Careful out there with the honeys

Old Man helped young woman out to the tune of $300,000. She probably killed him when he tried to confront her about all her lies. Lesson learned, don’t confront, just cut off contact and move on.……
What a dumb fucking bitch to think she could get away with this. Imagine being hot (I presume) and young and now having to spend essentially the rest of your life in prison (hope she's not against the insertion of broomstick handles).
I agree with King_Gambrinus, if I had that kind of money to spend, I'd spread it over numerous women. I guess the lesson here is if you're old, lonely and rich, don't overspend on one woman, who might take advantage of you, Play the field and experience countless pussies and tits -- words to live by.
Maybe. He was 71, probably accumulated money over the years from a decent salary.
But for all we know that $300,000 could have been all or most of his life savings.
One of my fears is that when I get older, into my 60s and perhaps this guy's age, I'll be so fucking lonely that I'll be willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money to one stripper/escort for companionship and get taken to the cleaners. Hopefully, I'll be a fuck 'em and leave 'em type of guy instead.
But your point is well-taken. Why obsess over one murderous bitch when you can have a plethora of pussy with that kind of cash.
And it can keep growing. Invested in mutual funds that mimic the S&P 500 and get you a 10 percent annual return, you're looking at $30,000 a year for mongering without really touching the principal. Not a bad budget for a few annual trips to TJ, eh?
That's my plan and I'm sticking to it!
But your point is well-taken. Why obsess over one murderous bitch when you can have a plethora of pussy with that kind of cash.
And it can keep growing. Invested in mutual funds that mimic the S&P 500 and get you a 10 percent annual return, you're looking at $30,000 a year for mongering without really touching the principal. Not a bad budget for a few annual trips to TJ, eh?
That's my plan and I'm sticking to it!