

Detroit strip clubs
A dancer disrespected me bigly, which is not something that should be done to a respectable citizen like me. This incident occurred 4 years ago, but I have been too angry to tell the tale before. Only now am I beginning to see a glimmer of humor in the situation.

I stripper I'll call "Sansa" had danced for me for about 8 months. I rated her a 9. She had a killer body and lovely face. She danced very sensually. I thought of her as my Saturday dancer because I came to see her regularly on Saturdays.

I would arrive at the club in the late afternoon and sit with Sansa, drinking and talking. We would order the New York Strip Steak, which is one of the best dishes from the club's kitchen. After drinks and dinner, we would repair upstairs for BBBJ and CFS. This is as close to a hot date as a pathetic old loser can get.

One Saturday I was not feeling like going to the club at all. I just wanted to sit at home. However, Sansa kept texting me, begging me to come to the club. She texted things like "My boobies really miss you." She knew I loved her boobs. Finally, I relented and told her I would see her at 4PM.

I arrived right at 4PM and Sansa was dancing on stage. I tipped her a dollar and she said she was so glad to see me. But when she got off stage she just stopped at my table and said a guy had tipped her and she wanted to say hello to him. She sat down at the bar with a guy and chatted with him.

The guy at the bar was wearing a baseball cap. He looked like he was in his late 40's. He did not appear wealthy or handsome. But Sansa seemed to find him fascinating.

As the minutes ticked by, I began getting pissed off. The club was pretty empty on a Saturday afternoon and I did not find any of the other dancers hot. I just had to sit there and drink my beer. After 20 minutes Sansa tore herself away from the guy and came to my table. She told me not to be impatient. She would get right back to me.

I finished my first beer. Then Sansa finally came back to me. And told me she was going upstairs to VIP with baseball cap guy. I told her she could do anything she wanted, but that was the end for me.

I know this is a job for these girls. If I had just come in on my own and Sansa had been with a customer, I would not expect her to leave him. But we had made a date at her request. I always paid her $400 and I thought she enjoyed the drinks, food and my company too. Now she wanted to maximize her income by blowing me off for baseball cap guy.

Sansa went up to VIP. When she returned and came to my table I told her to go away. If there had been any other dancers I liked in the club, I would have spent my money on them. But it was slim pickings that afternoon. So I sat there stewing until I had finished my beer bucket.

For about a year Sansa would often text me, asking me to come see her. I refused to even answer her texts. I felt too disrespected. I never found another Saturday dancer. I wonder how much Sansa missed my money.

Do any of you have stories about being disrespected?


  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I had one who tried to pull something like that once minus the steak dinner, and the ITC sex, we used to do OTC at least once a week sometimes more often, and don’t like to club on the weekend, so I used to come by and see her in the club midweek, we’d hang out on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon and drink and I’d get dances from her, usually way overtipping, like a few benjis, to make up for the OTC that was unpaid, except for expensive dinners or shopping, or occasional a sports event, more FWBs , anyway she was having a problem one Saturday evening about 5PM she texted me and pretty much begged me to come in so I did at her request.
    I get there about 630 and she’s on stage, so I go to the bar get a beer and she comes offstage comes over to me and says some guy asked her to do a room and she would be back afterwards but we could hang out and she’d leave with me at 8 when she had the opportunity to pay a bar fine and cut out early.
    At that point I decided that since I had blown off another engagement, I wouldn’t wait just finish my beer and leave and told her just that.
    She started to cry and told me she’d get rid of the room guy and get right back to me just give her two minutes to let him down nicely. I said ok, she went back to the other side of the bar and started talking to room guy , after about 10 minutes I finished my beer and she was still talking to room guy, but kept looking over at me, I decided I’d had enough, finished my beer walked past her and said I’m leaving, went to the bathroom and did just that. When I got to my car she was standing right there, crying and dressed ready to leave, so we left together, crisis averted and I had some of the best sex I’ve ever had, she now calls me daddy impatient as a private joke and this happened 2 years ago and she never did anything like that to me again, as a matter of fact she will drop anyone, in no time at all, if I walk into her club and come straight over to me. There is more to this story but I’m not gonna share that sorry, but my point is I did feel disrespected and by letting her know it worked out great for me.
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    It’s an interesting topic. In my experience dancers are not generally reliable. To many distractions. Drugs. Booze. Kids. Younger guys. Pets. Whatever it is that’s in front of them at the moment. Most of the guys they’re attracted to have the same thing going on. My early 20’s I was the same way too. Now that I’ve been a successful business owner since my late 20’s through my early 50’s I have zero tolerance for bs or time wasting. When I was doing SA 60% or more of the women were late or no shoes. All had a story or excuse. I never gave a second chance. Same with my strippers or otc. Those that I see on a regular basis are rewarded accordingly. Recently an otc lady I’ve seen for 20 years or so now made a mistake and blew me off. I received the apologetic texts since July and finally went back to see her last week. It was the best otc I’ve ever had with her. I think she smokes so much weed that she really did forget but at the same time if we hadn’t had so much history I wouldn’t have gone back to her. I tell them all up front don’t waste my time and I won’t waste your$. Works well
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "When I was doing SA 60% or more of the women were late or no shoes. "
    Yeah these girls with no shoes can be a real problem at nice restaurants. I've stopped recruiting SBs from the local homeless shelter for that reason
  • RTP
    6 years ago
    Jack, we are all human beings and despite the fact that "we know better", we develop some relationship and feelings with dancers we see regularly. And, this has probably happened to 98% of the guys on this board (including me) at one point or another in our PL career.

