I was 18

avatar for MS4S
I was 18 when I went to My first strip club as a patron and 17 when I entered My first strip,club as a vouyer when I went to visit a friend who worked in one
Ho wold were you when you first stumbled into a strip joint/club and what was the average age of the patrons there at the time you went?


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avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
You weren't one of those kids from Angel Beach High School that destroyed my club are you?
avatar for CC99
6 years ago
I was 18 too, I think the average age of the other guys at my club is around 40? I don't go around asking the other customers how old they are though lol.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
18. Read my article on remembering Tijuana.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I was 17 the first time I got into one. Been hooked on strippers ever since
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
the average patron was a lot older. i never paid much attention to their ages though
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
23, had just arrived in Fairbanks Alaska in '77(?), my friends took me to 'the Bare Affair'.
Holy shit, wow. Had 2 beers after 6 months off drinking, made an impression.
Can still remember 3 of the dancers.
avatar for 4got2wipe
6 years ago
I had to look flagooner’s reference up because it was before my time.

But the google summary of Porky’s did leave me with a question for flagooner: were you the guy named Pee-Wee in the movie? If so, I feel for you buddy. That is a non-brilliant nickname!
avatar for 4got2wipe
6 years ago
Regarding the main topic of this thread, my first time was at 21. I drank a lot of beer so I don’t remember much.

I didn’t fall in strip clubs for a while and still don’t engage with them they way most posters here do. I certainly take the position that boobies = brilliant but I can’t picture being a rickdugan-type driving around a stripper with outstanding warrants kind of guy or even a JohnSmith69-type with 700 different “dream strippers”. If even 10% of the stories are true you guys are hardcore!

No disrespect intended. The crazy stories are entertaining. More power too you if you enjoy it! ;)
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Pee-wee was one of those snot-nosed kids that destroyed my club.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Some here have seen my past posts on here about this. It was my 17th birthday. Some friends decided that I’d been feeling sorry for myself over my former girlfriend for too long and took me to a club in Ft. Erie. They didn’t seem to care that we were almost all underage.

They paid for multiple hours with a hot little Vietnamese girl who called herself Kim. Being immortal and invulnerable at the time, I didn’t even use a rubber.

I don’t remember all of it, being rather intoxicated at the time, but I do remember having a blast and blasting off more than a few times in that period.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I was 19, and I don’t recall the ages...maybe 30s/40s?
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
my first real strip club experience was at the age of 45 in 1995. Phoenix Arizona. great Alaskan bush company. it was nice seeing nude ladies... one was especially beautiful. and soooo sexy.
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