Dallas, TX

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Ok, so after a few years away, I finally have another trip coming to the Dallas area. I would appreciate any insights anyone has regarding the state of affairs in the DFW club scene.

As you consider your advice, however, I would ask that you exclude BabyDolls (Dallas) and Bucks (Fort Worth) from the list. Simply put, I've been ripped off too many times at Baby Dolls for that to be an option. If you're a casual beer drinking club tourist or a lunch visit tyoe, then BBD may be great for you. But as someone who likes cocktails, their short pours are legendary and often spoken about on other boards and their dancers are under tremendous pressure to sell dances. I suppose that someone has to pay for all of the tuxedo dudes hovering over almost everything, nevermind all the cabbies who are paid to dump out of towners at the club's doorstep. As far as Bucks goes, I generally prefer dancers with all of their teeth, if you know what I mean. ;)

So with that in mind, please feel free to share your thoughts. I will also be reading the reviews, but the shill activity (positive reviews for some clubs, hit jobs on others) is so constant in the Dallas reviews that it is sometimes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Many thanks in advance and I'm always happy to return the favor.


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avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Get lunch at Bombshells while you are there
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
My advice fly to san diego go to hk and quit cumming in your pants
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@Country: Why should I do either? I can travel a much shorter distance and use my dick well in a club in your own back yard, with a hot ass corn fed blond no less. Why you can't manage the same and instead must go to that Mexican shithole is a mystery to me. ;)

But again, this is not about TJ or KY. I need to be in Dallas TX, so my location is fixed.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I got to admit on my visit to Dallas I was a little disappointed in the talent (except baby dolls) in some of the places and I’m a night guy. Bucks wild was pretty decent when I went. But I didn’t get a chance to go to the Men’s club or XTC. I’ll do it next time.

Had no interest in checking out the lodge doesn’t sound like my cup of tea.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Yes muddy, I read your last corporate ad...er, I mean review...of BBDs. I guess you didn't see the pot bellies and chunky asses I saw the last time I was there, along of course with some hotties. Though I did believe that you and your buddy each spent $400, especially if you were buying hard alcohol. We wouldn't know of course since your "review" conveniently left out the drink prices, which is not unusual for a BBD review since it's one thing they don't want to advertise for some reason. ;)

But again, I've asked for assessments of other clubs. There are a bunch of them. SR? Pandoras, with full nude byob and lots of naked Chicas walking around? Men's Club? The Lodge, which has historically had the hoittest girls in Dallas? XTC? Others? Looking for updates, preferably from people who don't have a pecuniary interest in the clubs. ☺
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
What I can I say I had good time Rick. The girls really are fucking hot. When a club delivers I give it its due. It beat’s the countless other clubs that have a handful of meth addict 4’s. I’m just trying to help you out, you want to get all butt hurt that’s on you.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Why would I be "butt hurt" Muddy? I don't own any of the surrounding clubs, so I have no horse in the race other than looking to discuss better alternatives. I'll let others be the judge of your "review", lol. Btw, how much do the drinks cost there? Hiow heavy was the bouncer presence? What exactly did you spend that $400 on? You'd be doing the readers of your dazzling review, with such catchy phrases like "always a good lineup", "there's always something here", "it looks like a mansion" and "can't miss", a service by putting a little more of that meat into the comments. ;)

And unlike that pussy pauldrake, I'm not going to block you simply because you put something in the thread that I disagree with, even though you seemed to lack the ability to follow simple directions.

Anyone else with something fresh to add about other options? :)
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Rick, you have to go PTs!

It’s BYOY and there are hot white women there. I don’t know about dayshift that much. Most of the talent is in the nightshift.

