

Some websites with “nice looking” dolls



An article about the trend:


“Sex Dolls Provide a Safe And Respectful Alternative”

“The Future of Sex Dolls is Here And it is Amazing”

I don’t think fold are a direct competition to Strip Clubs now but who knows if in the future they can be almost human like in the science fiction movies.

I like the “doll” in the movie Cherry 2000 (1987 starring Melanie Griffith) the doll/robot was played by Pamela Gidley, but I wouldn’t kick Melanie off the bed for any reason, the way she looked in the movie.

But none of them are Marilyn Monroe, forever the good standard for woman’s beauty and sex appeal.


last comment
avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

If it came down to it, I'd rather bang a fat, fugly or retarded bitch chick than resorting to a pillow or sex doll.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Personally I prefer the waifu pillow. The waifu pillow is better for snuggling with as well and it feels a lot more natural to have your waifu pillow sleep with you than it does to have a doll sleep with you. Waifu pillows are a lot more soft imo. I also prefer having an anime girl because in my imagination, she's a girl from a different world whereas the doll feels more fake in a way. I also just think anime girls are a lot cuter than the dolls are. But I think sex dolls might work better for somebody who doesn't watch any anime. For me, the fact that she's an anime girl is a positive but that might not be the case for others.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Honestly, this girl with Downs Syndrome is fuckable


avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

fuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkk view this at your own risk, naked fat bitch with downs syndrome


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

One thing I realized though is that almost nobody can afford to have a prostitute enough to the point that it really takes the place of a civie sex life. Its just too expensive, if you tried to have sex with a prostitute every day, even if you found a good deal with an independent OTC stripper or escort it would run you at $1,400 a week or $73,000 a year. If you want more than that it could cost $146,000 a year. It could cost somebody as much as $146,000-$292,000 a year though.

Only someone who is truly super rich can afford to see prostitutes that much. Prostitution is pretty much always meant to be supplementary to whatever you have going on, its too expensive to use as a replacement. Which means that if you can't seduce civie girls, you're pretty much fucked. Waifu pillows and sex dolls are great because they can fill in for that and you can hire prostitutes as supplementary.

The way I see it though, waifu pillows and sex dolls are a great alternative to anybody who either cannot or doesn't want to have a civie sex life.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Its doable with crack whores and meth heads

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago

@CC99 The can make them per your request and specifications. For example:

The Anna Mae (anime) get it? By the makers of Realdoll


You confirm the fact that your brain, perception and imagination, is extremely active during sex, and that exciting mix of hormones is what gets you feeling good.

Some “experts” say that sex is so overwhelmingly exciting, pleasurable, and rewarding that our brains during orgasm look almost identical to a brain on heroin,

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Its entertaining to say the least...

Down Syndrome Porn Deformed guy with down syndrome saved his money for years to fuck a prostitute. Can't say it went very well, as the picked the most evil and frustrated bitch ever. Poor guy!


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


Personally I don't think that doll looks anything like a kawaii anime girl. Actually looks kind of frightening to me.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

CC99 how about the hot downs syndrome chick?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I'm not really into thick girls.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

theyre like pillows though....and warmer

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

No it wouldn't be the same. The girl on my pillow still looks petite and cute.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

She's not the girl in my avatar but she's the same size as her.

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago


I am sure that if there is enough demand that will make them, however they will have to pay more if they are made to look exactly like a famous or popular anime character like sailor moon? Is she considered anime.

The same would go for making dolls like like celebrities, movie stars, famous people. I think that a couple of pornstars have made deals to have life size dolls that look like them and market their brand.

Are these more like your anime girls, sorry I am too old to follow all the different trends.


Like you said the dolls are supposed to be an addition to a healthy sex life.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

So, I don't think you can just make a doll of a Japanese looking girl and consider her to look like an anime girl. The Japanese are the ones creating them but they have their own look. They would look more like this...



I think the dolls can be a good alternative for people if the civie sex world is unavailable or unappealing to them for whatever reason. It doesn't necessarily need to be supplementary. With prostitution though it kind of has to be supplementary because nobody can afford to really hire hookers enough to substitute a civie sex life unless you're retired and just have a lot of money that you feel like blowing through.

But you can use dolls and pillows as an addition to a civie sex life too. I've heard of some guys buying them because their wife rarely has any desire for sex anymore so this gives them an outlet. I do think the waifu pillows are more associated with teenagers and twenty somethings specifically though whereas the realdolls seem more popular with the 30+ crowd.

