Was this awful?

avatar for Mainster
An annoying young co-worker has a wife and two kids, with a third on the way. His wife isn't feeling especially amorous, and the dumbass kid starts telling me that his plan is to use some of his overtime pay to "Go find me a hooker at one of those strip joints." He wanted to know if I knew any good places where he could carry out his plan. I gave it our consideration, then told him that while I thought it might be best to use that money for the benefit of his young family, Dream Palace was what he sought if his mind was 100% made up. I further counseled him not to jump on the first dance offer he got; no, he should make it plain that he was holding a big ol' wad of money, and had no intention of taking any of it home. Then the girls would be fighting each other to show him a good time. He bought it, and sallied forth last night- the night before Valentine's Day. The visit went as any PL in the greater Phoenix area knew it would. He ended up trading an undisclosed amount of cash for blue balls, then went out drinking to ease his pain.

But he took the wrong lesson from the debacle, and bitched all day about cock-teasing dancers, hangovers, and his angry wife. He figures the root cause of the trouble is that he didn't hit the right club. So I suggested he set his sights on a classier, friendlier place- Le Girls.


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avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
It’s not you it’s totally him.
You are trolling a co-worker in real life! Lulz
I think that was a dick-move on your part to screw him over that way and put yourself as some kinda mighty moral authority - if you don't agree w/ what's he's doing just have the balls to let him know, counsel him, or mind your fucking business - are you so moral yourself?
avatar for Mainster
6 years ago
No, I just don't like the little fucktard.
Well I commend your honesty, but it's a dick move, being that is't his money not yours not much you can do about it .
Yeah it was awful, and judging by your posts I'm sure you're happy about that. But why does the guy confide in you if you find him annoying? Do you act like you're cool with him even though you're not?
This coworker will Google for strip clubs, find this site, encounter your description and know exactly who you are at work and out you. Topics like this with highly detailed information are horrible ideas.
He posted it as VIP so we’re safe
Sounds like he needs a better source for intel. And yes it was a dick move, but some educations need to be earned first hand.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
There are so many ways that this could come back to bite you. The fact that your co-workers see you as the “go to” guy for mongering questions puts you in a difficult enough spot. Now, you are putting a young wife and children in jeopardy by egging this jerk on. That too will become known to your co-workers, and your boss. Not the best career-enhancing move.
Was it a dick move? Yeah, probably.
But it is still funny.

If the guy was dumb enough to follow that obviously stupid advice he would have been hustled out of his money without it anyway.

None of us know anything about what this patsy is like. I don't get the holier than thou berating of the OP.
If a coworker asks me about strip clubs - I know nothing. It’s that simple. I’m in a corporate office where it’s not appropriate to discuss strip clubs openly - so any discussions would be private.

It’s clear the OP doesn’t like the younger guy, and that’s fine. Some young dudes can be headstrong and uninformed, and that can lead to wasting money and getting nothing in return.

Even if the OP offered insight regarding clubs and extras, and specific locations, it’s possible the young guy might not have listened.

A simple out would be to tell the guy - Nobody gets laid in those joints. “Strip clubs are designed to take your money and offer little in return, except for blue balls. Don’t waste your money!”
So, you encourage a guy with a wife and kids to waste his extra cash in a place you *know* won’t give him what he’s looking for, and you think you’re some kind of upstanding citizen for it?

You’re a dick. And frankly, I hope he *does* join TUSCL, write a review, see your post, and give you all the shit you deserve.

Fucking loser.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

In simple English, "You blew it!".
I think you did your coworker a favor, maybe even saved his marriage.
Tell him he did it wrong. Tell him he needs to "make it rain" on EVERY stage dance and they'll line up to blow him.
So was all the advice bad or was it just the club suggestions? I’m not familiar with Phoenix so I’m a little lost.
^ seems he purposely suggested to the guy an area club well-known for ripping-off customers
lol... part of the learning curve. had i known of tuscl and BI early on... my sc experiences would have been better much earlier.
Would have saved a whole bunch of money and been better prepared for my strip clubbing days if I had followed the advice on here when I first started clubbing. Oh well, sometimes the lessons learned the hard way are the best...
I will improve his day and dump a load in his basement
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