
San Antonio guys: whose wife is this?

Hypnotized by nipples
Monday, January 28, 2019 5:42 PM
Today I got a series of messages here, supposedly from a wife whose husband had gone to The Palace recently. She wrote to me because I posted a review of that place a few months ago, so other reviewers may have heard from her, too. She says he spent more than $600 in a couple of hours on dances and drinks, but he told her no extras were involved.
She's very inquisitive and I'm wondering why I'm the lucky guy who gets her messages...or are there others? She created an account a year ago, but has never posted anything publicly. Her screen name starts with a "Y."


  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Is this a cop?
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Ot the op but the person sending you the message
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    Doesn't seem much like a cop. She seems pissed that her hubby would go to such a place, that it's "cheating" on her. It's very odd.
    6 years ago
    i think man code specifies you ignore her or say that extras never occur here
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    Well, I could truthfully tell her that I haven't ever gotten extras at the Palace. Good thing she didn't ask about Rick's or Sugar's or Perfect 10 or the Men's Club...
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    post her profile, I'll message her screenshots and ask which loser sounds like her husband
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    Did she say anything to make it sound like she thinks her husband posts here?
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    Icey, her profile contains zero info, only that she created the account in January 2018. No posts, no comments, no photo, no bio, nothing.

    BoringLoser, she did not say that her husband posts here. Maybe she just googled strip clubs and found this site and thought she could gather some info about what goes on in such places. But she described a bruise on his upper thigh, a small scratch near his belly button, and — my favorite — "glitter in his pubes." Sounds like a strip/cavity search almost.
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    I get glitter in my pubes all the time, but it’s never ever because of a strip club
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    Perhaps you're not as boring as you pretend, sir.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    lol I have gotten marks by being jabbed and scratched on my stomach by a belly button ring. Scratched on my back by nails, Scratched on my eyelid, bite mark, hickies but never got glitter bombed
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    I'm still trying to figure out the bruise on his upper thigh.
    Also, it occurs to me that if your wife finds glitter in your pubes, you may not have thought thing through completely.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    list her profile so we can contact her
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    Here's the thing. Just because someone hasn't posted anything doesn't mean they didn't pay for VIP access. Which would mean they could both read the full reviews and this forum. Just sayin'.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    I've not yet had glitter in the pubes but I've found long blonde hair (not mine) in my underwear, a bloody condom on my kitchen floor, bite marks around my nipples, and scratch marks on my back and ass.
  • Lovelyeast
    6 years ago
    She sounds out her fucking mind. I wish old boy luck. Drama
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Well that seems fun :o seems like she has all the info needed, and there isn’t much you can say that would give her much more.
  • founder
    6 years ago
    I'd ask her if she likes sex.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    You can choose 'more drama' or 'less drama'. If you prefer the latter, then ignore/delete the message.
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    There's a lot more to the story. She told me she's 23, been married for three years, and can't understand why her husband would behave this way. She actually called the Palace to find out how much the VIP level was and where dances are done. She said her hubby was NOT a member of this site; she found it on her own. She contacted me because I'd reviewed the Palace, but mine is not the most recent review, which made me wonder if she contacted others who reviewed that same club. I finally wearied of the drama last night and told her I was going to bed. All has been quiet today.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    See if you can entice her into some revenge sex, it’s supposed to be awesome;)
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Here is a related story. About 20 years ago my wife's girl friend's husband got thrown in jail on Christmas Eve for DUI. Then she found out later that he had been to a strip club and put $1500 on their credit card. The 2 of them came to me and asked if it was possible for a guy to spend that much money in a strip club. I told them that I didn't know for sure but guessed it was possible if he was buying drinks for his buddies, etc. They were not satisfied with my answer and decided that they wanted me to take the 2 of them to that strip club so that they could see first hand what went on in a place like that. I didn't know the husband very well and I wasn't known at that strip club but I wanted no part of that.

    Fortunately things cooled off and they dropped their request for me to take them to the club.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    If he just went once it was probably pretty harmless.
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    I did ask this young woman if her husband was getting the things at home that he would go to a club to find. She said yes, and the fact that she's 23 and only three years married would seem to indicate they should still be banging regularly. She's really taking it as a personal affront. Oh, here's a detail I forgot to mention which helped me hasten my withdrawal from the discussion: she said he had "that hoe's strapless bra in the pocket of his jeans." I didn't know how to plausibly explain that one.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I feel bad for her. Her husband sounds like a fucking idiot
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    I sort of agree. He confessed to spending 600 bucks but won't admit he did anything but touch the stripper's body.
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    She already doesn't believe him, I don't know how much worse it would be if he said, "Yeah, I got a blowjob."
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Its possible he didn't do anything. Depends on the club. But he should of kept quiet or just come clean. Best thing would have been to just say he went with friends and got drunk and didn't keep track coz of them egging him on and all the drinking
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    Yes, the bra is hard to explain away. I can't imagine a stripper giving up part of her costume; won't she get called back onstage?
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Not really, most strippers aren't hookers and most guys going to strip clubs aren't trolling for hoes. The vast majority of customers are happy with the fantasy
  • SanAntonio_LDK
    6 years ago
    Damn, that blows that she would even try to bring you into it. That should be between her and her husband. RIP fallen soldier
  • SanAntonio_LDK
    6 years ago
    Damn, that blows that she would even try to bring you into it. That should be between her and her husband. RIP fallen soldier
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    Holy shit it’s the guy! How did she find the glitter in your pubes?
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    Glitter In Your Pubes is a great album title.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    Maybe he can get away with it by pretending that he's a cross-dresser. Of course, it will mean that he'll have to purchase and wear various panties, thongs and bras for a few months.......
  • Gilfly90
    6 years ago
    "Glitter In Your Pubes is a great album title." - ha!
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    You need to fuck her raw
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