Mixed Clubs Becoming Black Clubs
Just a couple weeks ago I hit a club in Flint that was listed as mixed on TUSCL. Even a Flintstone at a local dive bar said it was a mixed club. When I got there, 100% of the dancers and 95% of the customers were African-American. It was not a problem because the Sincweisers were cold and the waitresses kept them coming to my table, but it was not what I was expecting going in.
Has anyone else seen where clubs start out as being a mixture of ethnicities, but over time end up becoming black clubs? I can name more than a half dozen clubs here in the Midwest (Jimmy's, Skybox, and Club O in just Chicago alone) that were mixed clubs but eventually transitioned to black clubs over a period of years.
My guess would be that once an urban club gets shut down, the dancers and customers migrate to nearby mixed clubs. Once they reach a majority, the vibe changes and the Hispanic and white dancers slowly transition out over a period of years until the club is 90-100% African-American dancers, or a black club.
I have yet to see the reverse situation, where Hispanic, Asian, or white dancers flood a black club and transition it into a mixed club.
last commentOff the top of my head, the only club I recall this happening when I was a custy and thus saw the change, was Hardbodies in Arlington TX in the early to mid 2000s - the club was about 1/3 black and over 6 months or so became all black - there was an all-black club down the street (Peep N Toms) and I was told the 2 clubs had the same owner but IDK if Hardbodies became all black as a result of being bought
^ or if both clubs had the same owner all along
I have seen clubs go from mostly Russian, to most black, to most hispanic and vice versa. I cant say there is some mind blowing theory behind it. Unfortunately girls tend to stick with girls they are friends with and this is greatly amplified in club environments. In mixed clubs you might see the russian girls talking to thier friends who are mostly russian. Same thing with hispanic as it even goes down to country. Brazlian girls like to speak portuguese with thier brazilian friends. If one girl in a group retires or changes clubs you will usually see that her friends leave too. One of my greatest bummers was when the kazakhstani girls left from a very mixed club i went to. I understand that most guys dont get diversity in other parts of US, but kazhkstani girls are walking supermodels.
That being said, the biggest morale I have learned is if a girl blows your mind or she's very unique (e.g. kazhksani) for the love of god take down her phone number. 9 out of 10 times she simply dances somewhere else and you can enjoy her a 15 minute drive away. Its not rocket science.
It's called white flight
I've seen it happen in the Atlanta area big time. The Pink Pony South(now closed), The Crazy Horse Saloon(Now rumors) & The Goldrush Showbar. TUSCL lists 27 strips clubs in the metro area. 20 of them are now listed as black. I guess there are just more black clubbers than white ones.
I think "white flight" is a bit of an oversimplification.
From a purely statistical basis the average a guy of any race (even black) is less likely to be attracted to a black woman: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*f2XrwNtOkGf6840871tuxA.png
The Pantheon in Dearborn, MI, used to be a mixed club. But now it is predominantly black.
Is it a problem that the majority of customers are black? you're making it sound pejorative
Even in mixed clubs they tend to only have a handful of black girls. If a club goes from mixed with mostly white dancers to mostly black dancers I’d assume the club probably doesn’t have the clientele to keep them or they were hiring girls just to make sure they get house fee. My home club for about a month had an influx of hipster white girls. Basically what @NJBalla said. One got hired then all her friends came. They slowly were fired for various reasons. Offering the other girls drugs was a major issue.
@PaulDrake What does that have to do with shifts in the racial demographic of a stripclub.
Balla where are these khazakhstani girls located? Ive noticed the same about uzbekistani women but that was irl
can you veil your racism a little more thinly
I personally think that is a laughable distinction. I've been to clubs described here on TUSCL as mixed which had mostly black dancers and others with mostly white dancers. And none of it accounts for the possibility that while a club may have mostly black dancers, the ownership and management and non dancing staff is white. I've been to a few clubs like that. I think they have a willingness to hire anybody, but clubs get reputations and thus black girls tend to wind up in the same club, which may make a club seem like a black club, except it's really not.
Here's typical Kazakhstan girl:
Wah, wah, wah Icey. Loser.
A few more from the Detroit area. The Toy Chest used to be a mixed club, but they are now a black club. I think there were many factors that led to the change. The club was greatly affected by DPD’s crackdown on VIP activities, and the club eventually got new ownership.
Truth opened this year as a mixed club, but after 6 months of being open, got new management and now that club is a black club. I did visit Truth back in the spring while it was still a mixed club, but half the dancers and half the the customers were black during the time I was there. I guess the decision to go from a mixed club to a black club may have been largely based on who was going to this club. Also, this club is at the same location that used to be Silver Rain, which was a black club, so that may be part of the reason why Truth was getting a lot of black customers.
