
How to make my husband's experience great...

Avatar for Nikkibshaw88
Nikkibshaw88Maryland heart with a NYC soul

So my husband and I have never been to a strip club before, neither alone nor together. We are going up to New Jersey next month and I wanted to take him to one and have a good time.

I have read posts about couples in the club and how sometimes dancers tend to avoid them due to not wanting to cause drama with the wife.

How can I make us look approachable? I want him to have the full experience with no limits... I don't want a girl to feel like she cant talk to him, touch him, flirt, whatever. How do I make sure this happens? Tell her? Idk...

I would love to get him in the VIP room... I don't want a couples dance or anything for me, all for him... I'll just watch and enjoy. (Him being with another woman in front of me is a huge turn on for both of us. Weird I know...)

How do I make sure she knows not to hold back? I mean no limits, high mileage, extras, and anything else beyond. Whatever she is cool with. Is it the vibe I give off? Do I tell her? What do I do?

I don't want to hinder his experience so how should I go about this?


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Avatar for Nikkibshaw88

Oh Lord, get a couple drinks in me and I just might day that

Avatar for mtnboy49

Would you be my WIFE?

Congratulations to your husband. I hope he appreciates you. A LOT.

Avatar for SanAntonio_LDK

I recommend you going to tip the rail so that they know that you’re there to have a good time as well and no just as a chaperone. When they come to dance for your tip, just tell them what you have in mind.

As long as you make it clear that you’re there for fun too, any professional dancer will see that as an opportunity to make money rather than a situation to avoid due to drama.

Avatar for flagooner
  1. Troll

  2. "So my husband and I have never been to a strip club before, neither alone nor together. " If this isn't a troll post... do you really believe he has never been to a SC?

Avatar for Nikkibshaw88

Okay well I'll rephrase then.... he has not been to a sc THAT I AM AWARE OF. We got together when we were 19 and 20 so we didn't have much adult life before eachother. I wish he had been tbh. It would probably calm my nerves a bit. Not sure why I'm defending myself to you though? Thanks for your opinion

Avatar for Nikkibshaw88

I agree with you SanAntonio_LDK...

I think that making it clear that I'm not there to babysit him is going to help a lot. I'm definitely hoping we can have a good time. But hey, we can always go again sometime.

Avatar for EastCoaster

I agree with SanAntonio_LDK too. The key to making this happen is that you have to be the one to approach the dancer. Tell her what you told us. Good luck!

Avatar for K

It may be a troll post. But someone may have the question.

"I recommend you going to tip the rail" We don't have them in NJ.

What club will you go to? if you go to a nude club, sit at the stage and tip the dancer. Talk to her and tell her what you want. Come right out and say it. if you don't sit stage side, wave to the one you like or ask the bartender to tell the dancer to come over.

if you go to a bikini bar, have a tip obviously in your hand when she comes around to collect tips after her stage set. Tell her what you want.

Avatar for flagooner

Something that would make your husband's experience memorable is letting him watch a stripper give you an anal fisting.

Avatar for Nikkibshaw88

Is it really hard to believe that a wife wants to go a sc with her husband? And what exactly do you call a troll? Is that someone asking a fake question? Idk...

Anyway, Im not sure which one yet. I have been looking around online at reviews. We will be in Red Bank so something near there hopefully.... Any suggestions?

Avatar for Nikkibshaw88

Guess I should bring lots of lube than. Thanks for the advice sunshine!

Avatar for Gilfly90

Yeesh Flagooner.

Please ignore the hate, Nikki. While Flagooner's comment is more extreme than I typically see here, there's always a bit of drama on here but in my experience if you hang tough they stop jerking you around pretty quick. Hope you get some good advice.

Avatar for Nikkibshaw88

Theres a bitch in every bunch isnt there...

I'm just like damn, tryna get some advice to show my husband a good time and Señor douche-nozzle just cant help himself.

Oh well. I appreciate your kind words. Thank you

Avatar for rh48hr

What most have said about be upfront with the dancers you want to come over is the best approach. I would research clubs in your area that allow for the most fun if you haven't done so already.

Have fun and I hope your husband enjoys his night and appreciates you.

Avatar for nicespice


On one hand, I think flag’s reasoning that this a troll is solid. Especially with the screename and avatar.

On the other hand, “Señor douche-nozzle” is one of the more fun insults out there. Smash that like button!

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

So, the OP jumped through the hoop to get verified, get temporary access to the VIP forum, and posted on a topic that isn't all that unusual or trollish.

If this is a troll, then she sucks at trolling. Because typically people troll to be disruptive. This doesn't feel like that.

Avatar for flagooner

Gotta admit “Señor douche-nozzle” was well played.

Avatar for BoringLoser

You gotta hangs your pic back flag. This one advertises that you have no credibility too much

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

I say troll. Hasn’t ever been to a strip club but is well versed in what goes on there and the lingo. That doesn’t just come from reading reviews. On the chance you’re not a troll, go to some of the more mainstream couple friendly clubs in MD. Penthouse, Ritz, Millstream and see if you like those.

Avatar for flagooner

@ BoringLoser
Was that a comment to me? If so, or even if it wasn't, I don't understand what you are getting at.

Avatar for BoringLoser

Oh I had a typo. @flag change your picture back. The old one was better.

Avatar for flagooner

I think I'll decide what I use as my avatar, thank you.

Avatar for steeldog65

I haven't had the conundrum you face but I think being upfront with the dancer you like and saying you want to have fun, you want to see your husband experience the best SC that he can and you think she can help you do that for him would be a start. If she says no, move on.

Avatar for Nikkibshaw88

"Gotta admit “Señor douche-nozzle” was well played."

Thanks for being the inspiration flagooner. And thanks for the tip about getting anal fisted. I found out I can but a 55 gallon drum of lube on Amaz. That should be enough right?

"I say troll. Hasn’t ever been to a strip club but is well versed in what goes on there and the lingo. That doesn’t just come from reading reviews."

I have seen enough videos to have a pretty good idea of what goes on there and as far as the "lingo" , I learned most of it from the glossary on here.

"On the chance you’re not a troll, go to some of the more mainstream couple friendly clubs in MD."

The Eastern Shore has literally no clubs other than a few pastie joints in upper Delaware. I would definitely have to go to Bmore or DC for that. I'm for sure up for trying that but was just looking at NJ since we will be up there for a night.

I've talked to someone on here who is suggesting I go to club XXXV or Visions. He is from NJ and knows the area well. I have done nothing more than just drive through Jersey so I'm grateful to get pointed in the right direction.

"So, the OP jumped through the hoop to get verified, get temporary access to the VIP forum, and posted on a topic that isn't all that unusual or trollish.

If this is a troll, then she sucks at trolling. Because typically people troll to be disruptive. This doesn't feel like that."

I get why this could appear to be a troll. That was of the reasons I got verified. And no I totally dont want to be disruptive just like I don't want to be in the sc. I don't want to hang back and look like I'm not there for a good time but I also dont want to be like "Hey! Can my husband put his thumb up your butt while you blow him?" either. A lot of posts I read said you get a lot more by being respectful so I for sure want to be. Looks like I just need to be upfront.

Avatar for MackTruck


Avatar for Icey

dont go with him...

Avatar for Icey

dont go with him...

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