
the pussy gets old quick

New Jersey
i did have one atf who was so gorgeous and so good at what she did i kept seeing her for years. but as a general matter i start finding a stripper less exciting after 5 or 10 times. do you gents know what i'm talking about? how do you go about pulling the stripper switch?


  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    I know what you mean. For me it’s like 3 times, if she ain’t super duper hot. And then I usually try to meet someone else. Can’t imagine what marriage is like. Shit.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    3 to 4 then moving on unless it is AHHHMMMAAZZZIING!
  • Dc12dc12
    6 years ago
    Straight forward with her. Let her be your wing man for other dancers until she finds paying client fit herself. It’s usually a good outcome.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Depends on the CF, her hotness, and her enthusiasm (spirit goes a long way...). Some have lasted a couple of years. Others only that many visits. I find that they last longer if I have others in the wings to add variety.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    There is such a high turnover rate in the sex biz that the ladies can be self culling. And each lady varies so it’s hard to give a general answer. I’ve seen one off and on for six years. But five times seems to be the average before the experience becomes less fun for one reason or another.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    I guess one of willy's new years resolutions is to post relevant discussion topics. Well done Willy! If you get bored of girls that easy its best to go to clubs with lots of dancers. Thats why you should steer clear of Clancys. Breathless in Rahway is perfect for you, 20 girls so if you get bored you can tell her to move on without pissing off her friends.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Just be happy with your new stripper wife you ungrateful fuck. ;)
    6 years ago
    If only i had the time to drive down to rahway. i've got responsibilities so my visits are mostly clanceys, vip (which i no longer think is a good club) and maybe a splash of titililations.

    rick is right . i'm a spoiled bastard.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    DC said "Do you guys really get bored after only 4-10 times?"

    "Always?...no. Sometimes?...yes. I've been with smoking hot dancers who ultimately had the enthusiasm and personality of shitty AM radio (you're young... Google it). They didn't last long. I've also been with less hot dancers who were dynamos. They lasted longer, bless them. So, it's highly subjective.

    "I would hate to have such uncertainty in my sex life."

    What you call 'uncertainty', many guys here call 'variety'.

    "What if it's hard to find another girl like the girl you were with?"

    You figure it out. That's the point behind 'variety'.

    "She doesn't do what you like in bed, doesn't have the same passion behind her kisses. Doesn't relate to you as well. Always being on the prowl and chasing girls and not being able to feel secure."

    Then you look for another dancer. For the customer, it's an abundance market. You just need patience (and a fair amount of disposable income...). I'm not sure what "feeling secure" has to do with anything.

    "Not to mention, unless you're running through literally dozens of girls. You can't have nearly as much sex as you can when you stick to one or two girls."

    I see your point, but that's not always true.

    "Also the first time with girls usually isn't that good. There's always a level of awkwardness that comes with sleeping with someone for the first time. It always gets better over time."

    Also not wrong. But if the sex doesn't improve over time, then that's when I move on.

    "After nearly a decade of being single. Getting to settle down and not having to chase girls anymore to get sex and finding a best friend who's a girl and loves you sounds amazing."

    Sure. If that's what you're after. Not everyone here is after that. It's a personal choice.

    Also, keep in mind that the customer is often not the one making the choice to move on. Dancers drop off the map, have major life changes, move away, etc., all the time. Many customers are accustomed to suddenly being "on the market" via the behavior of the dancers themselves.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    "After nearly a decade of being single. Getting to settle down and not having to chase girls anymore to get sex and finding a best friend who's a girl and loves you sounds amazing."

    Trying to understand this one Ish, the kid says he's twenty, can a 10 year old really be single and chase girls?
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    To add a "serious" comment...

    I am in the same camp as many here. Unless she is really good, I can only see her a handful of times before I am bored. With that said, I have also had some who were so good that I saw for months before I finally got bored. But the short run girls outnumber the longer-term ones by a lot.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I'm definitely the reverse -- my ATFs last months and in a few cases, years. That said, there's something really special about the 2nd-4th times you're with her -- you've gotten over 1st-time nerves, but still have that amazing brand-new-girl excitement, uncertainty of what might happen, and there's still lots of discoveries to be made. That said, a stripper makes it up the ranks to become an ATF because I enjoy her personality, enjoy partying with her, and love sex with her, so I enjoy doing it over and over again, and enjoy the opening up of things that were previously closed to me. And, as I've said here a few times, my time on SA has taught me that all of my ATF relationships were arrangement-like, which I guess must be what I'm really after: arrangement dynamics with a smoking hot stripper who drives me completely wild sexually and who is incredibly fun to party with.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I'm usually ready to move on after the firsr time - I get more excited about experiencing a new dancer I've never been with to see what she's like, vs someone I already know what she's like (kinda "been there done that").

    I do repeat with dancers but.prefer for it to be a while since I've been with her vs just a week or two - and sometimes I repeat sorta bc they've treated me.well in the past but not necessarily bc I'm hard-up to get with them, although I still find them attractive.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    it really is all about her 'personality' (or how well she can fake a personality). If zero chemistry, once is more than enough for me. If lots of chemistry... my xATF lasted years.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @DC How can y’all consider yourself to be single if y’all can’t legally get married without parental consent. I mean really who in their right mind would refer to a 14-15 year old as single.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ that’s why you sound like a kid, you’ll just keep debating ad nauseum.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ A word to the wise, if I may, you are starting to sound like Nicole, whom is just annoying not really disliked, or worse like SJG and fat boi, who are universally disliked, it's your call act like a young adult, if you want to be treated like one or act like a know it all, and be laughed at.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    There is a difference between controversy and idiocy, learn to distinguish between them, and to prove my point I have nothing more to say.
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Blondbmbshell. Don’t fret. When your 2 more are up with him, I will be happy to give you my 4. Lol
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    @DC Guys are only as loyal as thier options. If I go to clubs full of 9's I will get be quickly bored of a girl after 5 dances. However, if she's an 8 in a sea of 5's im going to be grateful that she's around and will never get bored of her. As being one of the few members who unfortunately has the experience of going to clubs that Willy does I will say that he's just very spoiled. The NJ Club scene is nowhere where it was 3 years ago. My guess is an improving economy has allowed hotter women to escort full time. Willy, go to Exit 11 in Orange if you are looking for some new faces.
  • gentleman6555
    6 years ago
    like everything it’s about chemistry. if the chemistry and the vibe is still there, I’m still buying.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    I want to experience as much as possible, so whether it's dances, ITC, OTC, or TJ Brothels I am one and done moving onto the next dancer.

    Sometimes this leads to average, akward, and even bad experiences but I also get to experience so many incredible women.
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