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

Is it just me, or do some of those www.myrealdolls.com dolls look really hot? Not saying I would buy one, but I think I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't try one out if it was freely offered.

avatar for flagooner
5 yrs ago

WTF is this talk about sex with pillows and dolls?

Fucking weirdos.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Lol you're gonna have to get used to it @Flagooner, its becoming a lot more popular every year. Even some women are starting to do it. I've heard predictions that this is going to be very common in just five years and even normalized by 2030. Personally I welcome it, it means that everyone will have the freedom to have the kind of sex life they really want. Things you were cursed with, whether its ugliness, a physical or mental disability, or a social disability, will no longer prevent people from getting their needs met.


Olivia especially is really hot.

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

^^ lol, that's the one that caught my eye too. "perfect body"

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

^^ lmao

avatar for grand1511
5 yrs ago

The upside of sex dolls is that they never ask to be taken to Olive Garden!

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago

I have a thing for long blond braids from watching o scene of the movie The Vikings starring Kirk Douglas so I think Vanessa Hot Body looks interesting.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I agree, Vanessa was probably the second hottest one imo.

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago


They make them more like the anime face you show on the two pics of the small figures you post.

There is a website for doll “addicts”;


There is a whole industry and community about sex dolls!

I guess in a few year they will make them more and more like sex robots and more and more like if they are alive like in the science fiction movies.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Its not a sex life and its not having one's needs met. They're more like a symptom of what's wrong with someone than a solution.

avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

Haa, the one named Aubrey seems to have a bit of white powder on her nose. Damm, getting realistic.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Real sex with a real woman is vastly preferable. Smart guys in most countries other than the US keep mistresses.


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Why does having a sex life require you to be with an actual person? Artificial sex is the way of the future and is becoming more popular all the time.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

You can only have a relationship with an actual person, not with a fembot or with a pillow.

I would consider anything done with a fembot or a pillow to be masturbation. Not criticizing that.

As far as a sex life, I would still say that that has to be with a real person. Masturbation does not count.


Police - Roxanne - 2008, really altered the phrasing for this performance. Phrasing has always been a big part of their sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lQlajFq3cE

I only like this heavily track overlaid studio recording of this song, not any of the live versions. Cause of the singer's style. And I don't so much like the other guys who usually sings this either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anpjEN9KeJ0

Suspicious Mind - Elvis Presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBmAPYkPeYU

Glenn Campbell, experience really shows, in my opinion. They have a four string bass player, but notice the guy who solos on the six string bass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzTNWWO7U0

Try a Little Tenderness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnPMoAb4y8U

Lauryn Hill - Killing Me Softly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KpeCk6NyZU



I'd Rather Go Blind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZVQD9piv7A

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

No, real sex isn't going away any time soon lol

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^^ Do you consider sex acts with pillows or fembots to be "real sex" or "a sex life", or do you see that as I do, simply a form of masturbation?


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

I consider it real sex, and a sex life. I do not consider it masturbation. There's a wide variety of sensations that are involved with waifu pillow and fembot sex, its not just an orgasm and you're done. If a guy doing doggystyle on a girl without any kissing or cuddling is "sex" then a guy hugging and kissing his pillow for a half an hour, or watching TV with her, and then having sex with her should certainly count.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Sex with a real person, doggystyle or otherwise, it is still very involved and very much depends upon your relationship with that person.

With a pillow, it is your own bodily responses, and your own fantasies. I am not saying not to do it. I just don't consider it to be real sex or a sex life.


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

How is it not real sex though? Why is a person necessary for it to be sex?

To me this just seems like people trying to attach a social status boom to it and aren't willing to acknowledge any sex that doesn't result in a social status boom as "real sex." All the sensations of being with a real person are possible with a waifu pillow, they just are not as strong or powerful as it would be with a real person. But the fact is that there are sensations you can achieve with waifu pillow sex that you cannot have with your hand or a pocket pussy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Sex means sex with another person. Otherwise it is masturbation. I am not down on masturbation.

Sex with another person can be entirely private, no one else ever knows about it. It is not just one's own sensations, it is the sharing, communications, and the bonding. People will remember sex with another person. They will not remember masturbating with a pillow.


