Was she a 6 or a 9?

avatar for Cristobal
Recalling my most memorable ITC/OTC experience:

From the moment we met until we kissed good bye, the experience was perfect.

She was gorgeous, her body was perfectly athletic and the most beautiful woman I had been with.

However, it was far more than her astetic beauty which made this encounter most memorable as she was so sweet, funny, accommodating, and aggressive.

She hit all the right buttons at exactly the right time and when our intimatcy was done she continued to make it a memorable experience.

As we departed my loins began to ache for her and I regretted my current MO of "one and done".

She was a 9.

Since, I have been been other attractive women but none as memorable as the 9, that is, until this past weekend.

This new beauty gave me a debately more memorable time, as she was acting innocent and naughty, conservative and freakish, knowing just how I like my women though we just met.

Our imitate time was incredible as she worked very hard to please and when we were done I was convinced this was my best experience.

This woman was a 6.

So, my most memorable OTC/ITC experiences are with a 6 and a 9 (69, lol) and it helps me to appreciate you can mind blowing experience with all types of women.

So I don't go to the club just looking for the 9, a 6 might be a better experience.

Please rant about your best experiences. Was she a 6 or a 9?

Happy Mongering.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
But how many have opted to keep seeing their woman regularly? If not, why not?

avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Awww DC :):):) that was heart warming to read. Did you ever go back and see her?
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Well that's too bad :(
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
John_Smith obviously has a disciple. Maybe the two of them can have a competition to see who can write the most nauseatingly romantic story about paying a woman for sex.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I'm into thick voluptuous ebony women - but I gotta say the best two fucks I've had in my life were w/ dancers that were not my type - both were ebonies in their mid-30s but slim w/ smallish tits and asses, not what I go for nor what gets my PL-engine revving at least from a visual standpoint - but they were both freaks that seemed to enjoy the fucking as much as I was and seemed to wanna enjoy themselves and the fucking session was long - they could suck and ride a dick like no others
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
DC9428's post reminds me of a cute, seemingly shy and innocent dancer I experienced recently.

She had that innocent look and everytime I complimented she had a very sweet way of accepting it, so bashful it was very endearing.

After about 20 minutes of this type of playful banter we go to the very private lapdance area and that's when things changed.

Once she removed her outfit her attitude went from innocent to firecracker, she gives a UHM dance with feeding, bitting, FIV, DATY, and Hands In Pants.

We go to the VIP and when she shuts the curtain she is ripping off my clothes and throwing them all over the room.

Then she goes from firecracker to freak.

She is talking so dirty, moaning, and screaming in every position we can get into during a 15 minute VIP, finally begging me to finish any way I wanted.

From innocent dancer to a performance that would make a porn star blush.

She was a 7/8 but her performance was a 10.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^^^ !!!!

avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
The original DS was, of course, a 10. Keep looking. You’ll find one.

Good story.
avatar for gawker
6 years ago
My ATF was not really cute, never called shy, and certainly not docile. John Smith has found his unicorn, a full 10. My ATF was my 10. A little course, a little bit forward, but sweet and up for anything. Appearance wise she had all the right parts in all the right places. During our first VIP when she off handily said, “ I’ll suck yer Dick for a hundred.” It was my dream come true. I recently had a frequent poster from this site tell me that he likes a partner to be a little older, a little bit sullied, and clearly well used by others. That’s more than I want ed as far as tawdriness goes, but I liked that she had been around the block a few times. I liked that she would tell me what she wanted and what she wanted was to please me. I loved her taking pride in her blowjobs, beaming when told that was the best blowjob I ever had. Even last week, over the phone, she said, “ I’ve been known to give a pretty mean blowjob.”
I loved that she was always looking for new adventures and while my current infirmity prevents me from having a piece of the action, she sent me a 5 minute video of what she claims to have been the best ass fucking of her life with a young stud who has captured her heart and conquered her body. After finishing in her ass the stud pulled her around to suck his dick and clean it with her mouth, then roughly picked her up with one hand entangled in her hair, almost lifting her off her feet.
I laughed when I heard her ask her mother how many men she had fucked and her mother said she’s kept a list of every man and she’s at around 85, now. She in turn asked her daughter how many she’d been with and the reply was , “I stopped counting at a thousand.”, only half, tongue in cheek.
Proof once again that our choices, our favorites vary as much as we bo.
avatar for rl27
6 years ago
My first extras ever was from a 6 overall, 7 face, decent body, only negative was deflated tits. I hadn't even considered extras. Dances at the club at the time were $10 a song. Like other dancers at the club, she mentioned the better I tip the better a dance. Usually this meant better two way contact. I said the typical $25 if the dance is good. She countered with if you make it $50 I'll give you a really good dance. So I agreed. Right off the bat she unzips me, places my hands between her legs and asks me to finger her while she does the same to me. Rest of the dance went as you would expect.

Best dance ever from a dancer who I had a dance with about a year earlier which was nothing to write home about. She was a 7 or 8 at the time, but she had a bit of work done since. Now she looked amazing almost perfect body, great face and attitude, only thing keeping her from a perfect ten was her nose and a slight overbite. She sits down and asks if I wanted a dance. If I wasn't waiting on a dance from my favorite I would have agreed, but I told her I was waiting for another dancer, but would see her later. She then goes on how she wanted me to have a good time, and if I didn't like it I could stop after one, and go see my favorite. I liked her attitude was much more playful at my table, and when she said something to the affect of "don't worry when we are done, I'll apologize that I left her nothing more," I said, "what the hell, lets go." I get in the back and she says, "pay for at least one 3/50 dances tip me $50, and any additional 3/50's if you take longer, and I guarantee you won't be seeing any other dancer today." She played me perfectly, building me up to the second 3/50, and she was right. I had nothing left in the tank for any other dancer.

