

I put your ATF on a winning team
I was 17. A lot of girls started stripping, that was basically their plan for after high school. Some started earlier...

A friend of mine asked me to go see her at work for moral support.

I fell in love with the life. I loved everything about it. Sitting there with a hot bitch coming up to me, sitting on my lap counting money. The jealous looks from guys there, the attention from other dancers when they saw me with my friend. The lights, music....

It was the first time I actually saw girls in heels that high and I loved the way their legs looked. I thought the heels made them look amazing. And their tits and asses hanging out....I loved that. Then just kinda hustling out of the club, and having them all over me, I was hooked.

My first lap dances were from my friend and loved them...but that was mostly coz of our relationship. The first dance I paid for sucked... It felt too fake having a girl grind on me just coz I paid her. It was more of a turn off than a turn on for me. And I still can't enjoy that shit without a connection.

Then I found myself wanting to go to more clubs. I had a problem getting into some, coz I had a fake ID. But I just loved it. On my free time I basically just sat at the bar and drank. And looked for girls to pick up or help out.


  • Icey
    6 years ago
    And i learned that pussy is literally like a gold mine to invest in....
  • Interesting read
  • i could be mistaken, but i feel as if the jealousy that guys get from watching other guys receive attention from girls has nothing to do with actually caring or liking these girls, and instead everything to do with status...i.e jealousy for status or sexual reasons. show how fucking dumb men can be.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    It is about status and other men. If they see hot girls all over you and the kind of interactions you have with them, they get jealous and it is a power trip. I wouldn't say its stupid, its nature.... The other men may have better careers, cars, whatever but they can't get the girls. Its something to milk while you can.

    I still get stopped and frisked by bouncers when I enter the club a lot of times, and it turns the girls on. Like when you pull out a ziploc bag with cash. Someone always asks why I don't have a wallet, I tell them my cash won't fit in one.

    But I think a lot of customers do end up liking the girls and kinda caring. For a lot of men at the club, its the only contact they have with girls or the only time girls ever pay them attention.
  • ok ya im not saying men dislike women..im saying that some of them are so objectifying that when they get jealous for a girl its for status reasons..and no it is not human nature cuz not all men are like that..like the good ones are not like that sry
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    1991 shortly after I turned 21 - my 24 y/o workmate had already visited SCs and I'd never had so he took me to pop my SC-cherry - it was at Deans Gold Miami which back -then went by Solid Gold - we just sat stage-side and tipped some - we got one or two air table-dances from a very voluptuous tanned blond which my friend paid for - IDK if there were lap-dances available and really didn't know those existed at the time (I pretty-much new zilch about SCs at the time and the internet didn't exist) - I was also in school at the time and didn't have much $$$ thus didn't go to a SC again for a couple of years and only SCed a handful of times thru my 20s and became a somewhat regular SCer at 30.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I was nineteen, and I went with my at-the-time boyfriend. It was a nude byob club. His friend was there and wanted him there too, and I was with him when he got the text so we both showed up.

    He was very wasted, and sitting with his CF on a rented couch thing (pay to sit there rather than the regular pleb table)

    Another dancer swung by to sit with us too. The CF started talking shit about the other dancer to me.

    And then my boyfriend wanted to get me dances. Especially because the friend bought $600 in dance dollars was was paying for them. First I got a couple of dances from one blond dancer. Come back in the front room, hang out in the front room. Then went back with the same blond dancer+a white/Asian mixed dancer for another song. Go back.

    And then ended up getting a dance from five dancers at once when he put me on the spot of “who has the best ass”...but I didn’t want to answer the question. So I had a dance from all five similtaneously. They were confused but decided they would “take turns” on who would grind on me. The other customers stated at us open mouthed lol.

    After that, the friend disappeared. So we left the club to go find him because we figured he had left. Sadly, we found him because his SUV had rolled over and was on the side of the road. And the police were already there and EMS were on the way.

    So my boyfriend and I stopped to see how he was. He left his car, and I stayed inside.

    A police officer approached me. Asked for my license. I had forgotten to get it back from the club when we left, but I told her the number.

    Then she told me that my bf had a warrant out for his arrest because he never paid a traffic ticket from one year prior. And asked for my consent if she could search the car. I didn’t allow it, since it wasn’t my car.

    They let my boyfriend go (with a stern reminder to pay his fine) but the officer decided I had to be the one to drive. So I drove back to the club to get my license.

    While there, the friend’s CF dancer told us that he promised a certain amount of that dance dollar money for her and she wanted it.

