
Chinese KTV girls?

Does anybody know anything about them? Or what it’s really like.

I’m curious about it. In the stripper world, it’s a lot sadness about how the 90s aren’t ever coming back, and that making money is way harder now than it used to be, with there being less pockets of “good money” and where there still is potential—so is the competition that didn’t exist at the same levels as the past.

Which makes me wonder what China is like. With a lot of new money influx (I read something at one point of China producing a new billionaire per week) and a very skewed gender ratio of its citizens, it seems like a potential future goldmine for aspiring hustlers. I get the impression that some offer to eventually leave the bar for FS, some don’t, but great money could be made consistently with or without it.

Or at least that’s my prediction. I suspect that it’s coming (if it hasn’t already), but I’m surprised about the lack of talk from dancers looking for new potential pastures.

I’ll probably be out of the biz in the next few months, but if there was any potential with it, I’d have loved the challenge of improving my Mandarin (I’ve slacked off a lot over the past few years on that) and getting schmoney.


Has anyone heard about what happens in those places?


  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I know this is most likely the wrong board to ask this kind of question. It’s just something random that popped in my head.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    I don’t know anything about that to be honest. I’m gonna look into it now. Interesting your giving it up soon though. Not to try and derail your thread but can I ask why?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't know how true it is, but the stereotype is that western blondes do much better in those places because they are seen as exotic there.
  • yahtzee74
    6 years ago
    There's still a lot more money in the United States than in China and it's three times our size. They also have big gaps between the rich and the poor and based on geography. All those extra men are the dirt poor ones. Lots of good Chinese women can't find a husband or even if they do then they end up getting dumped when older for a younger woman.

    China also has a million Muslims in re-education camps.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    6 years ago
    it makes sense that the ratio would be helpful
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Singapore might be the safest, cleanest country on Earth. It also has wide selection of Asian brothels. Given a choice, I’d prefer mongering in Singapore to mainland China. For that matter, Sydney has a lot to offer.

    Before anyone moves to China simply because of available Asian pussy, I recommend checking out some alternatives that don’t have the downside of an authoritarian regime.
  • Piggie
    6 years ago
    I asked the Chinese girls in Singapore why they didn't say in China, they told me the pay is better in Singapore.
  • Piggie
    6 years ago
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I would think Macau would be the place to go.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    If you were a female who wanted to make money from sex work.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    An American girl goes to an authoritarian Asian nation to engage in sex work. What could go wrong?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @muddy9 I plan to quit to appease a boyfriend who I will be moving in with in a few months. So I had plans to quit, pursue a vanilla career, and give the relationship the best shot I can. I wonder whether I’m being too idealistic (since I have a terrible track record when it comes to guys I have dated) but I figure it wouldn’t hurt to give it my best effort. I don’t think my baby face is going away anytime too soon. And in the meantime it’s why I’ve been wanting to ramp up my travel dancing, to “get it out of my system” better.

    @dc & jackslash & yahtzee As far as concerns about the authoritarian regime, I think it’s overblown. They have a lot of statist rules for sure, but a lot of them seem to be ignored. For example, I remember when the English language channel of the state controlled media CCTV, was outright advertising on its channel to encourage following them on YouTube. YouTube is supposed to be blocked! It was like they knew and didn’t care about VPNs.

    A few English teachers I have met also seemed to be wild individuals. As long as one isn’t running their mouth off politically, I had the impression that there is a lot of leeway.

    That being said, the suggestion from others of Singapore and Macau being likely better places I think is very valid. (Or also Hong Kong and Japan) this is judging from the index of economic freedom)

    At least at this moment of time, I think mainland still has potential further down the line. Tho admittedly, it will probably take a while.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    I have been to KTV in Beijing several times. Each time it was with a Chinese sponsor. All the girls I saw were Chinese. They do a lineup and you pick your hostess for the evening. Your party has its own room. Lots of drinking. Lots of eating food off of bare bodies, etc. Lots of mutual groping. The party itself for five of us cost my host about $1500. We were there for like 4 hours. The guys are expected to take the girl back to their hotel or home for the night. The first time I went I was declining the OTC. Staff was agitated and the guys I was visiting told me the girl would be beaten if I did not take her to my hotel.

    OK, so I guess it was not inappropriate in that culture's business world. Mamasan gave us a bottle of champagne on the way to the taxi. About $160 plus $20 for her cab after breakfast got me a very appreciative girl who would not let me rest until nearly breakfast time. Non-stop! In her limited English she told me she didn't have anything else to do so we might as well keep fucking.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    :o okay that seems very shady. I’ve heard about personal experiences where things were more “up to the girl” from the link at the start of the thread. And also a video a Korean girl uploaded when she did it as a short term gig. It seems like it would be difficult to determine the signs of what places are better run as an outsider.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    nicespice, if I was a woman, I would no more consider making a sex career in China than putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. Once you are in the system, they can just disappear you. Remember, this is the culture that steals intellectual property without compensation, uses lead based paint in children's toys and is trying to bully the world into closing their eyes to blatant land theft (the Spratley Islands, etc.) Even if your first boss should be honest, there is absolutely no assurance that unprincipled elements will not eventually "buy out" your contract (i.e. - buy you). They didn't invent the kleptocracy, but they have damned sure perfected it.
  • goldmongerATL
    6 years ago
    @nicespice - I got the impression that there are R-Rated ones and others that are brothels. I was taken to to same one four times on various trips. This was about 12-15 years ago. There were really shady guys hanging out. I was told they were gangsters. I was also told a round-eye was not getting let in on his own. You have to have a Chinese guy with you. While it advertised, I got the impression not just anyone, even Chinese, got in. My host seemed to know the gangsters.

    There is no way I would work anywhere in the Orient if I were you. Way too shady, whites are not accepted and you will have a huge language barrier. As a white woman sexually-oriented-business worker, you would amount to property or a slave. What would you do if put you in a car and drove you to another city? You would be completely at a shady employer's mercy.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Some of what you hear about China is way overblown. Back a few years ago there were a ton of stories about internet censorship. I happened to be there around that time and on my last day (right before I went to the airport to go back home) I tried to access all the supposed blocked sites and found nothing was blocked.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    > I mean if you don't stir anything up in China you will be fine. The main difference though is that in the US, you can still do a lot of "underground activities" so to speak like drugs and prostitution without getting involved in anything shady <

  • mark94
    6 years ago
    There’s a video on YouTube about westerners living in China. One young businessman describes jaywalking one day. His phone rang within seconds, notifying him that a jaywalking fine had been automatically taken out of his account. They caught him through facial recognition which is present in the major cities. They had all his personal and financial info in a database, allowing them to charge his account.

    Authoritarian government with cutting edge spy technology. The novel 1984 come to life.
  • mark94
    6 years ago
    Is Japan safe ? Generally, but women are routinely groped on the subway. Organized crime controls the clubs, so pretty much anything can happen to western women employed as hostesses. The police allow the Yakuza to run free in the shadier parts of the culture.
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