I don’t partake in extras and it’s not advisable to discuss in an open forum. Skybox offers the most privacy because it’s just you and your dancer. Room charge is $250 per hour. Dancers time is not included. I have never been up there so I don’t even know what it looks like inside.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
I have not been to baby dolls in many months. Got tired of all the Cuban dancers there. I like PTs much better.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Look it’s not my best review looking back at it. Not gonna lie. I kind of looked at it and said I got write better than that, it’s horseshit. I’ve tried to grow since then but I’m still no Papi_Chulo

But go fuck yourself Rick. Your one of my favorite board members but you get douchey sometimes. Whatever idc while your at some crack den ratchet ass brothel, I’ll be at Baby Dolls WHERE THE ACTION IS! WHERE SEXY COMES TO PLAY! BE THERE.....OR MISS OUT ON THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@crazyjoe: Thanks! I may have to check that out.

@Bavarian: Thank you to you also. I've never been there, but have always meant to go. My only hesitation is that some reviewers have said that it is nude optional onstage, which is something that irks me. PT's is pretty far away from the other clubs, especially when traveling by cab, so I'd be doubly pissed if I hiked out there and didn't like the vibe. But I suppose it's long past time I give the place a shot.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
LOL Muddy. Where are the ratchet ass brothels?! You may have some decent intel to add to this thread after all. ;)

But if I'm not in one of those, I'm guessing I'll be t the Lodge spending time with the hottest girls in the region. But look, nothing against Babydolls. After all, the girls with the pot bellies and chunky asses need someplace to work when the Lodge won't hire them, but they don't want to work in a ratchet ass brothel either. ☺

All kidding aside folks, great intel so far. Any more would be well appreciated.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Sorry I don’t know a lot about Dallas but there’s on gal that I’m friendly with that works at Solid gold she’s prolly the type you like blonde 5’5” 130 pounds nice shape she previously worked at the men’s club and the lodge, she said of the two men’s club had more and hotter dancers and that Baby Dolls had been taken over by the Cubanas.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ rickdugan i would rether jackoff than fuck a skanky assed fat homegrown blonde. Imo you have no taste. You wrote a good review of one of the nastiest clubs in ky divas in lexington. Viva mexico!
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
You can have all the skanky nasty heroin addicts in ky you want. Help yourself lol
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
Latinas equal goddesses. Ky cornfed sows make me want to throw up
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Yeah give it a shot since you’re visiting Dallas.

Just take an Uber and bring some liquor.

About the nude optional thing. White women tend to be more liberal with getting nude on stage
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Damn. It cut off with an emoji.

I was going to say that if you see someone you like, tip her on stage and most likely she will flash you. If she doesn’t, just ask to see some pussy.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
I think there’s only one dancer there that I have never seen get nude or flash it on stage.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@25: Thank you for passing that along. I stopped in at Men's Club during my last trip, but I had the misfortune of hitting during a shift change. I opted not to penalize them for it, but instead I intend to try it out later in the evening next time. I've also been reading about the Cuban infestation at BBD, at least once I wade through 5 or 6 shill reviews for every meatier one.

@Country: The club was good on the night I was there and so was the very lucid and lusciously curvy, but not fat, pretty girl that entertained me. What else can I say? I can only judge a club by what is there when I visit, whether it's a club having an unusually good night or a place like BBD, which had a significant B team on the night of my visit. Are these places better or worse at other times? Maybe, maybe not, but I can only base my review upon my experience on the night I visit.
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
@ rickdugan sll bullshit aside you got lucky. Most times i have tried divas i have not been impressed.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Ricky Boy wouldn’t know a good club if it jumped up and bit him in the ass. He thinks that shithole Lollipops in Pasco County is stripnclub utopia https://www.tuscl.net/app/discussion.php… but always has a hard on for BDD, which is almost universally recognized as good if not great club. I don’t know why anyone pays any attention to this retard.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@Country: Sometimes being lucky is better than being smart. ;)

Thank you so far everyone. I welcome any additional comments re: the Dallas club scene.
avatar for Pistrolla
6 years ago
Want to play ricky?

