
I have a crush on student body president.should I ask him if he needs a first la

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Friday, November 16, 2018 6:44 PM
He is so fucking cute like oh my God..


  • Hahahhahahj
  • I will ask him if he likes going to strip club with first lady jk
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesterday
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    You should request to be his intern with benefits.
  • jvTroop
    6 years ago
    Come over here Nicole. You look like you need a spanking! Cum to daddy
  • NinoBambina
    6 years ago
    You need to go sit on a dick nicokehead
  • Musterd21
    6 years ago
    I bet you would be a good First Lady!
  • @musterd thx!
  • NinoBambina
    6 years ago
  • Trule
    6 years ago
    If you are a senior, you need to work fast. The question you need to ask yourself though is... is he a Republican or a Democrat? This isn’t about politics per se. If Republican you would be better off asking to be his dirty mistress, unless he is is a Democrat and his idol is Gary Hart. If so then also offer to be his dirty mistress. The First Ladies just don’t get laid enough and politicians save the good sex for the dirty side girl. Also, if a Democrat, he is either gay or is spending his free time at a strip club. He can be your gay best friend or your wingman as you hunt down strippers that offer extras. Or if it is true love you could share a stripper together.... I am fully aware Republicans like strippers too. They just pretend not to.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    NinaBambina has an imitation troll. Not brilliant! I don't see the point in another account that refers to Nicole1994 as "nicokehead".
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    Do you dream of giving him a reach-around when you're drilling his ass?
  • BoytoyOfNicespice
    6 years ago
    ^No, you've got Nicole's fantasies mixed up with txtittyfag's.
  • BigSammy11
    6 years ago
    Lick his butthole and he will fall in love with you. Guaranteed or I will give you $100.
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