
Mueller Report Released

Anywhere there are Titties.
OK, now what are the Dems going to do with themselves now ? Are they going to come up with another conspiracy ?


  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Sounds like he did obstruct justice. He was never going to be charged with a crime.

    Guess we will have to go back to focusing on the racism and sexism of the Prez, the grifting, the dishonesty, the bad demeanor unbecoming of a President...
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The AOC nutjobs are still gonna ask for impeachment and are going to continue to go after Trump as their #1 order of business
  • ime
    6 years ago
    the butthurt will continue and only get worse in his 2nd term
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The conclusion is that there was Russian interference in our election, how are we going to stop it, this is not the end, we need to make our elections secure, or this was a big waste of time.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    A slight edit to @Papi's post...

    "The AOC (and @25) nutjobs are still gonna ask for impeachment and are going to continue to go after Trump as their #1 order of business"
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Sure Russia tried to influence public opinion with fake media accounts, but at the end of the day does a single one of us on here feel like he/she was influenced to vote a particular way by a social media account? Did those accounts really change anyone's mind or just attract followers who were already inclined to agree with them?

    And yes, they hacked into Hillary's private server and obtained emails. But whose fault was it for having those on a private unsecure server to begin with? She was only susceptible to this becoming a campaign issue because it actually happened.

    OTOH, there was no evidence that any hard core tampering occurred, such as successfully penetrating voting machines or causing inaccurate vote counts.

    Idk but I have always thought that this whole Russia interference thing was overblown. Besides, what could we actually really do about it without tasking social media providers with censoring political speech? IMHO that's a much worse outcome than a few Russians posting crap on random FB accounts.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ fuck y’all
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I've heard the talking points ad nauseum that the Russians interfered. How did they?

    BTW, yes, I'm lazy that I'm not researching it myself.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ That was for flagoober;)
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Finally this is over. Sure the Dems will be trying to make lemonade out of this for many months to come. But if they don't stop investigating so much and instead start legislating more, then I suspect their control of the House is going to be very brief. Now that the news is out that (1) the Trump campaign did not collude; and (2) that there is no obstruction of justice charge forthcoming, they are going to be far less tolerant of this type of partisan maneuvering.
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Go TRUMP. MAGA. That’s all I have to say about that.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    The Mueller report is 100% total and complete vindication of Trump on the "collusion" claim, and at least 90% of that on the obstruction claims. I've been flipping back and forth between Fox News and CNN to see how they are reporting. Fox News I think is accurately portraying what's in the report (or more accurately the summary of the report), while CNN wants to play up that the report doesn't "exonerate" Trump on the obstruction claim. Of course, that's what Barr and Rod Rosenstein (the same guy that appointed Mueller) did when they determined there isn't evidence to support a prosecution. It's scarey to think that Adam Shiff is head of the House Intel comittee and John Brennan used to head of the CIA. These are the ones who have been most loudly been calling Trump a traitor, a Putin puppet, etc. They have both proved that they are totally incompetent intelligence analysts.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... Sure Russia tried to influence public opinion with fake media accounts, but at the end of the day does a single one of us on here feel like he/she was influenced to vote a particular way by a social media account ..."

    Everyone on every side is trying to influence the election - any adult knows politics is as dirty a business as there is.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Beyond a reasonable doubt, would someone obstruct justice to cover up a crime they didnt commit?

    Sounds like fags like JamesSD will go on to hating someone that has a different letter by their name for any reason they can think of, which are typically things that his own party has done way more of than Trump ever has. But that's cool, the reat of us will secretly think that morons like James and I'm sure 25 and SJG are just retards expressing their right to free speech while screaming that fox news is fake news. We'll never tell you that behind your backs we thing you are faggy little douchbags, no, we'll keep all that to ourselves and just watch what retarded bullshit you spew next. Well start to wonder, if you're so wrong on politics, maybe your a complete liar in how much ass your getting from hot young strippers. Maybe you can't beat everyone's ass that call you out maybe you're just a little fucking troll that deserves the respect of a little fucking troll. Of course, we'll never say that, we'll just secretly think it. Trump 2020 just became a reality.
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    I think it's obvious that the Russian's successfully interfered in our elections, but also quite clear that they weren't trying to do it for the benefit of one side.

    This outcome is why I've been supportive of Mueller. I never thought they would find a smoking gun or really any serious evidence of collusion. But after 22 months only a complete idiot would suggest they missed something.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    @Dugan “And yes, they hacked into Hillary's private server and obtained emails. But whose fault was it for having those on a private unsecure server to begin with? She was only susceptible to this becoming a campaign issue because it actually happened.“

    You may want to fact check that statement.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I'm confused, what did Russia do that was so bad in regards to influencing the election? MSNBC and CNN do the same thing, but they do it exclusively to favor the Dems.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Glad the investigation is over. Surprised they didn’t get junior on anything as he seems fairly stupid. Maybe now we can have some semblance of a country united against the Russians and Syrians.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Trump was not exonerated...

    This is exactly what Barr’s summary report says & I quote:

    “While the report does not conclude that the President Committed a crime, it does not exonerate him”

    Keyword: It does not exonerate him

    It’s way too early for y’all to assume that the President Donald J Trump is innocent...

    If he was innocent then Special Counsel Muller should have exonerated him but he did not...

    To be remain as unbiased as possible, I will however wait for the Full Report to be released either to Congress or the General Public before I can pass a judgement...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Another question that remain to be answered is

    If Special Counsel Muller did not exonerate President Donald J Trump why would General Attorney Bar exonerate him & while is President Donald J Trump & Fox News claiming total exoneration when he indeed wasn’t exonerated by the Special Counsel...

