Some clubs are more picky than others - you should visit a couple of clubs and see how the girls look and how they make $$$ - it's not guaranteed that a girl is gonna make a lot of $$$ stripping but you won't know unless you try - having some people-skills helps
Your pic looks like a good one. Do you have a bikini photo or something to get a more accurate view with the body?
Were you interested in going to an urban club or a mixed club? You have a nice face. If you got your hair straightened, then you could potentially make it into a mixed club. But you will likely have to be more persistent because many clubs have a “black quota”
Idk much about urban clubs but from what I’ve gathered, urban clubs require less emotional labor (it’s common to walk over shake your butt in a customers face and he will make it rain on you), but there’s often less money potential overall. Or so I hear, maybe a certain type does well?
But if you do want to go to a mixed club, avoid being perceived as a “thug princess”. Generally speaking, the black dancers at most mixed clubs are more of a Barbie and have less leeway to act “ghetto” than dancers of other races in the same place.
If you are interested in mixed clubs, there are a few resources out there for you as far as how to make it easier to talk to customers and get dances. There is the Hustle Hut Section of Stripperweb. There are various YouTube videos. And there are also some courses out there (that you would have to pay for)
Customers have a sixth sense when it comes to baby strippers. Your first six months will probably be some of the easiest money you have ever made.
TBH you'll have problems getting hired. The hair will be a problem. And you'll get viewed as too thick for a mixed club, not thick enough for an urban club. The attitude won't help you in either type of club if you do get hired.
Depending on where you're at, if its not a touristy area, your best bet would be a dive but to make money you'd end up probably having to do extras.
You could make it as a stripper. I have little doubt about this.
Please don’t take this as a compliment or as encouragement to become a stripper. There are lots of alternatives open to you that could also be lucrative and yet be far less demeaning to your sense of value and integrity.
I just looked through all your pics. Yes, you could make it as a stripper in the clubs that I frequent for sure. You need a good attitude, must be easy and fun to talk with and be able to grind it good, be handsy, and allow roaming. There are 3 clubs in my area that you would do real well in if you did extras or OTC. Now, if you post pics of your tits and ass, I could give you a better assessment.
If the woman has got the guts to be aggressively forwards with guys, and she is at high mileage club, and if she can take the turn downs. I don't think she will have a problems.
"1. You could make it as a stripper.
2. I have little doubt about this.
3. Please don’t take this as a compliment or as encouragement to become a stripper.
4. There are lots of alternatives open to you that could also be lucrative and yet be far less demeaning to your sense of value and integrity.
5. You can do much better than becoming a stripper."
While all 5 of your sentences are correct - they can be applied to any profession or job.
For example - replace stripper with politician in above sentences.
(And it reads like legal fine print at the bottom of cell phone contracts)
I find strippers to be better than civilian girls. Generally speaking. Hotter bodies, Better hustle. Less Whining.
It is a tougher job, requiring a thick skin. Not everyone can make it as a stripper.
Go for it if you feel it in you. It's not as if you are making a commitment for life.
Rogertex - It comes down to this: I don’t know the young lady and I am most definitely NOT a nice guy. But I asked myself, “How would I feel if my daughter was contemplating becoming a stripper?”
It is definitely hypocritical on my part given my decades of bad behavior, but I sincerely hope the young lady doesn’t become a stripper, or if she already has, that she finds her way out soon.
Youre really pretty, you could make it. Id lose the braids though tbh youll pigeonhole yourself. When you say “tired of the bsn” did u mean the bullshit or are you in a nursing program? Not sure if that was a typo.
last commentYou wouldn't make any money off me.
Some clubs are more picky than others - you should visit a couple of clubs and see how the girls look and how they make $$$ - it's not guaranteed that a girl is gonna make a lot of $$$ stripping but you won't know unless you try - having some people-skills helps
Your pic looks like a good one. Do you have a bikini photo or something to get a more accurate view with the body?
Were you interested in going to an urban club or a mixed club? You have a nice face. If you got your hair straightened, then you could potentially make it into a mixed club. But you will likely have to be more persistent because many clubs have a “black quota”
Idk much about urban clubs but from what I’ve gathered, urban clubs require less emotional labor (it’s common to walk over shake your butt in a customers face and he will make it rain on you), but there’s often less money potential overall. Or so I hear, maybe a certain type does well?
