
Big vs. Small

Blue Ridge Foothills
Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:15 AM
I keep seeing posts that disparage "big, glitzy clubs". I realized one thing the upscale clubs I like have in common is that they are not big. I hate those huge, cavernous clubs where the stage dwarfs the dancers, and you hear the DJ echo like you're in some sports arena. I'm not impressed by mammouth spectacle. I want things presented on a human scale. On the other hand, I prefer a club that has enough strippers that there are likely to be several I'm attracted to. Even if I only spend time with one, I like having extras to play supporting roles and give me something to think about coming back for. And I don't want to have to hike around to different rooms to see them. So, I guess I like medium sized clubs the best.


  • chandler
    18 years ago
    The Columbia Platinum Plus might have appeared larger to me because it has a lot of corners and split-levels. I wouldn't by any means call it a small club, so the one in Greenville must be enormous. The Memphis PP, as I recall (from about 9 years ago), had one big, featureless room with a drop ceiling, like a barely converted family buffet-type restaurant. One thing I didn't like was that it wasn't set up well for wandering around to check things out. No places to stop and lean against a counter, whatever, except around the bar and entrance.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I probably would have thought of the Columbia PP club as small to medium size maybe a bit more medium. It seems too small on the weekend though if a large crowd shows up which seems to be always the case if I show up. Compared to the PP club in Greenville, the sister club in Columbia seems tiny.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    One thing I've just now figured out, in thinking about this big-v-small issue, is that all the clubs I've ever liked have had LOW CEILINGS. Not necessarily that they were big or small, but even the big ones had something vaguely "intimate' about them, at least in the VIP rooms. Clubs that are big ol' danged warehouses, whether they're glitzy or not, have failed for me. Just a thought.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    to me big and glitzy means places like The Cheetah or the now-closed Gold Club in Atlanta. I am sure the big places in Vegas, or places like Scores in NYC would fall into this category also. IMHO PP in Columbus and PP in Memphis do not fall into this category. Mid-size is probably the best description for these type of clubs. Many of my other favorite clubs fall into this category also. The rest are small, local clubs.
    18 years ago
    BTW, I tend to think of big and small primarily in terms of how many dancers a place typically has, which usually correlates pretty closely to how many customers it can accomodate. To me a small club typically has 2-5 dancers per shift during the day (if it's open), maybe twice that on week noghts and 3 times that on weekends. A big club has maybe 5 times that. The medium sized clubs are obviously in between those extremes. I've had really great times and really bad times in clubs of all sizes but most of my really great times have been in small clubs. Maybe because my both my #1 and #2 ATFs worked in small clubs.
    18 years ago
    Huge, I agree, but that's my problem. I know of small inexpensive clubs where the atmosphere is very friendly and where I can spend time with and get some great LDs from a very pretty girl at a very reasonable price. How much more value can I get by paying more? I'm already getting everything that's important to me for a lot less. I think I was spoiled because my ATF worked in a little place where laps were $10 and they were everything I wanted and then some.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I wouldn't mind high priced clubs so much if I was getting value from them. Everything is relative. I would much prefer going to a high priced club with minimal business than a large sized club where the personability of the people working there is limited.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    medium-sized: i can see the entire floor action but, even when fairly busy, can observe the 2-table/chair (distance) SC man-law. if there isn't such a law, there should be. another vote for medium, dg
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    Cheetahs in Vegas would qualify as a medium sized club (even small IMO). I didn't think Olympic Garden was particularly big either but I've only seen it as half open, the other side has been closed the limited times I've walked in. I would consider Seamless medium to large but I've never been in there when it was smoking busy. Striptease is a medium type club which could easily double as a neighbourhood one even tho there is significant size to the place. It's def an odd layout.
    18 years ago
    Oops, meant to say Club Risque, I don't think they're part of the Cafe Risque chain. My favorite tiny club is the Erotic Cafe in NJ but as others have said it's hit and miss because there are only a few girls dancing per shift, which is usually true of all little clubs. But if you find the right girl it's the best time of all.
    18 years ago
    It's not really the glitz that I object to, it's the high prices and attitudes that usually accompany it. I'd probably like a glitzy club with reasonable prices and friendly people but I've never seen one. My most recent regular club was Gentlemen's Gold Club in Baltimore, which is probably the glitziest club I've ever been to and I liked just about everything about it but the prices. It just cost too damn much to go there so I stopped. I usually like medium-sized clubs if they aren't too expensive. I'd put Brad's in that category and also Cafe Risque in Bristol, which are probably my 2 favorite clubs anywhere.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I was in Spearmint Rhino in Vegas which would qualify as a big glitzy club and lasted ten minutes. The place was beautiful but it felt like a warehouse with zero intimacy. I prefer medium type clubs that look rather pedestrian, or have some age on them.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Shadowcat: I would describe the Columbia, SC Platinum Plus as medium/large in size and medium in glitziness, i.e., neither glitzy nor funky. Although it's a bit spread out, at least it doesn't feel overwhelmingly big, nor does it have pretentious features like those huge glitzy stairs that dancers descend to the stage from like they're about to be crowned a princess instead of showing their tits. I thought it was pretty comfy.
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