    We also have to keep in mind that Same President Donald J Trump choose to fire former Attorney General Sessions & appointed him very own puppet Attorney General Barr...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ "Keyword: It does not exonerate him"

    That's a long word with a few spaces.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    We now know three things based on the Special Counsel Muller Report:

    (A) Special Counsel Muller did not find any evidence of Collusion between President Trump & Russia

    (B) Special Counsel Muller did not exonerate President Donald J Trump on Obstruction

    (C) Russia did infact interfer during the 2016 General Elections in the United States...

    Those are the three major takeaways from the summary...

    Any other information been currently circulated by the Biased Media apart from the above is false...

    And I refused to be swayed to any given direction until the full report is released...
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    “While the report does not conclude that the President Committed a crime, it does not exonerate him”

    This quote only references the obstruction claim. The Mueller report absolutely exonerated Trump on the “collusion” claim. And although the Mueller report didn’t exonerate him on the obstruction claim, Barr and Rosenstein did by agreeing there was insufficient evidence to prosecute. Trump doesn’t have to prove he is innocent of anything. It’s the prosecutor’s job to prove he’s guity of something. If the prosecution can’t do that he’s presumed innocent.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Then President Donald J Trump once again rushes to twitter and says:

    “No Collusion, No obstruction, Complete & total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!

    Here he goes again with his lies...

    Does President Donald J Trump ever gets tired of lying?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    They just need more time.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Also recall Trump has been shouting until he was blue in the face that Russia did not influence our election. I imagine he will forget about those tweets.

    And yeah, Russia trying to influence our elections is the same shit we do everywhere. It looks like our social media finally got smarter for 2018, and should be much better for 2020 at squashing fake news.

    Oh yeah and Trump still doesn't know what a national emergency is.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I think Trump should deport all these liberals to France
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    There's also a big difference between "something shady went down" and "we can legally show proof of a crime". From day 1 it never seemed like Trump himself could be directly linked to Russia, but Kushner and Don Jr. seemed likely. Maybe Don Jr was just too stupid to be culpable?
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Robert Muller never said that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Trump...

    He was simply following DOJ guidelines that states that a sitting president cannot be indicted...

    It’s not Barr Job to conclude that the President is exonerated on the obstruction claim...

    He should have referred that to Congress...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    How can you make such assumptions when we haven’t even seen the full report...

    I have my reservations until the full report is released...

    I hate making hasty conclusions...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Did you actually think that Trump Appointee Attorney General Barr would have agreed to prosecute his Boss?

    We shouldn’t also forget that this same Barr authored a Memo early last year ruling out obstruction of justice by President Donald J Trump

    What makes you think that he would be willing to prosecute his Boss now?
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    “It’s not Barr Job to conclude that the President is exonerated on the obstruction claim...

    He should have referred that to Congress...”

    Wrong. It is his job. He’s the head of the DOJ. It’s not Congress’s job to prosecute crimes. We don’t have Bills of Attainder in this country.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    This whole thing never made any sense. I don't see how anyone could imagine Donald Trump of doing anything shady.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ yeah - he's the most honest guy I've seen in years
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ yeah - he's the most honest guy I've seen in years
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Even if that it’s the case, Special Counsel Robert Muller knows more than Attorney General Barr...

    Why would Attorney General Barr overrule Special Counsel Robert Muller & conclude that there was no obstruction when Special Counsel Robert Muller never did...

    Does Attorney General Barr know something that Special Counsel Robert Muller doesn’t?
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Who doesn’t Donald J Trump lmao...

    Don the Con Man & Liar...

    The same man that defrauded Millions from people with his now closed Trump University...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    And for those not aware it’s very important for y’all to read the 18 Page Memo written by Attorney General William Barr in June 2018 criticizing & undermining the Special Counsel Muller investigation...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    $25M spent on that witch hunt.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    And How much was spent on Hillary Clinton Email Investigation & Benghazi Hearing?

    $30 Million of Tax payers money wasted by Republicans...

    And the funny part is that Secretary Clinton was exonerated but President Trump was not exonerated...

    Fucking losers lol...
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    What the Democrats and the liberal media leave out is that foreign dignitaries have been meddling in our elections since our inception, and now Trump is in office they have to try to pin this fact on him as a problem Trump created. This has been the biggest waste of tax payer funds since the 2016 election, and I think it only emboldens the educated people who can think for themselves to vote against the liberal ticket. The democrats have become the party of dumb.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    No, the Educated people aren’t gonna vote against Liberal Ticket...

    Most Educated people always vote democrats...

    Republicans tend to win over rural areas & old people

    That’s is not going to change any time soon...
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    You sure about that, AOC?
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Democrats are gonna win overwhelmingly the Black & Hispanic Votes.

    Also Democrats are gonna win mostly Liberal Cities which also happens to be Urban & Cosmopolitan Areas.

    Republicans are gonna win overwhelmingly the white votes including elderly White Men & elderly White Women.

    Also Republicans are gonna keep control of rural American Votes like they have always done.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    I’m not AOC but I’m confident of my predictions...

    You can bookmark this page & come back to it once the 2020 Elections are over.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ But you will be an inactive member by then so I won’t be able to tell you “I told you so!” There were so many of you saying the same thing in 2016, and many of you cried when Trump won the election, and we independent educated voters laughed and LAUGHED! We’re still laughing at the stupidity of the liberal social democrats, who are ruining their chances of electing someone besides Trump.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    So clearly Evasparkling is what most of us would call a "fucking retard" but would any of us call him a douchebag faggot piece of shit too? I know I would. Keep jacking off to CNN faggot.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Why would I be an inactive member by then...

    I can tell you that if the Democrats nominates Former Vice President Joe Biden who also happens to be a centrist candidate as its Presidential Candidate President Donald J Trump will not be returning to the White House...

    All Joe Biden needs to do is reclaim the Midwest states namely Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin...

    President Donald J Trump barely defeated Hillary Clinton on all three states with less than a 100,000 Votes which help push him over the finish line...