But if you do want to go to a mixed club, avoid being perceived as a “thug princess”. Generally speaking, the black dancers at most mixed clubs are more of a Barbie and have less leeway to act “ghetto” than dancers of other races in the same place.
If you are interested in mixed clubs, there are a few resources out there for you as far as how to make it easier to talk to customers and get dances. There is the Hustle Hut Section of Stripperweb. There are various YouTube videos. And there are also some courses out there (that you would have to pay for)
Customers have a sixth sense when it comes to baby strippers. Your first six months will probably be some of the easiest money you have ever made.
Holy shit! It’s Craig girlfriend from Friday!
And to answer your question. Nah, the only thing required of a good stripper is not being afraid of a dick.
As a stripper you gotta have thick-skin and not be a prude or standoffish
You look fine.
wait, are you located in North Carolina?
To be successful you gotta not think twice about flaunting your sexiness.
Show us your tits.
flag is right. If you want an honest opinion, then you need to show us your tits. Purely for observation so we can give you an informed assessment.
^ showing your tits is a requirement and it piques our interest,
Remember sharing is caring;)
Go get a job at McDonalds.
Your look and vibe only makes me want to say, “Next!” (And I really like young black strippers)
TBH you'll have problems getting hired. The hair will be a problem. And you'll get viewed as too thick for a mixed club, not thick enough for an urban club. The attitude won't help you in either type of club if you do get hired.
Depending on where you're at, if its not a touristy area, your best bet would be a dive but to make money you'd end up probably having to do extras.
I'm not gonna sugar coat it
Don't listen to all the negative comments. I am sure you will do good. Just keep the right mindset... A positive one
You could make it as a stripper. I have little doubt about this.
Please don’t take this as a compliment or as encouragement to become a stripper. There are lots of alternatives open to you that could also be lucrative and yet be far less demeaning to your sense of value and integrity.
You can do much better than becoming a stripper.
I just looked through all your pics. Yes, you could make it as a stripper in the clubs that I frequent for sure. You need a good attitude, must be easy and fun to talk with and be able to grind it good, be handsy, and allow roaming. There are 3 clubs in my area that you would do real well in if you did extras or OTC. Now, if you post pics of your tits and ass, I could give you a better assessment.
Na you’ll be good. You’ll do fine in a mixed club. What area are you in? Just curious. We could probably give you better answers knowing that.
If the woman has got the guts to be aggressively forwards with guys, and she is at high mileage club, and if she can take the turn downs. I don't think she will have a problems.
Thug Misses
"1. You could make it as a stripper.
2. I have little doubt about this.
3. Please don’t take this as a compliment or as encouragement to become a stripper.
4. There are lots of alternatives open to you that could also be lucrative and yet be far less demeaning to your sense of value and integrity.
5. You can do much better than becoming a stripper."
While all 5 of your sentences are correct - they can be applied to any profession or job.
For example - replace stripper with politician in above sentences.
(And it reads like legal fine print at the bottom of cell phone contracts)
I find strippers to be better than civilian girls. Generally speaking. Hotter bodies, Better hustle. Less Whining.
It is a tougher job, requiring a thick skin. Not everyone can make it as a stripper.
Go for it if you feel it in you. It's not as if you are making a commitment for life.
Rogertex - It comes down to this: I don’t know the young lady and I am most definitely NOT a nice guy. But I asked myself, “How would I feel if my daughter was contemplating becoming a stripper?”
It is definitely hypocritical on my part given my decades of bad behavior, but I sincerely hope the young lady doesn’t become a stripper, or if she already has, that she finds her way out soon.
You won’t have any success if you don’t learn to respond when people talk to you
Also, you can’t be afraid of one of these
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^ all strippers should be afraid of No-face. He eats people.
CC sent me a pm suggesting that we try this
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What’s wrong with that guy?
I've seen some fat ghetto bitches dancing
Youre really pretty, you could make it. Id lose the braids though tbh youll pigeonhole yourself. When you say “tired of the bsn” did u mean the bullshit or are you in a nursing program? Not sure if that was a typo.