Well I’m super into it! Your kinda into it! We are both in Texas! I fucking love your ass! It’s match made in heaven! Let’s hang gurl!!!!
Honestly it’s very rare for me. I’m bigger down there. I’ll try it and she’s screaming WTF do you want me to do? So when I am able to do it with the rare girl I do cherish it.
@papi_chulo I’d rather give oral than receive it as strange as that sounds. I’ve NEVER gotten off from being eaten out and hardly been truly aroused by it.
I did it a couple of times many years ago when women asked for it. To be honest, I complied with their requests just to be polite.
To this day, I still wonder whether they really wanted to take it up their tailpipes or whether they were offering a tailgate party because they thought I might like it and hoped it would improve their chances with me.
@jamesSD that’s specifically why I tried it in the first place “to spice things up” at first it was painful af, but I ended up liking it after 1-2 times. I think it is good to change it up, but no way is it something I’d want to do ALL all the time.
@papi_chulo nah, I don’t think it’s my scene. I think I’m too soft-sweet for that life haha. Unless I’m just having fun in the audience, then i’m down!
@reverendhornibastard I think there is some truth to both statements. There have been times I’ve REALLY enjoyed anal (even orgasm that way) but also threw it out there to get a reaction.
I cannot see the appeal. I mean her constantly stopping to re-make the bed, straighten the pillows, refolding her clothes, taking notes on what I could do better next time, timing how long each act takes and entering into one of her spreadsheets, showing me bar graphs comparing me to other guys, etc. Too distracting.
I tried it a couple of times and frankly didn’t care for it. I tend to be a little bit greater in circumference than the average, had to use a ton of lube and it was still uncomfortable for her. Fast forward a couple of years and she’s living far away but we’re still in touch. She told me of really enjoying taking a pounding from her BF who fucked her ass. We talked and she sent me a video and he’s got a long skinny dick and he rode her like a bucking bronco. She says after a few times she’s even getting off on it. So, to each their own. Not my cup of tea, but I now understand how some can find it pleasureable.
I have tried (protected, safe sex is the best kind of sex) because some girls claim to like it or even prefer it over vaginal sex. I did like it, but enjoyed less than the real deal, maybe with a girl that knows how to use her sphincter would be as enjoyable as with a girl that knows how to use her vagina
I know both oral and anal sex are “unnatural” since the natural/biological purpose of sex is to have children. Both anal and oral are learned behavior that form part of the “unnatural behaviors” that are part of our human nature, culture, evolution etc etc etc
Like you said some girls are “pressured” to do it, to keep the boys happy, offer it as something extra and get more in return, etc etc etc. some girls do it for curiosity and some even learn to “enjoy” some of the pain.
I am old school, I concentrate on the real deal PIV, and if the girl wants to try other things, as long as it causes no paint to either and is clean and safe, I am all in for having all kinds of fun in the privacy of the bedroom, or any other private, clean safe environment.
This is based on my limited experience and is just my opinion, so don’t quote me on anything.
@Lolitalove, I think that's why a lot of girls are into it. Its just extremely erotic, from the submissive position they get in, to their reactions. Some of the most erotic experiences I had were with anal sex.
the best is when you pin her against a wall, and it makes her legs weak and tremble, and she reaches back for you to go in deeper...its an amazing experience.
From what people say, sounds like a great deal of it goes on in that TJ Cascadas. Full bathroom with shower and toilet, and the extended length sessions, ideal for it.
I actually have a small butt, but I’d like to still think it’s cute lol. Here’s a more realistic picture of my butt wearing sweats without any certain angles. (Posted to my profile)
I posted another pic, same exact spot to show how much a different angle can totally change perspective.
@san_jose_guy not for it. I tried and it’s always lead to accidents...falls or breaking off the towel bar haha. I’m too rough/aggressive to do it in the shower carefully. Anywhere else is better really.
@Cashman1234 Wish I could have a dick for one day to know what it feels like to fuck a pussy. I agree (assuming for males) that pussy is obviously better.
If I were a dude I don’t think I could stick my dick in a girl’s asshole, but I’m okay with you putting your dick in my ass lol!! Funny how that works.
Well I have to be completely relaxed and comfortable (otherwise it will be so painful) so....a bed and me on top. That way I control the pace and how deep he goes in me. Once I am warmed up then I’m okay with him being on top or from behind while I lay down OR stand up.