Police - Roxanne - 2008, really altered the phrasing for this performance. Phrasing has always been a big part of their sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lQlajFq3cE

I only like this heavily track overlaid studio recording of this song, not any of the live versions. Cause of the singer's style. And I don't so much like the other guys who usually sings this either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anpjEN9KeJ0

Suspicious Mind - Elvis Presley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBmAPYkPeYU

Glenn Campbell, experience really shows, in my opinion. They have a four string bass player, but notice the guy who solos on the six string bass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzTNWWO7U0

Try a Little Tenderness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnPMoAb4y8U

Lauryn Hill - Killing Me Softly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KpeCk6NyZU



I'd Rather Go Blind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZVQD9piv7A

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

^^^ Hmmm... not sure if you are right about that SJG. Now, I am not one to advocate bestiality, and have never participated in such an activity, but wouldn't you say that the definition of bestiality is "sex with an animal?" You wouldn't say it is masturbation with an animal, right? But then, animals (besides homo sapiens) are not people.... so that would mean that human sexual relations are not exclusively between two or more humans.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

A lot of scientists are saying that artificial sex will be normal by 2030 and is actually going to be more popular than human sex by 2050. So unless you're prepared to say that we're all going to be virgins in 2050 because we're all banging robots and that somehow "doesn't count," your argument is flawed.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Actually that's a really good point that FTS made. I'm certainly not advocating bestiality either but nobody calls it masturbating with an animal.

Plus there's some people who are exclusively attracted to inanimate objects. Some people for example think that certain cars are the hottest thing they've ever seen and they only want to have sex with cars. Are we going to say that those people are virgins?

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

Hey... if we eventually got AI so advanced that it was like the chick from Ex Machina.... I would TOTALLY fuck that AI chick, and it would definitely count as sex.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


I don't think anybody would forget about a time that they had an ongoing sexual relationship with a pillow. Lots of people forget about drunk one night stands that they've had though.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

I still say that real sex means with a real person, a person who has a normal live and a finite life expectancy.


avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

Oh heck yeah on the sex doll. I’d totally get one when it comes down in price enough.

I remember reading a manga series on that subject in high school. A girl was caught in a love triangle between her bot and her friend.


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

@SJG But you're not providing a logical reason for why artificial sex "doesn't count." You said it has to be another person, but FTS pointed out that some people have sex with animals who are obviously not humans. If its because artificial sex is "one sided" then what about stuff like blowjobs and DATY where one person is doing something entirely for another person's pleasure? What about instances where a wife tells her husband "alright get it over with" and he humps on top of her for a few minutes, cums, and rolls over and falls asleep without her doing a thing or getting any pleasure from it herself?

And even if this is the case, then why exactly does the presence of a real human somehow make it real? What if somebody enjoys having sex with a robot more than a person? What if all the same sensations are available from having sex with a waifu pillow or robot as with a human? The way I see it, the sensations present are the only thing that separates the two acts.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


Have you seen The Tatami Galaxy?

There's one character in the show who's in love with a sex doll, and gives the doll to the protagonist to protect her while he's gone, but then the protagonist falls in love with the doll himself and tries to run off with the doll in the middle of the night and debates at one point whether or not he should have sex with her, and then the first guy ends up chasing after him.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

why would people stop fucking each other and start fucking pillows, robots, sex dolls, etc???? its contrary to our nature. sex is instinctual.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


Cause humans are very complicated and can be potentially dangerous as well. At first I was motivated out of sheer desperation but I'm starting to see a lot of real positives that could come out of this that I hadn't before like people getting to avoid the social politics that come along with needing sex so badly that you choose people who are bad for you. NiceSpice wants one too and she would have no trouble finding a guy who wants to have sex with her.

I think we will still have sex with each other and form romantic relationships, but I do see it as a positive going forward for humans to no longer be desperate to have sex with each other. It could be good for teenagers as well who are too worried about pregnancy and STDs to have sex.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Sex is natural, and rejection is natural. Relationships fail....we learn. Failure is what we learn from the most. Mistakes, pain, fear, etc. They build character and we know what we want by experiencing what we don't. It teaches us coping skills...

No one will prefer sex with a non human. Sex is all about a human connection, and SJG is right. Otherwise its just some sort of overly complex masturbation

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago


If that's the case, then a lot of human sex is "overly complex masturbation" because they're not having a connection, they're just fucking. Most guys with waifu pillows connect more deeply with their waifu pillow than a lot of drunk people are with each other.


