Prostitution is not wrong but human trafficking Stop supporting Bob Kraft

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?…

he bought sex from place with ties to human traficking. Ur support is disgusting.


  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Well Bob I could look at blaming you for something that isn't your fault, but I prefer to look at the fact that you'rethe greatest philanthropist in the country. The fact that left wingers haven't given a shit about illegals covers illegals who are prostitutes as well. Get rid of everyu fucking foreigner and then I might not want to go our for beers and whores with Bob.
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    Agreed that human trafficking is reprehensible! But exactly how would a customer know if the women working at any establishment were consenting employees versus exploited sex slaves? Of course there are hints, but think about the first time customer.

    Until we have legal, safe and regulated prostitution, our country is creating a market for human trafficking. Said another way,w e aren't going to prevent people from seeking out sex (no matter how many sting operations arrest and embarrass customers) so we need to provide a legal and safe alternative that operates under the same legal constraints that would apply to any job where worker safety is protected. That would allow customers (mostly men if history is predictive) to have legal and safe alternatives to pursue their sexual needs and cut off much of the revenue for illegal AMPS.

    Of course, I can't wait to see the OSHA guidelines for safe operation of a massage parlor!
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    Nicole -- how do we know YOU are not being trafficked to participate in this website??

    How was Kraft to know?? Do you think his masseuse told him? Did he get a tour of the kitchen and bedrooms in the back?

    The damage to Kraft's reputation by his name being dragged through this is bullshit.

    Increase criminal penalties for human trafficking and decriminalize prostitution and solicitation.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    If you think this was Kraft’s first time you are deluding yourself. If you think someone walking into an AMP has not at least considered the possibility that the service providers are illegals and possibly trafficking victims you are deluding yourself. Could we expect him to know for sure? No. Did he know that it was a risk? Fuck yes.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    +1 Electronman
  • boomer79
    6 years ago
    They always say it’s human trafficking. Human trafficking is a fraud put on the public by social conservatives and feminists. Women used to support women doing what they want with their bodies but they don’t like men having this outlet. So they rebranded prostitution sex trafficking and now say it’s the men’s fault.

    If they want to really do anything about it they’d legalize it and do inspections for business licenses to know who works there. Until then I don’t believe a word that comes out of the government or advocacy groups mouths. Its just politics.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Nicole, you no longer believe in the legal system yet you want to become a lawyer, what happened to his presumption of innocence, BTW just the release of his name, in connection with, the public announcement, and the declaration, of sex trafficking, is I believe unconstitutional, and is just an attempt, by the state's attorney to influence the jury pool and subsequent trial, if there is one.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    They have him on video (twice) FFS. Yes, there is the formality of a trial in his future. (The chances his lawyers go through the public spectacle of a trial are less than zero.) Kraft is a victim of the media and social conservatives? Give me a fucking break. Did he also decide at 77 years old to visit an AMP (twice)? No. Sometimes the story is exactly how it looks. Old rich dude wanted a handy and got caught in a prostitution roundup and his name got put in the paper. This happens. All. The. Time.

    I agree there is some hypocrisy to be found in the enforcement but it doesn’t change the fact that he did this (twice). If you do the crime be prepared to do the time. Or as my republican brothers are so fond of saying, we are a country that respects the rule of law (unless it involves illegal porn star payoffs, handjobs, obstruction of justice, perjury, witness tampering, etc. etc. etc.)

  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Did he also decide at 77 years old to visit an AMP (twice) FOR THE FIRST TIME?

    Shit. My brain was ranting faster than my thumbs could type.
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    No delusions here--- but simply an acknowledgement that it is not all that easy to separate coercive employment (trafficking) from legally compensated and consensual work. By the way, I have no interest in defending Kraft-- as others have noted, he made a risky choice and he has the economic means to make "other arrangements." But notice that these "other arrangements" might also be illegal given our very archaic laws on prostitution; what he, and other patrons of the AMP, needs is a legal alternative.

    Since you're focusing on AMPs, let's stick with that ethnicity. How do you know for sure that the workers at your favorite Asian restaurant are not being trafficked? Do customers need to search the restaurant premises to make sure that the workers are not living in the restaurant? Should you ask the workers if they have freedom of movement and are being treated well by their employer? Many of the workers cannot speak English so how would the customer know if he/she was supporting a business that was trafficking its workers? The same argument applies to clothing-- do you need to visit the factory in India or Vietnam to make sure that the workers who are producing your garment are being treated fairly. How about the workers who clean you place of business-- what steps do you need to take to insure that they are not being exploited?

    Trafficking is immoral and illegal-- no problem there. But the issue is how to prevent and combat it? People to need and want to eat food, including Asian food. People need clothing, People want a clean office environment. And certainly people want (some would say need) sex. So the exclusive focus on the customer (including posting mug shots of men who have been accused, but not convicted of soliciting) is not going to solve the problem -- those needs still exist. And that approach (punishing the consumer/purchasers) has not worked in our country, including prostitution and alcohol (Prohibition)).

    How about trying a new approach? Make sure that customers have legal choices (restaurants, clothing manufacturers, office cleaning, and yes, even massage parlors and sexual services) where worker rights are protected by scrutinizing employers and educating the employees about their rights. Under those conditions, then customers who patronize KNOWN illegal businesses over legal businesses can be held accountable.

    More importantly, workers can then choose (a first cousin of consent) whether the nature of their employment and their compensation is acceptable. Would some women voluntarily choose to work in a massage parlor or by analogy to provide "extras" in a strip club? Obviously yes; it may well be their best source of income given their options or they may actually enjoy the work. Should over zealous religious fanatics and even misguided feminists (those who fail to recognize women's rights to make informed and consensual decisions about their own bodies) prevent women from making voluntarily choosing this line of work? No! And we should adjust our laws on prostitution to allow those women who are willing to to exchange sexual services for pay, to do so in a safe environment.

