Advice For The Tricks on TUSCL
Realize how much you're over paying and how much pussy is really worth, if you're gonna put a price on it.
1- A college chick will put out after a few shots of $12 tequila, say she drinks 5, that comes down to like $2.50 is you divide it up per oz.
2- Club rats and party girls will give you a blow job or a quickie for $20 in coke and will ditch whoever they're with to fuck you for $40 worth.
2 - A crack hoe will do anything for a $50 rock or $80 to $100 in cash.
3 - Strippers will leave the club with you for $60 worth of weed.
4 - A hoe from the stroll will set you back $80 to $200.
5 - An online hoe will set you back $150 to $300
*6 - Paying for a hoe from an escort agency is like being fucked up the ass. You're not getting anything you can't get for a lot less.
But you're paying hoes at strip clubs hundreds of dollars at the club and hundreds more OTC. You're not even getting a good deal when it comes to P4P arrangements. The hoes you're with are so entitled and demanding coz YOU make them that way. They understand their value, you don't. The games and manipulation and trying to milk you as much as possible come into play because they know it won't last and they see you as a sucker and a trick for doing it. Stripper hoes come across two types of tricks, ones who think they can do anything coz their money entitles them to it, and social retards who can't have contact with bitches unless they pay for it.
When you get ripped off and used and lied to and manipulated, its coz you bring it on by overestimating the price of pussy.
The reality is, most hoes don't know the game and are happy with anything you give them. Pussy is so cheap coz hoes think the trick is the prize, not them. This is especially true for the types of hoes you tricks go for.
They're basically bitches who can't even rent an apartment or get a credit card coz they don't have paychecks. They take dick for a living and the truth is most don't make that much and can't even manage what they do make. They're so fucked up that they try to rely on tricks for shit a pimp could do a lot better.
But you're putting them on pedestals and letting them get in your heads. While actions you think make them happy or make them like you, just make them dislike you more. Usually, the more a trick likes a hoe, the less a hoe likes him.
Truth is the game is upside down a lot of times nowadays.
last commentGee! How did I ever manage to get through 50+ years of strip clubbing without this valuable advice from a guy with no reviews.
Im not stupid to write reviews of places I know and what goes on in them. I'm also not a trick so.... But take my advice for what it is. No need to be a little bitch about it
Well definitely escort services and anything which is not f2f first meetings, is bullshit.
And you can get most hoes from most venues, like the street, to fall in love with you pretty easy.
Strip clubs are just a way to start with a girl. You only have to play along with it all there with her but once.
PhatBoy99 +10 !
The Jeff Healey Band - Live In Belgium (Full Concert 1993)
TJ Street
Washing your mouth out with soap phatboy
"But take my advice for what it is."
Uninformed? Do you really think you're telling us stuff we don't know?
There's value in certainty. Even horny drunk chicks will turn down ugly fat dudes or cry rape afterwards; I don't need that shit in my life.
Coke is illegal. Cocaine is better, but also more expensive, and also illegal. We're all above-board here.
Weed is legal in many places. Unless you're a weed dealer, any stripper who would even consider leaving the club with you for weed probably has a dealer on retainer that she fucks for her fix.
4,5,6. You assume we don't care about the quality of the pussy.
The quality of TUSCL posters has clearly taken a turn for the worse...this “Phat Boy” idiot’s name should no doubt be spelled with an “F”. And he’s going to wake up next to an F’ing wildebeest’s head tomorrow.
Then he’ll look at may and I’ll say “Hey wildebeest, you’re gonna die! ROAR!!!”
Then he’ll die. ROAR!!!
Phat is mostly an illiterate.
See his post above!
There is some insight in this post.
However, I don’t think we put dancers on a pedestal. Most guys here know the truth, and the truth would knock any dancer off of a pedestal.
Guys are driven by sexual desires. We don’t multitask - and when we think we can get pussy - we stop thinking rationally.
I can rationally agree with lots of postings here. But have a hot nude girl sit in front of me - and this advice means nothing.
I'm less of a trick and more of a treat.
Good advice to read right before going into a club- might be a bit of a stretch from reality, but it might get you into the right attitude. I know the more I say no in a club and the more selective I am, the better the results. Just having the attitude that your negotiating from a position of strength goes a long way. The same could be said with real dating- never go into with the attitude they are more of a catch than you.
i think cashman's got it. i negotiate shit all day at work. i go to the sc to relax.
