Club Rating 10 / Dancer Rating 1

goldmongerATLThe Square Above Charlie Weaver
This is from someone's recent review. Can you really separate the club rating from the dancer rating to this degree? Doesn't the club rating partly reflect the quality of dancers in it?
"Everything is going well... then I start to smell something. The more she grinds the more I smell. She smells like shit. Like actual shit. It smelled so bad I couldn’t even finish the dance. After that I just went home from disgust. "
last commentNot in this instance. Sounds like this was simply an isolated case of a stripper who shit her pants. It shouldn't be held against the club as a whole if the establishment is otherwise top notch.
No! This reviewer is just upset with the shitty dance he got. I was just in that club on Saturday and it no way in hell rates a 10 and the dancers rated higher than a 1.
Well, HIS dancer rates a 1. Agree the club is nowhere near a 10. What is a 10 on the club scale? The Lodge in Dallas?
When I rate a club, I rate the amenities and the building and décor and all that...ooh, it added the accent: nice. Dancer rating is completely separate. That said, it's near impossible for there to be that much of a discrepancy between the two. Regarding this particular case, I understand but disagree with the reviewer on rating the dancers a 1 due to his experience.
It can happen. You can have a great looking club, excellent service, everything, but the dancers can be terrible. I usually find this to be the case in overly tourist oriented clubs or clubs that try to be really high end..... but end up hiring stick figure dancers, dancers who have the personalities of robots... etc. I'd even rate extras clubs low on the scale of the vibe and quality of hookers working there.
I rated this club a 6 on my last visit. That's only because of the recent remodel in which they replaced all of the torn up furniture and improved the VIP area. It's still solidly in dive territory. Dancer quality varies dramatically, but I haven't ever seen any I would rate a 1, but I also didn't encounter any that literally smelled like shit.
I don't believe that the dancer smelled like shit. I've never encountered a bad smelling dancer before. They constantly go to the locker room to freshen up... I think whoever wrote the review was just pissed off at the dancer for whatever reason.
I have never encountered a zebra, they must not exist.
Club long enough and you WILL encounter stank.
I saw that 10 rating for that club...made me laugh out loud.
I've been at it 11 years... depends on the clubs and hoes you go for lol
Strippers smell like the customer they danced for before you all the time. It can be a dirty old man smell, construction work smell, like cologne....if the dancer doesn't realize cause she got used to the smell. It's just logical if you grind/cuddle/dance with a dude you will smell like them. Just like how I smell like them after I leave the club, it's not like they have showers there. Plus life happens sometimes people just smell. Perfume doesn't cover up being dirty
May be a 10 in an alternate universe!
I guess but its good etiquette for strippers to go use a wet wipe and add some perfume between customers.
Only thing stiff was his drink and nothin else - so club got the 10
oh shit. I’m not looking forward to learning this lesson.
Dancer rating shouldn’t be based on one dancer, unless she’s the only one there.