    The boyfriend got annoyed her and told her that he was never told that. She started getting very angry, and they were starting to argue, and I started heading towards the car. Then he caught up with me. I don’t remember what happened with the remaining dance dollars.

    Epilogue, this wasn’t the first dwi from this friend. He decided to escape his legal trouble by ringing up a bunch of credit card debt, and buying gifts for his friends. Then he moved to China and became an English teacher.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    ^I forgot how event filled it was until I realized how long my post was, lol.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Sounds like some night... I'd have left, I hate drama...

    Nicole, every guy likes the girl he's with to make him look better. Whether its her looks, style, whatever. Even if a guy is in love with you, he's gonna see you as a sexual object...that's a good thing.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    1988 at Ft. Lauderdale's Pink Pussycat. It was a small place that got shut down when Ft. Lauderdale became family friendly.

    I was like a kid in a candy store. I fell in lust with a beautiful Asian girl and had to jack off when I got back to the ship.
  • Johny5
    6 years ago
    @icey you need to tell them without this ziplock bag how am i gonns make in rain in this bitch?!? They all come running legs spread ready to work
  • Johny5
    6 years ago
    @nicole1994 are you saying im not one of the good ones?!
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I was 18. From a little West Texas farming town. In college in San Antonio. I thought going to a strip club was frustrating. These cute girls would talk to me and flirt with me. But when I asked them out on dates, they said no. I just couldn't figure them out.

    Now that I'm in my 50's, the girls in the clubs ask me out. I've figured things out. He who has the money makes the rules.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    In 1981, when I was 17 and a senior in high school, at a seedy Detroit club that's long been closed, one that didn't check ID as long as you looked reasonably close to 18 or 21 or whatever the legal age was to be in there. No cover and draft beers were $2. My two buddies, also the same age, had been there before. We were broke kids and nursed the beers because $2 was about all each of us had.
    It was topless only and it was the first time I ever saw a woman's breasts, though I pretended like it was old hat to me. I was absolutely mesmerized at this place, that such a paradise could exist where I could see breasts anytime I wanted as long as I had $2 and gas money top get there.
    A dancer with blonde hair and bruises on her legs -- looking like she came straight from the trailer park -- straddled one of my buddies and began grinding him, unsolicited and without asking for money. She offered to blow him in the bathroom (that was the VIP room at this place, apparently) for $20. He didn't have the money. I was wishing I did because back then I could only dream of getting a blow job.
    I went there only once more after that before the place closed.
    About a year later, we discovered the totally nude clubs across the river in Windsor and I saw pussy for the first time.
    Part of me really misses those carefree days.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My first visits were to the Sunnyvale Brass Rail and Hip Hugger. And these were a very long time ago, before the South Bay had anything like 'dances', and up till the end they never did have private space or anything like couches.

    The real issue for me was "Are these girls I want to engage with, or are they too much White Trash?"

    And then also, by Jr. High School a guy learns that the women held up as sex symbols, like fashion models, actresses, and Playboy Centerfolds are out of his social reach. Would that also apply to the dancers in such clubs?

    So at the Brass Rail I found one I liked, not unlike the others, but I could see in her a Farm Girl side.

    So after stage tipping, I followed custom and invited her to have a drink with me. She accepted.

    Only one way to find out, so I suggested that she and I might go out sometime.

    "Sorry *I* don't go out with customers."

    Now at first I thought she was just applying a extra layer of caution because of the nature of the venue. It would not be until years later that I would fully understand her meaning. But I did feel that my honor was being challenged.

    So just instinctively, trying to restore my honor, I began to talk about myself, my career, things like that. All very matter of fact, self effacing, nothing like a rehearsed pitch. Then I grabbed a cocktail napkin and wrote my full name and home telephone number on it and handed it to her.

    She, now standing to leave, held it down at arm's length and said, "Well okay. You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night."

    Again I would not fully understand her meaning for years. But I did feel that my honor was again being challenged. So I decided to quit while I was ahead. Did not want to let any kind of a conflict develop. So I left.

    Forgot about the matter entirely, worked late, got home about 10pm. Saw that there was one message on my old fashioned mechanical answering machine.

    Similar to this:

    So I pressed the button, and there it was, her voice, "I want to see you".

    Now if I had known what I was doing, had a plan, maybe talked about where I would take her, how to reconcile lifestyle and work schedule issues, then probably things could have escalated even faster.