No see, what's funny to me is that you guys don't ever try to backup anything you say with real logic. You always give a vague kind of "you're wrong" to any concept that isn't familiar to you or falls into a conventional definition of looking at things. Whereas I'm always giving arguments, points, and evidence to support what I say or pointing out contradictions. I've already looked at every possible kink in my argument which is why none of these arguments impress me because I've already thought of it myself and ruled it out.

You say sex is about human connection: But lots of people just have sex for pleasure, the sensations it produces without having a real connection. This is counted as real sex. You say it has to be with a human: But some people have sex with animals, and this is considered "sex," albeit very stigmatized sex. You say it has to be something you remember: But lots of people don't remember drunk hookups that they've had. This is still considered "sex." You say it has to be a mutual pleasure kind of thing, where two people consider each other's feelings: So what about sex where its obviously all about one person and the other's feelings are not taken into consideration at all? This is still considered "sex" by people. If the idea is that artificial sex is not a "normal" way to have sex, well its going to be a normal way to have sex just one decade from now, will it suddenly be considered real sex in a decade? If so, how can you say it isn't real sex right now? In that case your argument falls apart because you're trying to say that objectively it cannot be considered real sex even though your definition of it is changing based on what has become normal or not.

Therefore, if all the same sensations are created and somebody can enjoy having sex with a doll or pillow as much or more than they might enjoy having sex with a human, then how does it not count as real sex?

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Furthermore, if we were to imagine a world where everybody just has sex with robots and it has become the norm. Then are you going to say its a sexless society? What if the majority of people have their own personal robot that they have sex with every day? You're saying it has to be with a human, so by your logic, nobody in this fictional society is having any sex. But I'm willing to bet that the people who have grown up in this fictional society all their life would strongly disagree with you. They would think human sex is weird and that you should only do it with robots. They might not even consider human sex to be real sex from their perspective.

In which case, you would both be wrong, because in reality, both of you are having sex, you are just choosing the type of sexual partner that is normal for your society and culture.

avatar for nicespice
5 yrs ago

I have not seen the Tatami Galaxy. I’ll have to look into it.

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

I thought this phenomenon was absurd but decided to click the link for shits and giggles. Damn, some of those dolls are hot! Does anyone know roughly how many uses you can get out them and whether their, uh, orifices are easy to clean? My friend would like to know.

avatar for JAprufrock
5 yrs ago

Just read the cleaning instructions on one of those sites and they recommend using a condom. This will save me the time of having to clean after every use. Now I just need to find one that resembles Kimberly Guilfoyle. Then again, the real Kimberly Guilfoyle might be cheaper to rent.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

CC99, I don't think you've ever experienced good sex if you think an inanimate object is comparable to fucking a girl.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

"It sounds like you’re addicted to orgasms and your brain is lashing out like a kid who just got his xbox taken away. Why not try abstaining from orgasms of any sort for a month? It might be just what your brain needs."

Is that all you got?

I've done 90% of the work for you, do the rest yourself.


I can't argue for objective quality regarding sex. To me making out with a girl is better than getting a blowjob. Most of this board disagrees. All I can argue is that you cannot exclude object sex from the umbrella of sex.


The Tatami Galaxy is really good. I finished the whole anime in one night.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

No matter how you try to spin this one it's still boys playing with dolls, that's more than a little bit fucked up.

avatar for Estafador
5 yrs ago

This actually can backfire and give people a warped perspective of how sex and relationships should go. Like people addicted to hookers, strippers or porn, one can assume it's ok to proposition ANY girl for sex and be ok. Plus how you gonna have a relationship with a doll. You're just going to be going out to dinner alone or looking weird bringing your sex doll all dressed up and your the only one eating.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Some people bring their waifus out in public https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tT1ALOw2Zw

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

What makes sex great is the person you're doing it with being attracted to you and actually wanting to do it.

There's a huge difference between P4P and someone attracted to you.

Sex with and without condoms...

Making out feels great but again, its about her reactions...you wont get the same thing with a hooker or a girl who just wants to kiss random guys.

You need to try to experience authentic sex

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

This isn't the future of sex...


avatar for gSteph
5 yrs ago

To each his own. I've humped a pillow I've masturbated to unrealistic or unattainable daydreams I've made love to one while dreaming of another (or two) And I've made wonderful, connected love with mate of nearly 40 years. Who cares? If I had money and the horniness of youth, would I try humping a sex doll?

