Ever shit yourself during a LD?

Recently moved to Trenton, NJ
I ate a pack of juicy fruit beforehand and just shit myself during the LD. While it is fun leave the LD area with a LDK its very challenging to excuse yourself with that smell emanating from your drawers.
last commentNo wonder you shit yourself if you are a pack of juicy fruit gum! lol That dates me
Fuck off loser.
I assume you mean "chew". Juicy fruit and many other sugar free gums are loaded with sorbitol which causes diarrhea. I hope you at least tipped the poor girl.
No but i have farted while fucking
She literally danced the Shotnout of you. That has never happened to me before, But I did literally fuck the shit of my boss on a conference room table after hours. She looked at me, as I stared longingly at her DDD tits from MISH position, and said that she believes I shit the table. I did not skip a beat as I came right back and said, “ no, dear, it was you who shit and you can now add that to your bucket list... someone (aka, me) just fucked the shit out of you!” We had a good laugh.
I can’t spell shot, i mean shit, for shit these days!
There was a thread about wearing depends to the club
Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday!
Not yet. Had a very lively discussion about this with a couple strippers monday.
I also did this same thread a few years ago
I’ve floated a few air biscuits while in strip clubs, but not while getting a lap dance.
I certainly never shit myself while getting a lap dance!
Come to think of it, I’ve managed never to shit myself ever since I was persuaded as a child that there was a viable alternative to incontinence.
But I’m getting old now so I’d better not jinx myself by bragging about the phenomenal reliability of my sphincters.
Shitter stories unleashed!
@kingcripple the fact that there was a thread about this before amuses me