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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Dugan has it in for Baby Dolls I guess b/c his douchey-system doesn't work at a good club like Baby Dolls where dancers aren't desperate which is his "system"; i.e. zero-in on desperate down-on-their-luck women/dancers that have no-choice but to pretend to be impressed by his fake-ass persona.

So he shoots-down the 2 best clubs in DFW (BDs and Bucks) b/c he knows his bullshit won't fly there - and he is such a self-absorbed self-serving prick that besides preying on desperate women and seeing that as an actual badge of honor, he's such a self-absorbed prick that he purposely and incorrectly trashes Baby Dolls whenever anyone asks for Dallas club info/recs - he's such a self-absorbed prick that he'll give erroneous info to persons asking for Dallas advice and purposely steers that person away from Baby Dolls which on avg/overall is probably the best club in Dallas - but he's so butthurt about his failures at Baby Dolls that he'll selfishly steer unsuspecting TUSCLers asking for info away from Baby Dolls and thus potentially cause the person from not enjoying a good club and one of the more popular clubs in the country - he selfishly prefers to fuck over the TUSCLer asking a question I assume thinking he's hurting the club - what a self-serving prick.

It's one thing to say the club isn't for you, but another thing to say it's the worst club to visit and give false info b/c he has an ax to grind w/ the club - BDs has over 2000 reviews and his explanation is that those are mostly shill reviews - what a self-serving dick - and then he recommends to unsuspecting TUSCLers a total-dive like Pandoras which only has 69 reviews (compared to BDs 2,146 - during the *same* time period - both clubs being reviewed on TUSCL since 2004), and Pandoroas has a TUSCL score of 5.8 vs BDs score of 8.0 - and his douche-defense is that BDs scores are due to shill-reviews and thus he tells others to avoid an o/w good-club they would enjoy - what a self-serving dick.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ in fact Baby Dolls is the highest TUSCL-rated club in DFW and has the most-reviews - yet Ricky Boy will tell unsuspecting TUSCLers it's the worst club and to steer away just b/c he wants to stick-it to the club where in fact he's just sticking it to the unsuspecting TUSCLer, but he doesn't care as long as it serves his self-serving purposes
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Rick! I was thinking of making a trip to DFW, and the only club in Dallas I have a license for is Baby Dolls. Come visit me :)
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
When you will you be there?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ yeah - I wanna be there too and meet the infamous Ricky Boy
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
Damn is refreshing to see a legitimate argument with hard core TUSCL's again without involving any shitty trolls. This is soo refreshing!!!
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Ever tried Baby Dolls? That place gets a lot of good reviews.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Man, all this talk of Baby Dolls is making me want to stop by to see what’s new!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Baby Dolls is a good-club - but I think the massive influx of Cuban-dancers have turned it from great to just good, IMO - but seems the Cubanas have also engulfed other DFW clubs - in my October visit I was taken-aback to see that Pandoras was half if not mostly Cubanas.
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
There are less Cubanas at PTs than before.

I just like PTs so much.

I know the staff, the bartenders are hot and friendly. It’s BYOB and you can see pussy. Unlike Bucks Wild, a nude dance is not an extra $10. I like that you don’t have to pay $10 to acces the lap dance room at Baby Dolls.

I will stop by Baby Dolls to have a beer and check out the talent. I will have to put up with the country music though.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Yeah Rick I got some more intel. The patriots and their bandwagoning fans fucking suck!

And your mother’s a whore
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@Papi: BBD would be lucky to be the 6th best club in DFW. But to be clear, I don't dislike BBD any more than any other clip joint I've reviewed. In fact, I've reviewed several that pull even worse stunts than BBD, but you never see me complaining about them. That's because they don't have 1,000+ shill reviews that turn 7s into 9s while avidly avoiding anything negative about the club, including the issues I highlighted above. There are a plethora of excellent club options in Dallas, but they get drowned out on this board by the shameless and disingenuous self promotion of one club.
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
If you have never been to the Lodge - it's worth one visit. Completely different strip club. Older dancers but sexy. Have dinner and drinks before hitting PT.
If you have been to Lodge once - then never mind.

