Hey guys! I got that photo y'all requested! I tried to get a boobie shot but the way my webcam is I couldn't figure out how to make it so you could read the words. It looked like an alien language lol so I just got this photo on my phone while I was downtown and waiting for a friend of mine to take me somewhere.
Anyway, last night went pretty well! We went out to Olive Garden, he told me I could get whatever I wanted on the menu and he's a good conversationalist. It was a pretty different experience going out with this guy as opposed to other guys. Much more calm and collected. He told me he's an investment banker so I guess that's where the money comes from. I told him that I had been panicking about where to go after the restaurant and mentioned I thought about sneaking him into my house and he cracked up laughing and told me he would just book a hotel room so you guys were right. I get the feeling that he's done this a few times before so I don't think he's a newbie to the strip club scene.
You guys were right, the receptionist didn't give us any trouble. After we got up to the room he ordered champagne for room service and let me have a couple glasses. After that we had a lot of fun, he was a total gentleman and gave me the $350 after we were done. I left sometime after midnight, got home, got some schoolwork done and crashed into my bed. All in all, it was a pretty fun night. I wouldn't mind making it a regular thing.
Well whenever I've dated other guys, they take me to really low end places. I had one guy even take me to McDonald's once lol. Teenage boys don't usually have a lot of money.
And some people just don't know much beyond the standard chain restaurants. I told my girl she could go to any restaurant in the city. I figured she'd pull out one of the high end places or something, but nope.. She just wanted to go to Red Lobster.
This story reminds me of a stand up comedian bit about how he likes to date high school girls, because they are easily impressed with the fact that he has his own apartment with large screen TV, and game box. Cutie404, as long as you enjoy the time and believe you are being compensated well and are safe and discreet keep doing what you are doing. He is a lucky guy, you remain me of my ATF. She would enjoy the OTC, she had a couple of orgasms and would sleep like an angel after.
Glad it was a good experience. FYI, I will give my "donation" up front to the girl once in the room in a plain envelope. That way it is done and doesn't interfere with the evening activities.
^Yes. It was a photo of a girl with left hand, nail polish on her nails, holding a torn slip of paper with Tuscl written on it, looking down at her thighs at a bus stop.
Pinksugardoll ftw again with the pasta salad comment lol I was gonna say the same thing.. I actually like Olive Garden.. (and pasta salad, which they don’t have)
@Titus23- A few nights ago, an enhanced multi-ethnic dancer at Mons Venus enlightened this old timer about the existence of Mastro's chain. I'd never heard of it, and for good reason. There's not much more Mastro's than there are Rolls Royce dealers. Strangely enough she'd never heard of Bern's steakhouse, a Tampa landmark. Typical gold digger traveling dancer . Rick Dugan, if you're reading this, have you ever patronized a Mastro's. If so, how was the experience ?
Are you guys trying to tell me that you've never ordered something that wasn't on the menu before? Okay, getting shit you want at restaurants 101 for y'all then!
Menus are a suggestion not a hard rule. As long as an item exists in the restaurant, you can get it and specialize it. You can remove things from your meal or you can add things on. Its super simple! So Olive Garden contains salads, and it contains pasta. Order a salad and ask them to put noodles in it. Boom! Pasta salad! I do this all the time at restaurants, I hardly ever even read the menu options, I just look at the ingredients.
I could care less about any item at Olive Garden proving something here.
Bottom line, post a photo with TUSCL and the date if you want folks to take you seriously. Because there's been SOOOO many fake ass female profiles on here in the past. That is why so many people are doubting you. Especially with your profile pic that looks professionally done and does, in fact, resemble a dead porn star.
I remember we went through this same thing with nicole1994. FINALLY, she posted a pic. Even after that we were still lightweight doubting her until her and nicespice took photos together. Now we can't question that is her in all her rotating avatar photos.
Strippercutie once someone questions if you are who you say you are around here the best way to put it to rest is with a picture showing yourself and another member. Similar to how Nicole and NiceSpice did it.
With that in mind I think I can help.... Nicole has stated a fondness for your breasts. I would selflessly volunteer to take a picture of Nicole with your breasts to settle this whole thing.
I don't really care. I'm sort of neutral on the issue. I think I've been accused of being too gullible on believing trolls who turned out to be fake. I'm not concerned either way. Just cause I can't prove anything doesn't mean we can't still have fun anyway.
Oh, yes, I've ordered things not on the menu. It makes you feel like a rock star or a big hot shot.
last commentYou're friends with the bus driver?
Idk why that didn’t paste the whole like but whatever.
Cutie404, as long as you enjoy the time and believe you are being compensated well and are safe and discreet keep doing what you are doing.
He is a lucky guy, you remain me of my ATF. She would enjoy the OTC, she had a couple of orgasms and would sleep like an angel after.
They don’t serve pasta salad at Olive Garden. That’s gotta be the worst made up story I’ve heard.
The excuse for not posting her photo is pretty bad too.
I usually give folks the benefit of the doubt, but pasta salad at Olive Garden - wow -
But on a serious note I do love the salad dressing at Olive garden!!! :D
Rick Dugan, if you're reading this, have you ever patronized a Mastro's. If so, how was the experience ?
Menus are a suggestion not a hard rule. As long as an item exists in the restaurant, you can get it and specialize it. You can remove things from your meal or you can add things on. Its super simple! So Olive Garden contains salads, and it contains pasta. Order a salad and ask them to put noodles in it. Boom! Pasta salad! I do this all the time at restaurants, I hardly ever even read the menu options, I just look at the ingredients.
Bottom line, post a photo with TUSCL and the date if you want folks to take you seriously. Because there's been SOOOO many fake ass female profiles on here in the past. That is why so many people are doubting you. Especially with your profile pic that looks professionally done and does, in fact, resemble a dead porn star.
I remember we went through this same thing with nicole1994. FINALLY, she posted a pic. Even after that we were still lightweight doubting her until her and nicespice took photos together. Now we can't question that is her in all her rotating avatar photos.
"^Same here. Not very often, but I like that lunch deal thing as well."
My favorites are the pasta fazool and chicken gnocchi soups. It is a good occasional lunch spot
This entire discrepancy could have been avoided with a comma.
Pasta, salad and breadsticks....
PSD - that’s a great photo. Very nicely done - and a great body to show too!
Nice pic PSD; hotter than the sun.
With that in mind I think I can help....
Nicole has stated a fondness for your breasts. I would selflessly volunteer to take a picture of Nicole with your breasts to settle this whole thing.
Oh, yes, I've ordered things not on the menu. It makes you feel like a rock star or a big hot shot.