
@founder Is there a loophole in the Ignore feature?

Avatar for SirLapdancealot
SirLapdancealotFormer Knight of the Round Table Dance

I was just noticing that by clicking on the profile of someone that has me on ignore, I cannot access the button in order to put that person on ignore myself. Not that I would ever put anyone on ignore. I just wanted to mention it.


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Avatar for MackTruck

If you ig ore someone it goes both ways. You can not see them either

Avatar for BoringLoser

MackTruck I can’t see what you’re saying. I have you on ig ore.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@MackTruck it doesn't go both ways is my point. For example right now only san_jose_creep has me on block but I can see his posts and threads still. And if I wanted to block him, I cannot because by him blocking me, I cannot access his profile which has the block button for me to block him.

To put it another way, if two people wanted to mutually block each other, only the first person to actually hit the block button would be successful.

Avatar for BoringLoser

Wow. Before you explained that I thought it was a stupid loophole. Now I see how powerful it is. Especially for someone who posts a lot.
At least you don’t see his discussion topics, right?

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@BoringLoser I don't think I can see his topics anymore because I did notice they have been absent amidst seeing his posts to threads by others. At this very moment I don't see any of his topics started in the last three discussion pages.

And furthermore it doesn't make sense that the guy who doesn't block (by choice) is suddenly deprived of seeing the threads of someone that blocked him. But oh well, founder's site and founder's rules. I'm good.

Avatar for founder

It's a loophole. I'll fix it

Avatar for founder

I think I fixed it.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@founder I see that there's now an option for me to press a block button when I get the notification that san_jose_creep has blocked me when I try to see his profile. So yeah it's fixed in my book.

Avatar for PaulDrake

I thought at one point the block feature was bi-directional. So if I block SJG I can't see his posts and he can't see mine. Is it back to being one directional? I really liked the bi-directional version.

Avatar for founder

If you block someone they should not see your posts.

Avatar for TFP

Founder, that's only in VIP threads though, right? In non VIP threads can't the blocked person still see your posts?

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

I am blocked by san_jose_creep right now and I can only see his posts in other threads that he didn't start. I cannot see his discussion topics and I cannot see his profile. And when I try to see his profile I get a notification that he has blocked me instead which also has a button that will allow me to block him.

Avatar for BoringLoser

That button is your TUSCL legacy

Avatar for twentyfive

It was more fun when you block them first

Avatar for twentyfive

^ main reason I block you has nothing to do with anything your ignorant ass says, it’s mainly to keep you from shitting on my posts and trying to take everything off topic into a flame war which apparently is all you’re capable of as you add nothing intelligent to any conversation you interject your self into.

Avatar for flagooner

But the flame wars between you two are often funny. Both of you get some really good comebacks in.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

If the new block button on the "this member has blocked you" page is my TUSCL legacy then I would humbly suggest @founder to change it to the "parry" button.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@twentyfive just curious...when you have txtittyfag blocked and you are logged in, do you lose access and visibility to his profile, posts, and threads created?

Avatar for twentyfive

When I see him post right after me depending on my mood sometimes I log out cause I know he just wants a target to attack and also depending on how I feel I either respond or just let him demonstrate what a jerk he is all by himself

Avatar for twentyfive

^ also you’ll notice it’s almost always him attacking me on any thread when you see my post it’s almost always response never initiated

Avatar for twentyfive

^ more yada yada yada from TUSCLs resident moron

Avatar for Lurker_X

Another loophole is that you can still see the trust comments made by persons on your block list, when looking at other members' profiles.

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