
Watching Kobe Bryant reminds of how I murder every exam I take and how I.will ki

Sunday, November 11, 2018 3:01 PM
okay bye


  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Oh God, it is bad enough that Nicole does this and thinks she is smart. You know better even when mocking her incompetence.
  • NinoBambina
    6 years ago
    I am smart
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    This is murder.. lmfao
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I know you are, it just kills me to see this %#!t in any form, especially from someone I know is capable, even if it is just to troll a troll. Nicole's destruction of logic, grammar, sentence form and the general use of the English language is a crime and I hate to see it even in this form. Sorry, stepping off soap box.
  • jsully63
    6 years ago
    Right on SteelDog
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @steeldog65 How do you know she’s capable, it’s not like she’s demonstrated any capabilities.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    @twentyfive I know she is capable of spelling, grammar, etc.
  • I'm capable bc I'm logical as fuck and y'all.are not
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    @steeldog: Spelling maybe, but grammar not so much (ie y'all.are not)
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Nina is capable, Nicole is inept.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^This is a troll not Nina
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    ^Weno it is NinO. And we know that NinA is capable and articulate, but her troll is a bumbling idiot.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ that was for steeldog
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    Thanks for the catch, I was on the train and it was hard to read when I looked at it originally. You are correct. Nonetheless, Nicole is still inept.
  • BoytoyOfNicespice
    6 years ago
    I used to care which girl is which. But now I only care about dougster.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t care boy I’m here for the girls;)
  • Lol at ppl who daying you're inept when u have bettwe academic credentials than them ..I'm 99% done with my bachelor's (I'm staing for two more years though and thus consider mydelf a sophomore despitr UT considering me a senior ) and have made a 3.75 gpa at my worst..lmao if thede men think they are more capable than me & then perhoas they shoukd make the kond of grades I am making from a simialr type of instituon that I am attending. Until they make a 3.8 or higher from a top school..having a bachelor's is thr only thing they have against me which don't mean shit lmao considering I'm only 1% away from it based on what my report says What fucking until intellectual dumbassws.keep yall's moth shut.I'll , your lack of academic credentials has already done that for you
  • Keep hall's mouths shut ***
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Ok bye Lol
  • NinoBambina
    6 years ago
    Lol at ppl who daying you're inept when u have bettwe academic credentials than them ..I'm 99% done with my bachelor's (I'm staing for two more years though and thus consider mydelf a sophomore despitr UT considering me a senior ) and have made a 3.75 gpa at my worst..lmao if thede men think they are more capable than me & then perhoas they shoukd make the kond of grades I am making from a simialr type of instituon that I am attending. Until they make a 3.8 or higher from a top school..having a bachelor's is thr only thing they have against me which don't mean shit lmao considering I'm only 1% away from it based on what my report says What fucking until intellectual dumbassws.keep yall's moth shut.I'll , your lack of academic credentials has already done that for you
  • And since you guys are thr ones who think how I type on a 3-4 inch phone screen is in any way reflective of how I type on a laptop after days of researching ,writing, and editing , then u have already proved ur lack of intellect . Morever, for u to even question why I brought about academic credentials would only make u look dumber. Lmao bc my route to killing it in the Senate relies on continuing to do well in school..oh and not just school, but one of the best schools. also I am.not saying that I Have better academic credentials than u, but rather that having a 3.8 or above at a top undergrad school will allow me , rather than disqualify me, from achieving my goals. Bc I plan to kill it on senate floor as a result of gaining admission [view link] 20 law school, which my grades will allow me to do. Cant believe I had yo go into that much explaining with u .kind of says how stuoid u are. Tsk tsk. Have a nice day continuing to talk about the goals of a 24 year old . lmao.
  • steeldog65
    6 years ago
    I think we touched a nerve. I am quite sure that I am not the only one here who has a postgraduate degree from a major University and who graduated from an ivy league college. You are not that special because of where or what you have done now. Frankly. you've accomplished almost nothing and are railing against those who, in many cases, are excellent at their jobs and have been so for multiple years. My own sons have post baccalaureate degrees, multiple patents in their name and are both under the age of 26. You're meanderings are simply that and have little or no value and certainly are not concrete examples of capabilities which you claim to possess. Ok bye.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Ok bye Lol
  • NinoBambina
    6 years ago
    And since you guys are thr ones who think how I type on a 3-4 inch phone screen is in any way reflective of how I type on a laptop after days of researching ,writing, and editing , then u have already proved ur lack of intellect . Morever, for u to even question why I brought about academic credentials would only make u look dumber. Lmao bc my route to killing it in the Senate relies on continuing to do well in school..oh and not just school, but one of the best schools. also I am.not saying that I Have better academic credentials than u, but rather that having a 3.8 or above at a top undergrad school will allow me , rather than disqualify me, from achieving my goals. Bc I plan to kill it on senate floor as a result of gaining admission [view link] 20 law school, which my grades will allow me to do. Cant believe I had yo go into that much explaining with u .kind of says how stuoid u are. Tsk tsk. Have a nice day continuing to talk about the goals of a 24 year old . lmao.