    It is hard not to get pissed as you were nothing but a great customer and she made a bad decision, at least from your standpoint. However, you have seemed to adjust and move on quite nicely.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Booooo, gotta say this has been your worst stripper joke in a while. What about Sal, saved it with his inadvertent humor of never giving a second chance if "women were late or no shoes" had me busting out laughing though

    But seriously, I never take it personally. Maybe I'm pussy whipped or maybe I always have an option B, C, D, etc.
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    Lol. No shows
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I expect them to take of their shoes and everything else;)
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I’m siting in the club with DS II. I’m planning to get a few dances and leave cause it’s late. She says can I give that loser over there a couple of dances before we go back and I say sure. There’s a new girl that I want to test out so I figure I’ll play with her for a short while and then let the newest DS pleasure me. I’m paying this DS $1K to “date” me every 7-10 days or so.

    She doesn’t come back for about 45 minutes which is the time that I have to go. With each minute that passes I get more and more possed. when she finally got back I explained to her that kind of shit would never happen again if she wanted my money. She’s a smart girl and never did anything remotely like that again. I was always her top priority from then on whenever I came to the club. In return she’s the one that got the vast majority of my money.

  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Jack - the dancer disrespected you. But it was her loss. I have very low standards - so I would have found another whore to drain my balls shortly after I saw the dancer go to VIP with the other customer.

    I think the worst thing a regular can do is cut a dancer off. The dancers almost expect your money after you develop a “relationship” - and they can take things for granted.

    It can be unfulfilling to leave the club without getting what you wanted, but it’s better to do that than pay full price to fuck a dancers used hole. It sets a bad precedent - as she will think it’s ok to make you wait next time too.

    In my view - you did the proper thing.
  • motownkid
    6 years ago
    In my experience - you set the tone - you little bitch run you like that - she will do it every time - shoes or no shoes..lol
  • -me
    6 years ago
    I'm torn. I would have left... but damn the beer. I haven't bought a whole bucket for myself, just one at a time. So I would have left as soon as I finished that beer.

    My first otc, the girl just went dark when we were supposed to meet up. I was pissed because I thought she stood me up, and I already got the room. Texted me 4 hours after our agreed time with some BS excuse. I know she was lying, even though I didn't called her on it. I don't understand though, cause I would have been cool if she had just told me she wanted to meet up later. I honestly debated on whether to respond and still meet up with her, but figured fuck it, I already have the room.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    They're not disrespecting you, they're treating you like tricks. There's no connection there and its all just about the money. Take it for what it is.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ you’re a jerk is there any subject you don’t have a negative opinion on?
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I stayed in the club to finish my bucket of beer. A bucket of 5 beers costs $35, and I'm not going to walk away from $7 beers. Waste not, want not.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    I agree with phatboy actually. Obviously baseball cap guy was more important to her, despite your money. There is almost always more guys in the club than strippers. Best case scenario its a 1:1 ratio. Hoes will pick their best prospects from the crowd(whether their priority is money or something else is a different discussion) not the other way around. Everyone wants the best hoes and that gives them the power. I have been disrespected by hoes more than i can count. But then they complain about the behavior of the men they enable. Go figure. It gives me a certain satisfaction when strippers pass over me and get rejected by the men they approach. Or better yet, in your example, i love when they choose to waste time with baseball cap guy and they get nothing...
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Chessmaster Fat boy is female, there is constant negativity running in his posts, reeks of stupidity and entitlement, yet still pathetic and pitiful.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    I have had similar situations. If a dancer wants to insult me, overcount dances, or ROB me, I just completely cut her out. I pretend like she is invisible and go forth and spend my money on other dancers. She will come to regret it because I am known to have a loose wallet in the strip clubs I frequent.