I completely agree with Papi and others about Baby Dolls. When I'm visiting Dallas and want a sure thing in terms of sexy, flirty dancers - this club never disappoints. Even on a Monday afternoon. At the same time I can understand strip club veterans looking for wilder experiences.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
What's all the negativity with Cuban dancers?

In SoCal clubs I've only met two or three and they weren't great or bad, just average dancers, one was pretty hot but did not go topless while on stage, so I passed when she came by to offer a LD.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
w.r.t. Cuban dancers from what I've seen it's usually an issue when they're in #s
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Perhaps my language to Dugan was a little-rough, but busting his balls once in a while for w/e reason feels cathartic.

Everyone is entitled to like/dislike w/e club but it's not right to lie and mislead others for self-serving purposes.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Actually Papi, you came across much more like a drama queen than a ball buster. But "bust" away if it helps you. ;)

And misleading is exactly my point, except we'll have to agree to disagree on who is misleading who. But a shit ton of shill reviews kinda' tip the scales a bit...

Now can we get back to the purpose of this thread, which is to find the good places that the locals actually go to at night? ☺
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
LOL - a leopard never changes its spots
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Papi, I think I was rather restrained all things considered, especially with those goofy characterizations about me and how I club. For some reason - and I'd really be interested in knowing why as nobody is buying your BS surface excuse - your panties get in a wad every time we have this discussion.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Ok, so now that we've burned yet more tuscl bandwidth on Dallas' premiere *burn 'em and churn 'em* tourist trap, which I was very much hoping to avoid this time, does anyone else have a place that they prefer to chill at? You know, someplace where the price of alcohol isn't the same as Manhattan (New York City) strip clubs on a per ounce basis? Someplace that isn't a wanna dance LD factory?

Every big town has the places that the tourists go and places where the locals prefer. What's your favorite local place in Dallas? Again, given the opportunity, i will gladly return the favor if you are ever looking for recon on places like the NYC boroughs (especially Queens), S. CT or NE Florida, among other areas.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I should also add that I would be happy to hear about options in Fort Worth and the surrounding metro area as well.

Thanks again all for the contributions thus far.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ don't mention it
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
I’ve only been to Dallas a handful of times. Lodge wasn’t seedy enough for me. BDD was my go to for most of my trips and I did fairly well there with extras in the chair forts. Last time I was down there, about a year ago now, I went to Bucks Wild. I liked the BYOB and the girls and had a real good time with a takeout option I didn’t pursue. I reviewed the club fairly in depth. One thing is that the club seemed to pick up steam well after midnight. Oh, and you guys in FL and TX are lucky. You’re spoiled with some of the best looking girls in the country and $20 dances. I’m jealous. Bigly.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
If those were your go-to clubs Mr. McNulty then I am afraid that you truly missed out. If you wanted something a little more seedy, then the byob nude clubs in the N. Dallas area can be something special. Last time I went to one, I left with a large Crown bottle completely drained and a lot of fun stories to share. I am now looking to expand my horizons yet further, but I am far past spinning my wheels in DFW tourist traps.

Next time you plan a trip to Dallas I should have more up to date Intel to share. If you are jealous with those bland offerings, just wait. ;)
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@nice: Thank you for the kind offer btw. If anyone could tempt me back into the club, it would be you. You would have to excuse me though if I already seemed a bit buzzed. Last time I went there, they were charging me $17.50 for two very questionable ounces of Jack drizzled over the rocks and I've heard that it's even worse now, as incredible as that may sound, so I'm going to need a big head start before I get there. Basically it's the same thing I do when I club in Manhattan. ☺
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^ Lol! I remember a customer who snuck in a few 50ml bottles of whiskey one night at a club and mixed his drinks himself. I got way too buzzed. :o
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
6 years ago
I haven’t been to Dallas much but posted only because nobody had mentioned Bucks Wild and I had a good time there. I qualified my recommendation because those of us in low option locales rate the Dallas clubs better than what guys in Detroit or Houston would. Also, since we all know it only takes one girl to make a good night, I reflected that my positive experiences, even at the clip joint, were probably just good luck. I look forward to your trip report and wish you happy mongering.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@nice: I used to smuggle booze into nude Manhattan juice clubs back when they still existed, but I'm getting too old to bother now. ;)