    By the way, if the law enforcement officers were so concerned about trafficking, why did it take them 8 months to put a stop to this business. This type of delay did little to protect the women who were being trafficked, although it did allow them to collect lots of customer photos to plaster across the internet.

    Apologies for the rant!
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    No apologies necessary Electronman. This is the story that will keep on giving. :)

    “How do you know for sure that the workers at your favorite Asian restaurant are not being trafficked?”

    The answer here is we don’t. In fact, years ago a story came out that the owner of my favorite sushi restaurant was using illegals, having them live in the restaurant and stealing their tips. Did I feel responsible? I don’t think so. Did I feel shitty that I supported the crimes with my patronage? Absolutely fucking yes.

    I do think there’s a difference between AMPs and restaurants. Most AMPs have at least the air of some crime or seedy enterprise. Prostitution is a crime whether the workers are willing providers who made a choice or trafficking victims. So, yes, I do think it’s reasonable to assume there’s a chance the workers are illegals. Most restaurants are likely not staffed by illegals, but it’s certainly prevalent. My buying the food isn’t a crime but I certainly will feel bad if I learn the owner is a criminal.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ You should feel shitty for eating sushi. That shit is nasty.
  • Funny thing is, I thought about what you guys are saying only right after I had already posted this. *facepalm(on my part)*

    I still don't like the idea of men being satisfied after paying 4 sex...I think what y'all do is really disgusting bc it defeats what I think sex is all about.. I am sorry
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    I’ve “eaten” a lot nastier shit than sushi...

  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    For the record a man of his means getting tied in with something like this is beyond stupid, but the amount of publicity tied in is unfair I’m not defending him I’m saying that this amount of stupid is criminal, but at the same time acknowledging that the way this man is portrayed by the state attorney is unfair and that’s not justice, that’s grandstanding.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    25 - I haven’t seen the grandstanding so maybe I’m not giving that enough criticism. All I’ve seen so far is a pretty straightforward report that he got caught (twice). Someone above said Kraft’s “name was being dragged through the mud.” That phrase implies to me some unfairness or biased reporting. I just don’t see it but admittedly I am part of the 31/32 part of the country that hates the patriots. The fact is he did this and the police and reporters publicly outing johns is a long time tactic in attempted deterrence of that crime.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I’m in Palm beach county and that’s the lead on every local news show right now, plus it’s generated segments on CNN and FOX in each one they use quotes from The prosecutors the magnitude of the relevance of this story is underwhelming
    Hell why don’t they mention the other twenty or thirty guys that got caught up in this, my guess is there’s nothing in it for them, just the trophy scalp counts SMH.
    BTW I sorta root against the Patriots every chance I get so you aren’t unusual in that respect.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Palm Beach County is a blue area and therefore law enforcement is modelled on the KGB. By the way Nicole you haven't even had sex so you telling us what its lsupposed to be like is like you telling us what it feels like to get kicked in the nuts.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ you’re incorrect skibum, PBC is actually a red zone look it up, Voted for Trump in 2016, voted for Romney in 2012 and McCain in 2008
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Would you please check that crystal ball you have and give me the lottery numbers for tonight? Thanks!
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    The criminal part of this story will blow over in a couple of weeks, depending on when the ‘other bigger names’ come out. What I’m really looking forward to is the NFL dealing with this. Roger Goodell is 100% undefeated in bungling every controversial issue that’s landed on his desk. It’s guaranteed he fucks this up. I can’t wait to see what he does here. That’s going to start the fun all over again.
  • @ski you didn't think about the fact that perhaps bc I know what sex is about, that is the reason why I haven't engaged in it yet........
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Robert kraft didnt do anything different than a million other mongers hasnt done. Human traffiking is wrong but not his crime. Hes guilty of being a human being with needs fuck these stupid prostitution laws and the feminists and bible thumpers that support these nonsense garbage they call laws
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    If prostitution was legal and regulated it would eliminate human traffiking
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ No, it wouldn't
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Yes it would
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    We just need a wall. That will end human trafficking
  • There shouldn't be laws against prostitution but men who purchase sex are gross and really stupid. Sorry y'all.
  • I saw dumb bc a guy who can just fuck a girl based on looks is pathetic .
  • I saw dumb bc a guy who can just fuck a girl based on looks is pathetic .
  • I saw dumb bc a guy who can just fuck a girl based on looks is pathetic .
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    If the police did this to rescue the women being “trafficked”, why did they let it go on for at least 125 patrons ? Probably hundreds more.

    The first reports about this always turn out to be wrong. When the truth finally comes out, we will discover a political motive behind this.

    The Bloomberg article on this stresses repeatedly how the Trump golf course is nearby. I think that’s a clue to what this sting was hoping to accomplish.

    And, since police were essentially running an illegal enterprise, I expect a lot of the charges to be thrown out.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Take off your tin foil hat. Someone tells you that the police discovered that AMPs are a front for prostitution and illegals and the most logical conclusion you see is a conspiracy against Trump. Brilliant.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I think for the tricks on here, human trafficking just means cheaper pussy that doesn't talk back much.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ True and so fucking funny
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^^My lol was for Jimmy Mcnulty
    6 years ago
    first of all nicole is a stupid cunt and a child who knows nothing about the world
    6 years ago
    second of all prostitution should be legal. this is the precise forum to talk about how we go about getting that done
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    she knows enough to get a rise out of old tricks
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