@JamesSD Anything sexual is way more fun when a woman is showing immense interest. When a guy moans (as long as it doesn’t sound like a dying cat or some weird shit like that) it pumps me up makes me want to go even harder/more passionate. I like rough/aggressive sex, but also passionate at the same time.
If she likes it and wants it I'm down but I honestly don't crave it. It's kinda like what you said Lolita about being turned on by your partners pleasure.
last commentDo you?
Not really my thing - I would try it once in a while mainly to try something different but it's not something I usually think about
Personally, on occasion. If he’s super into it then I’m down. Otherwise, I’m okay with PIV sex.
I use to be totally against it, but now I like it sometimes. Have to be in the mood for it.
How do you feel about giving and receiving oral?
Well I’m super into it! Your kinda into it! We are both in Texas! I fucking love your ass! It’s match made in heaven! Let’s hang gurl!!!!
Honestly it’s very rare for me. I’m bigger down there. I’ll try it and she’s screaming WTF do you want me to do? So when I am able to do it with the rare girl I do cherish it.
@papi_chulo I’d rather give oral than receive it as strange as that sounds. I’ve NEVER gotten off from being eaten out and hardly been truly aroused by it.
It's a fun change of pace but PIV is way better
Nope! Not at all.
I did it a couple of times many years ago when women asked for it. To be honest, I complied with their requests just to be polite.
To this day, I still wonder whether they really wanted to take it up their tailpipes or whether they were offering a tailgate party because they thought I might like it and hoped it would improve their chances with me.
It has been great sometimes but PIV and oral are awesome.
I was looking at your profile pics - you're very fuckable
Are you planning to take the dancer plunge?
@jamesSD that’s specifically why I tried it in the first place “to spice things up” at first it was painful af, but I ended up liking it after 1-2 times. I think it is good to change it up, but no way is it something I’d want to do ALL all the time.
@papi_chulo nah, I don’t think it’s my scene. I think I’m too soft-sweet for that life haha. Unless I’m just having fun in the audience, then i’m down!
@reverendhornibastard I think there is some truth to both statements. There have been times I’ve REALLY enjoyed anal (even orgasm that way) but also threw it out there to get a reaction.
@steeldog65 giving head makes me more wet than having my pussy eaten out.
Not sure if I am a giver or just have received mediocre oral...maybe both!
I wouldn't like anal.
I have hemorrhoids.
Just put a lil hemorrhoid cream on it. Toss back a few drinks then you’ll be alright.
I cannot see the appeal. I mean her constantly stopping to re-make the bed, straighten the pillows, refolding her clothes, taking notes on what I could do better next time, timing how long each act takes and entering into one of her spreadsheets, showing me bar graphs comparing me to other guys, etc. Too distracting.
I tried it a couple of times and frankly didn’t care for it. I tend to be a little bit greater in circumference than the average, had to use a ton of lube and it was still uncomfortable for her. Fast forward a couple of years and she’s living far away but we’re still in touch. She told me of really enjoying taking a pounding from her BF who fucked her ass. We talked and she sent me a video and he’s got a long skinny dick and he rode her like a bucking bronco. She says after a few times she’s even getting off on it. So, to each their own. Not my cup of tea, but I now understand how some can find it pleasureable.
Hmm I see, makes sense. Should have skipped on Taco Bell with extra hot sauce that night.
@goldmongwrATL saw a previous thread that talked about Ukraine/Russian strippers and spreadsheets + bar graphs earlier. Was that you? Ahahaha
@gawker yeah, when I had received it in my ass it wasn’t from a huge dick.
@gawker Not sure how it is for other girls, but in my book girth is more important than length and knowing how to use your dick in general above all.
@LoLo - no, I never saw that thread on anal strippers.
Isn't that what gays do?
Everyone is a lil gay inside
Lol I was thinking of
“Why are Russian/Ukranian women so cold?” Posted by NJBalla
Well Itell the girl to close her eyes and count to 10 and it will be over and she won't feel a thing.
I will play along;
Do you like anal sex?
I have tried (protected, safe sex is the best kind of sex) because some girls claim to like it or even prefer it over vaginal sex. I did like it, but enjoyed less than the real deal, maybe with a girl that knows how to use her sphincter would be as enjoyable as with a girl that knows how to use her vagina
I know both oral and anal sex are “unnatural” since the natural/biological purpose of sex is to have children. Both anal and oral are learned behavior that form part of the “unnatural behaviors” that are part of our human nature, culture, evolution etc etc etc
Like you said some girls are “pressured” to do it, to keep the boys happy, offer it as something extra and get more in return, etc etc etc. some girls do it for curiosity and some even learn to “enjoy” some of the pain.
