
Relative Fugliness

Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:27 AM
No, not your sister or cousin. Mongering at several area SCs regularly, I often see the same dancers at different clubs. Glad to see most of them anywhere, I keep this info to myself i.e., what happens in one club stays in that club. (This information could be used against them. Many are very fortunate that I only use my superpowers for Good.) At a SC offering mostly 7s and 8s I never considered Random to be the House Fugly- until she moved to the 9-ish Class club. Yikes. I've yet to see it work the other way. Once a Fugly, always a Fugly? DG


  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Shadow: Good point. Funny but true. Enough alcohol can straighten-out the widest RF curve. Cash flow discipline can go out the window as well. In fact, some dancers are counting on it. DG
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Chandler: Fair enough. If I misinterpreted your comments, I apologize for taking offense. And kudos on avoiding any SFR. DG
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat:I used to believe that when I was 20 and trolling regular clubs for pussy. I'm all grown up now and, since I can pay for a beautiful woman to be with me, I don't settle for what looks good through the bottom of a bear bottle. I never got the impression that you did either...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    DG: Relax. No threat. I was simply calling attention to the similarity for those who remember the "social proof" disciple whose offenses, it so happens, were unrelated. While I don't doubt that your tactic has helped you, I've seen a fair number of unattractive strippers I had avoided at previous clubs, and I never had reason to regret having rejected their offers. No disastrous shunned fugly revenge here.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I agree with FONDL. However, I get the feeling DG is using the term fugly more liberally than the rest of us. There are girls I might not want to join me amidst a hot lineup who aren't by any means downright fuglies. BTW, DG, I doubt if he learned anything, and I don't care. My intent wasn't to teach a lesson, just to get rid of a nuisance.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    It's possible that those with enough Hotties under their belt are more forgiving to the Fuglies. While I agree that a gaggle of dancers can certainly be clique-y, Fuglies are just as often viewed as 'non-threatening' and used as wallet/asshole Scouts. And it's hardly about just Impressing the Hotties. Simply Survival Skills for the hard-core multi-club area mongerers. But what works for one rarely works for all. I welcome all opposing views and experiences. Veiled threats from old men, OTOH, are just comical. Happy Hunting, DG
    18 years ago
    My experience is that the hot girls don't want the fuglies around any more than customers because it lowers the club's reputation, and they aren't likely to pay much attention to anything the fuglies say about customers. As we all know, dancers group together into cliques and fuglies aren't likely to be part of a hot girl clique.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I'm perfectly civil when I tell fuglies no thanks no way. BTW, there used to be another guy around here who preached using fuglies as Social Proof to impress hot strippers and get dates with them. He got it from a book. I had him banished from the board.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Despite their relative Fugliness, Fuglies can carry even more weight than that which is physically evident. A customer sees a Repeat Fugly at another club. If he's been nice to her at the previous club she may spread his decent rep to the other girls. In other words, she might be his ticket to getting-in-good with the others. But if he's shunned her, the ReFug may do everything she can to turn them against him. If the customer is new to the club this can be especially disasterous. Preconceptions are often more powerful than first impressions. Be civil to your Fuglies- it may pay-off later. DG
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Fuglotty? Hotgly? Seven months older? DG
    18 years ago
    Which raises the question, if she's a Fuglie in January, starts working out and dieting and is a hottie in December, what is she in July? A semi-fuglie? A semi-hottie? A transitional? A rarity? A late bloomer? I've always liked the late bloomers, they often have better attitudes than the girls who were always hot.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Pretty rare. Extremely rare. Frustratingly so ...
    18 years ago
    But DG, to answer your question, "Once a Fugly, always a Fugly?" - I have known girls who went from being a fuglie to a hottie by losing a lot of weight and working out regularly. In fact my ATF did that. But it's pretty rare.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    To follow-up, it seems the aforementioned 9-ish club was the only one that had no Runner-up Fugly or even Least Non-Fugly that night (purely subjective and always subject to change). No wonder seeing Random there was a shock. Stiff competition for any New or Relocated Meat. Thanks for the input, DG
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Well, fugly is fugly. I have been known to see some dancers in a new light when they changed clubs but not the fugly ones. In fact, several months ago I walked out of a club without even ordering a drink when I saw two world-class annoying fuglies that had all but driven me from another club come out of the dressing room.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I think that the "relative" phenomenon (Village Venus, sometimes is the term among evolutionary psychologists) does happen in the male psyche. But I also think there's some kind of "bare minimum" below which no girl can be the Venus regardless of how ugly the remainder are.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    That depends on how you define fugly. If you have a girl who is a 6 and not fugly and all the rest are 1's and fugly, and then move her to a club where they are all at least 7's, she's just simply the worst rated girl. Someone, unfortunately, has to be the worst rated girl, assuming you just don't rate them all the same. I hate to sound all analytical about it, but that's just the way it is. As for me personally, if I like a girl, it don't matter where she is.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    If the question is whether a fugly becomes attractive in a club without any lookers, I would say no. However, I wouldn't have necessarily considered her a fugly to begin, just because there were better looking girls at the first club. Fugliness is a definite malady IMHO, no matter where it makes its appearance.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    There's a girl here in Jackson MS who is considered "the tops" among our (very few) clubs and strippers. I never was much impresed with her, but the discussion boards make it clear that she's the desired commodity among men who don't get to clubs outside Jackson often. She does sometimes dance in Memphis, where she will rank no better than a 6 visually, though a youthful looking, fun, friendly 6.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Good for you. That'll teach him. DG
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Any efforts at making the transformation are greatly appreciated. BTW, 'Stiff competition' was too easy. But it could also be said, in summation, that there was a gaping hole between the ranked pussy. Time for bed, DG
    18 years ago
    I have a minimum appearance standard that I expect dancers to meet. If they don't IMO they shouldn't be dancing, and I dont spend any time or money on them. And that doesn't matter where they are. If I'm in a club where none of the dancers meet my minimum standard, and unfortunately I've had that experience, I leave. I'm there to see attractive women and I ignore the funglies.
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