    I believe someone like Joe Biden will be able to win over Moderates & Independent and be able to flip Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin back to blue during the 2020 Presidential Election...

    If someone else other than Joe Biden is nominated as the Democratic Presidential Candidate then all bets are off the table...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    You’re also a fucking retard...

    You dumbo...

    Keep on Jacking off to Fox News dumbo..
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Would anybody also call General a dumbo?

    I know I would, he thinks like one...
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    “If someone else other than Joe Biden...”

    If if’s and but’s were candy and nuts, oh what a Christmas we’d have! You already gave yourself an out, because the odds are that Biden won’t run since he will be 80 years old by the time a possible presidency would be over. Your grasping at straws Eva, and your hyperbolic spin is worthy of liberal media folks like Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon. All just flash in the pans.

    The problem with liberal thinkers like yourself is that you wisen up once you start making money and soon common sense takes over because you don’t want half of your paycheck going to taxes, funding lazy poor people who live off the government doll. Of course all of this assumes you becomes successfully employed and earn a good living. Check back with us if and when that happens and we will see how your political views change.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    A dumbo? Are you 7? I mean, we all know you're retarded, I just don't know if we are dealing with a 7 year old retard.

    Joe Biden won't survive a #metoo examination. You ever watch that creepy mother fucker massage the shoulders of a 12 year old girl while her dad is getting a medal from Obama?

    Keep running your whore mouth troll, every post makes you look like a bigger moron.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Stop spreading false rumors...

    The odds that Joe Biden will run for Presidency in 2020 according to people close to him is 90%

    My Political views hasn’t changed.

    I’m a moderate Democrat...

    Also I’m gainfully self employed & do pay my own fair share of taxes...

    Poor people are one of the most Hard working people I have ever seen...

    I have seen poor people working two & three jobs just to keep a roof over their head...

    The General Misconceptions by conservatives & the biased Media AKA Fox News that Poor People are Lazy is generally untrue...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    You’re the Bigger Moron...

    If I had a choice to choose between former Vice President Joe Biden & Current President Donald J Trump...

    I will definitely pick former Vice President Joe Biden over & over again...

    Instead of making a reasonable argument, you’re busy attacking aimless...

    Keep typing like a fucking Moron...
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I welcome Biden. He might be the only guy more retarded than you evasaretard. He's says some pretty racist shit himself, apparently you can't go into a 7-eleven near him unless you have an Indian accent...and lies, for years he blamed the accident that killed his wife and daughter on a drunken truck driver, which was an outright lie. His wife pulled in front of the truck, and the driver was never charged and the reports never said anything about alcohol being involved.

    I don't give a shit about who lies less and who lies better, but I'm at least honest enough with myself to know I'm going to vote for someone with an R next to their name on the ballot, and you're voting for the jackass. Lets see a few more posts retard, you're definitely coming off as a genius so far. Hahaha fucking doucgebag. It's funny how man you are.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    You can go fuck yourself for all I care...

    The only person I would be voting for is definitely a Democratic Nominee...

    Never will I be voting for Donald J Trump or any Republican...

    Never have I & probably Never Will I...
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    So you're a partisan hack like the rest of us, welcome to the club. I have more respect for you saying you'll never vote for a Republican than saying you're a moderate Democrat. If you vote solid blue line then you're no moderate. Retarded yes, moderate, no. Now reading some of your posts you come across as probably a foreigner, I'm thinking you're from Pakistan...thus a muslam which explains some of the hatred towards Republicans. I'm guessing a very small cock, you probably stink like actual shit, though you can't smell yourself, the girls you buy dances with sure can. You're a cum in your pants guy, obviously. But you get a different girl each time because the girls you like never come back a second time. You assume it's because they are racist republicans. How am I doing with my profile so far. You're also angry all the time. You're very mad at me. No one has ever made you as mad as I'm making you right now while reading this sentence. You're losing a lot of your hair, what else. Oh...youve had a lot of gay thoughts, but never acted on them, but it's like a LOT of gay thoughts. Also you are a retard. I hope you die of cancer
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    I not a Muslim...

    100% Catholic

    I only club once in a while...

    I do have a girlfriend & get to have sex whenever I want so no need to cum in my pant...

    You’re a pathetic old man that no girl want...

    Aren’t you so ashamed of yourself that you have to pay Girls just to fuck you...

    No wonder most strippers always complain about Fat old white men that gross them out...

    You’re definitely one of them...

    No one can make me make...

    But I guarantee you that if you come at me hard, I will definitely come at you harder harder...

    The Good thing about me is that I don’t need money to Buy Strippers fake affection at the Strip Club...

    I can actually go to a Bar & Night Club, run my game & still be able to go home with a baddass chick...

    But for you the only way to get pussy is only to pay for it...

    You should definitely be ashamed of yourself...

    Pathetic Moron...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    I hope you choke on your food...

    You will definitely die a miserable man...

  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    I know your type...

    Pathetic White old men that always watches Fox News Cable Channel & Listens to Rush Limbaugh Radio Show 24/7

    You’ve have been completely brainwashed...

    No wonder you’re typing incoherently...

    I refused to be brainwash by your Conservative Biased Media AKA Fox News & Rush Limbaugh...

    You’re currently beyond redemption...