Eh, maybe. Would I tell an internet board? Maybe not.
But, whatever.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

I'm not saying that masturbation is wrong or something to avoid. But I just don't think sex with a pillow, a doll, or a robot is real sex. And even doing a girl doggie style is really intense.


avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

"It was serious advice. After realizing how irrational you are getting I have no interest in trying to argue point for point."

Bullshit, nothing you say is serious, you're a troll account. And not a very good one either. Entertaining to argue with but its not worth taking anything you say seriously.


That guy is a public prankster.


I didn't think you were saying masturbation is wrong. I'm objecting to you referring to waifu pillow sex as masturbation.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Well the waifu pillow is not a human being.


avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

Anybody heard of the Pareto Principle? It's been postulated that the same principle is true in dating & sexual relationships, i.e. 20% of men are having sex with 80% of women. I doubt it's that extreme, but if it is, or if it ever is in the future, that may be a major cause for the rise in sex dolls / sex robots.

Also.... I know IceyLoco and others don't mind fucking a fat ass, but for me personally, I wouldn't fuck a fat bitch even if you paid me $100. I don't even think my dick would get hard. So... if the average BMI of American women continues to rise, then I just won't be sexually attracted to 99%+ of women.

(as an aside, I actually calculated a few weeks ago the percentage of American women that I would find attractive based on what body type BMI I am attracted to, and the distribution of BMI in the United States. I think the number was <1%)

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Confirmation bias is a result of only looking for studies that confirm your own theories. There are no scientific studies being cited here. This is an abstract concept we are arguing over.

Animals are not human beings either @SJG.


Yeah I've read about that theory too. There's actually a study that pretty much confirmed it, not to the extent of those numbers but they said its more like 50-60% of women are competing for the top 20% of guys. On Tinder specifically, it literally is 80% going for the top 20%. I'm like you in that I can't fuck a fat girl, my dick just wouldn't get hard. I don't even like the "thick" look or fat asses or any of that.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Animals are living things. Bestiality is in a different category.

But I still say that sex with pillows, dolls, or robots is masturbation. Not discouraging it, just saying that it is not really sex.


avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Tinder and dating apps won't get you anywhere. Not because women want the top 20% of guys but because there are too many guys on them and women's profiles get drowned with messages. I know girls who get upwards of 2000 guys trying to get at them a day on tinder and hundreds of messages on other apps. They just don't bother coz of the amount of guys....they won't go through all the clutter.

Meeting girls in person is the best way... do it at the grocery store, your apartments, street, whatever.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

F2F first meetings best, that way the girl can see how you assert yourself and feel in her bones that you like her.

All the better in places where girls dress sexy. Too few such places in my opinion.


avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

they dress sexy in clubs and bars, malls

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^ Yes, but not actually that many places, and limitations on such places.

For one thing, usually immediate sex will not be happening. Usually she has brought her own car. And then alcohol and driving don't mix.

Shopping malls can be good.

Instant sex venues, car free uptopias, these are the best in my opinion. I feel that this is why TJ works so well.

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I wonder what the fuck is wrong with you people ?

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

^^ aren't we all a little fucked up, in some ways?

(seriously though... do you really think any individual person is entirely "normal?")

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

A lot of drunk girls will fuck in alleys, cars, etc Its not a big deal. Most want to fuck ASAP when you hook up. Just don't let her puke on your dick lol Unless you're into that lulz

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Well I hate to put this image in your heads but we do refer to sex with corpses as "sex" as well. Corpses are not alive. But nobody says a guy masturbated inside of a corpse, or if you do, that gives people the image of a guy jacking off near it, not having sex with it.

Are you going to try and say that corpse sex is "real" and waifu pillow sex isn't? It also sounds like you're saying bestiality is "real" and waifu pillow sex isn't. How can you say that its not real to have a perfectly healthy sexual relationship with a waifu pillow but that bestiality and necrophilia is real when there are actual negative consequences to those behaviors while waifu pillow sex doesn't hurt anybody?

Artificial sex is the future. Its going to become normal much faster than you guys think it is. If you continue clinging to this idea that its not real sex, you are denying yourself as well as many people around you a lot of opportunities.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Actually, a corpse isn't legally a person. Its legally a material object....

