Club search

avatar for Daddillac
Founder.... I recently was searching for a club and found it quickly. I also noticed the sort by options on the page. You have done a lot of work recently to the site and I appreciate it.

The only thing I would love to have although I do not know how difficult it would be is a mapping function. Say I wanted to drive from Atlanta to Las Vegas, could we map that trip with all clubs within 10 miles of the route. I use for finding restaurants that were featured on the food network. I can plan a road trip around places to eat, would be nice to do so with clubs


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avatar for founder
6 years ago
Sounds like that would take the fun out of doing your own research ;)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I think you need to hire some computer wiz kid to create an app for you
avatar for Daddillac
6 years ago
lol, right now I look up the major cities then go back to tuscl and search there. You never know when you are driving right by a good club if it did not show up in one of my major city searches. Like I said it could be a pain in the ass to do particularly if I am the only one that would find it useful
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
What would be cool @Founder is when reading reviews if we could sort or filter by shift.
avatar for Dolfan
6 years ago
I too have wished for an "on the way" kinda search for strip clubs. Google maps does do it, but it's missing a number of clubs and it fills in stuff that isn't a strip club when there aren't many results.
avatar for FTS
6 years ago
@Founder, I saw in another thread that you enjoy programming. I’ve written in a few threads that it would be nice if there were additional statistics / metrics displayed on the club pages. Are you open to expanding on what you’ve already done with the 1-10 ratings? Perhaps other stats like standard deviations (of course, dumb it down and call it something like consistency or reliability), or a time weighted rating system (if you haven’t done that already) that weights more recent reviews more than old reviews. Or those “word clouds” that size the words according to their relative frequency in the reviews.
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