
Liberal “inclusivity” strikes again

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doctorevilEvil Lair


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Avatar for MackTruck

Let's Kick San Antonio's Ass

Avatar for MackTruck

No offence nicespice, we will do it when you are not there.

we will kick those dirty San Antonio cops asses too

Avatar for ATACdawg

The basic issue is not with Chick-Fil-A's willingness to serve LGBTG people. On the contrary, they're happy to take money from anyone, including any gays who would darken their door.

Rather, their anti-LGBTG policies are related to a) hiring and b) who can own or manage a CFA franchise, as well as their funding of/contibuting to groups that have straight agendas. I have always liked their products, but my family and I won't go there anymore because of those policies.

Excluding them from the airport is probably the wrong course to take, as it is a publicly funded entity, but Ricer U, a private college, had a perfect right to excude anybody they wished, every bit as much a right as CFA has to limit their employment and ownership to straights, and I agree with their moral imperative.

Avatar for twentyfive

Who cares TBH why not help some mom and pops open a business in the airport instead of having lucrative deals exclusively offered to big businesses. Colleges too.

Avatar for MackTruck

As a side hustle I an going in tomorrow night to Chick Fal A and buying a shit ton of chicken sandwiches. I will set next to the order microphone in the drive through on Sunday afternoon and sling dep bitches.

MackTruck got all the Chicks

Avatar for Warrior15

I'm kinda in the mood for a chicken sandwich now myself. But since the lines at the nearest one to me will be incredibly long, I will go somewhere else.

I think Chick-fil-A will be just fine without this one store. Just more capital to open another somewhere else and make millions.

Avatar for nicespice

Glad to see the city has its priorities in order, like it usually does.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Lol @ that old Hillary KFC joke!

Avatar for Nidan111

I’ve never eaten Chick-Fil-A. Guess now is as good as anytime to start having lunch there.

Avatar for Icey

You're saying that a restaurant should have the right to not hire gay employees and to fund anti gay hate groups. By that token, you're creating a path for them to refuse black employees and to fund the KKK. Everything is a precedent, be careful what you support. Although I'm sure some of you would love that.

Avatar for Clubber

People, get a life for God's sake!

Avatar for pistola

Man fuck a Chick Fil A. The world needs less Chick Fil As and more The Habits.

Avatar for skibum609

I plan on eating at Chik-fil-A today as my way pof saying fuck you Icey, you ignorant hypocritical pathetic bigot.

Avatar for Icey

Skibum, go donate to David Duke....

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