    God have mercy on your soul...
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t think they can pin collusion on anyone and I’ve never said anything about that in any post I’ve ever made, what I have said and still say, is Donald J. Trump is not fit to be president of these United States, and by his actions over and again, keeps showing the world what a petty small minded man he has always been. I hope he learns from this, but so far he has shown nothing.
    If you think he’s doing a good job, fine, I leave you to your opinion, nothing I say will change any minds and I have heard nothing that will change my mind, I don’t like the man and never will.
    For a reminder let’s go to his campaign promises that you folks claim he’s honoring
    First we will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it, still see no evidence of the wall being built, or Mexico paying for it
    Second repeal and replace Obamacare, Obamacare is still here, nobody in his administration is working on a better health care program
    Third, ban Muslims from coming here, that he’s been working on and, fortunately he’s been pretty unsuccessful in banning them, but very successful in emboldening bigoted racist fools to keep spouting a lot of nonsense about who is an American and who isn’t, IMHO, the divisiveness is pretty bad and becoming worse.
    He’s made an art of using government for self enrichment after saying he wasn’t beholden to anyone case in point Mar-A-Lago has had the best two years financially it’s ever had, compared to the previous dozen years that the country club ran at a deficit, based on tax filings.
    I could go on but it really doesn’t matter, I’m not changing anyone’s mind.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Trump is going to be elected president for a second term. Politics has never before been so entertaining.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Trump’s base is about 30% of the population. They support him no matter what.

    Those with Trump Derangement Syndrome will oppose him no matter the facts. Irrational. Delusional. About 30% of the populations.

    The remaining 40% are pragmatic. If their lives are getting better under Trump, they will support him. If evidence suggests he is unbalanced, or a Russian stooge, they will oppose him.

    With the conclusion of the Mueller investigation, and the continuing economic boom, the 40% are solidly in Trump’s camp. They may dislike his personality but they believe it is in their best interest for him to be President. They no longer believe the scaremongers in Congress and the media.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Notice the contradiction in two successive posts

    "Most Educated people always vote democrats."

    Note: The chosen word was educated and not intelligent.

    "Democrats are gonna win overwhelmingly the Black & Hispanic Votes."

    U.S. public high schools recorded a four-year graduation rate of 80 percent for the 2011-12 school year, an all-time high. Graduation rates vary greatly by state and race. Nationwide, black students graduated at a rate of 69 percent; Hispanics graduated at 73 percent; whites graduated at a rate of 86 percent.

    The graduation rates for minorities are improving, but this is a better representation of the actual voters.

    By the way, voter turnout rates increase with age and education levels

    However... The population demographic shifts are hurting the republicans though as the Non-hispanic white share of the electorate has been steadily tumbling since the early 90s.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Most educated people vote democrat--not really the correct statement would be most people over the last 25 years have been educated to vote democrat and there are a handful of reasons why this is happening.

    Yet, in reality it is mostly those in along the east coast and in particular the northeast this holds true........while unbiased education continues to erode nationwide the heart of the push is on both coast.

    Democrats win Black and Hispanic votes --hmm and as a rule does this support the most educated or not?

    As for the Mueller report democrats are asking for more than what is required, that has ever been required by any investigation.

    I'd submit if you want to see what collusion really looks like take a hard look at Deb Watch-her-mouth Schultz and Hillary Clinton and what they did to the Bern in the last primary.

    On a side note I'd like to see Biden run.......and if I was a hard left liberal I'd take a good long listen to what Michael Bloomberg recently commented. This is a liberal who holds true to many of their more extreme big government beliefs and he has come to realize the AOC mindset of the party is going to bury them.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    Am I completely missing something that happened in the last two years?

    You guys keep saying that President Donald J Trump has done so much but the only major piece of legislation I can think of is tax cuts which is basically republican 101...

    I wouldn’t exactly called getting tax cuts a difficult task when Republicans control all three branches of government...
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Eva, they did not find evidence of collusion. This was explicit.

    And yes, it IS the AG's job to make a determination on obstruction or any other crime - he is called the "Attorney General" for a reason. ;)
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Would I honestly expect an Attorney General that was simply nominated by the President himself to indict his Boss?

    You should know better...

    President Donald J Trump made the executive decision to fire Former Attorney General Sessions when he decided to recuse himself from the Russian Investigation...

    President Donald J Trump was now able to nominate a Puppet & Biased leaning Conversative Republican to take over the DOJ in order to save his ass from any possible indictment...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    And for those of you not aware of the politics at play it’s very important for y’all to read the 18 Page Memo written by Attorney General William Barr in June 2018 criticizing & undermining the Special Counsel Muller investigation...

    It’s definitely an eye opener...
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    He did all of the following and more in his first two years. Some Presidents don't get this much accomplished in 8 years:

    He championed and signed comprehensive tax reforms which have been stunningly stimulative to the economy in too many ways to easily list.
    He used executive power to reign in various regulatory agencies and opened up needed gas/oil pipelines, both of which also goosed more economic activity.
    He effectively obtained relief from miserable Obamacare mandates while opening up the insurance market by expanding the allowable use of short-term and association plans - some for now and more to follow I suspect.
    He redrafted several international trade deals, to our net long-term benefit.
    He is the first President to have the guts to formally move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and support Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights.
    He pulled us out of that ridiculous Paris climate accord, which was lopsided against the U.S.
    ISIS was finally defeated – a huge victory that has largely been uncovered in the press.

    Like him or not, he's done everything in his power to keep his campaign promises. He's been a busy dude.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Eva, here is a link to a long list of Trump’s accomplishments in just 2 years. Economic growth and prosperity, trade deals, deregulation, revitalizing manufacturing, bringing troops home, strengthening alliances with friendly countries, confronting China on their unfair practices, peace talks with North Korea, confronting Iran through sanctions and alliances. Keep in mind he accomplished this while Democrats undercut every action he took.