    But as it was, I had learned a huge lesson. The women who work at strip clubs absolutely can be gotten to. Most important, do not take their on the job persona at face value, and always always always treat them as civilians. That always gets to them, it is what they really want.

    Guys think they are paying for sex, when really what they are paying for is for the girl to pretend that she likes being treated like a hooker.

    This one softened up once she saw that I had nothing whatsoever like P4P in mind, and that I in no way saw her as someone who sold sex or was moved to go that way by money.


    Joe Bonamassa - "Midnight Blues" - Beacon Theatre - Live From New York

    Sloe Gin

    Brothers In Arms

    TJ Street Girls



    Real TJ Street

  • Skippy10
    6 years ago
    Mine was at Detroit strip club now closed. 18 years old. I remember it well. They had these little wooden knockers ( looked like Tootsie Pops). I don't think the club thought that too well. It was packed inside. Music was great, and those who sat near the stage with the wooden knockers banged them on the table or stage to the beat of the music and dancer.

    Well one lady started talking crap while dancing because nobody was tipping ( uggggly). She really got things fired up. Guys started tossing their knockers at her and chased her off the stage. The balls came off and were flying everywhere. Cops got called and the bar cleared out.

    Was a hell of a first experience!!
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    Nerve racking. I was 15 and was using a fake ID
  • EastCoaster
    6 years ago
    I was in college in Boston in the early 1970s, and my roommate, who was a theater tech major, worked at the Pilgrim Theatre. He handled all of their tech work -- lighting, sound, and whatever else needed to be done. What he didn't tell me for quite some time is that the theater featured strippers.

    The Pilgrim Theatre was one of the most infamous places in an area of downtown that was called the Combat Zone, Boston's way of containing the seedier elements of society (like yours truly, I guess). The typical thing at the Pilgrim Theatre was for them to show what were then called XXX movies for an hour, put live strippers on stage for 30 minutes, then repeat that rotation. At age 20, I had never seen a stripper, and I asked my roommate about it -- and wondered whether it would be OK to bring my girlfriend, who was as curious as I was. He said sure, and told me that they didn't do anything the law didn't allow. Sounded safe enough for me.

    We came into what looked like a normal movie theater with a stage. Yes, the porno movie was going full tilt, as graphic as anything you'd see online today, and the most startling thing was that instead of the movie soundtrack, all you could hear was loud rock music blaring from the speakers. Much to my delight, the recorded music was the Allman Brothers Band. Sweet!!

    The strip show was quite an eye-opener for my 18-year-old girlfriend and me -- apparently the law allowed the girls to dance in nothing but high heels, and the expression "spread eagle" took on a whole new meaning for me. There were no lap dances and no Champagne Room - just the movies and the naked women on stage.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Simimar to my first experience at an all nude Windsor strip club, across the river from. Detroit. My buddies and I thought it was just topless. I was pleasantly shocked when the gal on stage removed her bikini bottom and soread her legs on stage, giving us an amazing close-up of the female anatomy and making me consider changing my major to gynecology.
    Fuck, I miss those days.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I mentioned my first visit above, but I actually didn't get the SC bug then.

    I got the SC bug ~10 years later when I moved from Miami to Dallas in 2000 and was driving around one night getting to know the city and ran into Baby Dolls at its old location - didn't go in that night but seeing how packed the parking-lot was I made a mental note and visited a few days later and got hooked.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I mentioned my first visit above, but I actually didn't get the SC bug then.

    I got the SC bug ~10 years later when I moved from Miami to Dallas in 2000 and was driving around one night getting to know the city and ran into Baby Dolls at its old location - didn't go in that night but seeing how packed the parking-lot was I made a mental note and visited a few days later and got hooked.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I mentioned my first visit above, but I actually didn't get the SC bug then.

    I got the SC bug ~10 years later when I moved from Miami to Dallas in 2000 and was driving around one night getting to know the city and ran into Baby Dolls at its old location - didn't go in that night but seeing how packed the parking-lot was I made a mental note and visited a few days later and got hooked.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ damn - IDK how that triple-post happened
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    Went to small local a club with a group of friends later on a Thursday afternoon. The club was dead. A attractive blonde ended up talking to me and I was scared shit less. I couldn't stop shaking, my friend bought me a table dance and the moment she landed in my lap it stopped.

