
The strip club is awesome but has it made the rest of your life seem lame

For example. I’m watching TV right now and everything I put on sucks. Every movie that I’ve seen in the last few years seemed terrible. News sucks. It’s just hard to hang out with the boys anymore. They all say the same shit, regurgitate the same jokes from the same movies, and are so fascinated by some random ass NFL game (or worse college football god help us all) All I want to do is go back to the club. That’s it. Make money to get pussy. Money, Pussy Money, Pussy. My brain is just wired for that. Have any of y’all else felt this way as the years go on?


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Strip-clubbing is not the end-all-be-all - it's not a panacea of ultimate-happiness - IMO it's at best a stop-gap per se that can more or less artificially fill a void one may have - IMO strip-clubbing can have a high-floor per se (instant gratification when you want it); but a low-ceiling (it's fake/artificial, and can only satisfy/fix so much).

    At some point many SCers go full-board where SCing is the end-all-be-all and they may feel it's the ultimate in life and kinda the answers to one's problems (e.g. having a bad day at work, hit the SC - feeling bored, hit the SC - etc).

    Perhaps similar to the 5-stages of grief, there may be something similar to SCing:

    1) curiosity
    2) hey there may be something to this
    3) oh yeah I'm gonna SC forever
    4) ehhhh - been there done that and SCing is becoming meh
    5) tired of SCing - time to move-on and get a real life - LOL

    i.e. don't put all one's eggs into SCing as if that is the cat's-meow, it's alright/fun, but not the ultimate in life and in reality it's just a remedy not a cure - it def helps for a moment in time or a season in life but but it can only do/provide so much - don't exchange a real-life for a fake/imitation.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    No. But I can see how this could become an obsession for some. That would be extremely expensive and unhealthy.
    Everyone needs to develop other interests. For me, it's exercise, sports on TV, Netflix shows, enjoying an occasional coffee at Starbucks while reading TUSCL, having a few beers once a week on a night out to a regular bar and masturbating to porn. I got to strip clubs maybe 3-4 times a year but not for extras, just to see titties and enjoy some contact for a dance or two. I monger for sexual purposes only 2-3 times a year (Tijuana, Toronto) because I don't want to be separated from my money to a large degree.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    There is so much more to life than just strip clubs!
    It used to be all that was on my mind. However I grew tired of it. Sure going every now and then is fun, but I like to spend my time and money on different things. Cars, traveling, guns, art, electronics, home decor, pets, clothing, video games, boating, fishing... literally the list is nearly endless! Life is too short to just do one thing for the rest of your life. I want to experience every facet of life before I die. Strip clubbing is just another check on the to do list.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    You have not been to TJHK.
  • BoytoyOfNicespice
    6 years ago
    I used to think the same way about strip clubs as the OP.

    But now I prefer to hang out with the boys again.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The rest of my life makes strip clubbing seem stupid. Saturday afternoon we're going to a swingers M+G. If we connect and really feel it, Saturday night is great sex. If we don't, we will have the car packed and when we get the urge, we'll drive north, have dinner, grab a hotel and spend Sunday skiing. If I had to choose between sex or skiing, I choose skiing. My best strip club experience is a wonderful memory driving home......my best ski day experience I still remember from 35 years ago, in vivid detail.
  • DrStab
    6 years ago
    The SC experience is bleeding over the regular life border. I was at a civilian event the other night, sitting across from an attractive MILF Asian woman. All I could think about was her tiny little ass and what I would like to do with her. I was rating her mentally against dancers and AMP providers. Damn.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago

    And I don't plan to. Regardless of all the stories I've heard of TJHK I would still rather spend my money on something else.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    No, it hasn’t made the rest of my life seem lame.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    My life makes the strip club seem lame, I go to decompress ; )
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    This thread is amazing and so is the responses to it.

    Let me try and explain myself about this matter...bear wit me ,)

    Ok so in my twenties i start going to strip clubs because my marriage was falling then as i closed in on my 30s it just failed

    During this failed moment in life on top of being broke i also became homless and lived out of a van i paid for in cash for $3,000.

    I literally went to clubs because it was the only place on earth i was happy so any free $50 plus i had you bet your ass you could find me in a strip club.

    I do agree with papas chilli that this is very much like the stages of grief.

    Funny thing was i eventually started dating a stripper and even moved in with her for about 3.5 years before it busted and i went back to the van life again.

    As i closed in to my middle 30s i figure out life is more that naked girls and busting a nut so i begin to build a life outside of clubbing.

    I get me a trailer and rent the spare bed room to help with cost i even begin to save in my 401k and focuse on more financial responsibility in my life

    I go from clubbing once or twice a week to once every 3 or 4 months and damn near drop off of tuscl. This was the last 5 years from 32 to present day at 37

    Having my finances in order has given me options and made my life comfortable hell in another thread i just posted i talk about finding piece in the work place... Since i don't do much of anything because I'm actually a minimalist.. I went from a 40 hour work week to 80 and I'm more happy oddly enough...kinda think i find comfort with structure.

    I do agree life is a bit boring and i have tried other hobbies and most never stick.. So i work and enjoy it

    Thus bringing me back to the only thing in life that truely brings me happiness besides my relationship with God and my Children.

    That is spending time with beutiful ladies of all legal ages naked or not.

    I love to make them laugh and to behold thier beauty

    I love to pet them as they seek rest in my lap

    I love to fuck the soft and hard depending how each one desires it

    I enjoy paying for it if i feel I'm helping supporting her kids or education and i do all i can not to support heavy drug use just the light stuff like weed.

    For me I'm at my happiest being focused and devoted to this as my life's work and ministry's lol

    I do agree that you shouldn't use strip clubs to feel that void and you need to seek piece with your God and fellow man

    But after that fuck yeah life is borrowing and this money will only serve me for my hypothital retirement and the now

    So these days im back in the clubs at least twice a month and talking and joking with ladies in any public place i can

    Life is to short and unpredictable to be miserable

    Make your piece with God in the way he shows you and Fuck them hoes right in the kisser lmfao

    Hope this helps some one

    Real talk juice
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Yep lol
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    Well I’ll say this, I’m not trying to make this like an AA meeting. I don’t think it’s a bad thing neccesarily. I don’t think it’s an addiction either. It’s just exactly what I want to do. It’s a such a fun game to me, who’s gonna be at the club, who’s gonna be checking me (or my wallet) out, who’s gonna be digging my game, all the negotiating, how am I gonna get this girls number, I am NOT gonna get ripped off tonight, but let me see them try, the long term relationships with girls, the short term, how smooth I’m gonna be to make all of this work for the least amount of money possible.

    This whole process is just the single most interesting thing in my life as a single man. It’s like watching a fucking great TV show. When I finished watching The Wire I was like man, why even bother with other tv it’s not live up to that. That’s what the SCs have done for me. Not a bad thing or something to avoid or be ashamed of in my mind as long as my finances remain healthy.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Amen brother
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I have found that going to ordinary night clubs, I am usually disappointed. The women are wearing too much, heels not high enough, not enough makeup. So I have ended up commenting to staff, "I guess I've been spoiled by strip clubs."

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