
In your opinion, what’s the % of strippers that are fuckable when you go clubbin

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
I know the answer varies depending on the talent during the visit, but just curious to see what other people think about the talent at their clubs.

I had this answer pegged at about 30% about 5-10 years ago, but now I don’t know. My guess is about 10% at my mid tier level clubs, and even the best club I town I would say about 25%. Overall I would any want to bang about 15% of the dancers working today. The breakdown is only 2 dancers at mid level (Hiliter) for the 10%, and only about 3-4 dancers during a shift at a better club (Bourbon Street) for 20%. Both will have around 15-20 girls working the day shift. At night your results may be better.

This may be me lamenting about the drop In talent, however I have a star why when I Club, depending on how many available good looking dancers there are. If there are only a couple options, I will stay for a drink to see if I can get attention, and if there are more I will stay longer and play(and pay). Needless to say I’ve been saving a lot of money lately, because only about one in 5 visits are satisfactory lately. Any thoughts?


  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Fuckable and really excited to fuck are two different things for me. Fuckable maybe 60%

    Excited to have sex with maybe, like you meat it depends where I’m at but I would say 25% depends where I’m at though. It should really be better. And I club at night. You gotta get off that day shift.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    Considering at my favorite club you CAN fuck almost all of them, I would say it is 20% I am thinking this is a babe I am taking to VIP. 50% are she is perfectly, it will be a positive thing and 30% I don't want to go with. That 20% is the type where I am watching her around the club hoping for a chance to a seal the deal.
  • azdd
    6 years ago
    You left out the variable of $$$. A better question might be how many are fuckable at a given price point, say $500. My guess would be for that kind of coin, the percentage at HL would probably be 30-40%, and at Bourbon Street, maybe 20%. They guy who can probably give you the best answer for Phoenix is Chili Palmer.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    I don't even get dances from strippers I wouldn't want to bang, unless it's slow and I'm trying to generate more action by showing I'll spend. Unfortunately, especially in Fort Myers, I can hit all three clubs in one night and only see 1 or 2 out of 25 girls that I would actually pursue. In other clubs like Solid Gold, Diamond Dolls, or Cheetahs, there may be closer to 10-15%, but its harder to get their time and attention.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Muddy you’re probably right but I have too many commitments that keep me from clubbing at night.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    That answer totally depends on what club you go to. I have been in some clubs where 60-70% of them are doable. Then I have been in some dives where I wouldn't do any.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I go to dives periodically to see if there is a hidden gem, and if there is you can get great service for a good price, but mostly I’m there for a drink and on my way to a better club for better pickings.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    If we take money out of the equation, most strippers look better than most civvies. So I’d say most strippers have enough in terms of looks that I’d take a roll in the hay with them. Probably around 80% on average. But if we’re talking about paying for it, that percentage drops to something more like 20% on average.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    It is hard to put a percentage due to so much variability between clubs. At some clubs, I might fuck 50% of the dancers, while at other clubs that are complete freakshows of postpartum femininity, it could be 0%. I guess it would be something like 20-30% nationwide. Generally if I grade a girl out to be a 7 or higher, she is fuckable on my scale. I think 10-15 years ago, strippers on average were a little bit hotter. Nowadays, with so many more options for cream of the crop (the 8-10's), the hottest women are less eager to take up stripping versus easier gigs like camshows, patreon, and sugar dating.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    I think that azd and Huntsman hit the nail on the head. How we define fuckable for a girl we meet at the bar vs a girl we are giving a lot of money to are two completely different measurements.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    In Phoenix clubs, it literally varies from 0%-100% depending on the club. The mean is about 10%. There are a lot of bad clubs and a couple world class ones.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    RickDugan, true hence the preface of “strippers” as relevant in the topic. I’m not a p4p type of mongerer, so therefore I consider the term “fuckable” meaning without pay. I guess we could debate along the gray area for days since this site isn’t considered a legal document amongst our language, but still I get your point. If I’m going to pay for a stripper to fuck, she damn well better be a 9 or 10 in the looks department. For free civi sex in my younger single days I’d fuck a stray just for something fun. In fact I’ve done a few mercy fucks on some 5-6 dancers from the club because I knew she wanted some action and I had nothing else going on at the time. Fast forward to today and I don’t have time for strays or p4p, so there is no way I’d take a 6 or 7 stripper for free OTC, yet to your point maybe free ITC. Not sure how motivated I’d be to fuck a 6.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I guess it has to do w/ whether one is a glass-half-full or glass-half-empty PL - i.e. if one SCs w/ the expectations that a dancer should look like a model, then a very high % of the dancers are not gonna cut-it - if one looks at it from "she would have to pay me to fuck-her", then a large % of the dancers are fuckable - I'm in the latter-camp -for me her not being fuckable would mean that I would have to force myself to be able to fuck-her; not that she's not model-quality.

    For me in the avg club, 90% of the dancers are fuckable - i.e. if I was horny-enough I would - but since in a SC one usually has options, many of the dancers I'll pass on but that does not mean they are not at all not-fuckable under any circumstances - if they get hired at a somewhat popular club, they gotta look somewhat decent even if they are not knockouts - also I'm not that picky; I don't look for the total-package or else I pass - seems too-many PLs have a lot of expectations of a dancer - i.e. hair hair has to look a certain way, her face has to be very-attractive, her body has to be tight and slim, she should be smart, friendly, have a connection, then maybe I'll fuck her - in this day-and-age of high-mileage and extras clubs, most dancers are dancers not necessarily b/c they are incredibly attractive, but b/c they are attractive enough and make themselves available for our entertainment w/ NSA.