    Almost always they will try to come back and try to get back in my favor. They must have some thought process like: "He has spent money on me in the past, so he will come around no matter how much I treat him like shit." Any mid-tier or higher club is going to have multiple fuckable options and a constant supply of new talent. I just move on to the next girl that is a 7 or better, which are not hard to find.

    And you never let a good beer go to waste.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I have a different take on it.

    They’re there to make money. I don’t feel like they have to drop everything they’re doing when I walk in the club. I don’t own them. I understand you made a appointment with her though. If I made a appointment with her, and when I get there she’s talking to someone, I don’t expect her to leave him immediately and come to me. If she wants to do dances or VIP with him and make some money, I don’t see anything wrong with it. While I’m waiting, I’ll drink and maybe chat with some other girls. If the guy does 2 hours in VIP with her, then so be it, we’ll catch up another day. I don’t want to stop the girls from making as much money as they can.

    Now if she finished with that guy, and then went to talk to another guy before coming to me, then I would be a little mad.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Only once did my ATF leave me. We were sitting together and some guy walks in. She said she needed to talk to the new guy. Might have been 7-8 guys in the club max. So she goes over and sits down. They talked a bit and then, she stood, kissed him, and walked away, straight to me, and sat down. She stayed with me the rest of my visit,. but did tell me she was moving in with him. Never changed our relationship till she got pregnant. But then that's another story.
  • ARagingFlamingGay
    6 years ago
    I hope someday a hot Trump daddy from TUSCL will disrespect the integrity of my asshole!
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I agree with Chessmaster. In the end, we are just sources of income for them. There must have been something she saw in that baseball cap guy to blow you off to take a chance on him. You say you wonder how much money she missed out on? Who knows, maybe this baseball cap guy ended up spending more money per Saturday with her than you did? Or maybe he was just a one time visit and she fucked up big time by blowing off a regular in you to go with him. Whatever the case, it's out of our control. We can try to influence the dancer's decision with our money, but ultimately we can't stop them from choosing however they want, no matter how foolish it seems to us.

    Side note, I agree with twentyfive when he says that Phatboy never has anything positive to say. Some suspect Phatboy is a dancer masquerading on here as a dude. I actually take him at his word, that he's a dude that dates a dancer. Such a guy probably doesn't like the idea of a customer in the club having his way with his woman for the right amount of cash. Hence all the negative talk about tricks.
  • ARagingFlamingGay
    6 years ago
    ^PhatBoy is dating me and I'm a male stripper. That's why he hates tricks because I'm trying to fuck as much man booty as I can but he wants me all to himself!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Off the top of my head I can think of two instances where I sorta felt disrespected by a stripper:

    1) early on in PL-career and pre-TUSCL - sorta of a "fave" in the sense that I would get dances from her pretty-much every visit to that club (one of several in my rotation so I'd see her maybe 1x or 2x per month) but I didn't go to the club specifically to see her as I'd always get dances from several dancers whether I got dances from her or not - anyway on one visit she comes up to me soon after I arrive - she comes up and talks to me for 2-minutes and then tells me she'll check back on me and proceeds to work the room as in wanting to try out every other custy/opportunity in the room b/f she got back to me as a sure-thing - it felt as if she was putting me down at the end of her list of priorities as a sure-thing and that she was gonna do her thing and get to me when "it was convenient for her" - she didn't get back to me till about 2-hours later (it was a big club w/ lots of custies on a weekend eve) and I passed on her dances - I wasn't bent out of shape and didn't blackball-her but I def felt like I was at least been taken for granted