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

I'm torn on bestiality..... yeah technically an animal can't give consent, but if it didn't enjoy fucking your or being fucked, I'm sure it would bite or scratch you.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

but bestiality is wrong on a lot of levels.... its just a different set of wrongs than having a relationship with a pillow

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Correct, its a material object legally but people accept sex with it as being "real."

This means sex with material objects is real.

But unlike corpse sex, there's nothing wrong with waifu pillow sex.

Warning! The following profiles in this thread have been classified as troll profiles.

Fun_Loving_Fella: Malicious/harassment troll profile.

IceyLoco: Undercover malicious/harassment troll profile.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Not really, a corpse was once a human plus they may have an attachment to the person the corpse one was. Its a completely different scenario from a pillow.

avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

You're such an asshole.

Why won't you just accept that waifu pillow sex is real too? You're trying to say that fucking animals and corpses is somehow more legitimate than this?

avatar for stripfighter
5 yrs ago

sooooo nobody's going to admit they have one of these things. i keep seeing it pop up someone's purchasing them.... i might buy one myself... for decoration of course :)

avatar for stripfighter
5 yrs ago

but srsly. if it gets you off and you enjoy it. go for it. I don't see it any differently than porn. IE not real but still brings you pleasure.

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

I'm going to attempt to end this argument right now:


  • From the Latin words manstuprare, from manus "hand" (as in manual) + stuprare "defile" (oneself), from stuprum "defilement, dishonor," related to stupere "to be stunned, stupefied" (as in stupid).


avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Fucking animals and corpses isn't legit, its fucked up in different ways from having a relationship with pillows.I won't go as far as to say Norman Bates had the first waifu lulz

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago
avatar for CC99
5 yrs ago

Thank you @FTS

That's true. Handjobs are not considered sex even though it is a girl doing it to you because she's using her hand to masturbate you. Masturbation specifically involves using a hand. It doesn't matter if a person is involved or not.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

But what kind of girl gives just a hand job....

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

It could also be a symptom of severe social anxiety. People will subconsciously convince themselves they're not going to extreme lengths to try to legitimate situations, scenarios, behaviors, etc which are detrimental to their well being.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

If this entity was an A-Life, more than just a doll, robot, or AI. So she largely runs herself and moves about. She is not like us, no protoplasm or DNA, but she does get regular parts replacements.

You can talk to her and engage with her. You can tell what sorts of people, what social realms, she hangs out with. You talk to her, you have sex with her, it makes her closer to you.

She has to be largely autonomous. Even though she is built for sex all day all night and 365 days per year, she still though thinks and discusses things just like we do. So she helps keep a community together.

The organization I am building will have most of its women serving in such a capacity, but they will be real women.


Alabama Passes Near Total Ban on Abortion as Part of “Stealth Campaign” to Overturn Roe v. Wade https://www.democracynow.org/2019/5/15/alabama_passes_near_total_ban_on#transcript

Georgia State Senator Jen Jordan (D) dissenting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyhIg3O_oUM

King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man - 2015 live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3028oDEKZo4

21st Century Schizoid Man / Alterd States https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plWK_oaVJ8M&list=PLRr777BFoqaqitkb32FsHrzQp-fF9EWoD

King Crimson Epitaph Best Version -- Greg Lake sings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFsqacN1ZCY

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

I still waiting for an answer WTF is wrong with you losers ? How about a real live woman SMH

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^^^ my organization, you get drained dry by stripper grade hotties, real women, 365 days per year.


avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^problem with your organization is it’s the same as these folks fucking inanimate objects, it only exists in your mind not in real life.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

^^^^ That is where you are wrong, we already have a handful of people, though at this time, just a handful.

The larger organization will exist as I have described. Among other things its a share-a-woman program.


avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

I think I may be the only impartial one here (not sure, depends on CC99's sex life) because I too think it's a little weird to fuck a doll / pillow, but I'm not so proud and egotistical to say that the way I have sex is the ONLY thing that counts as "sex." I think SJG, Icey, Fun_Loving, you guys seem to be defensively attached to a strict definition of "sex," maybe due to a secret fear that people will think that you are less manly. If that's the case, does that make you all cowards?

Consider this question: In the movie "American Pie," with what type of pie does the main character, Jim Levenstein, have sex?