    Imagine how much more he can accomplish if democrats are willing to find common ground on things like infrastructure and containing drug prices.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Eva, it's been known for a long time that this whole investigation was predicated on a long since discredited "dossier' funded by political opponents. You can try to spin gold out of shit - and House Dems will be doing ridiculous rhetorical gymnastics for the next several months to come for sure, but collusion never happened. Simple. As far as obstruction, there is no underlying crime or potential collusion to cover up. Go read the memo again in full, more slowly if you need to. There was no evidence of collusion, despite repeated attempts by the Russians to reach out to the Trump campaign.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    A big part of the reason that "Free Willy" Clinton was impeached on obstruction was because he was caught lying about what he did with the intern, especially when they had his DNA on her dress. Trump has been yelling from the rooftops for months now that this was a witch hunt, hoax, that he did not collude, etc., and, unlike Free Willy, it looks like Trump was telling the truth.

    Btw, as an aside, I hated what Republicans did to Clinton as much as I hate what Dems are trying to do to Trump. Impeachment is meant for very serious offenses or abuse of power, not as a political tool for those who dislike a sitting President because of his politics, rhetoric or both.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Why will Democrats be willing to find common grounds when republicans never reciprocated the same gesture when Barack Obama was President...

    Republicans tried everything in their power to undercut every signature action Former President Barack Obama took...

    Heck even Mitch McConnell refuse to bring a floor vote on Justice Merrick Garland who was nominated by President Barack Obama to the Supreme Court...

    Instead he vowed to wait until the elections were over so a Republican President would be able to fill in a conservative Judge to the Supreme Court.

    Heck even Mitch McConnell said & I quote “My number one priority is to make President Barack Obama a one time President”

    Now tell me what incentive do house Democrats have to work together with President Donald J Trump...
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Just saw a large semi loaded up with rocks moving it to a construction site that had a HHHUUUUUUUUGGGEEE red flag draped across the back saying “Keep America Great: Donald Trump 2020!”

    Looks like the blue collar vote will be repeating there presidential preference. Like John Smith said here in 2016, 2017, 2018, and now; Trump will be re-elected and it will be entertaining!
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Now that the collusion hoax has been exposed, the democrats have a choice to either maintain nonstop investigations or work to advance legislation that is popular with the American people. If they choose the former, they will lose the House after only 2 years.

    That’s their incentive to find common ground.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    No, they Democrats will not lose the house after only 2 years...

    I can go ahead right now & make a bold prediction that if Former Vice President Joe Biden becomes the Democratic Nominee for White House in 2020...

    He will not only win the Election but will also sweep both the Electoral College as well as the Popular Vote...

    You can bookmark this page & refer back to it once the November 2020 General Elections are over...
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    AOC May get re-elected, but in more sane regions the democrats have lost credibility.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @EvaSparkling I’m not a Trump fan, but I’ll give you a reason that the Democrats need to work with The President
    Our country depends on it, and anything that we do to undermine for the sake of undermining will backfire
    We have the right to disagree not the right to just pick fights for the sake of fighting. If y’all want to see a new president the best way to make that happen is by accomplishing some good things, obstructing isn’t leadership neither is this endless bullshit, time for all to get to work, and that includes the president.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    There you ^^^ go again with your “ifs” and trying to look tough with bold statements, when I predict you won’t be an active member any longer to seeeverybody on here tell you “I told you so!”

    The democrats have become the party of dumb.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ Thst was for Eva, not 25
  • Prim0
    6 years ago
    I'll just say this. They all suck. Right or Left....Dem or Rep........they......all.......suck. None of them are looking out for us little people. They are working to divide people into groups so our focus is on arguing with each other rather than keeping an eye on them and keeping them honest. So those of you who say Trump is bad....well, what was the other option.....Good Hillary? How many skeletons does she have in her closet? They are all criminal and corrupt. You're looking at a rotten apple and a rotten orange and arguing over which is less rotten.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Isn’t is funny that the Republicans now wants the Country to be united & expects House Democrats to work with President Donald J Trump?

    Where exactly did this same Republicans go eight years ago when House Republicans were busy undercutting President Barack Obama...

    President Donald J Trump aim is simply to erase Former President Barack Obama Legacies...

    An Incumbent should solidify a predecessor Legacy not attempt to erase his Legacies.

    It’s not in the best interest of House Democrats to work with President Donald J Trump...

    The did same thing to Former President Barack Obama...

    You can’t expect your opposition to support every absurd policy you come with...

    It doesn’t work that way...

    Maybe next time a Democrat is President then both House Republicans & Senate Republicans should attempt to work with him...

    That would be a start & will now know that you guys mind business...

    For now it’s all talk talk talk no action on their part...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    "You guys keep saying that President Donald J Trump has done so much but the only major piece of legislation I can think of is tax cuts which is basically republican 101... "

    Since when is President Trump a legislator?
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Actually Democratic Strongholds are usually Economic Prosperious Cosmopolitan Areas which a large concentration of educated people...

    On the other hand Republicans Strongholds are usually Rural America which also happens to be the Poorest States & Poverty Headquarters of the nation

    i.e. Mississippi, Alabama & Louisiana

    As far as I know nobody wants to relocate to rural america expect they’re born & raised in the country...

    Most educated people want to relocate to Big Cities with Good Jobs & infrastructures i.e. New York City, Washington DC & Chicago...
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @Eva: The odds that Biden will jump into the race look increasingly slim. He's having a lot of trouble raising money because the traditional big Dem contribution hustlers have doubts about his ability to win in the primaries. Right now the early money is betting on Sanders and O'Rourke.

    @25: I'll agree with all of that. But also keep in mind that Trump doesn't write and pass legislation, Congress does. In his SOTU address, Trump made it very clear that he is open to legislation on things like infrastructure and even healthcare. But I have my doubts about whether the House wants to give him a win on anything at this point. Sadly, I think it's much more likely that they'll continue doing what they've done over the past 2 1/2 months, which is to burn their time running endless investigations. Except of course we can also likely expect them to pass a few pieces of legislation on party lines, that they know will never get enacted, for purely political reasons. But I don't expect them to make any serious attempt to work with Trump at this point and I think it is going to cost them control of the House in 2020.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Didn’t he say that he was the Best Negotiator & would go to Washington DC & turn everything around overnight during his Campaign?

