
Update on wife fucking some other guy.

StripperWeb AssKisser
Sunday, December 16, 2018 11:32 PM
I took all you guys advice to heart but I couldnt make it work. Some of you said to kick her out and her boyfriend was bigger than me. He threatened to kick my ass then he swung a baseball bat at me. I had to move out and find an apartment. What should I do? Should I hire back up? Right now I am drowning my sorrows in a cup of hot coco. I may get real crazy and drink some apple cyder next


  • Chilli_Powdurr
    6 years ago
    Should I ask this over on stripperweb? I bet some of those ladies can tell me what my wife is thinking
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    you gotta get dat coke, flowing through your nose. beat that nigga's ass, and put dat hoe on your pole.
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    i could let you sniff some angel dust if ya need some more strength homie?
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    She is likely to cheat on him also. So get off your ass get a divorce. And move on
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    You got problems chilli. Get your guns and go back and show that guy who is boss
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    You are way out of line. She's happy. All you had to do was continue to go to work and pay bills and treat her like the queen she is. No body is ever gonna give you a 2nd place and you just messed up the best thing that ever was going to happen to you. Happy wife happy life. Now you have nothing
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    A whore will always be a whore.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Sadly, it’s time to move on. Find a good lawyer and start the painful process. It’s probably going to get worse before it gets better, but it is time to separate and move on with your life. It’s best to not stick with a bad relationship - especially when she’s got a guy on the side.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Dam that is harsh GACA
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    We will see if you still say the same thing when your wife cheats on you
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    If you're paying for her place, or its in your name. Get her kicked out on a trespass charge. If you're renting, tell your landlord squatters took over and you won't pay rent til they're evicted. You have plenty of options. You should never have moved. Make her move and let the new guy pay her shit. Fuck them.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    You should find something in common with the male usurper and bond with him. How about showing up one day in uniform and taking up baseball as a common interest? You sound like a natural catcher!
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Someone assaulted you with a bat and instead of filing criminal charges you came here to complain? Lmao.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    Having been through a divorce because she cheated, it was important to move on as quickly as possible. I moved out, filed for divorce, started changing passwords, updating insurance policies, canceling items in our names, and deleting pictures.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    @OP please do not listen to anyone telling you to leave your wife. She is your queen, without question you are being a bad sub. When next you walk into a session with her and her bull, be helpful, offer to get refreshments as she is surely tired from the pounding she has just received. Offer to clean the surrounding cum filled areas. Reassure her that her pleasure is your pleasure and that your love and loyalty to her is unconditional. If the bull request leave the room but keep your ear to the door, you never know when your queen will request another cleaning. And if you do exactly all this you will be rewarded with new step children that you can financially support while your wife and her bull move your ass out to the street. Have pride in the fact you having to work to jobs is keeping her cumming and giving her children with the DNA of a superior lay.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    GACA, you forgot to hit the sarcasm button. Chilli, it's time to grow a pair and move on. Hire your attorney and start a new life. My first reaction would be to get my own baseball bat. But then I guess I don't want to spend the next 20 years in jail. Move on.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    @OP, sounds like you are down to 1 option. Disregard everything GACA said, find a lawyer, file for divorce. She is no longer worth your time and effort. Evidently she has moved on, since she kicked you out. Cut your losses and move on yourself. Your only hope now is to get out of it as painlessly as possible. Hopefully you do not have any kids still living at home and she has some income, so you don't get screwed with a bunch of alimony. Set up your own bank accounts, move your direct deposit out of your joint account, if applicable, and let her start supporting herself. Manu up and move on, she is no longer worth it, but just damaged goods.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    Chilli, if you for some stupid reason do take the "get your own bat" suggestion, just remember to empty out all the bank accounts before doing it, that way when you get sent to jail for who knows how long, she has nothing to live on. Assuming there are no kids still living at home. But really do not following that suggestion, just get a divorce and move on.
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Awwww she spunds sweet! If you need a good dome session, pm me
  • bang69
    6 years ago
    get a divorce and move on
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    You can also go to school and work with your parents. And you know what I mean
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    6 years ago
    Good advice guys, but I don't want a divorse
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