
How Many Comments?

God Bless Dancers
Friday, November 30, 2018 8:06 AM
What is the most comments ever to happen on a discussion?


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I think SJG has a topic with about 500 comments. Now 400 of those are SJG himself and the other 100 were people ragging on SJG.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Nina had a thread a couple hundred comments in the first day or 2. Theres a few threads you and crazyjoe spammed that have a few hundred "comments".
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Ninas "drugs" discussion has 400 something comments.
  • FatHead304
    6 years ago
    This one of course... [view link]
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    IF YOU REALLY WANT TO DATE/MANAGE STRIPPERS: HONEST ADVICE THAT WORKS (PhatBoy99) June 30, 2018 comments: 205 last comment: September 27, 2018 (PhatBoy99) OT: drugs (ninabambina) November 19, 2015 What drugs do you do? What drugs have you done? What drugs do you want to try? comments: 460 last comment: September 28, 2018 (DC9428) eh, pretty high post counts. I agree. I give you the thread which gave us the reason the "last comment: 1 minute ago" hyperlink was added to the forum. I give you the Hillary thread .... [view link] OT: So What Could Hillary Clinton Have Done Differently? (san_jose_guy) August 20, 2017 So right after the election, some were saying that the Democrat's were using a flawed model. They were saying that the demographics were going… comments: 552 last comment: December 13, 2017 (san_jose_guy)
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