    What happened?

    Isn’t he the Master Negotiator anymore?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Well to be fair I never said every policy there are things that can be done and there are things that cannot be done, right now the smartest course of action would be to actually accomplish something, we need to break the cycle before it breaks us, young people need to vote in large enough numbers to force changes to occur.
    I remember when things in this country were very different than they are now, most of the folks posting here forget what this country was like in the 50s and 60s, I don’t know how old you are but when I was in my twenties I couldn’t imagine the world we live in now.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago
    The odds that Biden will jump into the race is 90%

    The Conservative Media doesn’t want Biden to contest because he has a very decent chance of Beating President Donald J Trump...

    The Conservative Media is now touting Beto Rouke as the Next Barack Obama when we all know he wouldn’t be able to beat President Donald J Trump in the General Election...

    If he wasn’t able to Beat Ted Cruz in Texas who they hell does he expect to beat President Donald J Trump in all 50 States of America...

    Sanders is a socialist without a realistic plan...

    His policy doesn’t fly with me & I can tell you that it’s very unlikely to obtain the Presidential Ticket...

    My preferred Combo Ticket will be Joe Biden/Kamala Harris VS Donald J Trump/Mike Pence...
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago

    The difference is that Obama veered far left from the very beginning when he bull dozed Obamacare through, by an means necessary, and showed no signs of being open to compromise on anything that Republicans wanted to enact.

    Conversely, Trump has already extended the olive branch to Dems on things that they should be able to get behind, like infrastructure and healthcare. He has also shown a willingness to sign legislation to help the DACA kids if they will give him more border wall funding. But the Dems right now seem more concerned with preventing him from getting a win than in doing things to help their constituents.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Republicans are the party of No
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Oh gee mumbles is back, get you’re teeth fixed so someone can understand what your trying to say
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Oh gee mumbles is back, get you’re teeth fixed so someone can understand what your trying to say
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    I read Biden is having issues getting big fundraisers on board. He will only run if he feels he has a good shot of winning. He gains nothing from a Show finish like Harris or O'Rourke. I doubt he wants to be VP again.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Wow that was really good mumbles what I got from that was 去他媽的
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Biden is the democrats best hope in my estimation and he probably will run but and there are plenty of them......will he even get past his party's nomination process as they keep moving further and further to the left.....as the promises for more free shit keep getting one upped by each of the other candidates.

    I watched Meet the Press yesterday and the media is so far out of touch with what the middle of the country thinks and feels is important it's pathetic. You can point to the 2000 election as to when it started happening.....Maureen Dowd's comment when she was flying to SF from NYC looked out the plane and declared she was flying over "Moronland"....well the problem with thinking along those lines came back and bit them and the liberals in the ass in 2014 and 2016 and as much as everyone wants to make out 2018 as some great lib uprising I the numbers don't hold to the facts.

    You can only spin and distort reality so much.....at some point people tune it out. I keep looking for the media to have an awakening and I put a lot of the issues with today's political climate at their feet for the cause.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Bye mumbles have a nice day
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    You state, "...we need to make our elections secure,...", yet those on the left do EVERYTHING one can think of to screw it up in their favor. Even the census question is catching flack and that is Constitutionally needed information!
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    The so called “educated” people along the coasts where all the jobs and infrastructure can be educated, but it doesn’t mean they’re intelligent. Figure this one out, if you can live off $24k a year in a rural area because you stay within your means and get a decent living wage, that is way more intelligent than burying yourself in student loan debt over $100k searching for a customer service job at some call center upon graduation. Yeah, real intelligent getting an “education” in a liberal arts degree that will do you nothing ina high cost of living coastal area, indoctrinated into thinking socialism is the way out of this mess.

    I’ve said it before, you take 90% of the coastal elites and they’re stuck to living in a small urban area, caught in the hamster wheel of society for the rest of their life because they couldn’t survive living in a rural area. Where as an educated farm boy can adapt and make a living in the City because he or she has the courage and determination due to work ethic to make it in the country or the big city. You never see a mass exodus of the youth moving to the country, because they’re too coddled to do it, yet there is a large movement of rural youth moving into the city where the jobs are at; because they can adapt and compete for the same positions those city slickers are wanting.

    Keep voting dumb by voting for the Jackass democrat.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Stop peddling False notions...

    Nobody body graduates with a $100k in Student Loan Debt & starts searching for a call center job...

    For you to have graduated with a $100k that means you studied a lucrative medical course in College most likely Medicine...

    Healthcare Jobs are abundant & are projected to grow as twice as fast compared to other jobs...

    A recent Grad from Medical School would make nothing last than a $100K if employed by a reputable healthcare company in New York City, Washington DC & Chicago...

    I did rather go to Medical School graduate with student loans & know that my future is guaranteed...

    Paying student loans hasn’t killed anybody & it wouldn’t...

    Sacrifices has to be made if you intend to live a Good life...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    I will keep voting Democrats whether you like it or not...

    Never have I voted for Republicans never will I...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    I will keep voting Democrats whether you like it or not...

    Never have I voted for Republicans never will I...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Damn, i miss so much on here because i actually have to work.

    Taking a shitter break now as is appropriate when responding to @eva...

    I agree that this O'Rourke character is a loser, but @eva's argument is stupid and just a rehashing of others' opinions without thought.

    She wrote:
    "If he wasn’t able to Beat Ted Cruz in Texas who they hell does he expect to beat President Donald J Trump in all 50 States of America..."

    1. He doesn't have to win all 50 states.
    2. If he were the nominee he would get the full backing of the DNC and the general media.
    3. He doesn't need Texas, he would probably lose it by more than he lost to Cruz.
    4. He would get CA, NY, IL, MA, and all the other democrat strongholds.

