Heading to Boston in December

avatar for steeldog65
Looking at the reviews, doesn't seem like there's much going on in Massachusetts. How challenging is it to get to Providence on Saturday evening? I assume the train runs regularly between the 2 cities. Is there an alternative form of entertainment in Boston I could take advantage of?


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avatar for jsully63
6 years ago
SteelDog. If your looking fir extras go to Desire in Providence. Like a lot of places girls tend to hang with locals but if you approach them they’ll give you a good time. The other option for extras in mass is in Worcester but the clubs are serious dives. I would fuck the girls there with SJG’s dick
I’m not sure about the train schedule but Boston to providence is a 45 minute drive and pretty easy to get to as long as it’s not during commuting hours. The Foxy Lady in Brockton is about 20 minutes away. Ok place but the lap dance area is open. If you want to head north up route 1 from Boston the golden Banana in Peabody is pretty good. About 20 minute drive from the city. No extras but lap dance area is private and you can usually get good two way touching. Chacon (ex porn star chavon Taylor ) is good. So are Alex , Nicole , Max JD for two way grabbing. If Lila is there she’s a brunette spinner with lots of tats and if you take her to CR room she puts on a good show with her friend. The clubs in Boston suck. Don’t waste your time
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
Thanks JSully, kind of jibes what I've seen in the reviews. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get a car which is why was considering the train to Providence. I guess I could Uber it but I hate paying that much for an Uber honestly
avatar for jsully63
6 years ago
Train from South Station in Boston to Providence is an hour trip with 8 stops. $11.50. Happy hunting!
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Steel - The drain will let you off less than 2 miles from Desires. Take a cab. Boston is 30 miles from my house. I last strip clubbed there in 1992. Worcester is gross. Desires is my favorite spot anywhere.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Too fucking cold for me
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Brang a coat
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^Fuck that
Florida is warm and sunny fucker
avatar for ime
6 years ago
but Florida does have Florida Man so you have to keep you head on a swivel.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
@jssully 63 said above the clubs in Boston suck.
That's true. There's 2 clubs in Boston. Centerfolds Boston is for alcohol and eye candy only - pretty girls and no mileage - if you're in Boston with no ability to travel it's worth it but for spectator purposes only. The adjacent FN club Glass Slipper is gross and gross girls.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Florinda got all the retards
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^But we're warm retards, not like those cold retards you got every where else.
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