I got some shit to say. In-N-Out is fucking overrated

avatar for Muddy
The burgers suck

The fries really suck

Although I gotta say the shakes are pretty good
Not enough save it though.

You got people ROAD TRIPPING for that garbage.

I agree with this dude. He speaks the truth.



last comment
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I've said the same thing for a while. The burgers are blah, and the fries like styrofoam.
avatar for sinclair
6 years ago
I heard Californians hyping it for years. Then I finally went and tried it during a business trip to Los Angeles. I was surprised when it was about the same quality as McDonald's. It did not live up to the hype. I rather eat Carl Jr.'s or Hardee's.
avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
Its a regional thing. Californian foods is typically trash. Good food is needed in other parts of the country to get through winter. The only thing they have over other parts of the country is Mexican. Nothing beats a bowl of guac made tableside in Socal.
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
I usually do a good job of avoiding fast food. But if I get a burger, it is usually at "COOK OUT" Their chili and hush puppies are good too.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
The fries are ok but I like McDonald's more.

The burgers are great FOR THE PRICE. Way better than 5 Guys which is mediocre and over priced. And I'll take a double double over a quarter pounder with cheese any day.

Part of the trick is knowing your order. I like the grilled onions but don't like the spread
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
Yeah Five Guys is something like 8 friggin bucks including tax for a cheeseburger in NC. Although I do like that they can put some jalapeños on the grill with your order.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
In-N-Out is a good value but it's not the best burger and the fries suck.

The best burgers to me are from a little place called B-Man's, the best avacado, teriyaki burger ever, don't get fries order the gyōza instead.
avatar for likes2look
6 years ago
I live in California and it might be blasphemy for me to say it but I agree. It doesn’t live up to the hype some people give it. It is ok for a fast food burger, but I’m not going to drive hours out of my way to eat one. If I am going to drive for hours there better be a strip club with good mileage at the destination.
avatar for BoringLoser
6 years ago
It’s ok as long as you’re expecting McDonald’s quality. What CA does well is the local burger shacks like Norm’s.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
I can't stand any fast food burger. All you can taste is the "secret" sauce. I don't consider 5 guys to be fast food and I like their burgers better than any other restaurant in my area. Yes they cost $8 for a double but that along with some free peanuts is enough to fill me up. And $8 is comparable to what other restaurants like Apple-bee's and IHOP charge.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
Yes, if the choices are IHOP, Applebee's and Five Guys I will take 5 guys. Or get pancakes at IHOP. Applebee's is trash
avatar for Countryman5434
6 years ago
In and out sucks burgers are to greasy and fries suck
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
I won’t drive out of my way for one but I do like the In-N-Out Burger double double animal style. it’s in my top 10. it’s even better if I remember to take some bacon with me to spice it up even more.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Even better if you bring your own hamburger patties and condiments too.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
I agree with Mr Wonderful. Five Guys sucks. It is a grease ball burger. I would prefer In N Out to five guys. If you are looking for the same style if dining as Five Guys just go to Smash Burger. They blow the doors off of five guys
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Applebees is garbage along with most chain resturants
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
five guys is good but the price is way too much. in fact that holds true most anywhere now... including my favorite place which is Fuddruckers. i have cut back on eating out. i’d rather spend the money enjoying a beautiful girl. (and eating her out.)
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Five guys is to fucking greasy, never tried In & Out prolly won’t, I just about never eat fast food, I used to like White Castle and Crystal hamburgers but I don’t really have much of a taste for that crap any more.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
In N Out's appeal is that its fresh. Buns are baked in house, meat is never frozen, fresh produce, fresh fries... The key is knowing how to order. I like the fries extra crispy and the Double Double with just grilled onions and cheese and extra sauce. The shakes are bettter than at other fast food places.

Five Guys, small burgers and way over priced. Its like $10 for a fast food burger....

The best fast food burger to me is Jack In The Box....but it has to be freshly made. I also love the egg rolls there.
avatar for gammanu95
6 years ago
Five guys is totally overrated.
avatar for Mnaz
6 years ago
Five guys, In n Out, and Shake Shack are all overrated. The fast food burger achieved perfection in 1971 with the ideal ratios of bun to beef to cheese in the quarter pounder with cheese from McDonalds, with fries and a coke.
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
Damn you guys bumping this thread are making me wanna stop at COOK OUT on the way home tonight!
avatar for pensionking
6 years ago

Five guys and In-n-out completely overrated.

avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
lets go to Subway.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i hear a bmt calling my name.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
In-n-Out fries and shakes = not good.
Not so on the burgers, they're great for the price IMO. Meat better than McD and Burger King. Lettuce and tomato always fresh. Recommended order: Cheeseburger animal style (which means grilled onions, add pickles, and patty is fried with a dab of mustard). Add extra lettuce and tomato which is no extra cost and you've basically got a meal for $3.

In SoCal in the 1980s, people would get the free giveaway IN-N-OUT BURGER bumper sticker, cut off the B and the R and and paste it on bumper and it would then say IN-N-OUT URGE which was funny the first time I saw it and within months there were hundreds of copycat cars to be seen on freeway and that made it instantly unfunny.
avatar for ime
6 years ago
Cook Out or Char Broil have the best burgers for a chain at least here in NC. I have a buddy from Texas who is always talking about What-a-Burger.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I'll take Five Guys over most fast-food places, yeah they're a bit greasy but I find they taste better than fast-food burgers that don't taste much like food, and a Five Guys burger usually fills me up for a good while - not a big burger guy, when in the mood I'll usually have one of the Fudrockers exotic burgers but they are damn-pricey and you get charged extra for cheese and bacon - or if in the mood for a burger I may go to a steak place where they seem bit-better quality
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I miss the Angus Deluxe from McDonalds.... and the Six Dollar Burger with Cheddar from Jack In The Box.
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
Ime, I have not been to Char-Grill in 20 years or so - but yeah I sure stopped by there often when I lived in Raleigh. There is a location in Davidson though, I could stop there sometime and see how it compares to my memories.

I usually got their ground steak sandwich instead of a burger, though.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Does anyone else remember when the Burger King Whopper was DIY with a toppings bar ? Long time ago.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
anybody ever have a burger at heart attack Grill in Vegas on Fremont Street? Really tasty but super high in calories.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
^^^Hell yeah those things are massive
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
^ Are you referring to crazyjoe's shits?
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