    It would be kinda analogous to saying I would rather not eat than eat at an Applebee's b/c it's not Ruth Chris - yeah Applebee's is not Ruth Chris but IMO does not mean I would never eat there and enjoy the meal.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    One hell of a lot less then was when I started clubbing!
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I agree with Papi. There are few that aren't.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    How much I have had to drink plays into my answer also.
  • ime
    6 years ago
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    after some serious thought about the matter and many calculations I have determined that 23.45% are fuckable.
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    Hard question since I usually think in terms of who I’m willing to invest SC time or budget on. The answer to that is usually somewhere around 20% but when you change the question to who would you take free NSA sex from the number skyrockets to at least 85%

    There’s almost always that one girl who makes you wonder how they could possibly make any money at all. One big reason I tend to stick to my regular club is because they don’t have one of those. There are a few that are definitely not my type, but on most nights 100% are fuckable.
  • rl27
    6 years ago
    At a random club in general, around 75 percent are what I would consider fuckable, which I mean I would not refuse to fuck, if she asked me. The percentage of dancers I would actually desire to fuck is around 25 percent. Then there's the dancer I would got out of my way and spare no expense, that number is around 2 percent.

    At clubs I frequent regularly, for longs periods of time, the number of fuckable dancers is over 80 percent. The percentage of dancers I desire to fuck is somewhere over 40 percent. The dancer I would break my spending limits on is still around 2 percent.

    The one exception is heavy extras dive bars. Even though the percentage dancers who may fuck you is 100%, typically the percentage who are fuckable is slightly below 40 percent. The number of dancers who I would outright ask is around 15%.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    100% are fuckable. The real question is how many are fuckable for you....Not into P4P ....but I like picking up dancers. It really depends on the club. Sometimes I'm not interested in anyone or don't think anyone would be a good prospect. Out of the ones I do go for, I have a success rate of over 90%
  • datinman
    6 years ago
    If I am being honest, the percentage of fuckable dancers is directly proportionate to the number of days since I last fucked. I have a minimum standard, but if it has been long enough 6's start looking pretty good. Whiskey helps.
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    Definition 1: Are good looking enough for me to be willing to fuck
    Definition 2: Are good looking enough for me to be willing to pay to fuck
    Definition 3: Are willing to fuck a PL like me
    Definition 4: Are willing to fuck a PL like me at a price point I am willing or able to match
    Definition 5: Are logistically permitted or able to arrange time to fuck a PL like me

    I'm guessing the OP was referring to definition 2. I would agree -- lately, with the drop in talent, I'm spending my entertainment dollars elsewhere in other ways.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I agree with you with the lack of talent^^^. Good assessment of the topic, as it varies for each individual on their desired outcomes. For me it’s definition #1, what I’d be willing to fuck for free if the dancer was into me. Yeah, I know for many of us that’s wishful thinking, but before my committed marriage I was rolling in pussy during my single years. This nostalgic thinking keeps me going back to the clubs to revisit my single years for fun. I stick to my 10% to 20% assessment, depending on if it’s a mid tier or upper level club (day shift). Of course I’m not as hornybas when I was when I was in my 20’s, but I have a lot more money nowadays and can afford to be picky, too.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    at BSC theres only 3 dancers who i would pay 500 to smash, however, i always get quoted 500 from the ladies i would only pay 250 too. Theres no girls at HL i would pay 500, but would pay 250. At HL i get quoted 350 to 425 range. so, nobody is smashing when i go to the club. theres only about 3 girls i would smash in both clubs. my wife looks like Lolita from bSc but taller and slimmer
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    I would say 50% are fuckable but I'm told I have pretty low standards.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Depends on how much alcohol you drink ;)
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    in general, any girl that gives me a boner is fuckable. the price they quote makes them unfuckable.
  • playfulsteve
    6 years ago
    Obviously depends on the type of club you go to. The clubs I frequent typically, there is definitely fuckable talent. Through some other forums, who is fuckable and isn't and ratings of such things available. So its less of an issue of "I wonder if she?", its more like "I wonder how far I can negotiate services with her to my liking?"

    To the point regarding would you WANT to fuck them? That is purely up to you and your standards.... but there are all kinds from 10's that make your mouth water on site, to some that leave a lot to be desired........ Finding the sweet spot of cost vs want...... the magic.......
  • playfulsteve
    6 years ago
    Obviously depends on the type of club you go to. The clubs I frequent typically, there is definitely fuckable talent. Through some other forums, who is fuckable and isn't and ratings of such things available. So its less of an issue of "I wonder if she?", its more like "I wonder how far I can negotiate services with her to my liking?"

    To the point regarding would you WANT to fuck them? That is purely up to you and your standards.... but there are all kinds from 10's that make your mouth water on site, to some that leave a lot to be desired........ Finding the sweet spot of cost vs want...... the magic.......
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    Of the clubs I've gone to it would be somewhere between 5% to 10% on average no more. I've found that most strippers are just normal women willing to take their clothes off. I have been to 2 clubs in LA where the % would be 30% but they're also the most expensive.
  • Tiburon
    6 years ago
    10%. Yet the 6s' are ALWAY the most dtf. YUK!
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    On one level, I like to think they all are. A lot of what makes them fuckable for me is the way they carry themselves. By that standard, I think it's about 25%.
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