A few things you don't know about me..like the fact that I don't believe in the
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
- I dont believe in the gender pay gap
- I am not against sex before marriage so I dont think I'll ever get married...I just think that hookups 90% of the time are dumb as fuck but we certainly don't have to agree on that
- I like men..in fact I love them (;
- I actually avoid bringing up controversial topics .bc its.pointless.whats the point of discussion something we are gonna disagree on if we don't intend to learn anything from it. Its also pointless if its gonna take time away from me being at th3 top of my class.However , I will argue you if you bring it up.
-my goal is to graduate law school at the top 1% of my class. Anything less than top 15 % will be unacceptable to me..we will see what happens
- I'm not a huge fan of legalizing abortion, but I also don't feel comfortable making it illegal.
...if you are surprised that I don't believe in a gender pay gap, that says more about your character than it does mine.
- I am not against sex before marriage so I dont think I'll ever get married...I just think that hookups 90% of the time are dumb as fuck but we certainly don't have to agree on that
- I like men..in fact I love them (;
- I actually avoid bringing up controversial topics .bc its.pointless.whats the point of discussion something we are gonna disagree on if we don't intend to learn anything from it. Its also pointless if its gonna take time away from me being at th3 top of my class.However , I will argue you if you bring it up.
-my goal is to graduate law school at the top 1% of my class. Anything less than top 15 % will be unacceptable to me..we will see what happens
- I'm not a huge fan of legalizing abortion, but I also don't feel comfortable making it illegal.
...if you are surprised that I don't believe in a gender pay gap, that says more about your character than it does mine.
Not believing in it doesn't mean it isn't there.
- I am not against sex before marriage so I dont think I'll ever get married...I just think that hookups 90% of the time are dumb as fuck but we certainly don't have to agree on that
Only when the people hooking up are dumb as fuck
- I like men..in fact I love them (;
I love humanity but mostly slim thick bitches n shit....n shit
- I actually avoid bringing up controversial topics .bc its.pointless.whats the point of discussion something we are gonna disagree on if we don't intend to learn anything from it. Its also pointless if its gonna take time away from me being at th3 top of my class.However , I will argue you if you bring it up.
You'll get a bigger rise out of the senior citizens here than their viagra though
-my goal is to graduate law school at the top 1% of my class. Anything less than top 15 % will be unacceptable to me..we will see what happens
As long as you're in the top 10% of your class its great.
- I'm not a huge fan of legalizing abortion, but I also don't feel comfortable making it illegal.
The problem is the politization of abortion. One side presents it as nothing more than a form of birth control, the other feigns concern for human lives.
Yeah but top 1% is my dream ! I love being at tippity top..but idk just pray that I'll b able to live my dream lmao
The wage gap takes childbirth into account. Without adequate maternity leave and the price of childcare, its a huge impact.
How do women have more choices or a higher quality of life?
If it's too much pressure for you you can do what Bruce Jenner did and become Kaitlin .
TBH making the first move is not a big deal. If she's giving you signals its pretty easy. If she isn't interested move on. Rejection is a part of life and you'll face hell of a lot more of it with jobs and shit than women.
Showing vulnerability can appear as strength, depends on how you do it, and women love it if you're masculine and can intimidate people in some ways but are soft with her.
Ive never had a problem showing how I feel.
Feminism isn't bad. I've fucked plenty of girls who were in feminist and social activist groups. In my experience feminism just makes them easy and revolutionary politics turn them on.
Bulk up and lift weights.... it will do wonders.
Women have one night stands and romantic relationships for different reasons. They're generally open to both. I've never seen a woman not open to a relationship if it was with the right guy for her.
DC, your experiences are far from universal. Women are very nurturing and will do just about anything for a man they want to be with. Sex positive feminism is just about them not feeling ashamed of enjoying their bodies. Every girl who has ever liked me was very submissive and wanted to please and nurture me. Its just how women are. Everyone wants a relationship.... its just that they want it with the right person for them. Changing society with religion or the availability of hookers isn't going to change you.... which is where the real change has to ultimately come from.
Most girls who sleep around a lot do it to be liked, and others think it will draw a guy in. Even those who do it just coz they like sex, they'll settle down for the right guy. Girls always let you know they like you, its what they crave.