    5. He would need to get the battleground states just like any other candidate. Your argument doesn't address the only thing that is important. The same reason Hillary lost.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Clubber and anyone else who gives a damn, the blame game goes both ways my friends there is more than enough to go around
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Nobody body graduates with a $100k in Student Loan Debt & starts searching for a call center job.......Want to bet?

    BTW I agree with your notion on paying student loans.....you might want to have that debate with our longhorn state female representative who tends to talk in circles

    But I can take you to a call center and introduce you to people with who are lawyers, D.O's, Registered Nurses, and MBA holders working in a call center both in NYC but also in the Technology Triangle in NC.

    BTW I said the same thing in 1976....and 1978....funny thing happened in 1980..........
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    what makes you think that Beto O’Rouke will be able to win the Midwestern States of Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin...

    Those are three major states that pushed trump over the finish line...

    Democrat needs a Candidate who can reclaim the Mid western states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin & Michigan...

    Unfortunately Beto O’Rouke will not be able to beat President Donald J Trump in those states during a hypothetical matchup...

    We don’t need a repeat of Hillary Clinton error come November 2020...

    For Democrats to regain the White House winning Pennsylvania, Michigan & Wisconsin is a must...

    Former President Joe Biden will fare better given his experience & name recognition than Beto O’Rouke...

    Beto needs to wait his turn, 2020 is definitely not his turn...

    We can’t afford to hand the President Donald J Trump a win again so easily...

    It will be a hard fought battle...

    Both Georgia & Florida will be a complete toss up & can swing any way...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Hilary lost because she is a flawed candidate...

    She doesn’t have the same Charisma like Former President Barack Obama...

    Secretary Clinton cannot also energize a crowd like Former President Barack Obama & Current President Donald J Trump...

    She comes up as very scripted & too rigid...

    Besides Voters were also tired of both the Clintons Family & the Bush Family during the 2016 General Elections...
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    Have you ever bothered to ask them why they chose to work in a Call Center...

    America is a land of opportunity if those people were willing to look hard enough for jobs & be persistent they should be able to find a Good Job given their degrees...

    People tend to give up so easily this days...

    Before I got my previous job, I applied to over 50 places & went to over 20 interviews, at a point I wanted to give up but I persisted until I found my dream job...

    Nothing is given in America except Mummy & Dad are Wealthy & you happen to be a trust fund baby...

    Apart from that you will have to study, Graduate & find a job while gradually working your way up...

    Maybe if Both New York City & North Carolina isn’t working for them maybe it’s time to take the bull by the horn & relocate to another different state & city in search of better jobs...

    Life is all about taking a risk...
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Evaretard, you're the kind of immigrant that we dont want in this country, the kind that are retarded and homosexual. I assume you were molested by a catholic priest, but what's odd is you asked him to do it. Burn in hell you faggot ass mother fucker. You think your mad noe, wait until trump gets reelected your head will probably fucking pop if it wasnt filled with so much shit. What a faggot
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    At least tell us what country your from homo, because your ot from the US, can you even vote in a presidential election?
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Well you sound more like me at the age of 22 now than you do a liberal democrat of 2019.

    No, I have not asked but I do talk to the upper management of the businesses and the reason appears to be steady work.

    People do give up way to easy........and expect everyone else to give them their fair share......have you ever seen a decimal point in the fair share number. Is it part of the dewey decimal system or more a figure from the Roman numeral days? No, its some ambiguous term liberals throw around about taking more from people who did have the nads to go our and make a better life for themselves as opposed to sitting in mom's basement comparing false imagines on IG about who can take the most selfies and be a "boss".
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I didnt say he would win. I said he would lose.
    I just said your support for that argument was completely irrevelant.
  • Evasparkling
    6 years ago

    If he would lose then nobody wants him to run...

    We actually want only people who have a shot at winning the Presidency to run...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ Really???
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    About the only thing that Eva has said that is in context and makes any real sense are her comments about Biden. I agree that he is probably the only one I see in the Dem field so far who could compete for the Independents and moderates. Also, while his personal baggage prevented him from being nominated in the past, it looks like a valet case now compared to the trunk that Trump is dragging around.

    But the question now is whether he can win the primaries. Without the Super-delegates to serve as the adults in the room, shit may get ugly quick. Republicans can leave their primaries up to their voters because those who vote Republican tend to see reason and vote for whoever they believe will execute the best policy agenda. Say what you will about Trump's personal style and boorish behavior, but his agenda is classic Republican with a few populist twists relating to trade and infrastructure and he has stayed true to it, so Republican voters are [happily] getting exactly what they voted for. Dem voters, OTOH, tend to be far less educated on economic matters and more prone to voting for whichever candidate is personally appealing and promises them the most goodies, whether those are actually deliverable or not.

    Net-net that loss of adult supervision by the Super-delegates is going to make this interesting. Any candidate who emerges from the primaries may very well be much more appealing to more extreme elements of the party than to the broader electorate. We shall see.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Need to read the actual report, not just hear summaries.

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Mark my words Trump is already starting to overplay this, contrast Trump with Ronald Reagan after Iran-Contra, Reagan was gracious not vindictive, Trump is already on the attack, the American public is sick and tired of all of the petty nasty behavior, if Mr Trump doesn’t get his act together he will be finished.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    25 has made a good point.

    I remember Iran Contra just like it was yesterday.

    But the allegations against Trump are still very strong.

  • ime
    6 years ago
    SJG on suicide watch
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    We need threads to stay open. It will greatly improve the quality of this board.

    ime on suicide watch.

  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    If you ever find yourself completely lost and alone in the wilderness, just start talking politics and someone will show up rapidly to begin arguing with you. Thus, your ass is saved! I learned that in Boy Scouts before Boy Scouts turned Gay.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ !!!