    2) early-on after becoming a TUSCLer but not yet a hardcore TUSCLer - met an early-20s naturally busty slim-ebony - she was sexy and kinda a hustler - on my first visit seeing her she takes my ph and puts her # in it and then texts herself (didn't bother me she did that since I was attracted to her) - a couple of weeks later she texts me to come see her - I didn't have anything better to do so I go in to see her - I assumed she'd pay me special attention since she asked me to come-in and I took the time go see her - I arrive - we talk briefly - she gives me a couple of dances - then takes off to do her thing in the club - again I wasn't too bent-out-of-shape since I'm not into faves, but was a bit confused - I had gone-in w/ a couple of hundred as my usual M.O. which she'd probably would have gotten the bulk of since she was the reason I'd gone-in, but I guess she wasn't as good a hustler - ended up meeting a thick brickhouse ebony on that visit that ended up taking the bulk of my wad instead
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Of course, it's hard, if not impossible, to know what is going thru a stripper's mind (I imagine sometimes strippers don't know themselves :)).

    I can see several scenarios w.r.t. what happened to jack:

    + as can often be the case, a dancer takes a regular for granted - some dancers think they have the PL so wrapped-around-their-finger that they feel there are no-consequences to not putting the same/proper effort into the PL

    + she may have put out an APB to multiple PLs - i.e. just like she texted Jack she may have texted several other regulars and perhaps ballcap PL also showed-up and perhaps he was also a regular like Jack and may have been expecting the same treatment as Jack - although from Jack's description it comes across as if she was putting Jack on the backburner as a sure-thing while trying to also maximize her income for the day w/ ballcap-guy

    As I've posted in the past, I feel a regular should get priority but not exclusivity in the club - IMO if a dancer asks a PL to come-in to see her and the PL obliges her, she should make him her priority in the club being that he came-in b/c she asked him - it def showed poor-form on her part but hey she's a stripper not Amazon.com.

    As Subraman often posts, the most-effective-way to deal w/ a stripper is to be direct and un-emotionally let her know the rules-of-engagement and what you expect as a custy - vs sitting-around steaming from her not acting appropriately (not that I always follow that advice but ...) - for the most-part these days I'm not too taken aback by strippers' actions and I either try to correct-it or just let it slide as SS - but then again I'm not into faves so not as PL-vested.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Treat them as the disposable whores they are. As soon as it became apparent baseball cap guy was her priority, move on to the next whore. If there aren't any other acceptable whores available, leave. Never put all your eggs in one basket. All srippers are replaceable and interchangeable. If you treat them as such you feel much better. And yes, never waste a good beer.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    You are only as good as today's payment.

    This is a tenet that most seasoned club hounds understand conceptually, yet so few can easily grasp emotionally. This is especially true when it involves long-time favorites. Yet every seasoned dancer knows that a regular can stop visiting her at any time. They go broke, fall in lust with a new shiny object, get bored, etc., etc.

    As jacklash sits there feeling all butt hurt over this, he might take a moment to reflect upon what he might have done to contribute to the situation. He saw her regularly on Saturday for 8 months, yet he decided on a whim that he was going to skip this one. When she started the shift, she was probably expecting him to show up as usual, yet he didn't show until she begged him to come. Might this have reminded her that he was no more reliable than any other regular?

    So with her Saturday sure thing suddenly acting squirrely, she decided to maximize her opportunities. I have no doubt that she planned on taking care of the baseball cap guy quickly and then returning to jacklash, but by then he felt like a second class citizen and made it a thing. For her no doubt the calculus was simple. The baseball cap guy was a guaranteed takedown, while who knew wtf was going on with jack. Best case she gets paid by both, but at the very least she gets one. The way jacklash was acting, she couldn't risk blowing the first guy off.

    Feel better Jack? ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I don't see where Jack acted wrong or somehow "deserved what he got" - he mentioned he saw her regularly but I didn't read that he saw her every Saturday like clockwork for her to be expecting him that particular Saturday - not knowing 100% of the details to me it comes across as the dancer being greedy and wanting to kill-2-PLs-with-one-stone and for w/e reason she decided it was ok to blow-off Jack (a good paying regular) for ballcap-guy - if ballcap-PL took care of her as well as Jack did, then she had to make a choice and she made it - but if ballcap-PL was not as good a regular as Jack then seems she f'ed up as can often be the case w/ these chicks - and the fact she kept texting Jack after the incident one would think she realized she f'ed up.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Papi, I can only reply to what's written and this is what I read:

    I thought of her as my Saturday dancer because I came to see her regularly on Saturdays.