    She asked me if I wanted another and without skipping a beat agreed.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I was riding my dinosaur through the cycad forest when I saw the sign carved in a rock: "CAVE GIRLS! CAVE GIRLS! CAVE GIRLS! NUDE!" The rest is prehistory. Yabadabadoo!
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    1982 I was 16 a group of buddy’s and I got dressed up with sport coats and ties and went to Jason’s in Windsor. No id check. It was unfucking real. Completely naked, hot pussy! Loud music strong booze I’ve been hooked ever since!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Nice Jack :)
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Speaking of signs that say Girls and Nude, I remember the first time I was able to get into a peep show... I actually wish there were more left around. I only know of one now and that's in Vegas.

    It was so sleazy.... The booths basically just had chairs and a box of tissues. You locked the door, put a dollar into the slot and the window unfogged... and you saw a girl or 2 naked and she'd open her ass or pussy up and press it on the window for a dollar.

    I was like 16, a friend loved those and used to throw pennies into the slot at the girls instead of dollars.

    Most of the girls were either underage(coz I knew some) or strung out crack whores.

    The one time I lucked out, I went with a girl and got a blow job while watching 2 hot Mexican girls eat each other out.

    Then there was my first time at an adult theater.... I got out of their quickly. I thought it would be like in porn, but it was all gay guys.... The nastiest thing I saw was a guy in the back row having a train run on him, and an old Asian man stood behind me, I thought it was his hand on my butt but when I turned around it was his dick. Then I went into a private area where you watched movies in a booth. Same shit, gay guys would try to come in with you. I was in there maybe 15 minutes...never again!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    We're still waiting for you to write a review, it'll be your first time in a strip club, that we know !
    I've got a suggestion, take SJG with you then both of you idiots can break your cherry together.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @Sal69, holy shit! Jason's, a blast from the past! Did you ever hit the Beanery? Much more low brow compared to Jason's and the Million Dollar Saloon, but the Beanery was an amazing place. Closed many years ago.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    in 1996 I was 46. walked into a club in Phoenix. I thought I was in heaven!
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Mid-1980s, was 17, was working construction for minimum wage ($3.35/hour back then) in SoCal during summer after high school, working to pay college tuition. The adult married guys took me with them after work. Topless joint. Sat at rail with the boys drinking cold Corinas (didn’t get carded despite looking nowhere near 21, SoCal was like that back then). Guys told me I had to tip $1 per song. I was stunned, hot older women dancing sensually and topless in front of me and underage drinking, win-win. I can still remember the hot slender medium breasted brunette that was my fave that day (still my type) - was a virgin and remember thinking, man o man I wanna bone a chick that hot someday. Spent a full day’s wage which was a lot of money for me back then but felt wow that was worth it. Had no idea there was such thing as dances, guys didn’t tell me, I didn’t get any, if I had I’d have been ruined.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Yeah, the difference in being used to high school girls and then seeing girls in their 20s naked for the first time, I loved that too...
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    First time in a strip club was when I was about 18. It was an 18 and up place that was a dive. I walked in and paid the cover and was told there was a 2 drink minimum. I did not know the drinks were $4 for a tiny coke. This is mid 90's and that was expensive then. I only had $20 on me at the time and most of it was spent on cover and two drinks. I was seated at a table and waitress brought me the two drinks at the same time. A cute dancer sat across from me (diner style booth seating). She started small talk and a waitress appeared again and asked if I would like to buy the lady a drink. I tried pushing one of my drinks over to her because I was not that thirsty at the time. The waitress started arguing with me and telling me that is not how it works.I did not understand so I stuck to my logic and my guns. I did win that argument and the dancer ended up drinking the extra drink. The dancer had a look of terror on her face like she felt bad that the waitress was acting like that. She tried having a normal conversation with me but I was just way too uncomfortable.

    There was one stage and a dancer had just went up that was brunette and huge boobs. When she was finishing her stage set several guys went over and tipped her. I had no idea how clubs worked at all.I was an idiot. Dancer on stage kept motioning me to come over but I refused, I was still trying to have this conversation with the dancer at my table. Dancer on stage came over and asked if I did not like her or what. I got the urge to run like hell. I finally excused myself to use the restroom. I had to piss like a race horse, thus the reason not to drink both drinks.

