I’ve been really striking out recently
This dancer I’m into at the club, I stood outside of her window, with a boom box and played in your eyes by Peter Gabriel, fucking girl still didn’t want to have sex with me. How have y’all faring out there in 2019?
last commentI'd suggest having an open briefcase with lots of $20s set next to you as you serenate her - it might just do the trick
Have you tried sending her dick pics? If not, Valentine's Day is coming up.
Hmmmm, I just realized Valentine's Day is VD for short.
Lol! Somebody from this board told me he had suspected you were my troll account, Muddy9. I think I am now starting to understand why. Smash that like button!
Yeah - send her a dick-pic w/ little heart-stickers stuck to it for Valentines - I think she'll really like that and appreciate you going thru the effort
Or - a dick-pic w/ a tiny stuffed-bear hanging from the head - ahhhhhh
^ oh yeah - the classic
Use the SJG system. Chloroform and duct tape.
I just wanted to be romantic (I would insert the shoulder shrug thing but I don’t know how to fucking make it)
Perfect dick photo.
It sucks to go through all that effort just to have them call the police on you. ;)
No way I'm opening that Shadowcat link, but I'm guessing it's a photo of @Icey
Do you really wonder why !
Weird, RickDugan is an expert on everything and he says that all dancers are really hookers. There has to be something seriously wrong if you're soliciting prostitution and the prostitute rejects you. Or could it be that most dancers really aren't hookers?
Rx posted: "RickDugan is an expert on everything and he says that all dancers are really hookers."
Is that what I said? You keep making this statement, I keep pointing out that I said no such thing, and then you go to yet another thread and repeat the same statement. Are you autistic or maybe suffering from dyslexia?
@Rickdugan, you're trying to shame me by implying that I may have a disability as if the disabled were lesser individuals deserving of rancor. Wow All that just because your fallacies were pointed out. So as per usual you resort to childish outbursts using pejorative epithets aimed at those you view as weaker than you.
@Rx, actually I'm just trying to find an explanation, if there is one beyond trolling, why you keep repeating the same goofy nonsense over and over. Either you (1) didn't read what I posted, (2) didn't process it, (3) have a personality disorder which keeps you stuck on the same concept, true or not; or (4) you are trolling. if it's (4) then you got me. If it's (1) - (3) then go I'm not sure what to say other than go back, re-read what I posted and try your best. Think of "The Little Engine That Could." ;)
@Rickdugan. The goofy nonsense in question is derived from your posts. You stated every dancer outside of major cities is a prostitute. Not me. In fact you went to great lengths to attack me for stating otherwise.
Ok, you're trolling and you got me. Thanks for confirming. ;)
^ " as if the disabled were lesser individuals"
Well, if they (you) are disabled, by definition they (you) are not fully able.
So yeah, they (you) kinda are.
@Rickdugan. You should be able to own up to your own statements.
@Flagoneer. So you belittle the disabled? Do you brag about that as much as cumming in your pants? Or do you save it for when you feel anonymous online?
Actually I brag about cumming in my pants a little more often.