Skibum, again.... I'm the loser? Coz I'm calling out the racist tendency of this thread?
If I knew your name I'd complain to the BAR, you're now promoting segregation and racism....
^ so if he hates everyone equally is he still a racist ?
@AssManJoe, VIPs/Club 16 in North Jersey. They actually had 3 Kazakhstani girls. They all looked resembled Olivia Munn, Maggie Q, Kimiko Glenn. They are nowhere to be found these days. I always regret not getting one of thier phone numbers. When I regularly saw them 2 years ago my clubbing experiences at NNJ clubs were so great I never needed a strategy because 70% of girls were drop dead gorgeous.My only problem was avoiding clingers to give me variety. These days clubbing is hard. My guess is when the economy strengthened these girls started to escort instead of dancing.
Id also hate to live in a part of the region where you only have "white" clubs or "black" clubs and mixed means "black and white". Not to get on a racist/ethnic rant, but when it comes to dancers black, white, and more generally american dancers always provide the worst experience. The majority are a bit arrogant and make the experience feel very transactional. My personal preference are fresh off the boat or recently imported latinas, kazahkstani, and russian (certain cases). After dancing with those kinds of girl giving them money almost feels like a "donation" rather than a "payment". Try it once and you wont go back.
Most Detroit's clubs are predominantly black now. You need to stay out of Detroit clubs if you want more diversity.
@balla thanks for info, i dont make it up north very often but should branch out. in central nj (union/middlesex/somerset) mixed means mixed, rarely see asians but basically everything else under the sun, no kazakhstanis down here either lol. i agree with the fob latinas assessment. im a sucker for island girls too, the ass and the accent get me every time. there used to be good american girls who would take care of you at hott 22 (another mixed club) but i havent been in years now. they had a few awesome russians too. they had quite the roster a couple years ago.
@Bbybunny - Understanding the average persons racial bias when it comes to sexual attraction goes a long way to understanding perceived racism in the strip club. There is racial bias in the strip club for sure I have no argument about that. But even someone who is not racist at all would have to make decisions as a strip club manager that are very unfairly racially biased if you want to make the business as successful as possible.
On average guys are less attracted to black girls. And as there are specific black strip clubs if you are the manager of a mixed club there is a certain ratio of black girls you probably should not exceed or guys will start to perceive the club as being a black club and stop showing up. Before you know it your mixed club is a black club. If you think through the math of it, that process doesn't work at all in reverse.
So there will always be a limitation to the number of black girls a strip club manager is willing to hire. Simply put there is an oversupply of black girls willing to be strippers compared to white girls. I think part of this (my theory) is that black girls are more likely to consider being strippers where white girls are more likely (compared to black girls) to become cam girls or cosplay girls. Which furthers the supply and demand problem.
For the record I'm not saying any of this is good, just or right. Just that it is what it is. Neither you or I can change the rules of the game. I do take issue with people saying all strip club managers are racists. You might make the same decisions if you were in their shoes.
To be fair the clubs in "Chicago" (Skybox and Club O) that you mentioned changed owners/management and essentially turned into "party" clubs. Skybox became the Boxxx and then Sky11(?). Club O closed and then reopened as a similar club. I think they were leasing their club to the Boxxx when that club was shut down after a fatal in-club shooting. After some point, i think that club (Boxxx) changed owners again but the same style and i think Club O continued to lease their club? And then a lot of the Club O girls (which was already becoming majority black) moved to Fantasy in Indiana and i think Ocean as well. Fantasy basically became Club O Indiana somehow. All stuff i've heard through the grapevine, but haven't, uh, verified, lol. I don't know what happened to Jimmy's. I just noticed it getting "blacker" over the years to the point that the vast majority (90+%) of the customers and dancers were black although the transition was already almost complete several years ago.
Anyway, once a club goes black, it never goes back, lol...
Over the years some of the Brooklyn clubs east of St Louis went from white to mixed to black to closed. I think it may just be a natural progression of trying to find an audience in a dying industry, but I am always hopeful of a resurgence.
Skybox and Club O were well on the way to becoming black clubs before any ownership changes. I remember going to both clubs five years ago and seeing over 60% black dancers when they were "mixed". The ownership changes precipitated because having a mixed club in Harvey had gone the way of the dinosaur. Fantasy in Indiana is majority black right now and may be a black club in a few years.
PaulDrake, makes a good point on the oversupply of black girls willing to strip versus other ethnicities that rather be cam girls.
People submit the original listing for the club, calling it as they see it. And you don't know where this is coming from. But things change.
There used to be multiple lists of black strip clubs around. They were counting some which are not counted as Black on TUSCL.
^^^^ Its all subjective.
My nigga