    After using the restroom I headed for the door. The waitress must have told the bouncer that I had not bought two drinks or something. He was a huge body builder guy that intimidated me. He started trying to shake me down to pay for two more drinks. I kept saying I did buy the minimum. After arguing with him for a couple minutes he went to check on something and I bolted out the door! I never went back to that club until years later when It was owned by another party.
  • Oliver_Clothesoff_66
    6 years ago
    First time was at Archibald's in DC on K St. It was Summer 1992. I was 25. I walked up the stairs to the second level and as I got to the top of the stairs I chickened out and turned back around and left.
    Fast forward 2 years. I'm travelling solo in Nashville Tn. I decide to visit a place on Printer's Alley which I think I saw advertised in the Nashville Scene weekly paper. It was a BYOB place called Brass Stables (now closed). Shortly after I arrived and got seated a dancer was doing a what I believe is called a "tip walk". She was walking the floor and flashed me her pussy. Not knowing the "rules of engagement", I just stared. She said "Did I have a tip for her?". I tipped her $1 but was not all that impressed with her. A short while later the DJ announced 2 for 1 table dances. I got one of those and nutted before the second song ended. I headed to the men's room to clean up a bit and immediately left, trying to remember where in the garage I had parked my rental car. A strange new world had opened up for me that night.

  • Icey
    6 years ago
    That reminds me, one time at a club there was this guy sitting at the stage not tipping... The DJ announced "can the asshole not tipping please move from the stage to make room for someone who will" The guy got so embarrassed he left... it was a young blonde kid at a club with mostly black and latina chicks.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ do you know why you aren’t even believable, that story is a plagiarism, from diary of a stripper published a few years back in the Daily Mail and reposted here a while back by our own Jack Slash. You’re nothing but a fucking liar, and a thief of intellectual property.
    Anyone who listens to anything you say, seriously need to have their head examined
    BTW you can call this trolling, you can pretend to be a victim, but most of all you can go fuck yourself liar.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    No dumbass, happened at Talk of the Town in Vegas like 4 years ago now go take your alzheimers meds
  • dr_lee
    6 years ago
    I thought every stripper in the club was hot. Now I’m lucky if I think at least 5% are hot.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    back before my ass got famous, i went into a strip club, broke af, had barely enough cash to get through the door and buy a shot of patron for me and my homies. seeing them big booty hoes though, i told myself, one day i will be making it rain on these bitches, and thousands of dollars will mean nothing to me. and that's that shit i did.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    A shot of patron for you and your homies is still a lot at a strip club.lol
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    my homies pitched in, we was all young, dumb, and broke af. the hoes didn't like us much back then, we was starved of pussy. didn't even fuck my first pussy til i was 19 but i told all my homies i was 16 and kicked her ass out after i was done. i was 21 when i went to the strip club for the first time and hadn't even seen that much porn cause i couldn't afford a computer until that year. mostly jus skin mags. now my ass is famous, i got shitloads of money, and all the hoes wanna fuck me. but i know its just cuz im famous and wealthy cuz none of them hoes wanted to fuck me back when i had no money. now i got no trust or love for bitches, none of them want me for me, they just want my money so i just want their pussies. i don't pay for it directly, but i still gotta show off and shit, get bottle service and drive fancy cars and shit. its nice to have all the money having grown up with none, but sometimes my life feels empty. lord knows i have sinned greatly these past five years trying to make up for all those years of never having pussy.

    only bitch i'd ever love was my first one, cause she fucked me when i was broke. she stayed with me for six months and then she left. haven't seen her since. she knows where to find me if she ever wanted to come back but she don't want my ass no more.

    dunno why i am saying all this shit.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You're trying to be a caricature.... but its true. Money doesn't mean shit. If you're nothing without it, you're nothing with it... it comes down to the game in the nigga not the nigga in the game. Walking into a room and making everyone notice, thats the kind of shit you can't buy. You either have it or you don't.

    I like to floss, and I love taking care of my bitches. But I always test them. I'm not spending it on them if they don't deserve it. But never let anyone know how much you hold right away.

    If you're really into hoes though, just pimp them. Its really easier than people think.

    Bitches leave for different reasons, sometimes even when its great.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    no one calls me a fucking caricature. you don't know shit about me. i got a whole fucking harem of pimped hoes, but i ain't under no fucking delusions about what they here for.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    everything's about money my nigga. every fucking thing. these hoes only fuck the man wit the most cash. them hoes don't love no nigga, they love his cash.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You are a racist caricature... not surprising on this site though.

    How many hoes is a harem? Its about quality not quantity. 3 great quality hoes at top Vegas clubs are worth 10 hoes anywhere else.

    Its not hard making a hoe fall in love.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    you best not be fucking wit niggas that know more about you than you think they do. now stop ripping your fucking beats from ric flair drip and come up with a original fucking beat for your freestyles.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Whoever is behind that racist classist troll persona can go fuck themselves.
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