Paying the price the next day
It's all one big party when one is out at night playing at the titty bar. The drinks are flowing easily and a nice light glow settles in. The breaded hot wings smell and taste great, with a nice burn that compliments the booze. There's a bevy of hot ass girls waiting for attention and, on the best of nights, one of those hot ass girls agrees to a fun OTC romp to top the night off nicely. All of this, of course, happening under the forgiving cover of darkness.
But then the next day comes and the tab has arrived. Last night's drinks are today's stuffy head, whether one has to work or not. The hot wings have made their trip through the body and the burn has moved from the mouth to the ass. And maybe one's dick is sore from a girl who got off by grinding the shit out of it, which felt just fine at the time but much less so the next morning.
This is a generic post of course - not about me at all. ;)
Anyone else pay a price the next day for their SC adventures?
last commentNo, of course not. Just an inexperienced PL here reading a forum based on guys paying women for sex, to learn a few things from the master such as yourself.
I remember when I had my first beer.
“Breaded hot wings”
Abomination! Begone with thee Satan!
Not even kidding. Growing up in Western NY, you won’t ever see me eating that trash.
But on topic, it’s been a long time since I paid that morning after price. Drinking and fucking don’t go together at all for me anymore.
And yes, I have tried breaded wings. Every single time, they’ve sucked. I no longer even bother.
I pay for it when I wake up for work at 6:30am to get ready for work.
George - have your tried Korean wings? They are breaded and oh so awesome.
No breading on the wings, ever.
Jimmy, yes I have, and no they aren’t. :)
I can remember the days when we threw away the wings because they were more trouble than they were worth. How times have changed.
I can also remember the days when after the party, we went to breakfast and then straight to work. They were loooong days. :)
The traditional korean fried wings are not breaded. The saucy ones are but they dont hold a candle to the original.
@shadowcat: When they first debuted, wings were often dirt-cheap, sometimes even free, and not nearly as large as they are now. They were like the peanuts and popcorn at some clubs and bars now, there to make you thirsty so you’d buy more beer. :)
Yeah. The wings at Follies are free but very salty. :)
At the end of 2018, i spent 3 days in a little over a week at HK and partied way too much.
After the last arriba I learned what it meant to be AFO, I didn't want to look at another women.
As I made my way to the US border and then to my car, I made the walk of shame and it felt like all eyes were staring at me.
On that walk I felt the opposite of the euphoria I experienced after each arriba session and it hit me all at once like coming off a drug induced high way too quickly.
Never been much of a drinker but I've drank/drink every now and then and lately I've felt crappier the next day than in the past.
I do not drink or overpay dumb bitches for otc. The only thing i don't like is jet lag or getting my eyes raped by rick dugan's dumb ass posts
When I was young I worked in a butcher shop for a short time, one of the Hobbs was cutting up chickens using a bandsaw, back in those days a few restaurants had a deal with the butcher that the wings which otherwise would have been tossed in the scrap containers were sold to them cheap and were used to make soups.
I remember the last punishing post-sc at-work hangover. It was after Club Eden in Pensacola. I wasnt expecting much, but I ran into two fantastic MILFs who kept me there and partying far later than I planned. Sexy, witty, and truly sweet, so it was worth it. But I was dying the next day. I figure we all need a terrible hangover from time to time to remind us not to drink to excess.
Not really. I’m usually one or two beers in at the club so any decisions I’ve made, I’ve accepted and dealt with at that time. I think I’m gonna need one of these regret nights tonight though, I have not clubbed hard since November and I got a lot of money to blow.
@Countrygirl: The more you post, the more I understand why you seem to have more luck with girls who can't understand you. ;)
@GMD: We are talking about big wings made even bigger with the breading. An order of 10 is enough for a meal. I hear you about the breading, but the breaded wings in this place are damned good. Though from what one of the cooks told me, the breading wreaks havoc on their fryer, so it's not their favorite dish to make.
@Gam: The problem with hangover lessons is that they tend to fade quickly as the hangover subsides.
@Countrygirl: The more you post, the more I understand why you seem to have more luck with girls who can't understand you. ;)
@GMD: We are talking about big wings made even bigger with the breading. An order of 10 is enough for a meal. I hear you about the breading, but the breaded wings in this place are damned good. Though from what one of the cooks told me, the breading wreaks havoc on their fryer, so it's not their favorite dish to make.
@Gam: The problem with hangover lessons is that they tend to fade quickly as the hangover subsides.
Yes paid the price twice this week. Was hurting on Wednesday morning after Tuesday night adventures at Follies and currently paying the price from too much fun (no such thing really) in Milwaukee last night.
I’m generally pretty good at not over drinking, and I always have a few bottles of water in between drinks, I can’t really remember the last time I had a hangover, I tend to recover pretty quickly compared to what a lot of you guys are saying. The only problem I remember having is having to get up to pee in the middle of the night.
@everyone. I have yet to experience a hangover. I do drink and have a lot of fun (maybe 5 long island teas and a few shots) with beautiful women over the course of a 6 hour night, but I have always been able to get my ass up at 630 am to get going with no repercussions.
Mexican wings tend to be on the small side. i’m not much of a wing guy anyway. i’d rather have breast!
And my hangovers are just be feeling DULL
cristobal... the only reason i leave tj after three days (mostly hk) is MONEY. ain’t a cheap hobby... even in tijuana. (took six girls up this week.)
I'm glad I don't drink. I hear hangovers suck.
@inbred cocksucker you can say anything you want i really don't give a shit because their is nothing you will ever have to say i give a shit about. Nothing is going to change the fact that to me you are and will always be an imbred joke.
CM - you undermine yourself when you say you don’t give a shit and then start two threads titled ‘Rick Dugan.’ Just sayin.
"@Countrygirl: The more you post, the more I understand why you seem to have more luck with girls who can't understand you. ;)"
Gotta admit. That was a funny line.