She was my favorite for the next 3 years, until her partying took its toll.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I think you're misunderstanding her being cordial and offering a GFE for something real.

I've had real experiences with strippers I met at the club, but a real experience is so different...

...like hitting it off and her hooking you up with free drinks and tells you to wait at the bar til her shift ends, while she works, and letting you give her a ride home.

...leaving the club with you to go smoke some weed.

...when she tells you she has to go make some money, then comes back and gives you money for a semi private area and goes in there with you and sucks your dick for free.

...The best is when she can't do her job around you so she asks you not to see her at the club.

But just paying for it, there's no real intent there. If it wasn't you, it would be the next guy over with a few bucks.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^ A man who relates to women naturally!


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avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Your experiences sound worthwhile if that was something I wanted which as of now I don't.

I enjoy just moving on to the next encounter with no or very little emotional involvement.

I completely understand the GFE I had are not real in terms of a relationship and that was exactly what I wanted.

The point of relating the experiences was to point out that my best experiences were with women that were in the different spectrum of looks and thus opening up the possibility of great times wihout limiting myself because they are not a 9.
avatar for PhatBoyHell
6 years ago
I think you're misunderstanding her being cordial and offering a GFE for something real.

I've had real experiences with strippers I met at the club, but a real experience is so different...

...like hitting it off and her hooking you up with free drinks and tells you to wait at the bar til her shift ends, while she works, and letting you give her a ride home.

...leaving the club with you to go smoke some weed.

...when she tells you she has to go make some money, then comes back and gives you money for a semi private area and goes in there with you and sucks your dick for free.

...The best is when she can't do her job around you so she asks you not to see her at the club.

But just paying for it, there's no real intent there. If it wasn't you, it would be the next guy over with a few bucks.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
Phatboyhell = iceyLoco

Same comments.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
No, that's either DC or Nicespice trolling me. They do this in every thread and think the more troll profiles they have, the more credence they have. They're sick.

And with women.... ultimately its her personality and the connection you have with her that makes it all worthwhile. Not just looks.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago


I agree, looks catches your attention but her personality and connection is what makes an experience memorable.

It just had me thinking about how many possible good times I missed because I was more concerned about finding the 8 rather than going with the 6.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
For example, when I first started visiting Synn in COI (I didn't know about TUSCL) I was too caught up in trying to find out about Suki, Alyssa, Ivanka, and Andrea (the 9s).

I wasted so much time and money to find out they were either Robs or GPS when instead I could have better experiences with other dancers if I had not been convinced that better looks equated to better experiences.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Christobal I go for better looks all of the time, but I make sure that I am nice to all, the point is man you’re in a strip club not a GF supermarket, I’m clear that I don’t give in to GPS, and if a girl exhibits Rob tendencies, I kick her to the curb, I don’t know much about Cali clubs but here in Florida there’s tons of hot women in all of The upscale clubs, the takeaway should be if it’s not what you want, there will be another one coming by in a few minutes.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Cristobal, yeah. For me, its all about the connection I have with people. With women especially, its all about the way you feel together. I'm not into paying for sex or strippers, but I love dating them.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

Dating a strippers seems high risk, high reward.

It seems like dating a stripper would be much more drama than dating a civie.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
^^^^^ Yes and No

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
@Cristobal. It really isn't. Outside their work, they're pretty much just normal girls. Some don't have much direction in their lives and the fast money lifestyle is easy to get used to. But in relationships, they're pretty normal. A lot of non strippers do worse shit to get money from guys and I think use guys more. Strippers Ive dated all tended to be extremely appreciative of something real. You only see one side of a girl at a club. She'll try to milk tricks of everything they have, but when you date her she's happy with smoking weed on the beach and cheap greasy tacos.... Or late night walks...with deep talks and a fast food drive through. A lot of them have been amazingly loyal women.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

For me, I consider dating to require loyalty and exclusivity.

The nature of the industry is diametrically opposite to loyalty and exclusivity.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
@Cristobal. Not really. Just coz she dances at a club doesn't mean she's not loyal. If you mean dating a hoe thats something else but I wouldn't be opposed to it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Cristobal, sex is more than just the mechanics. FS, especially with a new guy, is a big big deal for a woman.

avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

FS with a new girl is a big, big deal for me too.

I understand sex is much more than mechanics, I think it's much better when the intimacy is deeper and goes beyond attraction.

However, at this time I'm just enjoying meeting the next one (whether it's a stripper, hooker, or civie at the grocery store) and moving on.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Well, it can be better when you can see a girl more than one time.

Surrendering to the idea that any relationship will be bad, is surrendering to some collapse of social and civil standing.


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avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago

I appreciate the comments and insight.

As a newbie to mongering, I try to absorb the words of those more experienced, such as yourself.

In fact, I've recently soften my stance to at least consider seeing someone a second time.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Everybody has to decide what it is that they really want, and not just automatically accept things the way in which they are offered.

In most countries other than the US, smart guys keep mistresses.

And I know from reading, most of Mexico's working girls also have guys who are keeping them. Often the girls are seeing these guys in the slower parts of the week, and often traveling to the centers of government, finance, and industry, where the money is, rather than in tourist or working class places.

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