    I would arrive at the club in the late afternoon and sit with Sansa, drinking and talking. We would order the New York Strip Steak, which is one of the best dishes from the club's kitchen. After drinks and dinner, we would repair upstairs for BBBJ and CFS. This is as close to a hot date as a pathetic old loser can get.

    Maybe he didn't see her every single Saturday, idk, but he gave the impression that he normally visited her then. Either way, the amount of begging she had to do to get him in this time on, his normal day, might have thrown up a flare in her mind. I don't disagree that she was ideally hoping for a two-fer, but I also cannot discount the fact that Jack's behavior might have made her decision to take the bird-in-hand first an easier one to make.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    ^^^^I agree with all of that, Papi, except for one thing. Even if ball cap guy did fill in as a nice substitute in income for what she had in Jack, I think she'd still text him. Sounds like this girl is a true hustler. So why wouldn't she try to get Jack back, as well as keep the ball cap guy in her stable of regulars? If she succeeds, that's more money for her. If she failed at getting Jack back...at least she still has this ball cap guy.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^The only thing wrong with Jacks behavior was being a gentleman with a woman that didn’t know how to act like a lady,
    Don’t sweat it Jack you’re a class act you keep on keeping on.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Oh, and to be clear, I'm not saying that he did anything wrong. There is no right or wrong in this - it is just entertainment for us and he was under no obligation to visit her at all. But he did set an expectation over 8 months and then deviated from it. So I don't see that she did anything wrong either.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    A lot of it is semantics per se - strip-club "relationships" are often kinda a gray-area - sticking to the basics, she asked him to come in - he did - she then basically blew him off (in the not-good way) - if anyone did anything wrong it was her - analogous to a agreeing to a date w/ a girl and her inviting another guy (unless you're flagooner and you're into that) - I can see/understand the angle of a dancer wanting to maximize her financial opportunities in the club but if a dancer wants a regular's $$$ she can't treat him like a nobody nor put him down on the totem-pole - the only variable here for me is the status of ballcap-guy - was he also a good-regular or just some PL that happened to be in the club that day and she didn't wanna pass on his income believing that she could give Jack an Earl-Campbell stiff-arm and that he would still kiss her stripper-heels - if anything, IMO it's likely she did what she did b/c Jack probably always treated her well and so maybe she thought he would still be nice about getting the stiff-arm.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    When a stripper asks a "regular" to come in, she doesn't just ask one person. She texts all of the "regulars" and sees who comes in. Then she chooses. For whatever reason, she thought the other guy was more worth her time. And yeah, she treated him that way coz she thought that she can and it would be fine. Which reflects on the boundaries that he set.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    You are only as good as today's payment.

    I re-posted this again because I think that some guys here are looking at this from their own emotional perspective and not placing themselves in her shoes. Yes he was a good regular in the past, but that doesn't mean that he'll be a good one today or again in the future.

    If he had just shown up like normal, I'm guessing we wouldn't be having this debate. She would likely have given him priority, secure in the knowledge that she would be paid like normal. But he didn't. Instead she had to beg to get him there this time. What if she blew baseball cap guy off and went over to Jack just to learn that he was tight on $$ and couldn't stay too long? Then not only would she be SOL with jack, but by then baseball cap guy would probably be upstairs getting blown by some other lucky girl. Good treatment yesterday is all well and good, but she has bills to pay today too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ where you the ballcap guy?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ were not where
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Unfortunately Papi, you learn in business, relationships trump the money angle, especially, the way you're describing it, every business has it's bad days, but it's difficult and often expensive, at best, to make a new customer, and all too easy to lose a good customer, but overall, it's less costly to practice good customer retention habits, than the actual cost of customer acquisition.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Good point twentyfive - but I get the feeling many of these dancers don't have MBAs (for w/e reason I just have that hunch)
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I think many of you are too sensitive to being "disrespected".

