Weed smoking lounge/strip club hybrid
The concept of a strip club where you can LEGALLY buy and smoke weed seems inevitable as marijuana legalization sweeps across our fine land. To me strip clubs and weed go together like peanut butter and jelly, coke and rum, ass and titties - nothing quite like being high surrounded by naked beauties. Vegas is moving towards this and Atlantic City may beat them to it if NJ politicians can get their fucking act together (fat chance but theres a lot of tax revenue to be made so maybe). I know it would be a huge hit in AC and the mayor seems to be on board with massive weed tourism down there but, this being jersey, he just got caught on camera slugging a councilman and was raided by the feds last week. Dammit.
Does this exist yet anywhere? in other states or countries? Vancouver or Amsterdam? Any thoughts?
Does this exist yet anywhere? in other states or countries? Vancouver or Amsterdam? Any thoughts?
But sadly, it doesn’t yet exist in the US. I have no experience with sex workers overseas.
I read about this before...
San Bernardino’s first marijuana dispensary permit goes to Flesh Showgirls strip club
The legal problem is that laws basically don't permit using marijuana outside one's home.
I don't think its much of an issue. There's no problem smoking in the parking lot before going in.
You are correct that the laws in CA, CO and NV all ban smoking outside the home which makes a true smoke lounge/strip club difficult, especially in vegas where most people are tourists from out of state, ie dont have homes to begin with. Maybe a private club set-up would be the answer? Smoking beforehand is of course an option as is vaping discreetly inside but Im envisioning more of a hookah lounge type set up inside a strip club. I think thatd be a hit and the first state to allow it will make a ton of money.
@DC you are retarded.
I do think weed should be legal but keep that shit away from anyone that doesn't wanna use it or be around it. It is a basic show of respect like not smoking cigs around people who do not smoke.
And I don't want to go around smelling like you losers.
And get the fuck off my lawn.
I know a ton of people working modest jobs making about $40,000-$100,000 where there is plenty of drug testing. It is called manufacturing and transportation. It is what you do if you need to move out and be fully independent at a young age and don't want to do college or life circumstances that make it hard or impossible. And don't wanna be stripper or hooker etc etc.
And smoking on public transit is a huge problem.....people have a right to not be exposed to it
So the ink is drying on laws which will prevent what you are talking about from ever happening.
Now it would not be impossible in some sort of a membership club, not retail. But that is following the model pioneered by Swingers Clubs. Such clubs have long been very hostile to tobacco. They are not going be any more open to marijuana.
Stanton A. Glantz, one of the most respected anti-tobacco scientists in the world, talking how to stop legalized maijuana from becoming another New Tobacco Industry.
48 min video:
Strip clubs have always shown higher than average compliance with indoor anti-tobacco laws. They don't want to give LE another way to bust them.
Locally, most communities have been very reluctant to host weed clubs, and this opposition is on the increase. San Jose, the nations 10th largest city, still has strong restrictions. I think only 10 clubs, 1 per Council District. So no, it is not absolutely illegal anymore, but it is already being seriously controlled, as are tobacco and alcohol.
We want people healthy. We are going to have Universal Health Care. We don't want to let anything get going which attacks public health.
And Glantz has shown the the health problems associated with Marijuana are virtually identical to Tobacco.
Stan Glantz has written some of the best books opposing the tobacco industry.
So what IceyLoco is saying is entirely correct. And then what TwentyFive is saying about construction and other public safety critical jobs is also true.
In Colorado they have legalization now. But they also have a severe teen age tobacco problem. People are angry about maijuana, and they are not going to let it turn into Tobacco 2.0.
Yes, and California's Medical Marijuana approach always was total bullshit.
I think there would be too much of a liability issue with customers and dancers being in that vulnerable of a state. Too much potential for sexual assault and money disputes
That does not protect the indoor air. And those being effected the worst are the employees, being there all the time. This is why in CA it was first by labor laws that we protected indoor air space, no more smoking areas allowed.
The health problems caused by tobacco, and what will be exactly the same if marijuana continues to expand, these are public issues, public problems and public responsibilities. So no, it is no longer totally illegal anymore. No one is being serious deprived of what they want. But as such, new laws have already been passed to protect public places and retail places.
Stan Glantz
what a fruitcup; )
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