
Non-smoke clubs in Detroit?

Blue Planet
I will be passing through the airport area, and want to have some fun in a close by club. Since I will meet a few people after that, I don’t wanna smell like ash. With this said, which one would you recommend? Bbbj or fall are highly expected.


  • clubdude
    6 years ago
    Criket on Michigan Avenue.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Michigan banned smoking in bars and restaurants years ago. However, smoking is common in strip clubs. Can you believe that Detroit strip clubs would violate the law?

    I recommend the Flight Club, which has a smoking area in the bar upstairs, where most smokers go. But sometimes customers smoke downstairs too. I once complained about this to the manager, but my complaint was ignored.

    The Landing Strip gets pretty smoky at night. The dives like Bogart’s, Henry VIII and Playhouse are even worse.
  • DrStab
    6 years ago
    As Clubdude notes, Criket meets your requirements for non-smoke and extras. Subi’s isn’t bad, either.
  • daddyfatsack
    6 years ago
    Close to the airport your best option is Criket. Super hit or miss but when it's a hit, boy o boy!
  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    Criket and bts on Michigan are the only airport area non smoking clubs. Criket has a small room that it’s allowed but that’s it all others you can smoke
  • Hank Moody
    6 years ago
    If you’re passing through the airport will you have a bag? Bring a change of clothes and a plastic kitchen garbage bag. Do your business in the club, head to your next place, change, put your smoky clothes in the trash bag and put it in your suitcase. Will keep the rest of your clothes from smelling like an ashtray and you’ll be relatively fresh for your post club meeting.
  • Book Guy
    6 years ago
    In addition to bringing a change of clothes and putting the smoky outfit in a plastic bag (good recommendation, JimmyMcNulty), I also recommend combing your hair with Febreeze on the comb. Just spray Febreeze (better to use the pump-bottle than the aerosol bottle, but both will work) onto a relatively fine-toothed comb, to wet the comb to roughly the same degree to which you would wet it with water when you might comb your hair back, then run the comb with Febreeze through your hair and let your hair air-dry. Repeat if necessary. In a few minutes your hair will be smoke-smell-free.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    If you go to Flight Club and stay on the first floor you won't smell like an ashtray when you leave, you may have a little faint smoke smell on your regardless though.
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    If you are worried about tell-tale odors after a strip club visit, don't forget about the post-coital smell of pussy, even
    "clean" pussy. I've never tried Frebreeze on my crotch (but thanks for an interesting suggestion Book Guy), instead I typically carry some wet wipes for post-extras clean up. At some of the high end clubs, the bathroom attendant offers wet wipes and mouth wash for a tip.
  • skwalker
    6 years ago
    Thank you fellas for all the good advice! I think I will give Cricket a shot. Any advice on the dancers, particularly in the early afternoon? PM me if you like.
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