I understand the rant but I don't find any advice in the post.
San Jose Guy, you're right about it being easy to make hoes fall in love with you. And when they do, they're a lot better woman than uppity bitches.
Liwet, you're in Vegas. If you want hoes, its the easiest place out there. Vegas strippers are also pretty easy, especially younger ones.
Bbgoodtimes, exactly,! You have what they need. If one doesn't give you what you want another will and the one just loses out on a fix. A woman is hardly ever more of a catch than a man. Most have nothing to bring to the table other than pussy. The man has everything else and women know that. They just take advantage of the fact that we live in a society where pussy is put on a pedestal for absolutely no reason. Don't be one of the enablers. Plus strippers love attitude.
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
Phatboy99 - definite confirmed troll account, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
TrickWhineBitch is a troll profile accusing everyone who isn't a trick or doesn't praise tricks as being trolls.
1a, because I want nothing more than some drunk chick trying to keep my dick in my mouth.
1b, because I’m not at all concerned about morning after rape charges or daddy looking for me with a shotgun in hand.
2, right, because their dealers don’t fuck them enough, they want to fuck complete strangers for drugs.
2 again (because apparently counting is hard), 3 and 4, oooh, yes, please infect me with your STD ridden body.
5, only if you’re not picky.
6, don’t know, never tried.
Hey, it’s not that big, she has to pay attention.
I think they are more fun with MDMA, not coke.
GeorgeMicroDong, and you don't think hoes using strip clubs to find tricks have STDs, fuck their dealers, get fucked up to be able to do what they do, can't accuse you of rape etc???
You also don't comprehend what I meant. The point is you're placing a hoe on a pedestal by default when you pay highly inflated rates. She knows she isn't worth that much, but will string you along and won't respect you ....will actually become more disgusted with you, as you keep it up. Secondly hoes who strip aren't better quality pussy than pussies who troll touristy areas or even strawberries. Its just the illusion you have coz you're paying so much more.
I have made my outlay $200 for FS. Anything more is a waste pf money, AMP will give me a SMOKING HOT chick, a fantastic body rub, a tight pussy, great mouth for BJ and a fucking smile in the end while requesting me to visit twice monthly. AND,,,,,they switch up the talent to keep me interested in coming back. SCs are for conversation while watching naked hotties while getting drunk.
Sounds like you live in a really cheap part of the country. If it works and you like it, do it
Regarding college chicks, OP clearly hasn't seen the move where a hot college girl farms a bunch of shots for her friends off some horny sucker, talks to him for 10 minutes then kisses his cheek, thanks him and leaves.
If you get played thats on you
I thought tricks were girls, and the guys were Johns?
A girl can be a trick to a man who sees through her shit and still gets her or someone who pimps her. The guy is a trick if he's used by a girl.
^^^^^ And that is what these strippers are doing with most of these guys, because the guys take the girl's stripper persona at face value, and also because they look at her through eyes of economic and racial prejudice. So the girl is just fleecing them, which is exactly what they deserve.
Show em tricks how you woo these hoes!
Real pimp game fo shizzle my nizzle.
San Jose Guy, exactly!! They don't realize that everything in the club is a fantasy. Her stripper persona is just that, a persona. She chooses a name and creates a persona around it for the club based on what sells. The racism and classism is obvious to them as well, and it just makes them angry and helps justify using the tricks.
It also comes down to the oldest thing in patriarcy, dividing women into two categories.
SJG since you love sucking my pimpboi dick so much, how would you like to suck other pimp's dicks for money? I have been known to turn a bitch out real easy.
^^^^ In your wildest dreams FatHead.
Have fun with yourself FatHead
All hoes take work to turn out, I will get you sucking dicks for $200 a pop eventually.
What if I told you my trap hoe will have a front room makeout session whenever you want if i get you sucking dicks for $150 a pop. I keep it all but you get to makeout with my trap hoe?
I will teach you the ways of a real pimp and help build your organization for you.
You don't know what you're talking about. But I find it beyond hilarious that you're mocking men who make a living off of hoes while you yourself are just a trick