Great otc opportunity with naturally bootylicious brazilian; need some tips/advi

Id call myself a low-mid-level journeyman SCer at this point but ive only done a succesful otc once. Ive gotten a bunch of dancers numbers over the years but only actually met two OTC, one was a bust. Some i never called, some the time frame was too short due to travelling. I have a golden opportunity with a young big booty brazilian who i had a fantastic time with this weekend. Just need some advice/tips/insight so i dont screw it up lol.
The details: she had the phattest ass in the club so naturally she was my first choice for LDs and i got 4 from her (2 two-packs), they were great - pretty high mileage and we were making out by the third dance, but no stickshifting, other than with her ass. This place had a bouncer in the LD room who can see everything BTW and he was looking. We hung out all night, hanging at the bar, smoking outside, got her phone number and real name (well a real name anyway lol). She's young, thick and juicy - maybe 23 so i prob have almost ten years on her. Also a FOB brazilian who doesnt speak English but god bless her she tried and we made it work with my Splangiano and google translator. She told me shes only been here two weeks and is living in that great wellspring of strippers known as The Ironbound in Newark, NJ.
At one point she mentioned shes very new and is still trying to figure out the area (North and Central Jersey) so I said Id show her around. She seemed receptive. In reality id much rather just have her do a house visit, get a lap dance on my couch and fuck her brains out lol Im single and didnt get a sleazy vibe from her at all so im not too worried about it plus it would save $ which is a little tight now but loosening soon. We never discussed money or anything specific.
Anyway we had a lot of fun, shes hot as fuck and I didnt get the typical SS vibe from her but translating all that to a good OTC outing has been difficult in my experience. Any suggestions or wisdom would be appreciated. I really need to cross off phat booty brazilian before i get wifed up again.
last commentGood luck, just enter with very low expectations and basically expect disappointment. Keeping it real.
the one time i did otc we ended up in an abandoned parking lot and i got sketched out and drove away real quick. hope you have a good time. but just keep in mind that honey traps have caught more than one man.
Yeah gotta watch the honey trap, especially in newark. She actually seemed like a sweetheart but my little head was fully in charge so who knows. Ill trust my gut and take a shot though
It looks to me that you might have a good opportunity of becoming friend with benefits, instead of p4p.
From what I understand Brazilians are more relax about sex.
You should learn basic romantic Portuguese/Brazilian phrases in Google. Follow up with the show her around offer and take her in a romantic tour/walk of the area, kiss her and lite make out.
Second date dinner and if you are a good dancer dancin to a romantic club or take a ballroom class with her mentio dancing with the stars or something like that, romance her more, end up with a really hot make out session and If you get the vibe take her home and make love to her.
The third day dinner at your place and fuck he brains out.
Good luck and please let us know what happens.
Thank you.
"Yeah gotta watch the honey trap, especially in Newark." Why "especially in Newark"? I have never had an issue in Newark or with the dancers I know from Newark. I find the Russians, especially the agency ones from Brooklyn to be a problem.
Many of the Brazilians in Newark are looking for a good time. They won't say no to a friend helping them out with a bill or some grocery shopping.
Offer to take her to the Adeiga grill on ferry st then lancers for dancing further down the road or Ferandes for dinner and then to the night club across the street. Take her to the beach when the weather warms up. That has always been successful with the Brazilians. A day trip to sandy hook and dinner in the atlantic highlands or a day trip to sea side. These have worked for me and have been good for clarifying what they want. "No thank you I need to work to pay bills" is a sure sign she wants P2P.
My advice is to not think too much about it and bang her for as long as you can. Brazilians have a quick expiration date and its hard to find one over 24 that isnt pregnant or with a child. I messed up with a young brazilian I met in Johnny A's. I met her on her first night dancing and hung out with her barside for an hours. Had a high mileage LD and when she called me up to hang out I passed and said Id hang out with her the next week. When I called back she didnt pick up and stopped dancing at the bar. The brazilian milfs are ok, but its rare to find a young single one that you vibe with.
"I find the Russians, especially the agency ones from Brooklyn to be a problem."
