
How does it. Feel to not be handsome but talk down on women u think are ugly ?

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Friday, November 2, 2018 5:50 PM


  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I think it's ok for men to be this way if they got money and willing to spend it. Otherwise they need to sit down and shut up.
  • Its not ok to talk down on someone just vuz they ugly period..that is very. Childish
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Ok saying something negative directly to someone about their appearance is almost never ok. Guys talking to other guys about some woman this or that is kinda annoying- but if they are the type to spend money I look the other way? If they are not spenders though they shouldn't be talking shit about any woman.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I never understood broke guys that are also cheap and not willing to spend that have insane standards for women or just talk a lot of shit about some aspect of some girl's appearance. Like you aren't even willing to spend money to get attention or sex or whatever from a woman you find attractive then you go attack some woman whose appearance you do not like. Obviously this man has some deep seated insecurity about himself to behave this way.
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    @Nicole Those guys are the typical insecure people that try to make themselves feel better by making others feel like shit. They will attack a persons looks or intellect trying to find an area that they other person is insecure about, just so the other person can feel as miserable as they do. Men and women both do it. @blahblah I understand that you are willing to overlook someone being an ass for work. That’s part of the job. But outside of work, you shouldn’t put up that bullshit just because they are willing to spend money. There are plenty of guys who will do that and not put you down.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Ok I meant in the context of getting money. In real life that's silly. But I do have guy friends that talk shit about women in a way that makes me uncomfortable. I mean I talk shit too about women and everyone really, but certain things make even me uncomfortable. These might not be things that even apply to me, but I'm like damn I see why he is single LOL but they are good friends to me so I don't comment
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Anyway Mike, I appreciate your comment. Nice to see some of the Male species is sane haha
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I don't think its a big deal. Ive been called everything from perfect to repulsive...........by women. You're always gonna be ugly to someone and attractive to others and people will always talk. Women do it more than men. Bitches who bring nothing to the table will judge a man on everything. She can be broke AF, working a shitty job, have everything on a payment plan, but feels entitled to a man who has everything just coz she can offer him pussy. I find hoes with that attitude to be the worst though, bitches selling their pussy have no right to talk shit about anyone. Also, nothing wrong with discussing looks or not spending money on strippers who a guy doesn't like. Why pay for a service you don't want??
  • Blah .I don't think a persons wallet had anything to do with if they can talk bad about. People or not..lol. A guy who is rich has no right to talk shit about appearance in the same way a poor person does Bc it has nothing do with money.its about character and having an adult mind.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I'm talking about cheap dudes who don't spend or barely spend on anyone
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I know what you mean though nicole.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    DC I've seen every type of man willing to pay for either a camgirl, strippers, or otc. Young, old, ugly, attractive, scrawny, muscular, every race. Sure there are some guys more typically willing to spend (and guys I find easier to deal with), but they all do in the end. There's plenty of attractive younger guys that are willing to spend money in the club for the fantasy or start pining for otc. A lot of guys act like they won't spend on a stripper or escort etc, but idk if they are drunk/horny/see just exactly what they've been wanting come towards them they start opening that wallet lol!
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    So you see her as a commodity, someone you buy for your own pleasure and that's it. You think paying for sex is a better option than working on yourself so that you can actually attract women. That makes you sick in the head. I get it you have that mental illness but still. A normal man would rather better himself to get hotter chicks. Anyone normal would also realize that its sick talking about what you "feel" when its not reciprocated coz its just money to her, you're just a trick. One step away from stalking and shit
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Phat, what about guys that still spend a fair bit at the club every now and then that look good in the face and obviously lift/workout? They obviously work on themselves, but I'm still getting their money. Granted I don't get paid for sex and all that- I am not sure I can stomach doing all that for money. I am not even casual in my personal life anyways lol.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    BlabBlah there's nothing wrong with going to a strip club no matter what a guy looks like. Strip clubs can be fun. The problem is some of the reasons men go. DC goes looking for hookers. Other guys on this page do the same. They go to cum in their pants and try to get sex for as cheap as they can. DC specifically admitted to his mental illness, gets angry when anyone gives him real advice, gets obsessed with strippers thinking they really like him and are his friends and thinks hitting on girls the normal way is dirty so he pays hoes so that he doesn't disrespect women. Thats not normal.
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Nicole, I wouldn't know. I have only met ONE gal that I thought was Ugly. That was over 30 years ago. I don't talk sown to anyone.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    lol oh my. We've all got issues- anyway shutting up now. I don't really read every last thing on here so can't say anything specific. He doesn't seem like a bad person or serial killer to me. That's just some next level shit there for what seems like a socially awkward (maybe?) younger guy. Which is so common. I'm not exactly a social butterfly so I can't really rag on him for that.
