So I don't have VIP and writing a review today won't get me VIP status.

avatar for Liwet
If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
Something seems off here. I have a review for a club on January 1st and January 3rd and I think one of them got me VIP status until February 6th. I'm not trying to put up a review today on February 11th and I'm getting this message:

I don't have VIP status now, so I should be getting it for this review. I also wrote a review on January 23rd for the same club which didn't affect my VIP status (which I'm fine with) but apparently that review is preventing me from getting VIP now. If this new review goes up, does that mean I won't be eligible for VIP until early March despite not having it now)?


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
As the message said, you cannot get VIP if you have reviewed the *same* club within the last 28-days - you can get VIP if you review a different club, or wait till the 28-day period has expired if you wanna review the same club *and* wanna get VIP.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
So if I'm a good little PL and review the same club every 2 weeks, there's a possibility that I'll never get VIP status?
avatar for Lurker_X
6 years ago
I suppose if someone reviews the same club every day, only the 29th review would actually extend VIP status.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Have you messaged founder about this?

I suspect that he has answers. It's his website...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Just follow the rules man - or just pay for a fucking VIP if it's stressing you out so much
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
Papi explained the rules. If you email Founder I think he will tell you the same thing.

Or - you could whine about it in this discussion...
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
>"Just follow the rules man"

I'm not breaking the rules though. This seems like it incentives me to write fewer reviews which doesn't seem right. I should have the same amount of VIP time writing two reviews a month versus someone who only writes one a month or one every other month. If the earliest day I can qualify for VIP gets pushed back after every review I write, that means I could write 2 reviews a month and not get another day of VIP for the rest of the year.
avatar for BoringLoser
6 years ago
If it’s bumping back your eligibility for VIP each time that sounds like a bug. Founder will probably see this eventually, but I’d message him just in case
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that Liwet. Hopefully you get VIP status again soon.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Liwet said "This seems like it incentives me to write fewer reviews which doesn't seem right."

Or, it's encouragement to review a wider variety of clubs, if you want VIP without paying for it. Also, a club regular could possibly write multiple reviews of the same club in the same month to extend VIP without actually going to the club.

But if what you're talking about is a site error, then message founder.
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
I'd guess it was a scenario that wasn't considered when the logic was written. I'd certainly never considered reviewing the same club twice inside the 28 day period, then again within 28 days of the 2nd review. I'd message founder or wait for him to read this thread to clarify. I agree with your premise but you could also argue that there is some justified incentive to prevent someone from reviewing the same club over & over & over every day or every week. I wouldn't want to look at reviews for a club and have it look like a SJG thread where every post is from the same person. Some clubs that's probably not an issue, but at some it is. Most of the clubs I visit, if I was reviewing them every other week you'd have to scroll past a dozen of my reviews to see someone elses.

Like I said originally, I think its more likely just a "bug" or whatever you want to call it and the intent isn't to not give 2x 4 credits for reviewing the same club 3 times in less than 56 days. The logic for tracking that scenario is just more complex and requires more data points. For example the review would also need a flag indicating if VIP credit was earned for its publication and then the check would be if VIP was earned for this club by this user in the last 28 days, then don't grant more - rather than a simple if a review was published by this user in the last 28 days then don't grant credit. It could vary drastically depending on how the eligibility is determined.
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
I'd guess it was a scenario that wasn't considered when the logic was written. I'd certainly never considered reviewing the same club twice inside the 28 day period, then again within 28 days of the 2nd review. I'd message founder or wait for him to read this thread to clarify. I agree with your premise but you could also argue that there is some justified incentive to prevent someone from reviewing the same club over & over & over every day or every week. I wouldn't want to look at reviews for a club and have it look like a SJG thread where every post is from the same person. Some clubs that's probably not an issue, but at some it is. Most of the clubs I visit, if I was reviewing them every other week you'd have to scroll past a dozen of my reviews to see someone elses.

Like I said originally, I think its more likely just a "bug" or whatever you want to call it and the intent isn't to not give 2x 4 credits for reviewing the same club 3 times in less than 56 days. The logic for tracking that scenario is just more complex and requires more data points. For example the review would also need a flag indicating if VIP credit was earned for its publication and then the check would be if VIP was earned for this club by this user in the last 28 days, then don't grant more - rather than a simple if a review was published by this user in the last 28 days then don't grant credit. It could vary drastically depending on how the eligibility is determined.
avatar for BoringLoser
6 years ago
>I wouldn't want to look at reviews for a club and have it look like a SJG thread

avatar for NJBalla
6 years ago
I like the system the way it is. If you review a club every 2 weeks im not sure what new intel you can add. Clubs can change in 3 months, but ive never seen a dramatic drop off or upswing in a few weeks. Now a comment section that other sites have would be perfect to collect intel on new dancers or to discern the whereabouts of other dancers.
avatar for rh48hr
6 years ago
I believe this rule is in effect to keep someone from just writing review after review of the same club in a short putrid of time To build up VIP credit. There is usually not much that is going to be different after a couple weeks at a club.

I understand what you are saying, but I honestly don't think it is necessary to write a review if a pace every two weeks. If there is something significant you think people would need to know (popular dancer leaving, a new must see dancer, significant change in cost) you could put it in a discussion until your 28-day moratorium was up.

When I had multiple trips in a short period, I combined the info into one review.
avatar for BoringLoser
6 years ago
When you’re not eligible for vip you could make a comment marked “update” on your most recent review
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
I actually can't read the comments of my own reviews right now including for a review of mine that went up 2 hours ago.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
^^^ Have you messaged founder yet?
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Maybe you could just review more than one club every so often? Now that you know how the algorithm works, you should be able to manage this better. Besides, do you really think that anyone besides you wants to see your string of bi-weekly commentary reviews?
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
>do you really think that anyone besides you wants to see your string of bi-weekly commentary reviews?

I do think there are others that want to read what I say.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Do you review the club or just offer a recap of your visit?

I'm sure the club doesn't change much every week or so and I think that is why @founder enforces the limit. There isn't much value to regurgitating the same relevant info over and over again.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Coz you really need to read all those threads about underage girls, cumming in your pants and questions about the same Atlanta clubs 2 times a week.
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