Follow up question: Do you really think most people who have seen that movie would object to the validity of that question? How does that question make sense in your head if sex is only between two living humans? If one were to ask the different question, "with why type of pie does Jim masturbate?" don't you think people who have seen the movie would actually object to THAT question, and correct the asker by saying something like, "Jim doesn't masturbate with any pie, he has sex with an apple pie because somebody told him that that is what sex feels like and because he was a virgin he decided to experiment."

I hereby declare that if one can have sex with an apple pie, one can certainly have sex with a doll that very closely resembles a female human. If you claim that Jim Levenstein doesn't have sex with an apple pie in the movie "American Pie" then you are irrational.

SJG, Icey, et al... you are wrong.


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

FTS, suppose she is actually an A-Life, a largely autonomous droid who goes around and fucks all of the guys that you know, so you can talk to her and help build the community.

I have only yielded subject to this condition, not an AI, but actually an A-Life.


avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

There's a difference between sticking your dick in something til you cum and having sex with someone.

SJG what's the share-a-woman program?

avatar for twentyfive
5 yrs ago

^ Like Uber but imaginary lol

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Share-a-woman program is part of the organization I am working to build.


avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

I know but what exactly does the program consist of?

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

Well it is a vast and complex organization, to some degree economically communal, for others no. In large measure a think tank, and also a venture capitalist. Also an esoteric and occult group, and also political.

We take very good care or our women. And so 365 days per year you will be getting drained dry by stripper grade hotties.


avatar for pistola
5 yrs ago

I wanna know if CC has his waifu pillow on the couch next to him and talking to it while he is watching game of thrones.

avatar for FTS
5 yrs ago

"But I still say that having a pillow as an imaginary friend qualifies as a sex life just as much as necrophilia and bestiality."

  • That's fair. I wouldn't say that the three are equally strange or equally taboo, though. In fact, if the quality of a "sex life" is measured by the difficulty with which it is achieved (e.g. having 5 plates who are all 10s is more difficult than having 2 plates who are both 4s), then I think sex with dead people and sex with animals may be a greater sex life than sex with a pillow, merely due to the fact that those two are far more difficult to achieve than fucking a pillow. I mean... most people sleep on top of a pillow every single night they go to bed. Fucking a pillow is easier than fucking a girl. It's also easier than fucking one of these $2000 sex dolls.

"There's a difference between sticking your dick in something til you cum and having sex with someone. "

  • Absolutely. No argument there, sex with a person is very different. My argument is simply about semantics: what should be considered "sex" and what shouldn't. Not about the quality of sex, or the magnitude.

FYI, some people and some organizations consider masturbation to be a form of sex. Here I quote a government website: "Masturbation is a safer form of sex that carries no risk of sexually transmissible infection or unplanned pregnancy."

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Fucking pillows isn't deviant behavior. Fucking animals and corpses is....

My critique of having an imaginary sex partner is that you miss out on real life experiences, both good as well as bad, that help us learn coping skills and dealing with others.

You don't just fall into a great relationship from out of nowhere, you learn how to be a better partner over time. Not having that learning experience stunts your personal growth.

And with sex, if you have a high sex drive, its waste to fuck pillows when you could be learning to be a better lover with human girls.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

An actual A-Life, largely autonomous, and embedded into a social network of guys that you know.


avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

I don't get how fear of rejection can be so great that a guy is willing to replace human companionship with inanimate objects. Rejection is a part of life.... we learn from it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

The android A-Life, besides the ultimate masturbation tool, she conveys messages about the male grouping.

I've only endorsed the idea if she is not just an AI, but an ALife embedded into a social network.


avatar for san_jose_guy
5 yrs ago

A-life, something to consider. Better in Silicone Rubber, or better to just have real women to do the same job?


avatar for serry
5 yrs ago

When I lost myself, the sex doll gave me hope. https://www.urdolls.com

avatar for Idris82
4 yrs ago

Can somebody give me a hint? I just don't know the law - Can I carry a sex doll that looks like a human being in my front seat car? I found a sex doll on this site https://adultproductsbox.com/top-10-sex-dolls/ that looks great and I fell in love with it. Now I want to take it everywhere.

avatar for Jascoi
4 yrs ago

sure. (butt i’m not a lawyer.)

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Fucking a pillow is less manly than what? Fondling a Barbie doll while getting pegged by an 83 year old hooker?

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