  • Iam4u2screw
    6 years ago
    @Nicole - I really don't know how it feels. I know I am a solid 5, 6 on a REALLY good day, so I have no justification to comment on others' looks. If someone doesn't tickle my fancy, then I opt to simply keep my mouth shut. If someone goes appeal to me, then I will tell them assuming it is appropriate to the situation we are in. I was taught growing up to speak wisely and wisely know when to and not to speak. I personally think it is a sign a maturity when you know when to keep your comments to yourself because they have the potential to hurt someone or they are simply inappropriate for the situation you and the other person are in. For me it doesn't matter the age, sex, or race of the other person, it is a simple matter to respect and just because I am not attracted to someone doesn't mean that person isn't attractive to someone else and there is no reason for me to hurt their feelings just to try making myself feel better.
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    ^ i like this attitude- but for some reason many people struggle to be like this
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    People choose P4P for a number of reasons. Those that Phatboy listed, along with several others. I have, and it was never with anyone that I thought I couldn’t “get” on my own or someone that I thought didn’t want to be there. For me paying is a professional courtesy. She is not the commodity, sex is. In the end we all “pay” for sex in some way. It is either with time, feelings or money. Sometimes a combination of them. If I have a friend that is an auto mechanic I don’t expect them to come fix my car when ever it needs something without offering compensation. Sometimes they say don’t worry about it, sometimes they take way less then what it’s worth. That’s my way of letting my friend know that I don’t take his friendship for granted, and he is not just a “free mechanic” to me.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Of course you're commodifying them. You're not offering cash to ugly bitches. and you know you would never approach these women unless they were hookers. they're not your friends either
  • txtittyspice
    6 years ago
    AN: Dis is da nu chap. Iv gt a nu beta cld shadwkng. So der is no reson 2 flam me animor!!111111 XXXXXXX666XXXXXX We quickly got through the people who had become preps because of what Voldemort had done. We walked down the road as quickly as we could. We tried to find Vampire’s car, which was parked nearby. When we got there, it had been destroyed! “Oh My God!” I yelled sadly, “What are we gonna do?!” “It looks like we are gonna have to walk home,” Reapa said. “But that’s miles away, how can we do that?” I asked him. I looked around & there was a demon. It was wearing black cloaks, & it floated in the sky. It was a dementor. We began to run cause we knew that they sucked the life out of you. But we were too late. It was beginning to suck on Reapa. “No!” I yelled, as the dementor was sucking the life out of Reapa. “Do something, Vampire!” Vamire got out his wand & summoned a stag patronus that killed the dementor. We were safe again. But Reapa wasn’t. He was dying. The sight of him dying made me want to slit my wrist, but I didn’t have the time, as the Death Eaters were coming. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AN: I hop dat wuz betta? No flamng plez!!1111
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Phatboy. I don’t think you get to tell me who my friends are. I have a friend who also happens to be an escort. We do more things together that do not involve sex or money then that do. We have been there for each other at times of great emotional need, both good and bad. If I never had sex with her again or paid her again we’d still be be friends. We’ve had sex when no money was exchanged, or a token amount just to say we did. So although you are right in some cases, there are many more situations that don’t fit the mold you have in mind.
  • txtittyspice
    6 years ago
    ^Phatboy is most likely another Dougster alias. Don’t worry about his opinion. He’s a gay guy who stalked and trolled this board for at least 14 years.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    How would I know?
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Nice Spice, go log into more of your troll profiles you stupid bitch. The only fag here is the one you keep defending in every thread coz he joins in on your trolling calling everyone you disagree with "Dougster"
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    Dblednmike she's not your friend if you're exchanging money for sex. Being an emotional crutch isn't a sign of friendship. That shit just makes you a sucker
  • txtittyspice
    6 years ago
    “Dougster/bobbyl's fixation and harassment game is 7 years old and has resulted in several members leaving the board. The MO is always the same, harass them until they stop posting. Having had a high degree of success with this approach, I'm sure he feels no reason to discontinue. Former board participants who have enjoyed his fixation and harassment treatment include yoda, chandler and MisterGuy, among others.” [view link]
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Nicole started some real shit this time
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Phatboy I think we’re just going to have to agree to disagree.
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
    I guess, people don't normally pay their "friends" for sex. Being polite and pleasant is just good business, like how anyone in a service industry will be nice.
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    The hypocrisy in the topic subject speaks more about the poster than the attempt by her at projecting a claimed virtue. Why not just simply ask why any guy would talk down to women they think are ugly? It seems like if the guy is handsome, she feels he has a pass for talking down to women he thinks is ugly otherwise she would not say "How does it feel to not be handsome" as the baseline.
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