
A few things you don't know about me..like the fact that I don't believe in the

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
- I dont believe in the gender pay gap
- I am not against sex before marriage so I dont think I'll ever get married...I just think that hookups 90% of the time are dumb as fuck but we certainly don't have to agree on that
- I like men..in fact I love them (;
- I actually avoid bringing up controversial topics .bc its.pointless.whats the point of discussion something we are gonna disagree on if we don't intend to learn anything from it. Its also pointless if its gonna take time away from me being at th3 top of my class.However , I will argue you if you bring it up.
-my goal is to graduate law school at the top 1% of my class. Anything less than top 15 % will be unacceptable to me..we will see what happens
- I'm not a huge fan of legalizing abortion, but I also don't feel comfortable making it illegal.

...if you are surprised that I don't believe in a gender pay gap, that says more about your character than it does mine.


  • I meant top 9, not top 15%...
  • I meant top 9, not top 15%...
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    My goal in Law School was to avoid working in the real world for 3 years. I succeeded and enjoyed being a security guard because I could study while getting paid. Unless of course the cleaners wanted me to let them outside every hour to get high...which we did.
  • Skibum sounds funny as hell and chill but he is too crazy lol
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Something I do know about you ... from your profile pic, nicely done with the boobs.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    - I dont believe in the gender pay gap

    Not believing in it doesn't mean it isn't there.

    - I am not against sex before marriage so I dont think I'll ever get married...I just think that hookups 90% of the time are dumb as fuck but we certainly don't have to agree on that

    Only when the people hooking up are dumb as fuck

    - I like men..in fact I love them (;

    I love humanity but mostly slim thick bitches n shit....n shit

    - I actually avoid bringing up controversial topics .bc its.pointless.whats the point of discussion something we are gonna disagree on if we don't intend to learn anything from it. Its also pointless if its gonna take time away from me being at th3 top of my class.However , I will argue you if you bring it up.

    You'll get a bigger rise out of the senior citizens here than their viagra though

    -my goal is to graduate law school at the top 1% of my class. Anything less than top 15 % will be unacceptable to me..we will see what happens

    As long as you're in the top 10% of your class its great.

    - I'm not a huge fan of legalizing abortion, but I also don't feel comfortable making it illegal.

    The problem is the politization of abortion. One side presents it as nothing more than a form of birth control, the other feigns concern for human lives.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    If Nicole were a little be she would be named Icey or something wicked tough like that.
  • Lurker_X
    6 years ago
    I have not suspected Nicole is Icey... but I have thought TrapBaby304 could be.
  • Omg I'm not icey or trap...nice spice met me in person .But I'm pretty sure icey is trap

    Yeah but top 1% is my dream ! I love being at tippity top..but idk just pray that I'll b able to live my dream lmao

  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Thye seem like male and female versions of the same person. I am not saying they are the same person. Liberal young folks are as unique and individual as grains of sand any way, so its no big deal
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    What tier law school are we talking?
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    The pay gay is about 4 to 6 cents on the dollar once you factor out career choice, etc. Also it's near zero in some fields and more in others.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The pay gay is a homo gap ;)
  • @James tier 1 or one ranked 50-60
  • I feel like the exams are all the same in dififculty regardless of tier..what separates tiers is professor rsrch and that doesn't matter in terms of legal education all that much..still aiming for top 20 school tho
  • If anything it'll.be harder at lower ranked school ..bc at top schools can find good job just by being average. First year they teach contracts torts etc...cant really get variation with that in terms of teaching since its all about the cases.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    It doesn't matter what tier law school you go to. The important thing is passing the Bar Exam, and maybe where you placed in your class...when it comes to your first job. Grads from certain schools get some jobs coz of nepotism and connections, not coz of their school or degree.

    The wage gap takes childbirth into account. Without adequate maternity leave and the price of childcare, its a huge impact.

    How do women have more choices or a higher quality of life?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    If you don't believe in the pay-gap do you believe in the thigh-gap - hmm?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^The thigh-gap is where it's at, yeah ha
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Making America Great Again one thigh gap at a time ; )
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @DC man up, it's not so bad being a man, except maybe if you're a millenial ; )
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Did I call you a pussy, you want a reward, I guess you are a pussy ; )
    If it's too much pressure for you you can do what Bruce Jenner did and become Kaitlin .
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Thigh gap is mainly a product of how wide a woman's hips are
  • I don't have one:(
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Men don't have to work either, you can find yourself a chick who is okay with it.

    TBH making the first move is not a big deal. If she's giving you signals its pretty easy. If she isn't interested move on. Rejection is a part of life and you'll face hell of a lot more of it with jobs and shit than women.

    Showing vulnerability can appear as strength, depends on how you do it, and women love it if you're masculine and can intimidate people in some ways but are soft with her.

    Ive never had a problem showing how I feel.

    Feminism isn't bad. I've fucked plenty of girls who were in feminist and social activist groups. In my experience feminism just makes them easy and revolutionary politics turn them on.

    Bulk up and lift weights.... it will do wonders.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    Yeah sex positive feminists are awesome. "Women should be allowed to act like men" was always music to my ears with regards to getting laid.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    That's not true. Being a provider doesn't mean you have her loyalty more than any other man, just means she's more dependent on you. Perhaps trapped. Women love spending money on and showering affection on men they love.

    Women have one night stands and romantic relationships for different reasons. They're generally open to both. I've never seen a woman not open to a relationship if it was with the right guy for her.

    DC, your experiences are far from universal. Women are very nurturing and will do just about anything for a man they want to be with. Sex positive feminism is just about them not feeling ashamed of enjoying their bodies. Every girl who has ever liked me was very submissive and wanted to please and nurture me. Its just how women are. Everyone wants a relationship.... its just that they want it with the right person for them. Changing society with religion or the availability of hookers isn't going to change you.... which is where the real change has to ultimately come from.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    On one hand you're saying its impossible to get laid and how few guys do, then you say girls are sex fiends out to fuck as much as possible. It can't be both ways. It takes two to fuck, more if you're kinky....

    Most girls who sleep around a lot do it to be liked, and others think it will draw a guy in. Even those who do it just coz they like sex, they'll settle down for the right guy. Girls always let you know they like you, its what they crave.
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    Oh FFS
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