How so?
Ass, just role with it and use your common sense. If you are doing the driving, then you shouldn't have any problem keeping yourself out of sketchy places. If she wants p4p $$ or just to be paid for her time, she'll let you know. From there she will tell you what she wants and you will tell her what you are willing to pay for and either you'll have a meeting of the minds or not.
This is a bit of a derail of the OP
The short answer is I rarely met a Brazilian from Newark with GPS and find that many of these Russians from Brighton beach and Sheepshead bay to have extreme cases of GPS.
I have never had a Brazilian over count songs. the Russians often do. On dates the Brazilians don't ask me to stop somewhere on the way to pick up something. This is common with Russians and Americans. I have never had to argue with a Brazilian about what we agreed to. In personal relationships the Brazilians can be very jealous but they have never given me crap for choosing another dancer. The Russians think they own me. the Brazilians are grateful when you take them to dinner even if it is a diner. Many of the Russians spend the night complaining about the service, the food, the room and always know of a better place or better dish and do not pass up an opportunity to tell you of a time they went to a better place. It isn't all of them but enough of them for me to hesitate and wait until I know them well enough to judge.
K, they are a product of their environment. They grew up in a place that is rich in culture and STEM education, yet light on economic opportunities and even some basic necessities. It is also still very patriarchal. So when you mix that all up, you get well educated tough women who learn how to seduce and/or play men to get what they want. Truth be told, I miss the Russian girls. I find them to be a lot of fun once they figure out that you are worth their effort and they are often the most beautiful girls in any club that they work in.
By the way, the term GPS sucks IMO. We have no innate right to any girl's pussy, so I've never understood why some guys use a derogatory term for a girl who commits the cardinal sin of placing value on her intimacy. That is how it should be.
I suspect you completely misunderstood my posts. In my first I was only trying to find out what misgivings the OP had about Newark and dancers form Newark given my history of have no issues in 30 plus years of visiting Newark WRT this hobby of ours.
You asked for clarification on a point that has nothing to do with the OP and I should not have included in my first post. Because I did , I addressed it.
I confined my comments to a specific group, Agency dancers from two specific neighborhoods of Brooklyn. I know I used the word agency in my first post and I clarified the specific neighborhoods in my second so that should be obvious i even used words like many an dmost so it should also be clear I don't mean everyone. It would be more than just them if it is a product of the culture and STEM education. IMO a better explanation is the agencies in these neighborhoods attract a specific type of person. From my posts, it should be obvious that I do associate with these ladies. I take a little more time to get to know them before I spend a significant amount of time or money on them.
Please show me where I made any such claim that I have a right to a woman's pussy? I am sure you will not find it. I could expand on this but we have derailed this thread enough.
The term GPS is generally used to signify a woman that believes she deserves everything or is better simply because she has a pussy and it is better than every other pussy out there. I will quote our glossary to see the definition we should all assume is meant when it is used "Golden Pussy Syndrome - A stripper who thinks she's the best." Please explain how that equates to your conclusion of what I or others mean when GPS is used. I believe the glossary definition fits WRT my specific complaints.
another commenter brought up the honey trap and newarks not a place you want to wind up set up on a dead end street, thats all. again she seems like a sweet girl more or less and the ironbounds a pretty safe area that ive been to many times so im not overworried about it. not bashing newark just trying to be safe. im just gonna play it out, she wants to go adopt a puppy lol and id be doing the driving so im in a pretty good position here. ill take her out a few times and see what happens. you guys basically confirmed what was i thinking - forget p2p with this one unless she brings it up. good notes on the brazilians, i always have fun with them ITC just never done OTC. thanks.
anyone know where to get a free or cheap bulldog in north jersey or surrounding area?
Call the near by shelters. Check with bulldog rescue
The term "GPS" is generally used by butt hurt asswipes who feel anger and/or resentment towards a girl who has the audacity to place value on herself. Tapdance all you want, but it's common usage is well known to everyone but you apparently.
K, as far as the Russian girls, there are plenty of guys having a great time with them - ITC and OTC. Just not you. ;)