    What's the applicable expression?
    "Don't cut off the nose to spite the face"

    If she gives good, usually reliable service isn't it just as much punishment to the customer to act on his butthurtedness and kick her to the curb for one insignificant transgression that only he is aware of.

    That's one reason I don't participate in boycotts.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I actually agree w/ flagooner, which is a rarity.

    We're not courting these chicks as potential spouses - they have their own needs and it's not just about the PL as if the PL is some kinda sultan - but there is a line somewhere to be drawn - I'd say if a regular shows-up unexpectedly and expects, if not demands, that the dancer drop everything and come serve him, then he's a selfish-idiot - but Jack's case is specific - she asked him to come in thus not proper for her to choose to be w/ another PL and just leave him sitting there when he came b/c she asked him to.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Per flagooner's comment - as long as they give us our money's worth when we are paying them then one has to let some shit slide and not take-it personally - but in the end one *is* a paying-customer and if one feels they are not getting treated the way they should be then it's best to communicate to the dancer what the expectations are - if they fuck-up again, one puts them on a temporary-suspension - if they continue to fuck-up then termination may be the way to go if one is not getting what they want out of it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I'd agree with flagooner, except the money you spend is very real, and it's not boycott, if you don't get your money's worth, it's just finding another source, which in the context of strip clubs, is easily available. The main reason any PL stays with one particular dancer over another is she' keeping him happy, as soon as she stops keeping him happy, justified or not, he will find another dancer who won't care one bit about the previous dancer, instead she'll be happy to take the old dancers money.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    What jack did is exactly why many girls view regulars as "only as good as today's payment." At the merest perceived slight, he stopped seeing her forever. Talk about the ending of a story proving out exactly why these girls approach this the way that they do in the first place.

    But hey, I don't want to intrude any more on Papi and 25, who will no doubt next be talking about things like "customer service" and perhaps even customer loyalty cards. ;)

    Seriously, some of you dudes are exactly the reason why it's so easy for others of us to take normally reluctant hot ass girls OTC. If there is one thing I hear a lot, it's how easy I am to deal with. I give most of the credit for this not to myself, but to all those guys who act clingy and/or creepy and/or hypersensitive and/or are just otherwise difficult to deal with for any length of time.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Ricky boy I collect loyalty cards and get frequent fucker points, redeemable for free drinks and Vips, you should try it sometime DUDE ;)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Dugan - you're such a Dugan
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Sorry if that last post sounded self-congratulatory, but shit man some of you guys make this stuff very complicated. Like dealing with any other person, the keys in dealing with a stripper are to be likable and look at things from the other person's perspective. It's even easier to do this In a strip club than in most places since the range of motives and experiences is far narrower than what you deal with in an open social setting.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    For example, if jack could get past his own emotional response and look at this from her perspective, he'd probably have seen this the same way that I do and understand why she did what she did in this instance under those circumstances. But instead he took it personally, as too many club regulars are apt to do, and chewed on it for 4 freakin' years, losing out on many more potential good experiences with her in the process.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    For w/e reason you're placing 100% of the fault on Jack and zero on the stripper - as if you've never had a stripper do you wrong or you have not complained about stripper behavior yourself.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "all those guys who act clingy and/or creepy and/or hypersensitive and/or are just otherwise difficult to deal with for any length of time"

    Gee that could be almost everyone... except you i guess.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @chess: I'm only difficult on here. ;)

    @Papi: He didn't want to go to the club, which is prerogative. She, having to do more than normal to get him in, understandably felt less secure than normal about his visit and took down a bird-in-hand before going over to him. So far no fault on either side. The only "fault" I find in any of their behavior is Jack's over-reaction to this, so perhaps you're right.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I don’t think Jack is at fault, but if it was me I would have at least gave her another chance.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    You are a douche fishstix.

    Whew, needed my fix. I hadn't called him that in a long time.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    I can see where it stung to learn she didn't value the food or company and was just going through the motions to get the cash.

    She made a failed stripper calculation. she figured she had you on lock but the new guy was there for any girl to grab, so she tried to ice you and turn the new guy before committing to 2 hours with you. She didn't realize she would lose you as a regular in the process.

    I've seen plenty of girls do this to their regulars; hit up the new faces in the room for VIP before coming back to her regulars and servicing them.

    I can get where you didn't like it for sure.
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