  • Too many typos in the other comment so this is what I meant to say in it. Consequently, any reference made to the one with too many typos will be invalid . "Lol at ppl who are saying I am inept when I most likely have bette racademic credentials than them ..I'm 99% done with my bachelor's (I'm staying for two more years though and thus consider mydelf a sophomore despite UT considering me a senior ) and have made a 3.75 gpa at my worst. .lmao if these men think they are more capable than me, & then perhaps they should make the kind of grades I am making from a similar type of institution that I am attending. Until they make a 3.8 or higher from a top school..having a bachelor's (or master's) is the only thing they have against me which don't mean shit lmao considering I'm only 1% away from my bachelors and that my grades are what top law schools want .keep yall's moth shut. Jk, your lack of academic credentials has already done that for you.
  • NinoBambina
    6 years ago
    Too many typos in the other comment so this is what I meant to say in it. Consequently, any reference made to the one with too many typos will be invalid . "Lol at ppl who are saying I am inept when I most likely have bette racademic credentials than them ..I'm 99% done with my bachelor's (I'm staying for two more years though and thus consider mydelf a sophomore despite UT considering me a senior ) and have made a 3.75 gpa at my worst. .lmao if these men think they are more capable than me, & then perhaps they should make the kind of grades I am making from a similar type of institution that I am attending. Until they make a 3.8 or higher from a top school..having a bachelor's (or master's) is the only thing they have against me which don't mean shit lmao considering I'm only 1% away from my bachelors and that my grades are what top law schools want .keep yall's moth shut. Jk, your lack of academic credentials has already done that for you.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    Actually we see how you type on a 3-4 inch phone screen as indicative of how you do everything else. Apparently you are too lazy to 1) proofread what you type and 2) correct all the errors prior to posting. There is that wonderful key on all keyboards, even your phone, called a backspace that allows you to move back to your error and make a correction. You evidently do not see it as necessary to utilize the key, thus all your grammar and spelling issues, which make your posts difficult to read and make you sound much less educated that you apparently are. As for typos, we all have the occasional one that slips thru, but in your case it appears to be that posts without the typos are the exception. Additionally, before accusing others on this forum of being less educated than yourself, you would be wise to clean up your act and present yourself in a more intelligent cognizant manner. I personally have 2 graduate business degrees and completed them both with a 4.0 gpa, so I think I have you trumped. In the words of Steeldog: Ok bye.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Bragging about getting good grades in an undergrad program, at age 24? No matter what school you’re at that becomes a huge nothing burger! Most employers won’t hire based on GPA. In fact it puts an applicant at a disadvantage knowing that person has no social skills or adaptive personality to cope with people. Based on Nicole’s interactions with tuscl members she will likely get hired at some entry level position, then make a sexual harassment claim against one of her coworkers due to her inability to understand nuance. Once the word gets out about her crazy personality she will be rendered unhirable by the professional community. I’ve seen this played out several times. Experience is the best teacher, not academics.
  • damn steel dog. I guess I struck a nerve with you too:) and i don't need to change what I said. If anything, that is on you all. because MY MAIN POINT was not that you are not credentialed. lmao...that is fine if you are. my main point was that the claim that i am not credentialed to fulfill my goals not only is stupid given that it shows how fixated you are on MY GOALS LMAO, but also that it is simply not true since I have the grades to get into where i need to go in order to achieve my goal neither was my point that GPA is the most important thing, but rather that a certain gpa will get me to the school i want to get into in order to ACHIEVE MY GOALS, NOT YOURS. LMAO. oh. yall are telling my bye? maybe you should have said bye before you psycho analyzed my goals and made me hit reply to show you how i am not "inept".
  • hello top 25 law school if not Georgetown law in 2 years:)
  • and no, I am not bragging about performing elite at a top school at my age... i don't come to tuscl to talk about my grades, that is stupid. but apparently you all do since you guys are questioning my abilities, which requires discussing my academic capabilities lmao instead of talking about me being 24, how about you focus on you being 50 + dedicated attention to the goals of the 24 which you are talking down on? in addition, you can think whatever u want about my age. but your opinion is not the admissions officer who will be evaluating my application and who will not give a fuck about my age. lmao....
  • i don't come to tuscl to talk about my grades, that is stupid. but apparently you all do since you guys are questioning my abilities, and me responding to this doubt for the first time on this thread requires discussing my academic capabilities*********
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ What abilities you said you’re a virgin ?
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    DC, if you put your gpa on a resume that screams “no experience”! You have to keep in mind that the employers have been in the game where experience matters so you should place what type of work related skills you bring, and gpa does none of that. If you don’t have any experience you need to start showing how you’re gaining experience through volunteering or doing extra-curricular events. That shows a person is willing to put forth the effort. Academics really isnt much of a talent in the workforce for most employment opportunities, so your best bet is to network and get to know people in your chosen field. Knowing people is 90% of the battle in life.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I actually agree with meat72 on this. Nice way to make your parody account of me backfire on you, Nicole. You suck at trolling.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^So are you coming dougster you punk ?
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    6 years ago
    If I come to Detroit, How much is a blow job in vip NinaBambina?
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    ^500... Thousand. ...five hundred thousand... ...(500K)... ...and covered.. Hahahaha and 1.5 million for FS!
  • JimGassagain
    6 years ago
    ^^^ So it’s true when they say everyone has their price!!??
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    That's what I've heard.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ lol punk
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