Went to my first Black Club.

avatar for Nidan111
I recently went to my first black club (did a review on it). Although I had fun talking with the bartender and the doorman, i was unimpressed with the lack of dancer activity. I went at 930 pm on a Friday night. Left at 1230 am because nobody was dancing. Everybody except me was smoking huka and Mary Jane. Am I missing something or is that the norm?


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It's not universal but fairly common - black clubs are often treated more like hangout-places/pseudo-nightclubs, particularly at night - I hit black clubs all the time but mostly hit them on late-afternoons when they are more like strip clubs but even then some of them can become nightclubbish party-spots during the late-afternoons/happy-hour.

Since they are treated like party-spots, in many of the clubs one does not see many dances being bought and often times any $$$ being spent on dancers is via rainmaking - and bc they are party-spots the DJs often treat the club like a hiphop club vs a strip club and they cut-songs like they were mixing at a hiphop club often cutting them at a minute in length and even less.
I try not to hit most black clubs in primetime - as I mentioned I prefer afternoons and if I go at night I try to get there by 9:30 b/f the partying stsrts - but not all black clubs have enough dancers in non-primetime.
How do dancers make money in these black clubs? It seems like dancer income would be very limited and the dancers would leave.
@Jack my best guess is that there’s a lot of otc going on in most of those AA dive clubs I have gone to some of Papi’s favorite clubs and gotten propositioned by quite a few dancers each time I went.
Not to derail this thread, but I have noticed an upsurge in dancers in all of the dive clubs since Backpage got shut down, and Craig’s list no longer accepts advertisements for personal sex type service
Many of those dancers come from humble backgrounds and are ok walking away with a 100-bucks tax-free for their shift (still more than s minimum wage job) - there are still some custies buying dances but often seems like a small minority so b/w that and some rainmaking they can make something - also for many of these girls dancing may just be side-$$$ since it's not big-$$$ and they may have other income (regular job, etc) - some of them may just be there to party and make a little $$$ while they're at it.

As a custy it's hard to know exactly how much they make and how they manage - similar to when one sees dancers on their phones at a club and wonder how they make $$$.
Black dancers often have issues getting hired at mixed clubs, so they don't necessarily have the option to leave for greener pastures - but many do seem to stop dancing bc the $$$/effort may not be worth it.
As I mentioned, what you experienced is not universal, but def not uncommon - often times the more upscale black clubs tend to be more nightclubbish, but there are def black clubs where one gets their money's worth and then some, but they may not necessarily have beauty-queens.
@Papi I agree with everything that you have said and I think you’re more familiar than I am with the clubs that we are referring to, but it still doesn’t make my observations invalid.
Its not just black girls, non white girls in general have a hard time getting hired no matter what you look like.

Black clubs can be easier to work at and the money depends on a lot of factors. I danced at a small black maybe the size of a McDonalds and made like $500 a night just walking around and having money thrown at me. A lot of black girls hate it when non black girls work there though.

The club would get so busy cos it was the only black club around. After it got shut down because of a few fights, the other clubs in the area all stopped playing hip hop. A lot of it had to do with racism. I've seen more fights at other clubs and no hip hop policies are meant to discourage "certain people" from dropping by. It was also the club I've worked at with the least extras and hookers.
Not all black club scenes are the same - when I hit the Atlanta black clubs I notice the AA guys there spend $$$ on dances (at least more so than the Miami black clubs) - but Atlanta seems kinda a mecca for AAs - kinda like the NYC for AA folks that go looking for opportunities - seems in ATL there's a strong AA middle-class and professional/whitecollar class.

Seems similar in the black DC-area clubs where there also seems to be a strong AA professional class.
avatar for GoVikings
6 years ago
“but Atlanta seems kinda a mecca for AAs - kinda like the NYC for AA folks that go looking for opportunities - seems in ATL there's a strong AA middle-class and professional/whitecollar class.”

this is true. Lots of black ppl with good incomes/jobs live in Atlanta
20 out of 27 Atlanta area clubs are listed as black.
i’ve never been to a ‘black’ club other than king of diamonds by tootsies five years ago.
black clubs are more enjoyable even to work in and the music is better,good vibes definitely recommend them
I appreciate all the feedback. I will say that the club was actually a fun and laid back atmosphere. Wasn’t certain how I would be treated since I was turned away from a black club in St Louis 15 years ago. This club was actually very accepting in that they all joked with me, shook my hand, offered me a “smoke” .. lol .. etc. i will definitely be going back ... just because. Will probably seek out others in other cities. I do like the AA female SHAPE!!!!
Oh and one more positive.... seriously as a heart attack!.... I felt quite comfortable adjusting my JUNK as needed in plain site; no special hidden moves required... lol
^^^^^that is one sure way I can tell how fun a dancer will be. If she doesn't act all funny or squirmish about me adjusting my junk in front of her then I know I'm in for a great time. I haven't come across a single black girl that minds it.
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