How do you guys manage in the VIP areas and just the logistics of having that with you at the club Do dancers help out or do you utilize them as props during dances???
lol no . management kept freaking out cos of liability. everyone was relieved when he left. or when paraplegics ask dancers to do shit with the controls on…
last commentIf I had those tanks, I would play my fantasy to the fullest! I would go clubbing in full Fireman Gear with my O2 tank on my…
Very impressive!
A guy could easily make some $$$ at the club selling oxygen to drunk dancers who wanna sober up
Yes they could. Lol. A portable O2 bar in a limousine along with some Lactated Ringers, an IV start kit, and some MVI ... sober their shit up…
always gotta be on top of your hustle! a good hustler can sell anything.
Speaking of which... I think I’ll give The Hustler Club a try in Washington Park, IL.
sounds fun
Just a couple hooks on that brace and a bit of Velcro and the damn O2 tank will feel no heavier than the air it carries!
who is 2bits?
or those portable battery powered oxygen things, those are kinda cool. one time aguy with one came to the club and he would hyperventilate…
Are you sure that beeping wasn’t his Pacemaker with an automatic defibrillator implanted?
lol no . management kept freaking out cos of liability. everyone was relieved when he left. or when paraplegics ask dancers to do shit with the controls on…
This is a brilliant thread that really needs more participation!
I once saw an old guy fall asleep during a lap dance. The stripper thought he died. Another one got kicked out of the club coz he was…
^^^^^ Aint that wut l wears when hes abductin unsuspectin womens?