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You can also use your car's ignition wires to seed SOS via Morris Code.

  • mark94
    6 years ago
    “the American public is sick and tired of all of the petty nasty behavior”

    I’m not tired of it. Finally, we have a Republican leader who doesn’t roll over when slandered by the Dems. Romney would have apologized. Hell, he might have resigned after crying in public.

    The Deep State just spent 3 years trying to destroy this man, his family, and friends. They lied, stole, cheated. Is he supposed to send them a thank you note ?

    I like my Republican leaders to be tough. One vote for toxic masculinity.
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    I can't see SJG's posts, but I bet you I can summarize them. Trump lies and is wrong about everything, he appointed the AG, and thus sullied the entire investigation and obstructed justice, and Trump should be impeached for hurting the feelings of people that come into this country illegally. and then like 20 links to the most retarded stuff one the interwebs. How did I do?
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Mark, your point goes exactly to why lots of Republican's didn't like McCain. He was a bad Republican, and a total pussy, that cared more about what the media thought about him, and sticking it to someone that publicly hated him than just doing the right thing...and basically not being a stinky little pussy.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Good one Nidan111 ; )
  • ime
    6 years ago
    SJG is losing what little grasp he has left on reality. He wished and he wished and hoped and hoped that Mueller was going to finally make the Bad Orange Man pay, he thought the plot by the Democrats with the help of the media was going to be the set up and all they needed, the hoax never paid off. But like usual old SJG got fucked in the ass. Hahaha
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    "The side I like is right, the side I hate is rong"

    "Does san_jose_guy always do this? He keeps clogging up the board"

    Aaaand who was your account before reincarnating?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Trump will either be impeached, or just pick to pieces.

    AOC for President.

  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Holy shit! I think the liberals are handing the re-election over to Trump ao his haters have something to notch about until 2024. It just generates ratings for MSNBC, CNN, and other liberal media outlets. If it creates viewers they can sell ads to generate more revenue.

    The # of major media outlets have shrunk due to capturing and buying out more of the market share, so always be Leary if your news source. I like TUSCL because it is unedited and I can sort through a lot of bullshit to find some good reliable sources from guys like txtittyfag.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ damn skippy
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    What does "@Clubber and anyone else who gives a damn, the blame game goes both ways my friends there is more than enough to go around" have to do with the census?
  • Prim0
    6 years ago
    You know....I get sucked into this shit too sometimes. It seems though, that we have a lot more time and energy to talk about this political shit than we do to figuring out how to actually improve life.

    Imagine if we put all this energy into sorting out a way to get really good BBBJCIMSWNQNS in the club for a fair price to the ladies. I think we're putting our energies into the wrong place.

    And besides....nothing we say here to each other is going to change what we believe politically.....nothing we say here is going to change the way politics works. They don't care about us and only care about enriching themselves and holding on to whatever power they can accumulate.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Can't agree. We can make a difference. The election of President Trump pretty much proved that!. There lies the reason he is so hated by the left and rinos.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    You state, "...we need to make our elections secure,...", yet those on the left do EVERYTHING one can think of to screw it up in their favor. Even the census question is catching flack and that is Constitutionally needed information!<

    Responding directly to your post, seems to me that you believe anyone who doesn’t lean extreme right is less likely to care about this country, why do you think that I am any less patriotic than you are. Specifically how is needing to make sure that our elections are secured mean that reasonable people don’t have the right to disagree with you’re pronouncements?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ plus feeding on your additional comments to primo since when do y’all get the exclusive rights to define who is a Rino, who is a conservative who is a liberal, sorry you are my friend, but that is just plain disrespectful, disagree with me that’s fine but attacking me for doing the same no bueno.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    The left block votes for the most part. There are moderates from both sides, of course. Just that the left has a penchant for ore block voting even if the idea is nuts. Example, the recent 57-0 Senate vote.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Most of the arguments for impeaching Trump have been about obstruction of justice and about his foreign financial dealings, not actual collusion with Russian election tampering.

  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    The more that comes out about how all of this got started, the more corrupt Comey, McCabe, Page and others now look. Also disturbing was the willingness of elected officials on our important Congressional Intelligence and Judiciary Committees to fuel the fire with flat out lies, over and over, about the existence of classified evidence of "collusion." But not to be outdone, our media outlets abandoned any semblance of journalistic integrity, to a degree never seen before in this country, due to their blind hatred of the man who they did not want to see elected.

    Yesterday I was celebrating, but today I am profoundly disturbed as I continue to learn more about this whole farce, most especially by the behavior and corrupt intent of former senior FBI and DOL personnel.

    I get it - Trump rubs people the wrong way, especially those who spent so many years getting their own way with Obama and Clinton, with 8 of soft milk fed Republicans sandwiched in between who didn't want to rock the boat. We haven't had a Republican President seriously push this hard to achieve classic Republican policy goals since Reagan and it has caused panic. For young urbanites in particular, this must all seem very disorienting and unfamiliar.

    But nothing justifies what happened here. An attempt to use federal law enforcement and investigative powers solely to damage or remove a sitting President should never happen. Not in this country.

    Perhaps Dems shouldn't be in such a hurry to see the full report, especially if it includes details of how this who two year circus act got started. Before this is over, I think the most serious prosecutions may be of those people who started all of this.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    That was supposed to be DOJ not DOL, lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    We will see, but most of the allegations against Trump do not involve collusion with Russian election tampering.

  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Part of what the Dems wanted to do was put Trump supporters on notice that, guilty or not, there is a price to be paid for supporting Trump. Michael Flynn is $5Million in debt from legal bills . He, and his family, will never recover.

    I say we send a message to Dems that, if they try to destroy a duly elected President, they will pay a price.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    A political price for supporting Trump, the Republicans were already putting their people on notice of that, before the 2016 Convention.

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