I am old school, I concentrate on the real deal PIV, and if the girl wants to try other things, as long as it causes no paint to either and is clean and safe, I am all in for having all kinds of fun in the privacy of the bedroom, or any other private, clean safe environment.
This is based on my limited experience and is just my opinion, so don’t quote me on anything.
Yes, I would fuck you in the ass.
With you I would like anal, but first you’d have to open your mouth and speak in order to piss me off enough to enjoy it.
anal is ok but i prefer the pussy.
If a lady wants it, I’m game. But it’s not make or break thing at all for me.
Yes anal is a nice change of pace but nothing beats pussy
I love it. It can be very intimate. I love the submissive aspect of her letting me do it, especially if she submits to rough anal.
@IceyLoco I think that’s why I like it periodically, I enjoy being sub more than I like dom. I’m versatile though.
@Lolitalove, I think that's why a lot of girls are into it. Its just extremely erotic, from the submissive position they get in, to their reactions. Some of the most erotic experiences I had were with anal sex.
the best is when you pin her against a wall, and it makes her legs weak and tremble, and she reaches back for you to go in deeper...its an amazing experience.
From what people say, sounds like a great deal of it goes on in that TJ Cascadas. Full bathroom with shower and toilet, and the extended length sessions, ideal for it.
Yeah, for sure or PIV doggy style while holding wrists behind back for leverage.
An unarguable statement lol
@meat72 not sure how to interpret that, but good to know haha.
I've said it once, but it deserves repeating...
That ass in @LL789's avatar is perfection.
Lolita, how about you in your high heels, and bending over and holding onto the shower grab rails?
I've always enjoyed it if the girl was willing. Unfortunately too few are into it.
LolitaLove789, based on your pictures, I think we would have a great time playing and I would be happy to help you out!
Im surprised, I thought most girls are into it
@flagooner Thanks. The circle icon accentuates it even more lol.
@Corvus yeah, the all the girls I’ve been friends with in my life have never been for it. Except one. She’s from Russia.
I actually have a small butt, but I’d like to still think it’s cute lol. Here’s a more realistic picture of my butt wearing sweats without any certain angles. (Posted to my profile)
Yes indeed.
Do you agree that the dry shower is a good place for it, bending over and holding onto the grab bars?
TJ Cascadas seems set up to promote it.
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Countryman5434 - definite troll account
IceyLoco - definite troll account
I posted another pic, same exact spot to show how much a different angle can totally change perspective.
@san_jose_guy not for it. I tried and it’s always lead to accidents...falls or breaking off the towel bar haha. I’m too rough/aggressive to do it in the shower carefully. Anywhere else is better really.
In my view - nothing comes close to fucking a pussy. I’ve had some good filthy fun when ass fucking hot dancers, but I prefer pussy.
Well some places have grab rails, 16 gauge sheet metal underneath. I take you point though.
For anal do you prefer standing, in you high heel? On your back, what?
@Cashman1234 Wish I could have a dick for one day to know what it feels like to fuck a pussy. I agree (assuming for males) that pussy is obviously better.
If I were a dude I don’t think I could stick my dick in a girl’s asshole, but I’m okay with you putting your dick in my ass lol!! Funny how that works.
Well I have to be completely relaxed and comfortable (otherwise it will be so painful) so....a bed and me on top. That way I control the pace and how deep he goes in me. Once I am warmed up then I’m okay with him being on top or from behind while I lay down OR stand up.
It's definitely way more fun if the woman is into it instead of just enduring it
@JamesSD Anything sexual is way more fun when a woman is showing immense interest. When a guy moans (as long as it doesn’t sound like a dying cat or some weird shit like that) it pumps me up makes me want to go even harder/more passionate. I like rough/aggressive sex, but also passionate at the same time.
Tried more than once and for me no advantage. If the girl craves it, I comply, but would rather use the more traditional methods.
^ How big was the strap on she was using?
I'd dump the bitch if she even thought about it. Too HOMO for me.
If she likes it and wants it I'm down but I honestly don't crave it. It's kinda like what you said Lolita about being turned on by your partners pleasure.
Lolita, keep uploading pics. Holy crap, you are hot!
If a guy asked me to use a strap on, on him I would probably leave. Nothing against the guy, just not my thing.
Exactly, the more my partner is turned on the more I am.
@jimmyMcnutty thanks
@jimmyMcNulty HAH whopps
Keep posting pics and you can call me whatever you want...
okay then Lolita.