I guess I'm eventually hoping to replicate what we had when the Fare Club and Cabaret Royale were still open on Composite Dr. They were owned by the same people who own BBD, but they were night and day in terms of experience. I used to bring a bottle of Crown over to Fare (which was nude byob), pay the VIP cover and leave the bottle there for later. Then I'd go next door to Cabaret (topless w/ alcohol), which honored Fare's VIP admission, have a few drink and some fun in the upstairs chair forts. After midnight, I'd bounce back over to Fare as it picked up and crack open the Crown. The BabyDolls girls were allowed to dance late night at Fare with no bar fee if they were coming from a shift at BBD, so between 12:30 and 2:00 a good number of them would show up and it became a real party.

Or maybe not replicate it exactly, but find other clubbing experiences with a similar cool vibe. Pandoras can be fun as a nude byob party sport, but I'm not fond of the topless options down the street. The search continues.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I used to smuggle alcohol into McDougal's in Baltimore.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Thinking about that really makes me want to try it again in one of my local nude juice clubs, lol.

But fortunately in Dallas, one can see fully nude girls while openly carrying their alcohol with them. Looking forward to the trip back out there.
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
Rick, I eagerly await your reviews/ trip report/article, whatever , on your DFW trip both here and in the "basement" should you be so inclined. BDD was (and likely still would be) my go to place. That said, it's good to get opposing POV's. I recall rick being rubbed the wrong way by overly bright lights at the downstairs bar. That triggered an instant recall, but at the time didn't register much on my Richter Scale, and didn't even think to mention it in my BDD reviews. A good reminder to mention some unusual things in one owns reviews to make it more meaningful and informative to a wider audience. Over several visits a couple of staff people rubbed me the wrong way, but the plethora of hot babes at BDD made me just brush those off and move on.
avatar for stripfighter
6 years ago
"Rick! Come visit me :)"
"Damn, didn’t know you fantasized about getting Rick hard as well."
"When you will you be there?"

awwww sounds like someooooone has a crush on you ricky bobby op dugan ;)

just be careful according to a thomas bradley avatar(who may or may not wear a 3 piece polyester suit) "there's a reason she's a stripper" or according to some member(singular) she's also a meth head, but then again that might mean she's straight up your alley.

just my 0.02. anyways good luck
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
@stripfighter: Idk. A girl like nice is right up my alley precisely because she does NOT seem to be the meth head type. Contrary to the ridiculous diatribe from one poster above, I am one of the members of this board who is LEAST likely to do anything edgy with a girl I know to be on anything other than alcohol. For some reason this goofy narrative, along with other melodramatic comments, pop up every time I criticize BBD or otherwise hurt someone's feelings. Indeed, the first time my reviews were ever trolled was when I gave BBD a (well earned that night) poor review. Hmmm...

I'm the guy who is most likely to be siting with one of the hottest girls in the club and heavy drug use is not conducive to attractive facial features. That one was "for the record." ;)

Now can we get back to better alternatives to the aforementioned *burn 'em and churn 'em tourist trap?' We have a lot of daytime beer and water drinkers on this board, which I think also skews the results as BBD is admittedly one of the few clubs in Dallas with an active dayshift and it is one of the closest to downtown. What I am seeking is more input from the club hounds who party at night in Dallas, when prices go up and the various clubs become more crowded.
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